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The only time i ever call somebody a camper if, for some reason, i happen to killed and there is one enemy left who is camping in the dumbest possible spot and my alive team cant find him. I never, EVER call anybody a camper after they kill me because, well, i cant get killed by campers.

Camping is pathetic. Standing still, and shooting at someone that walks passed you is an extremely weak technique, especially if you were once successful at killing an opponent and remain to sit there while his teammates are aware of your position. Also, when camping you are usually not certain when an opponent is passing by and you usually end up being surprised instead of him, thereby losing. If somebody is killed by this type of camper, they are the newb, not the person camping themselves.

Smart camping:
The only time i ever camp is in a smart way:

1) if i see some enemies are comming thru the entrence of a hallway and im at the exit, i may throw a grenade in there, take a couple shots, then camp in a place such that the enemy couldnt possible know im there. Then, i would fire at the first person, then start moving and attempt to take out the rest.

2) I am temporarily camping or are severely injured and hear someone comming my way. When i can tell that they are near me, i burst out, surprise them, beat the shit out of then usually without suffering any damage.

3) Camping, but guarding in a large area. For example, on the map assault. As a terrorist, watching the cameras and guarding the vents. Not sitting in one position for an extended period of time.

The above are how a smart player camps.


Why not just put your *tips* into one whole Thread? saves me reading more cack - its a pain



So camping is bad eh?

Oh deary meh.


Originally posted by Da_TOAST
because, well, i cant get killed by campers.

OMG, this guy is sooooooo l337.

Toast, ur probably a very good player, who is perfectly capable of kicking a fair few CS arses, but why do you post this complete tripe?

Are you looking for respect? Because, frankly, your going about it all the wrong way. Respect isnt gained by harping on about how great you are. Its gained by being a good player, helping n00bs and keeping your nose clean.

Having said that, no-one respects me, but thats cos Im shite.:(


I respect you, but you did offer me a job when things were going bad.;)


Top quality reply Willier , I respect you for that m8 ;)


I respect you Wilier 'cos you is Wilier :)


Re: Re: Campers

Originally posted by Wilier

OMG, this guy is sooooooo l337.

Toast, ur probably a very good player, who is perfectly capable of kicking a fair few CS arses, but why do you post this complete tripe?

Are you looking for respect? Because, frankly, your going about it all the wrong way. Respect isnt gained by harping on about how great you are. Its gained by being a good player, helping n00bs and keeping your nose clean.

Having said that, no-one respects me, but thats cos Im shite.:(

You got it all wrong, buddy. Along comes yourself, a dumbass, trying to explain why i post messages? I dont post this shit for respect? how fuckin dumb is that. I just write this shit to help unexperienced players, such as yourself, get better at the game. Why the hell would i want the respect of a bunch of lowlifes that belong to this forum (again,such as yourself)? I dont know you guys and gaining your respect would be worth nothing to me. Get a life bitch, and find something better to write about than resons for why other people write their articles.




He's a yank, we need to make allowances.
Fair play to him though because he figured out how to use a forum all on his own.


erm, well, where do I start.

Thanks to Itchy, Throd and Dolly.

Da-tossed. Fuck off back to the place from you came. Youve been here five minutes and caused nothing but aggravation.

If you purley posted your wisdom it would be OK, I know some of your tips may help some people.
But its the completley wank way that you put the message across that annoys. Why do you have to keep reiterating the fact that you are sooooooo good at CS, and yet, none (correct me if Im wrong) of the regulars have seen you play. So for all we know, you may pinch the tips from CS Nation, CS Central, UK Terrorist or some such webby, and be the worst CS player to ever hit the web. (actually, on second thoughts, thats me)

I hope I havnt offended you with my answer,:rolleyes:


Originally posted by Da_TOAST
The above are how a smart player camps.

I thought smart camping was like when you got 1 health left and you hide till the end of the round so you get to keep your nice new gun :D


Spot on reply once more willier :)
Hey toast bloke what hes trying to say is calm down with the big "I am" all the time, it endears you to no-one. Yes some people will find such tips useful, I myself would rather talk about the gameplay of cs than just nonsense, but DONT WRITE IT LIKE YOU WAS CHARLIE BIG POTATO!! It just makes you look silly ok?


Originally posted by throdgrain
DONT WRITE IT LIKE YOU WAS CHARLIE BIG POTATO!! It just makes you look silly ok?

Throd, whats that then?

(BTW, thanks for the back-up.)


Lol charlie big potato, aka charlie big spud aka jack the biscuit aka aka....
Term used where I come from to denote someone whos giving it large for no apparent reason :)


Originally posted by Da_Toast
You got it all wrong, buddy. Along comes yourself, a dumbass, trying to explain why i post messages? I dont post this shit for respect? how fuckin dumb is that. I just write this shit to help unexperienced players, such as yourself, get better at the game.

