
Dec 31, 2003
sopan said:
Something that bothered me awhile is Charge. It´s most often used to run back to towers it seems. The name makes u believe its offensive but its just another save my butt thing.

I think that if u choose a target and hit the button u should not be able to change target until u hit your target.

Alright, you wrote this in a skald PoV solo gameplay style, correct?

So lets see, what classes do have charge that is not a mid class.

- Merc got it
- BMs got it

Think that is all no?

So now we have sopan whining about solo mercs and BMs running away from him while solo, since they are a afraid to loose to a hammer spec skald.

Okey 1st of all alb chain is 5% resistant to crush, and most solo mercs are crush specced wich means neu to mid chain.

Mercs got DT as i win on 7 min timer and mercs got rr5-semi iwin on 10 min timer?
Mercs got malice and CW offhand, mercs got banelord, mercs got alot higher dmg output then a skald ( hybrid dmg table got ). Mercs got det4-5 and charge2 ( duh ). This counters skalds mezz + FA before IP2 tactic wich obviously lowers their solo survivability.

A buffed merc with decent EQ packs about 2600 hits? Some got abit more I guess. Mercs got close to 800 AF and as I said resistant to Sopan's liddul hammer.

Could also add in CL resists to this aswell but I'm not sure if all solo BMs/Mercs choose melee resists or perhaps dd line to interrupt nuking casters at range. ( Guess they got Banelord for this tho, but whatever)

Almost all this can be aplied to a BM aswell, not everything but almost.

So why would any decent merc or BM pop charge to run away from a solo Sopan?

The obvious answer is that Sopan does not solo, and running away from Sopans 2-3 pets poping charge in the process makes more sense.

Have fun zerging soloers, think that is the only way you will actually get rps in a non 8 man group, cheerio.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 18, 2004
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
Alright, you wrote this in a skald PoV solo gameplay style, correct?

So lets see, what classes do have charge that is not a mid class.

- Merc got it
- BMs got it

Vampiir :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 21, 2004
Censi snap out of it.

I know u are commited to the game but that dont mean i wanna listen to your lifestory.

What happened to an eye for an eye?

Its good for the realmspirit. :m00:
Dec 31, 2003
Congax said:

Ah, vampiirs, I guess a rr3 vampiir in rog items might run away from a rr11 skald with a hammer even if he was solo. I guess you got a tiny bit of point there Sopan.

Though a rr6-7-8 vampiir specced to pwn in melee would lolzor at you, so I guess the little point you had just went away :<

And if you got any witty comment for this Sopan with your crap skald I can paint you a little scenario;

claw claw claw claw claw claw claw claw claw claw claw claw claw claw claw claw rps! /rofl.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 21, 2004
Matriarch, dunno who u are but hey who gives.
The thing is with ignorant ppl like u that u cant stay with the question, but hey was just a question.

But it is true we often run duo. And we do jump soloers but we jump what comes around so be aware u silly man.

There are many things I think should be changed. thurges stun thing is just stupid. Monsterress (must have been halloween and licker involved when that Idea came up). The nerf of fz. Its fine if i can get bl np but hell no. OOh, just had a wet dream there. A skald with bl and ofc twf and why not a feedback spell.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
sopan said:
I think that if u choose a target and hit the button u should not be able to change target until u hit your target.

Yeah more tank running out of healing range ftw.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 11, 2006
Charge is good as it, no reason to change it.
Why change it? because it's used to get away?
Let me ask you, do you actually know how many classes that uses abilities to get away from a fight they're losing?

