Cheat? Bug? What is that?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Ola said:
What is "stuff"? Does it mean know every ability to all the classes you nearly never face and hardly affect your way of RvR at all?

Or does it mean know relevant abilities about the classes you face with your way of RvR?
Aliorm wont have faced volley alot since he goes in fgs and dont go on alot of keeptakes. Also the RA is barely used afaik (I have only seen it a few times, cant remember seeing it more than 2-3 times in keeptakes/defenses, but then I dont go to alot of them).
I guess that's just an example of how much harder it is to play a solo stealther than a grouper. As a solo stealther you need to know tonnes of stuff about the people you're fighting if you want to succeed. Hell, sometimes down to the RAs they're specced in.

Click the man, debuff, nuke.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Loxleyhood said:
I guess that's just an example of how much harder it is to play a solo stealther than a grouper. As a solo stealther you need to know tonnes of stuff about the people you're fighting if you want to succeed. Hell, sometimes down to the RAs they're specced in.

Click the man, debuff, nuke.

lol, I find it alot easier to play solo stealther than a grouper, but that's maybe just me.
If you think you need to know something as useless as volley, ok.. This isnt anything like an usual ability which affect 1 vs 1, 1fg vs 1fg, or 5fg vs fg at all...

Dont know what I shall say about the last comment, it shows what you think which isnt close to the real thing at all imo.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Back to the point, which is that an experienced player saw something he didn't know about and naturally assumed that it was either cheating or a bug. He neither went to the trouble to look on the herald or ask someone else, which you might expect of a RR9.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Loxleyhood said:
Back to the point, which is that an experienced player saw something he didn't know about and naturally assumed that it was either cheating or a bug. He neither went to the trouble to look on the herald or ask someone else, which you might expect of a RR9.

he didn't assume it was a cheat or bug at all, he simply asked what it is, "is it a cheat? is a bug? is it a style?" ..... if you dont ask you dont learn. what is this forum for if he cant even come and ask without attitudes such as these tbh.

i know what volley does, but i didn't know about its range, if i had a bb inside a tk, i'd ask the same question! but nvm :p im a noob by your uber standards


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Loxleyhood said:
Back to the point, which is that an experienced player saw something he didn't know about and naturally assumed that it was either cheating or a bug. He neither went to the trouble to look on the herald or ask someone else, which you might expect of a RR9.

see the question marks in the topic? thats him asking a question, not making an assumtion, he was unsure of what happened to the BB so he came here to ask. Naturally a load of FH arseholes jumped on him and started taking the piss.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
Fluid said:
i chant every time i fight a grp, therefore everyone i have fought, technically has seen me chant :p i'd put money on it that some high RR players don't know that it is a chant as opposed to a 3sec cast spell :)
ok but a warden chanting isn't something that does dmg to you. as in hey, wtf just shot me I am inside of a keep and I can't face him.

Ola you're saying you don't notice it vs. Albs but I am not getting it from Albs, I am getting it from Mids/Hibs. I can't believe you never see a Hunter do this in a keep fight.

Ofc :) Hibs often have Wardens and I haven't had a pbt Theurg for a long time, but still you have to have been Vollied a few times.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Fluid said:
yes? we don't cast our pbt like theurgs/runies, ours is insta :touch:
The cow means it was a joke. :touch: yourself.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
never did understand what the cow was actually for :eek: thanks :wub:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Nuked said:
he didn't assume it was a cheat or bug at all, he simply asked what it is, "is it a cheat? is a bug? is it a style?" ..... if you dont ask you dont learn. what is this forum for if he cant even come and ask without attitudes such as these tbh.

i know what volley does, but i didn't know about its range, if i had a bb inside a tk, i'd ask the same question! but nvm :p im a noob by your uber standards
Notice that he doesn't actually ask if it's a style though.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
Fluid said:
christ what a bunch of pricks you people are being, just because someone doesn't know every last detail makes them a shit player? Aliorm is 1 of the best MA chanters i've played with and knows how to play HIS OWN class in rvr. Thats enough for any player. Tell me, which order would you twist chants on a warden? and what exact delay would you use? which chant would you use when travelling around emain but not fighing? Nobody knows every single detail of daoc, so stop being hypocritical shits and maybe jsut for once answer the original question.

Who gives a fuck about the chanter anyway he was playing an infil ffs, and because he lost his buffs he shit himself IRL cause he knew he was gonna get his arse kicked off an enemy stealther!!!!!! So he comes here to whine about losing his advantage boo fucking hoo.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Asha said:
Ofc :) Hibs often have Wardens and I haven't had a pbt Theurg for a long time, but still you have to have been Vollied a few times.
Getting Vollied means that you get a message that some archer class hit you. How can you tell it's not a normal hit?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
Jaapi said:
Getting Vollied means that you get a message that some archer class hit you. How can you tell it's not a normal hit?
you get them in your target, hit n and it says who it is :)

well because if you're standing in a keep, then it's usually volly. If you can't face them but they are in your target, then it's normally volly.

