FH Changelog Changelog for FreddysHouse forums

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Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
This document describes the changelog for enhancements made to FreddysHouse forums:

18th October, 2013
  • Upgraded MySQL
  • Upgraded the OS
  • Started the migration test phase to XenForo 1.2.x with a completely new skin
25th June, 2013
  • Upgraded XenForo to 1.1.5
  • Upgraded PHP from 5.3.x to 5.4.x
  • Migrated from APC to Zend OpCache for PHP opcode caching
20th April, 2013
  • Upgraded certificates used on forums.freddyshouse.com and s6.freddyshouse.net to StartSSL Class 2 wildcards.
30th March, 2013
  • Upgraded to latest version of XenForo. This version allows for the upgrade of add-ons without the dreaded white screen of nothing, so you should be able to carry on whilst I do stuff behind the scenes :)
  • Upgraded to XenForo Enhanced Search 1.0.1
  • Upgraded the XenFracture skin, might be some glitches here and there.
  • Upgraded Conversation Essentials.
  • Upgraded Template Management System.
8th March, 2013
  • Rebuilt search system using ElasticSearch 0.90 Beta 1
5th December, 2012
  • Upgraded Stock Trader addon to RC 2.
2nd December, 2012
  • Installed the ThreadBan addon. This grants the ability to ban users from participating in threads :)
14th July, 2012
  • Upgraded XenForo to 1.1.3.
  • Removed some links from the navigation tab and moved them to FH Links.
  • Installed a profile completion addon.
  • Created some new trophies.
12th July, 2012
  • Set default method of password storage to Bcrypt.
3rd July, 2012
  • Installed an addon by SheepCow to automatically convert passwords stored using the MD5 hash to SHA-256 (due to import from vbulletin and the method it used to store passwords) upon a successful login.
10th May, 2012
  • Upgraded Post Ratings addon to 1.3.1. This brings significant performance enhancements and allows negative ratings to be hidden as they are not used on FreddysHouse.
4th May, 2012
  • Installed the addon Tag Me.
20th April, 2012
  • Installed User Essentials.
14th April, 2012
  • Upgraded ForumRunner to version 1.1.2 to enable support for thread prefixes from the phone app.
12th April, 2012
  • Upgraded the FreddysHouse Green theme to use spritesheets. Will convert other themes to use the spritesheet over the next week.
  • Installed Conversation Essentials. Take a peek at https://forums.freddyshouse.com/account/preferences and look at the new options under Conversations.
27th March, 2012
  • Upgraded Post Ratings addon to version 1.2.0
  • Installed TMS (Template Modification System).
  • Upgraded MySQL.
16th February, 2012
  • Upgraded XenForo to version 1.1.2.
  • Upgraded XenoMorph framework to version 1.1.2.
17th January, 2012
  • Implemented a secondary site for loading of javascript and images.
  • Wrote a script to pre-load the index into RAM.
12th January, 2012 (Wonder if anyone reads this...)
  • Implemented the Post Rating addon.
  • Upgraded XenoMorph framework to version 1.1.1.
10th January, 2012
  • Installed the XenForo Enhanced Search module. Searching on less than 3 letters is now supported.
16th December, 2011
  • Upgraded XenForo to v1.1.1
6th December, 2011
  • Enabled Yubikey authentication for all registered users. Yubikey is a hardware USB keyboard (smaller than a pendrive) which facilitates 2 factor authentication. More information can be found at http://www.yubico.com
3rd December, 2011
  • Updated TinyMCE (the editor) to version 3.4.7 to see if it solves mobile phone issues.
23rd November, 2011
  • Upgraded forum software to v1.1 GOLD.
22nd November, 2011
  • Installed the FreddysHouse Tools: Yubikey authentication addon. This addon allows you to protect your account with two-factor authentication. More information at http://www.yubico.com
18th November, 2011
  • Made changes to the media library to support true streaming. You can seek to any point on a video.
15th November, 2011
  • Upgraded forum software to v1.1 RC 1.
8th November, 2011
  • Upgraded forum software to v1.1 beta 5.
6th November, 2011
  • Pointed forums.freddyshouse.com to a Varnish reserve proxy for ipv4.
  • Changed some settings of the caching system APC.
29th October, 2011
  • Installed Igbinary which is a drop replacement PHP serializer. Modified APC and PHP to use Igbinary instead of the builtin PHP serializer.
  • Switched to using Memcached for PHP variable storage instead of APC.
  • Tightened up the security of the forum installation.
20th October, 2011
  • Migrated from vBulletin to XenForo 1.1 beta3. Rejoice :)
  • Installed the XenQuotation mod.
  • Started the tidyup of groups/permissions.
30th August, 2011
  • Removed all user paid upgrades (they do not import into XenForo).
  • Increased limits on Private Messages for every member to 5000.
  • Updated ForumRunner to version 1.7.0.
  • Further server optimisations.
19th August, 2011
  • Implemented a 404 page.
27th July, 2011
  • Migrated to a new server. IP Address is
6th July, 2011
  • Upgraded Forum Runner plugin to latest version.
15th April, 2011
  • Upgraded MySQL to 5.5
5th November, 2010
  • Removed Xcache and installed APC (opcode caching systems for PHP). APC is now being merged into the core of PHP so it made sense to move to this caching solution.