Another thing, in FG vs FG fights not being able to swap targets or to run away again would be a joke... if this happened DAoC would become even more Dark Age of Castalot and stealthers vs stuff.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 21, 2004
Aye I know its casters heaven but this ability is called charge and the purpose for it is pretty clear. I dont think this ability was made to be used as a scapegoat. If so they should change the name of it. But how to solve it was just an idea.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
sopan said:
Aye I know its casters heaven but this ability is called charge and the purpose for it is pretty clear. I dont think this ability was made to be used as a scapegoat. If so they should change the name of it. But how to solve it was just an idea.
I think most would actully use it as an offensive tool vs you if you would be giving them a fair fight. Who wouldnt run from zerglings... :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 29, 2004
lol mastery of concentration sounds quite inoffensive but it bloody well aint !!moc nuke nuke or pboae pboae or life tap life tap. so just goes to show whats in a name!!! stop whinning cos one got away and survived the caster onslaught to fight another day.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
So back to the point about charge, its not like its gonna save you ass from alot of casters if you use it to charge away from combat, because unlike ps your not immune to damage and unlike sos your not moving that quick, so its not the best abbility out there.
Anyway you look at it you are charging its just upto you which way you run, if i see a fg coming towards me im not gonna take the chance they might leave me be, i'll charge+sprint to the nearest tower/keep in the hope i might get away, if i see a duo/trio then yeah i will charge at them and either go for the caster/seer if there is one as u can bet its gonna die before i will.

So to round it up take ur skald and your duo/trio and keep complaning about abbilitys which would if modified to how you like it screw over your own realm.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 26, 2005
stop zerging soloers and adding on FG fights and all that crap then.. ofc soloers charge away when you try to steamroll them or add on their 1on1 fights!:twak:
Dec 31, 2003
sopan said:
Matriarch, dunno who u are but hey who gives.

Who I'm doesn't really matter, but if your curious I'm an ol' minstrel who you added on quiet alot in the past, and judging by the posts you have taken it a step further; from running around with radarhead to running with a SM to now running with a savage and steaming solos :)...

And still you whine on other ppl for "adding" "stealthzerging" and beeing "lamers who run away from you when you solo" wich you obviously hardly do, and who can blame you, when you do as poorly as you do. Beeing rp pled from rr9 to rr11 in irvr grats irl.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
sopan said:
Aye I know its casters heaven but this ability is called charge and the purpose for it is pretty clear. I dont think this ability was made to be used as a scapegoat. If so they should change the name of it. But how to solve it was just an idea.

Nope, still not getting it. If they renamed it runawaylikefuck then used it to runawaylikefuck towards you, would you ask for it to be renamed to charge again?


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 21, 2004
matriarc or what ever, have the guts to stand for u and your toon. Or are u one of those anon ppl sitting angry at home?.

Feel free 2 call 2 ppl a zerg. And do u know what we zerg soloers,duos, trios and so on.

The thing that bothers me with u is that i never will complain about being zerged. Cause its a part of the game. So simple but still u to thickheaded to understand it.

We dont complain about adds cause were we run there are often lots of ppl around. Tbh if ppl wanna have fair duels dont stand at oriens bridge now and so on.

But I think it is common sense to tell who u are instead of hiding.



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Cromcruaich said:
Nope, still not getting it. If they renamed it runawaylikefuck then used it to runawaylikefuck towards you, would you ask for it to be renamed to charge again?


rep charging towards you (or is runawaylikefuck towards you?) :D


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Radar broke down for the duo, must find another thing to whine about....


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
You just hear the battle cry wrong.

CHARGEEEEE (away mates!) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Infanity said:
You just hear the battle cry wrong.

CHARGEEEEE (away mates!) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well tbh with charge 3 up every 90 secounds for 15 secounds i use it for everything!! ill charge into battle and when my grop pulls back and 2 far away for me to get healed i then use that same ability to charge away back into heal range :fluffle:

just userly i die charging back :(


Loyal Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
sopan said:
The thing that bothers me with u is that i never will complain about being zerged. Cause its a part of the game. So simple but still u to thickheaded to understand it.

I think u are an inch away from stealing Pip's title, seriously lol, people are a part of the game too u tard, have some dignity to hear what they look from a game and then come telling what u don like about the game.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
No matter what the little teenager fh fan bois says, I agree with belo and sopan. Mythic should take a look at other games and see how charge is designed. The solution is so easy it hurts inside.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 18, 2004
rure said:
No matter what the little teenager fh fan bois says, I agree with belo and sopan. Mythic should take a look at other games and see how charge is designed. The solution is so easy it hurts inside.