I get it mostly in keep fights/mg fights/standing at apk waiting for my theurg who lost port ^^
And maybe if I had pbt and wasn't actually getting dmg, then I wouldn't notice so often.

I think I knew what it was when it happened because I read the patch notes.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Asha said:
ok but a warden chanting isn't something that does dmg to you. as in hey, wtf just shot me I am inside of a keep and I can't face him.

Ola you're saying you don't notice it vs. Albs but I am not getting it from Albs, I am getting it from Mids/Hibs. I can't believe you never see a Hunter do this in a keep fight.

Ofc :) Hibs often have Wardens and I haven't had a pbt Theurg for a long time, but still you have to have been Vollied a few times.

I dont fight hibs tho, and when mids come out to take keeps they are 100+, so I dont have time to look what hit me :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Calaen said:
Who gives a fuck about the chanter anyway he was playing an infil ffs, and because he lost his buffs he shit himself IRL cause he knew he was gonna get his arse kicked off an enemy stealther!!!!!! So he comes here to whine about losing his advantage boo fucking hoo.

get a fucking clue, he didn't whine, he didn't shit himself, he asked a question, you can take a break from being a narrowminded prick for 5mins a day you know


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Volley ignores all BT's btw, same as longshot.
But it's still extremely affected by block/guard.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Loxleyhood said:
Notice that he doesn't actually ask if it's a style though.

next time i have a question i hope i dont have to list every last 1 of the possibilities just so i dont get flamed for not knowing the true answer


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Ask someone in realm first, shields against a good public stoning. Big stones by the look of it so far :wub:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Cant remember but shouldent it have said

xxx shoots you with his bow xxx

on the buffbots damage window? maybe check that first for clues? ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Asha said:
I get it mostly in keep fights/mg fights/standing at apk waiting for my theurg who lost port ^^
And maybe if I had pbt and wasn't actually getting dmg, then I wouldn't notice so often.

addition to Reno:

any lvl 50 archer (well with lvl 30 in bow) will have penetrating arrow, which goes through BT's on you that you didnt cast yourself. This is passive and the arrow doesnt do the normal amount of damage (iirc with PA I, 50%, II, 75% and III (which is at lvl 50 spec) 100%). Now this doesnt work on the PBT of the pbt giver himself and it doesnt work on self bt's, but other than that it does. Also any arrow does pop the BT.

And as said volley and longshot goes through any BT (without popping it, unlike normal arrows).

So unless you are the theurgist yourself, then you cant really notice any difference between volley and normal shoot. Except that as far as I know volley doesnt let you get an arrow stuck in your body, your BT isnt popped and that most of the time you cant face the shooter, unlike with normal shot. Off course volley normally does more damage than a PArrow as going through the BT means it does less damage (and most normal arrows are rapid fired and volley arrows never are afaik).


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Nuked said:
next time i have a question i hope i dont have to list every last 1 of the possibilities just so i dont get flamed for not knowing the true answer
My problem is that he doesn't offer any alternatives other than the people in question comitting illegal activites.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
Driwen said:
Except that as far as I know volley doesnt let you get an arrow stuck in your body, your BT isnt popped and that most of the time you cant face the shooter, unlike with normal shot. Off course volley normally does more damage than a PArrow as going through the BT means it does less damage (and most normal arrows are rapid fired and volley arrows never are afaik).
I think you do get arrows..... or I saw them coming in. You tend to notice volly because the ppl around you get hit almost at the same instant :)

I think apk is the most likely place to encounter volley and like I said I would expect a chanter to only really see it at a keep fight/mg fight where it wouldn't be so noticeable as at apk where suddenly everyone gets hit and you can't face etc. etc. etc.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 26, 2004
Its only surprise if u dont know volley with a char almost rr10, its not a whine.

Mira que no saber q es el voleey ... con la reputacion q tenemos ... asi nos va xabal.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Loxleyhood said:
My problem is that he doesn't offer any alternatives other than the people in question comitting illegal activites.

God, you pick on everything ppl say?

Aliorm writes: "Cheat? Bug? What is that?"

Now a bug doesnt mean it is illegal activites, does it :confused:

What is that? <-- means he is willingly to accept other explanations.

Try again.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Loxleyhood said:
Actually yeah, abusing bugs is considered a bad thing, Ola.

Where does it say abusing bug in the text?

People read what they want to read..

ps. what about commenting the part with "what is that"? :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
A person can't do anything with a bug other than abuse it. Merely putting two and two together, a undervalued skill these days, I feel.

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