  • Started testing the Forums under nginx (Engine-X) to replace Lighttpd. For all those who want to test, modify your local hosts file and put the following in : forums.freddyshouse.com. If you experience any problems please report them in the feedback forum. Things to certainly test would be the blogs and the gallery.
13th July, 2010
  • Upgraded forum software to latest version in the 3.x series.
  • Updated templates to accomodate changes in latest version.
  • Removed some mods.
  • Increased performance by utilising cookieless domains for static content.
12th April, 2009
  • Upgraded forum software to latest version.
  • Upgraded SEO software to latest version.
3rd April, 2009
  • If you are logged in then a part of history begins to unfold itself.
13th February, 2009
  • Upgraded Photopost software to the latest version.
28th January, 2009
  • Updated the forum software to the latest version. There will be templates wrong including skins, they will be fixed so don't panic.
7th January, 2009
  • Updated many mods to the latest version in preparation of an upgrade to the latest version of the forum software.
31st December, 2008
  • Updated the forum software to the latest version.
29th August, 2008
  • Enabled visitor messages to profiles (forgot to activate it ages ago).
  • Enabled social group creation (doh! noone had permissions to create any, now you can!)
28th August, 2008
  • Upgraded the forum software to the latest version. The biggest impact on this upgrade is that user's cannot use their username as the password.
  • Installed AME (Auto Media Embedding).
  • Added Last.FM information in User Profile page, you need to add your Last.FM details in your control panel. Check my profile page for a demo here.
26th July, 2008
  • Upgraded the forum software to the latest version.
  • Installed a couple of new mods.
  • Upgraded a few existing mods to the latest versions.
10th May, 2008
  • Upgraded forum software to version 3.7.0. Updated all current mods to the latest versions.
5th January, 2008
  • Installed VBBlogs 1.03. Most of you should be able to create a blog within the forum system. Version 3.7 of the forum software will allow much more in the way of social networking....
2nd October, 2007
  • Changed default behaviour when voting on polls to NOT refresh the thread's last update time. This will stop voting from bumping threads.
26th September, 2007
  • Upgraded forum software to version 3.6.8
22nd June, 2007
  • Added new breadcrumb mod to show breadcrumbs at bottom of threads.
22nd May, 2007
  • Upgraded the forum code to the latest version.
  • Upgraded the FreddysHouse and DAOC styles to use the latest templates. Thanks to SheepCow for actually doing the templates for us.
  • Upgraded certain specific mods to FreddysHouse to use product templating. Thanks again to SheepCow.
14th May, 2007
  • Removed Inferno Warning system and activated the inbuilt infraction system.
  • Upgraded the photopost gallery software to the latest version.
5th May, 2007
  • Added SEO mod.
  • Updated QuoteIT! mod to latest version
  • Removed dead templates.
12th April, 2006
  • Added the Steel Blue theme
  • Added the Heavy Metal theme
11th April, 2006
  • Added Google AdSense to thread display pages. Subscribed users do not see them.
8th April, 2006
  • Re-added the latest version of v3 Arcade for vb 3.5.x
  • Reactivated the removal of user's who have not completed their registration after 10 days
6th April, 2006
  • Upgraded base forum code to 3.5.4
  • Upgraded many of the hacks/plugins/products used to the latest versions
  • Changed MySQL to 5.0.19
  • Added a World of Warcraft style.
  • Added warning system.
7th October, 2005
  • Added couple more themes.
  • Got the signature mod working.
  • Added a forum rules/announcement extension
  • Implemented hosted forums.
  • Other little tweaks to images and the like.
5th October, 2005
  • Finally upgraded the forums to VB 3.5. Let the fun commence.....
30th August, 2005
  • Updated forum Code of Conduct and forced all users to agree to them if they want to continue using the forums.
9th August, 2005
  • Enabled all users to be able to post polls. If abused will be removed.
  • Imported some old messages....
13th July, 2005
  • Installed new icons for the default style. Have passed to Jinglebells to recolour ready for VB 3.5
11th July, 2005
  • Added gallery software. All users who subscribed should check "The Elite forums" for further news. All registered users can upload images to do with wallpapers and desktops.
  • Created an NFS setup so all the webservers get their content from one place. Should make it easier to maintain going forward.
  • Added a new optimizer to further speed up web performance. Should be pretty fast now.
28th June, 2005
  • Added new database server. The forums should hopefully be extremely responsive.
  • Forgot to add, recompiled apache, php, zend across all webservers to latest versions
10th February, 2005
  • Installed beta of FH services which initially offers only email.
The above system was coded by SheepCow and all credit to the frontend part of the system belongs to him. There is a backend process which is not currently live, it will be later on today. Anyone can request an email under this beta, though they will not work. This is more of a way to stress test the system and see if there are any bugs. Feel free to have a play!

