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Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Fuel additives and fuel octane rating

I was talking about jap imports, not UK cars? If you don't get a import remapped and you put 98 in and spank it, there is a very good chance of it going bang. You have no idea what kind of mapping that person has on it, usually always 100+.

I had a friend (idiot) that had a WRX pushing on close to 400bhp, he put normal unleaded in (the car was maped for 98 iirc) to pass a MOT (no cat and had to pass the eco test) . Was driving home after the mot, forgot about the fuel, had a typical AUDI TT driver up his rear, tail gating him on a bend. Spanked it, red lined it in 4th, and it went boom, even put the crank through the casing (got the pic somewhere). How you forget I don't know (well hes stupid), but it cost him 3k+ for a new engine and labour.

My mum has a 350z UK, she said drives nice but shes a women :p I haven't been back to compare it to a import. And who buys a high performance car (esp Jap) not to push it to the limits? They were not made to be driven to Tesco and back at 40mph.

98RON is pretty much the same as Japanese Hi-Octane. Hi-Oku can be anywhere between 97 and 100RON depending on the supplier so Jap-spec engines are built with this in mind. No remapping for the UK required. (Not for that anyway, you have to get the 112MPH limiter taken off though). Yes there are exceptions that need 104RON (like specialist Evos etc.) but not a normally aspirated car like a 350Z.

NB. If your friend lunched his engine he'd probably also removed the knock-sensor.

Your line about "pushing to the limits" makes me think you're about 12; red-lining everywhere is a mug's game and you don't go any faster anyway, you just get an earlier tyre and clutch bill.


Aug 24, 2008
98RON is pretty much the same as Japanese Hi-Octane. Hi-Oku can be anywhere between 97 and 100RON depending on the supplier so Jap-spec engines are built with this in mind. No remapping for the UK required. (Not for that anyway, you have to get the 112MPH limiter taken off though). Yes there are exceptions that need 104RON (like specialist Evos etc.) but not a normally aspirated car like a 350Z.

NB. If your friend lunched his engine he'd probably also removed the knock-sensor.

Your line about "pushing to the limits" makes me think you're about 12; red-lining everywhere is a mug's game and you don't go any faster anyway, you just get an earlier tyre and clutch bill.
hi-oku 100 is common practice at most pumps iirc, yes I've been there and seen it. And how on earth do you know what the previous person had as a map, its imported? Might even of had a map for over a 100 on it. Japs love their cars and esp modding, no one keeps a standard map on a high performance jap car.

*I'm not talking just about 350's, we were discussing jap imports*

Don't recall him removing the knock sensor, but he melted the stock pistons with the original jap map. So bought 4 new forged Cosworth pistons and remapped it, was a seriously fast WRX.

I'm talking about on the track, my favorite pass time is driving down to the track on a weekend. However a bike has given way more thrills than a car has ever has, been driving cars a lot more recently. Increasing heat in the hot season, makes wearing a suit pretty horrendous in the burning sun. And dropping it wearing shorts, t shirts and usual sandals wouldn't be pleasant so I avoid track days on my favorite bike atm (Z1000 streetfighter)


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Wow, that's kinda perverse. Normally diesels win on tax simply because of C02 (they tend to have much lower tax rates over here). In that case, as I said, get that engine thoroughly checked and get the cam chains pre-emptively changed before 60,000KMs (mine actually blew up at 18000 miles!). Is it a manual or a selespeed? Because Selespeed boxes are shite, but manual clutches need early replacement (I hope I'm not putting you off here). The Selespeed in my 156 needed new actuators...twice, and the clutch in my GTV went at about 25K miles (lot of London heavy traffic, but still...) On the other hand my 145 Cloverleaf didn't miss a beat in nearly 3 years.
yes it is perverse. here, diesel is cheap(er) than 95/98 unleaded. the cars that tend to have a lot of miles, so a lot of road use, are diesels. to compensate itself for the lower (tax) income on fuel, the state charges a higher road tax for diesel engines.

strangely, they no longer do this on the super-eco engines like the VAG blue motion diesels, so you can have a lower fuel price and NO road tax at all. presumably this is incentive to make you do something so they can surprise-bumsecks you later, when you aren't paying attention.

so, I am trading in my diesel polo that does 1:18 (km) running a reasonably clean emission and getting a 2.0i higher performance petrol driven car that runs 1:10 (km) and it will be cheaper :)

Fuel additives and fuel octane rating

I was talking about jap imports, not UK cars? If you don't get a import remapped and you put 98 in and spank it, there is a very good chance of it going bang. You have no idea what kind of mapping that person has on it, usually always 100+.

I had a friend (idiot) that had a WRX pushing on close to 400bhp, he put normal unleaded in (the car was maped for 98 iirc) to pass a MOT (no cat and had to pass the eco test) . Was driving home after the mot, forgot about the fuel, had a typical AUDI TT driver up his rear, tail gating him on a bend. Spanked it, red lined it in 4th, and it went boom, even put the crank through the casing (got the pic somewhere). How you forget I don't know (well hes stupid), but it cost him 3k+ for a new engine and labour.

My mum has a 350z UK, she said drives nice but shes a women :p I haven't been back to compare it to a import. And who buys a high performance car (esp Jap) not to push it to the limits? They were not made to be driven to Tesco and back at 40mph.