Lol so you wanna teach people how to play, i think the first lesson is Respect and Attitude... first learn that THEN tell us how to play Moron



I dont need and/or want anybody's respect in this server. The only reason i post messages is:

A) for the benefit of others
B) to seek different opinions on my views

These are the only 2 reasons i post those type of messages. You think im a fag? fine. You think i perhaps suck at cs? fine. I dont give a shit what you think. Also, when i talk about my skill, im only joking as in trying to sound cocky. If you dont like that well to bad. But why not reply or read messages instead of pose questions of why the thread startes is writing them. :rolleyes:


So.. enough of the French, whats that mean in english? :rolleyes:


He's american, and we all know how superior they feel themselves to be compared with all us 'dumbasses'. I was in Indinanapolis about 3 weeks after 11/9 (YES THE DAY BEFORE THE MONTH U DUMBASS), speaking with a very nice american lass about american foreign policy. She had a blank look on her face throughout that, she had no idea how America was perceived by other people.

DaToast is probably confused and upset because we don't take kindly to his non-cromulent ramblings about how we should be playing this game. He should wake up and realise that we're not fucking thick, and we're not fucking FAT either.

BTW I have a very good friend who lived in California for a few years, before moving on to Denmark. His friends in the US asked him if Denmark had running water and electricity. No, really, they did.



Originally posted by tomjeffs
He's american, and we all know how superior they feel themselves to be compared with all us 'dumbasses'. I was in Indinanapolis about 3 weeks after 11/9 (YES THE DAY BEFORE THE MONTH U DUMBASS), speaking with a very nice american lass about american foreign policy. She had a blank look on her face throughout that, she had no idea how America was perceived by other people.

DaToast is probably confused and upset because we don't take kindly to his non-cromulent ramblings about how we should be playing this game. He should wake up and realise that we're not fucking thick, and we're not fucking FAT either.

BTW I have a very good friend who lived in California for a few years, before moving on to Denmark. His friends in the US asked him if Denmark had running water and electricity. No, really, they did.


Well i have several things to say:
1) I am NOT an american but a Canadian
2) I, too, find that americans are ignorant. Although they are across the border than us, they think that people live in igloos here.
3) Judging by your comments i'd say you are the one who is Thick, FAT, confused and pissed off because North America has power and is money while Europe is much less civilized, more FARMERS, alotta old buildings (probably cant afford to build new ones) AND FUCKING COLD (well mose european countries). I know, ive been to england, ireland and switzerland. Fucking pussy european coutries need to combine forces and form the EURO just to compete with the US and Canadian expansion. Buddy, get a life and figure out what you are talking about and who it is you are talking to before you make an ass of yourself, as you did in this case.

cunt the fuck off:eek:

/oh my god u lot have corrupted me!


2) I, too, find that americans are ignorant

North America has power and is money while Europe is much less civilized, more FARMERS, alotta old buildings

AND FUCKING COLD (well mose european countries). I know, ive been to england, ireland and switzerland. Fucking pussy european coutries need to combine forces and form the EURO just to compete with the US and Canadian expansion

Mmm, No, No, and um NO

First, your callin the Yanks ignorant? Look in the mirror

Second, North America is a big country and the UK is fucking very rich for been one of the smallest Islands around

Third, Yes Englands cold, but you come from fuckin Canada moron its fuckin colder there than it is here

Fourth, The Euro is bullshit, just like you,


Originally posted by Super_Gray

Mmm, No, No, and um NO

First, your callin the Yanks ignorant? Look in the mirror

Second, North America is a big country and the UK is fucking very rich for been one of the smallest Islands around

Third, Yes Englands cold, but you come from fuckin Canada moron its fuckin colder there than it is here

Fourth, The Euro is bullshit, just like you,

Tell your fat bitch of a mother to get off her fat ass in her dairy farm, and shave her GODDAMN ARM PITS! FUCKIN SICK!


Originally posted by Da_TOAST

Fucking pussy european coutries need to combine forces and form the EURO just to compete with the US and Canadian expansion.

Err excuse me, but what is the usa but a combination of smaller states linked together for the common good of all of them ?
And canadian expansion ? Are you fucking mad ? The only reason we kept canada is so we could use it as a base for popping in to kick the us's arse every so often.
We dont do that any more, so making canada FUCKING USELESS to man or beast.
Look Ive tried to be nice to you but my paitence is at an end. Please do us and yourself an enormous favour.

Thank you.

[A&I]Lilly Monster

Throd/Gray/Guys don't let this guy wind you up. He's clearly a little kid who posted this thread looking for a fight, so he could show us all what a big man he is by abusing everyone and dictating how we should all play CS. Plz don't start with all the normal racist comments, it simply lowers u to the level he is on.

Lilz's Remedy for Forum Llamas:

Ignore, Ignore & Ignore some more. Once these muppets realise they aren't getting a rise outta anyone they tend to piss off.

Christ I sound like my dad :(


Yeah... lol just a gay fecker.... i feel sorry for the poor Yanks livin near him


Oh Im not annoyed at all m8, just pointing out some of the facts of life :)

On a more interesting note I just noticed you play under the name general zao . I musta played you loads of times and not noticed ! greetings :)


Lol yeah Throddy, you mean you ONLY just noticed?! lol, played you lottsa lottsa times, like with Dolly


Oh yeah, we have LotR again tonight in the EnemyDown Ladder, last time we played em the map was Dust2 and we won 44-4 heh, now its on Militia
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