16th January, 2005
  • Added IBProArcade. Need to get some more games for it.
14th January, 2005
  • Added a registration hack. This sends out email reminders for those that haven't activated their account. If after 10 days the account is still not activated then it is deleted from the forums. This will help catch those that add incorrect email addresses.
9th January, 2005
  • Upgraded the forums to the latest version of VBulletin. Remove all references to petz/arcade from the code in preparation for new Arcade system.
  • Activated FlashChat. A simple forum based chat system like IRC using Flash.
6th January, 2005
  • Beefed up anti-spam measures.
    Users have to be registered for 7 days and have 5 posts before they can:

    a) create new threads
    b) use the bbcode URL
21st December, 2004
  • Added a change to stop spammers from posting urls as soon as they signup.
26th October, 2004
  • Added page generation stats to the bottom of each page.
28th September, 2004
  • Installed a Journal system into the forums. Link is in the navbar.
20th September, 2004
  • Activated the load balancer and pointed the primary IP at it.
9th September, 2004
  • Upgraded the portal page to use CMPS, an advanced portal system which allows modules and pages to be created.
19th August, 2004
  • Upgraded the forums to the latest software. Hopefully many little quirks and bugs are resolved by this!
3rd May, 2004
  • Upgraded VBArcade to the latest version. Should reduce CPU load on the forums, also has a search facility (located under Search in the navbar).
29th March, 2004
  • Changed where the images for the forums are loaded from to reduce the load on Apache. Hopefully there are no broken images.
  • Updated the Code of Conduct. Basically spam and you win a 2 week ban and we will edit your postcount/virtual money down to 0. Also added information on Trading.
25th March, 2004
  • Activated VBArcade. Follow the link in the navigation bar or failing to understand that, click here
23th March, 2004
  • Added vbPetz. This allows you to create a pet, look after them and engage them in battles with other forum users. You will need to create your pet (initially there is only a dog) by following this link
  • Installed a link database system. Not live yet, need to find some people who are willing to maintain the database.
21st March, 2004
  • Added a quote system to the forums. See the home page.
  • Put the old images back until the new ones are finished, more to stop the whining.
20th March, 2004
  • Re-added the seperator between sticky threads and normal threads.
  • SAS and Summo have agreed to sort out the graphics on the board. Thanks guys. Appreciated.
  • Upgraded the forums to vBulletin 3.0.0 GOLD. The smilies have changed, the graphics have changed. The graphics are anti-aliased and need to be rejigged for each style so apologies for the white outline around each one. Some template changes need re-applying....