RON is about how well fuel burns. With respect to your mate, I believe that the engine was about to fail any way. Putting 98 in a 95 engine or vice versa will not hurt it. Putting diesel in a petrol engine will though :)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
It'll definitely hurt it if the engine is unable to retard the timing.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Hmm, I think I'm about to be taught something. I was instructed to run a tank of 98 every so often with my old petrol car, especially on really cold days. I'm not Sure a 1l seat arosa has the nifty features you Speak of. :(


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Just use whatever fuel the car's manual recommends.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Well duh. Though that said, it gets pretty darn confusing in far away exotic places where they have 50 different kinds of petrol.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
It'll definitely hurt it if the engine is unable to retard the timing.

In older engines this can be an issue, but not in anything modern; the combination of knock sensor and ECU mapping takes care of it. Plus, as I said, there's not that much difference in the octane rating between regular and premium unleaded in the UK and most of Europe (you can't even get Premium Unleaded in Ireland, its pretty much 95RON or nowt except for a tiny number of garages selling e5 bioethanol which has a higher rating), whereas in Japan and the US there's a huge difference; 91 (or even 87) for regular and 97-100 for premium.

My S3 was recommended to run on premium unleaded but I couldn't get it in Ireland and never had an issue running it on mostly 95RON for two years (I'd stick premium in when I went up north or back to England).


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Your Sulu wagon runs on MO RON.


Actually it runs on gas at 70p a litre, try not to think about it the next time you're filling up with chip fat.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
You can high five Austen Powers about that when you see him at the next owners club meeting :D.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
I run the 328i on Super all the time, as any extra cost is easily offset by the better MPG I get, especially through town. £10 of normal will get me 35 miles or so, the same with V-Power or Momentum 99 will get me 40+. Plus it runs a lot better, and when I poke it with a big stick (or my right foot), it really takes off and goes. With 95, it has to think about it first.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
I run the 328i on Super all the time, as any extra cost is easily offset by the better MPG I get, especially through town. £10 of normal will get me 35 miles or so, the same with V-Power or Momentum 99 will get me 40+. Plus it runs a lot better, and when I poke it with a big stick (or my right foot), it really takes off and goes. With 95, it has to think about it first.

For years I thought that was all a myth, then when I had my 2.8 company Volvo S80 I used super a few times because it was all on a company card anyway. Both mpg and performance increased by a small but noticeable amount. It always felt more responsive when I put my foot down as well, imagine cheap fireworks and expensive ones, both make a bright light and a bang but the expensive ones definately deliver more of an experience.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
30,925 finger slipped and I bought it 0o


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FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
I want a BMW 320d Touring, or maybe 318d. Please gifv me ! :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
That's the hatchback. The 123d comes as hatchback or coupé.

The coupé just looks like a slightly smaller 3 series. The hatchback has a more unique look, which takes a bit of getting used to.




FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
That's the hatchback. The 123d comes as hatchback or coupé.

The coupé just looks like a slightly smaller 3 series. The hatchback has a more unique look, which takes a bit of getting used to.



I'm a bigger fan of the hatchback, as a Swede brought up in a Volvo family I value function very high :) Thus for example I would pick the Touring version of the 3-series any day of the week over the coupe/sedan version . And the hatchback just looks more practical (personally I think it looks awesome as well)


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
1-series hatchback is fucking rank looking (and the new version they're bringing out is actually worse). Perils of trying to put a longitudinal engine in a hatchback; wrecks the proportions. The "coupe" (not really a coupe but hey) version is better, and the 1M is rather cool.


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
1-series hatchback is fucking rank looking (and the new version they're bringing out is actually worse). Perils of trying to put a longitudinal engine in a hatchback; wrecks the proportions. The "coupe" (not really a coupe but hey) version is better, and the 1M is rather cool.

whats a longitudal engine? I dont see anything wrong with the proportions?


FH is my second home
Mar 25, 2004
whats a longitudal engine? I dont see anything wrong with the proportions?

Means the engine goes along the length of the car to allow the transmission to power the rear wheels:

This means the front of the car has to be quite long otherwise the driver would be sitting on the engine

The alternative is transverse:

Which allows a much shorter nose

The 1 series hatchback is ugly IMO, I do like the coupe although when I was car hunting it was too new so I got an E46 3-series coupe instead.


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
Means the engine goes along the length of the car to allow the transmission to power the rear wheels:

This means the front of the car has to be quite long otherwise the driver would be sitting on the engine

The alternative is transverse:

Which allows a much shorter nose

The 1 series hatchback is ugly IMO, I do like the coupe although when I was car hunting it was too new so I got an E46 3-series coupe instead.

Hm ok. Personally the long "nose" imho is what makes the BMW so much better looking than all other hatchbacks (except maybe the volvo!).


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Hm ok. Personally the long "nose" imho is what makes the BMW so much better looking than all other hatchbacks (except maybe the volvo!).

bit of national pride there? :p

Volvo was first taken over by Ford and is now owned by a chinese company (looks like Saab will go to a chinese firm too)


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
bit of national pride there? :p

Volvo was first taken over by Ford and is now owned by a chinese company (looks like Saab will go to a chinese firm too)

I just really like the C30, especially the Polestar edition :p

Whats not to like?

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