Casters useless in rvr?



Re: qte :p

Originally posted by inuyasha

If you want to root, make a nature druid. Mages have stun, its powerfull and if you dont know how to use it, nature druid might be a idea.

if you dont know how to use it? there are only so many ways to cast a stun, one to be exact.

26% cap from items, 9% from aom 3, 16% from resistbuffs(average) ~= 50 % resist. 9/2 = 4.5, casttime on the stun is ~2 seconds with dex buffs so that leaves an actually gained time of 2.5 seconds AGAINST A NON TANK. thats 1.5 nukes or so. against tanks im sure you will end up with negative time if you actually crunshed the numbers.



Re: finaly an answer.

Originally posted by inuyasha

Assume so, but why are you counting with aom? As they grow in AoM, i grow in MoM. +3% damage -3% from AoM dont really make much difference does it?

You're not really proficient in calculations with percentages are you? do a few numbers and you will see that MoM does _not_ get evened out by AoM.




Is mana chanter so good?

90+ energy resist and short range seems more like suicide dont it? :p CAN heat resist your own dd base line with 50%, but its another cast and the blast takes alot more mana since its off-spec.

I do of course realize you DO more damage on those %s you get through with on extreme resists, but other realms dont have the enchanter ra we have, so they basicly dont get much more then 60% resists. On this resists, pbaoe will not kill fast enough to keep you alive unless you have healer and MoC, on safe range (aka light) you can blast freely, and if tanks go for you, you can just run from them, and thus save your healer from both attention and mana. People running after you, get our tanks on them, and do not retailate. I assume mana mages does the same, but i can not clearly see how you get in any position to cast with all the tanks you clearly list as trouble around :D

Tyka claim that the problem is not enemy mages, but enemy tanks...but should that matter to us? Light enchanters simply dont kill the tanks in a group, they kill the mages, and save our own tanks from getting blasted to another dimention while they take out the other teams tanks that come running after you.

Both mana and light enchanters are decent mages as long as targets dont have 90+ resist, why its so automatic that light < mana as Qte claims, is still beyond me. Its my line mana enchanters debuff, not their own, the sun spec blast cost quite alot mana for a mana mage (unless you change staff) and is not really first pick, and as far as i know, you dont have any energy debuff as far as i know :rolleyes: I would say mana and light enchanters is equal, but with different purposes.


Re: Re: finaly an answer.

Originally posted by old.giriam

You're not really proficient in calculations with percentages are you? do a few numbers and you will see that MoM does _not_ get evened out by AoM.


If you skip normal resists, then this is the formula?
Base damage + mom = sum damage without resists
- (base damage + aom - base damage)
= base damage + (3, 6 or 9% of base damage) - (3, 6, 9% of base damage)
same as before?

Or is bonus added first, then negatives when you hit the enemy target, as in +9 percent, then remove 9% of 109% which is less then 100 again?

Qte Eth

inuasha i am fed up of light ench uberness
44 mana 31 light ench will do muuch better damage then ur light ench ,like 2x more,even 48 mana 24 light will do much more damage ,and will have uber pbae aswell,ur spec is just gimped:X
i wont tell u things in which i am not sure ,why i point on ur 100k -its coz u dont have any rvr experience atm to speak about,and yes i wont listen to anything about rvr from non 50 too coz he simply dont knows anything about it
mom is supposed to give mage more damage ,not to counter aom
and it not counters aom
if someone has 85% resist and u get aom 5 above that mom5 wont help u AT ALL,its easy example
if someone has easy 26 resist and gets aom5 above that -41
and u increase ur damage to 15% ull loose
hit before aom5&mom5 74(-26) [100]
after 68(-47) [115 with mom5]
that is with numbers
and about 90% energy resist hm only hibs get resist to that ,worst cap will be 64% in game



If its gonna nerf casters too much or not i only coment is, you hit for 210(-296) is not my idea of fun :eek2:

But ill wait it out, hopefully it'll take a while b4 everyone has uber resists...



Re: Re: Re: finaly an answer.

Originally posted by inuyasha

Or is bonus added first, then negatives when you hit the enemy target, as in +9 percent, then remove 9% of 109% which is less then 100 again?

afraid so



I agree with Qte on the mana vs light chanters thing. Just try nuking with a debuffer before you knock it. For me it's the difference between hitting for 250-300 and 500-554 (cap) before crits. The debuff is damn quick anyway typically 1.5s or less to cast. The mana cost is greater but with a 50 light focus staff (with spellcrafting you can get a 50 mana/light focus staff easily enough) it's usable, add in having alchemy potions, serenity and mcl and mana isn't usually that much of an issue.

"I perfectly well understand that you dont use stun, it cost alot and is less stable and less efficent then mine. Half the light spec is to have a effictive stun :p"
Stun is baseline, it is entirely unaffected by your light spec, it's the same length and same amount of resists with 1 or 50 light spec.


Not long ago, I hit Gunnerr for something like 210 (-320). Would only take about 12 nukes to take him down. Nerf me. Light spec eld.


Was hitting a caster for 150-160 today due to resist I nuked, stunned, nuked 4 times, got qc bolted, and nuked 2 or 3 more times then a hero killed him... :(




I had some good laughs when reading this thread.

Even now with all these tank goodies and stuff i don't think rvr is unbalanced now.

Yes maybe it seems that mages got nerfed, but only in the eyes of smallminded ppl.

Rvr has many different sides.
Aoedmg still rules for zerging, a tank can't defend a keep etc.

All you casters have to understand is that it's maybe not your role to run around in emain with a single group to hunt realmpoints. And if that's the only form of rvr you gonna do then role a tank or supportclass and stop whining.

Those hunting groups won't work like they did before because of the reduced insta-mezz duration anyway, which was about time as it was really boring to insta-mezz a group and then just slaughter them.

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