    The only downside I can see so far is that the style stored in your cookie is lost so you need to select it again.
18th March, 2004
  • Reduced the time you have to go back and edit a message you posted to 5 minutes.
11th March, 2004
  • Updated the DNS to send all traffic thru a new load balancer. Hopefully this will help spread the forum load.
7th February, 2004
  • Moved the forum SQL database to another physical server. This will speed up the boards (hopefully).
  • Disabled some options that display what is currently happening across the boards to reduce the number of SQL queries that are carried out. Most notably, "Who's Online".
26th January, 2004
  • Removed colour tags as it was doing my eyes in no end and I really don't want to wear glasses just yet.
10th January, 2004
  • Increased the character limit for PM from 10000 to 20000.
  • Re-enabled the reputation system. You can only give someone a good reputation without a comment. Let's see how this works eh?
  • Changed user titles. There were lots of them and it seemed to be encouraging some people to post farm to get to the next title. We now have 3 titles. upto 50 Posts = Fledgling Freddie - upto 1000 posts = Regular Freddie - over 1000 posts = Scrounging Bastard
  • Added a rule about nudity in the CoC, so people know what is and isnt allowed
  • Added yet another bloody rule about people telling others to "Die" and things like that. Save it for the playground kids.
  • Added announcement drawing attention to this changelog
9th January, 2004
  • Changed the time to wait before you can send another Private message from 60 secs down to 15 secs.
8th January, 2004
  • Added a rule to the CoC about not posting your email address in the forums for all to see
7th January, 2004
  • Removed users viewing the current thread, save cpu cycles and database queries.
  • Upgraded the forum software to RC2
  • Added a template change will show a user's signature once PER page.
6th January, 2004
  • Added a high contrast style, white text on black
5th January, 2004
  • Updated login.php and register.php to fix security hole in RC1
  • Added some green buttons for the GREEN style - you will need to HARD refresh your cache to pick them up
  • Added some smiles for those that requested them
  • Changes the shit blue ones - smilies that is
  • Upped the max message length to 20000 chars
4th January, 2004
  • Upgraded forums to VB3 RC1
  • Added SheepCow's signaturemod hack
Last edited:


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Now can we set about banning the DAoC crowd?



FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
You also got rid of the Icon above each post!

Similar to the one Ive added to this post


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Users viewing the thread has gone also?




Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Sar said:
Users viewing the thread has gone also?



Ah yes, to reduce load.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I noticed that the profile 'search posts by x' no longer shows the post count :D


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Yes it does.

*Clicks on Tom*: Showing results 1 to 25 of 407. Some mistake Tom?

Personally I'm quite happy with it like this, it means that at those sad and lonely moments we're able to have a peer at it, but it's not 'in your face' to encourage spamming.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Re-enabled the reputation system. You can only give someone a good reputation without a comment. Let's see how this works eh?

:clap: Thank you kindly.


Dec 22, 2003
Shovel said:
Yes it does.

*Clicks on Tom*: Showing results 1 to 25 of 407. Some mistake Tom?

Personally I'm quite happy with it like this, it means that at those sad and lonely moments we're able to have a peer at it, but it's not 'in your face' to encourage spamming.
The search only shows a maximum of 500 posts though, so after that, you have to count them yourself. :eek:


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Flesh said:
The search only shows a maximum of 500 posts though, so after that, you have to count them yourself. :eek:
The fact that people already know that is shocking, then again I was told that certain members of daoc OT had their post count reset within the first two weeks. So on second thoughts, its not that shocking.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
Ch3tan said:
The fact that people already know that is shocking, then again I was told that certain members of daoc OT had their post count reset within the first two weeks. So on second thoughts, its not that shocking.
Try check Flesh's posts, insane amount :x


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
11th March, 2004

  • Updated the DNS to send all traffic thru a new load balancer. Hopefully this will help spread the forum load.
Huzzah! :clap:

Nice one matey, keep this level of service up, and come the Freddybeer booze will be flowing your way faster than even you will know what to do with. :cheers:




Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Awww Deebs can you bring back the images... it's too quiet here without the whines :(


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
There is a Quote of the day added as well...

Not sure TTD will like that particular quote but never mind


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Hmmm, added a quote, but it doesn't show in the "view all" link?


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Sir Frizz said:
Hmmm, added a quote, but it doesn't show in the "view all" link?

Correct, they are moderated.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Deebs said:
21st March, 2004

  • Added a quote system to the forums. See the home page.

I guess you have to approve the quotes first? :)


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
I know they are moderated, but why not let me quote Mut68 !!!


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I think I may have broken it. I was merrily adding quotes and then it got to page four and page four is blank.

Either that or my quotes suck.


Dec 17, 2003
Sir Frizz said:
What's this "Petz" thingy then eh?
The board administrator has decided to turn the petz system offline.

Petz will return again as soon as the administrator of this forum decides to turn petz back on. Your pet is currently in a fixed status and its hunger, pleasure and health levels will not be altered during the time that petz is offline.

I hope you enjoy playing petz.


Go on Deebs, turn it on. :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
And there's a new bank thinky, where peeps have some sort of fictitious account.



Dec 17, 2003
It's a Tamagotchi type thing, I believe. I'm hoping we can make them fight against each other. :)
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