Blizzard fanboi, be gone! :(


One of Freddy's beloved
May 17, 2004
sopan said:
Something that bothered me awhile is Charge. It´s most often used to run back to towers it seems. The name makes u believe its offensive but its just another save my butt thing.

I think that if u choose a target and hit the button u should not be able to change target until u hit your target.
its mebbe used like that when your FG is chasing soloers again


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 26, 2005
sopan said:
matriarc or what ever, have the guts to stand for u and your toon. Or are u one of those anon ppl sitting angry at home?.

Feel free 2 call 2 ppl a zerg. And do u know what we zerg soloers,duos, trios and so on.

The thing that bothers me with u is that i never will complain about being zerged. Cause its a part of the game. So simple but still u to thickheaded to understand it.

We dont complain about adds cause were we run there are often lots of ppl around. Tbh if ppl wanna have fair duels dont stand at oriens bridge now and so on.

But I think it is common sense to tell who u are instead of hiding.


2 people on 2-3-4-5 and such is okay. But that you add on 1on1's and even FG fights is the most pathetic thing ever.. getting really pointless:twak:

Was on mid and even talked with you and marrro a while ago, was about to give a little respect to you, but when i saw you add on FG fights and such, the respect is gone..


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Less bitching about Sopan and Marrro, they are kinda fun.
I always like to resemble them with a Siamese twin, Because when they meet someone they split (and run) and normally 1 dies in the process.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
rure said:
No matter what the little teenager fh fan bois says, I agree with belo and sopan. Mythic should take a look at other games and see how charge is designed. The solution is so easy it hurts inside.
Charge is perfectly fine as it is, thank you. Yes it is abit of a runaway tool, but with the current caster damage it's needed.
Dec 31, 2003
sopan said:
matriarc or what ever, have the guts to stand for u and your toon. Or are u one of those anon ppl sitting angry at home?.

Feel free 2 call 2 ppl a zerg. And do u know what we zerg soloers,duos, trios and so on.

The thing that bothers me with u is that i never will complain about being zerged. Cause its a part of the game. So simple but still u to thickheaded to understand it.

We dont complain about adds cause were we run there are often lots of ppl around [/edit soloers]. Tbh if ppl wanna have fair duels dont stand at oriens bridge now and so on.

But I think it is common sense to tell who u are instead of hiding.


Read my sig if u wanna know who i'm. My main toons toons are Sneakers and Matriarch ( guess ur one of the ppl who uses thickness as an argument, grats on that. )

And you just have to read the fao thread censi made to see what a hypocrit you are.

And I doubt anyone is actually angry with you, we just find it amusing when u with ur 'nice guy irl' playstyle come to FH and whine about things you actually do urself and clearly states is ur playstyle and the 'we should pay ur subs' and w/e reasons you may or may not have.

Then ofc this thread was "officially" about charge, but tbh ur asking for it when with the reasons u gave to why it should be nerfed. No charge tank would ever run from you if u where not steaming them with 3-4 mates :)


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
because names of things, always mean what they should do..maybe Mastery of Concentration should make you be able to read a book in a rave or smth? yeah, that sounds great.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 28, 2004
Belomar said:
He does have a point, though.

Why ?

Isn't the initial point of charge that you can get into melee range (being a tank) quicker and without being cc'd ?

Why should charge only kick in once you have reached a target ?
What would be the point in a speed boost component then ?

Perhaps if you targetted someone with Charge, and it caused you to effectively
/stick them from 1500, high speed (un cc'able) run to the target, cause a 'slam'
type effect on the target (as you might expect from such an impact), and say 10
secs on uninterruptible cooldown (so that you can do something vs your slammed

This wouldn't work with 'running away' unless perhaps you target a mob within

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