ok i made 1 post boutt his , but its now become a bigger prob
afaik u can type /cg join and u are placed in a random cg thats is open , in any realm ,tho u cant see what the enemy are saying , all u see is ...
and u are albe to do /cg who and get a list of names , now if u get 100+ in 1 cg , what are u going to think? some kind of raid going on , cud be inrealm , cud be a relic raid . best to make sure eh?
i know i wud
it hought it was funy at first , but not so now, we had suxh a raid , well a cg with 150+ in it , want a relic raid , but a dragon raid, we had the odd ...
then 1 guys spams it , in our cg he got spammed to stfu, ofc none in our cg knew of this bug , nor didnt they know that all this guy can see back is ...
so ofc his going to spam it back more, he can type anything and all we get is ... , so tell , if ur join a cg and up for a laugh , and all the cg is doing is ... from every member , tell what wud u do?
i wud prolly join in till i was bored then say "stfu now" then leave , so something needs to be done :/
p.s i tryed rightnow , for some reason it didnt do anything , so i gave up , if some 1 cud .
afaik u can type /cg join and u are placed in a random cg thats is open , in any realm ,tho u cant see what the enemy are saying , all u see is ...
and u are albe to do /cg who and get a list of names , now if u get 100+ in 1 cg , what are u going to think? some kind of raid going on , cud be inrealm , cud be a relic raid . best to make sure eh?
i know i wud
it hought it was funy at first , but not so now, we had suxh a raid , well a cg with 150+ in it , want a relic raid , but a dragon raid, we had the odd ...
then 1 guys spams it , in our cg he got spammed to stfu, ofc none in our cg knew of this bug , nor didnt they know that all this guy can see back is ...
so ofc his going to spam it back more, he can type anything and all we get is ... , so tell , if ur join a cg and up for a laugh , and all the cg is doing is ... from every member , tell what wud u do?
i wud prolly join in till i was bored then say "stfu now" then leave , so something needs to be done :/
p.s i tryed rightnow , for some reason it didnt do anything , so i gave up , if some 1 cud .