Radar users should be shot.
In the kneecap.
With a shotgun.
Loaded with 1 oz. slug bullets.
Covered in iodine.
With a point tip.
With exploding shrapnel parts.
You know who you are,
Creative, Pelirroja, Apprendiz, Fulgencia, Inluhanor, Malihber(I think, something like that).
And yes I was owned.
But I took 4 hibbies with me in the process.
Damn cheats.
In the kneecap.
With a shotgun.
Loaded with 1 oz. slug bullets.
Covered in iodine.
With a point tip.
With exploding shrapnel parts.
You know who you are,
Creative, Pelirroja, Apprendiz, Fulgencia, Inluhanor, Malihber(I think, something like that).
And yes I was owned.
But I took 4 hibbies with me in the process.
Damn cheats.