Camlann Potential


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Personally ive had some of my most fun times in daoc on camlann.. even though I havent played there a great deal , solo/duo or fg and I think the server has great potential. However I dont see many people rolling there due to trouble with levelling/griefing etc

I basically want to know what/if any changes to camlann will make it more appealing.. for example

1. Safety flag available untill lvl 40 (currently lvl 10 or so)
2. ToA zones made non pvp
3. levelling bonuses
4. More distinguished guilds rolling there
5. fix of bugs... such as attacking people in BG and running through ports to avoid dying
6. buff restrictions like on classic servers in pvp zones

Camlann can be very fun as its easy to organise FG rvr in a particular zone (usually ligen->ardee or around cotswalds) and it opens up cool setup options

give feedback


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Decent changes although I would think /charcopy would be better ;)
Have the copied char start with no or a little bit of money and be deguilded (because else there will be probably multiple guilds with the same name which could cause bugs).
Would still not make people play there all the time but if RvR sucks they can always log to Camlann and try it out there without going through the hassle of levelling/ToA'ing and being killed without any way to defend themselves.


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Personally, I would not mind the server explode and disappear into oblivion.

On a more serious note, they should enchance the pvp reward/penalty system a bit different, I dont think a lvl 37 conning green to a lvl 50, having to pay gold to restore con after getting killed by that lvl 50 is fair in any way.
Also I think increasing the level of the safety flag is a nice idea, as well as making ToA zones non-pvp.

However, the way I see it, the biggest problem is the continuing griefing and abuse from the camlann players preventing more people from rolling there. This combined with the rather unbalanced pvp system.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Or just make it like regular servers where you cant pvp in normal zones and only in frontiers but its free for all there and you can group with classes from other realms, perfect ;/ who the fuck wants to mix pve with pvp anyway


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Coldbeard said:
However, the way I see it, the biggest problem is the continuing griefing and abuse from the camlann players preventing more people from rolling there. This combined with the rather unbalanced pvp system.

this is the standard answer from people who never tried to adapt to the ruleset but just figured theyd fool around to lvl50 and then own.....Its really not much easier to roll on cluster these days if you dont know people. No one form regular exp groups, you cant really compete without good items and ML10 (not much ml raids either these days). Even when youre ml10 and good equipment you MUST fight equal numbers at youre..RR1-2 or you get big amounts of crap for adding/zerging. Gl fighting RR11 groups with RR2 group or RR11 solo chars with RR1 one.

Had as much abuse af fins spot on Pryd back in the days as I had on Cam.

Agree on changes, and agree on the issue that a greencon should not have to pay con when killed. Also agree that the server itself is the ultimate fg vs fg playground as you cant whine on "mid is stronger in this patch!!1!!!"


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
or give us friendly fire on normal servers! (in the pvp zones that is) could then do something about adders then :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
Eleasias said:
Or just make it like regular servers where you cant pvp in normal zones and only in frontiers but its free for all there and you can group with classes from other realms, perfect ;/ who the fuck wants to mix pve with pvp anyway

Obviously 200 odd pepps that play camlann? :m00:


Part of the furniture
Jan 3, 2005
Succi said:
Personally ive had some of my most fun times in daoc on camlann.. even though I havent played there a great deal , solo/duo or fg and I think the server has great potential. However I dont see many people rolling there due to trouble with levelling/griefing etc

I basically want to know what/if any changes to camlann will make it more appealing.. for example

1. Safety flag available untill lvl 40 (currently lvl 10 or so)
2. ToA zones made non pvp
3. levelling bonuses
4. More distinguished guilds rolling there
5. fix of bugs... such as attacking people in BG and running through ports to avoid dying
6. buff restrictions like on classic servers in pvp zones

Camlann can be very fun as its easy to organise FG rvr in a particular zone (usually ligen->ardee or around cotswalds) and it opens up cool setup options

give feedback

Towns need to be safe zones, if any pvp occurs in those areas the guards run in and bash the shit out of the attackers. Whats the point of having merchants towns if you cant use em. This would also stop portal humping.

To be honest the PvP server was given the worse ruleset ever and then just left to rot while the problems weren't fixed.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 10, 2004
I'm sure I read about the attacking people in the BG being fixed this patch (or it could be next patch).


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
they fixed the issue about not being able to attack people in bg's, on ml runs you could never pbaoe as you would wipe the bg so that was kind of a pain.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
I've also had some amazing times on Camlann, one thing i would like to see is increased exp from mobs so it doesn't take as long to reach level 45+.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Raven said:
or give us friendly fire on normal servers! (in the pvp zones that is) could then do something about adders then :)

agree 1000%.

nf zones should have the pvp ruleset, you should be able to farm your realm mates :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
I found the idea of playing any class together with friends vs other was very interesting and I think they shouldnt have done the whole server PvP but only the frontiers. Maybe that keeps and towers would benefit guilds or maybe that they would just have a main bad guy that dropped great stuff.

Regardless I think the mistake was going from what makes DAoC the best plaver vs player mmorpg - seperate PvE and PvP zones but still easily accessible.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Succi said:
Personally ive had some of my most fun times in daoc on camlann.. even though I havent played there a great deal , solo/duo or fg and I think the server has great potential. However I dont see many people rolling there due to trouble with levelling/griefing etc

I basically want to know what/if any changes to camlann will make it more appealing.. for example

1. Safety flag available untill lvl 40 (currently lvl 10 or so)
2. ToA zones made non pvp
3. levelling bonuses
4. More distinguished guilds rolling there
5. fix of bugs... such as attacking people in BG and running through ports to avoid dying
6. buff restrictions like on classic servers in pvp zones

Camlann can be very fun as its easy to organise FG rvr in a particular zone (usually ligen->ardee or around cotswalds) and it opens up cool setup options

give feedback

1. Sounds like an idea but should it be possible? People turning the flag on/off? As it is now when you turn it off it is off but ding 40 with 0 RSP will be just as hard as lvl 36 with some RA's.
2. Well both yes and no. Fighting in TOA about the artifacts is part of what makes that server so lovely. You can't camp as it is now, even with recent changes, artifact camping is a no no on camlann.
3. Indeed would be a much better fix. Change free lvl to 3 days and increase exp/camp bonus.
4. Guilds has a strong roll on camlann doesn't really understand what you mean here.
5. The BG "bug" is fixed in this patch. You can't attack people in the same BG witch make both ML's and artifacts alot easier. Allthou they should fix so that artifact/ml's shouldn't effect enemys aswell just guild/group/bg. Such as the warlord abilitys stinks on camlann as you give the shouts to your enemys aswell.
6. Is BB's really that big problem? Only time I know we used them big time was in PvE anyway. I have no problems with buffs as it is now.

Nedo said:
this is the standard answer from people who never tried to adapt to the ruleset but just figured theyd fool around to lvl50 and then own.....Its really not much easier to roll on cluster these days if you dont know people. No one form regular exp groups, you cant really compete without good items and ML10 (not much ml raids either these days). Even when youre ml10 and good equipment you MUST fight equal numbers at youre..RR1-2 or you get big amounts of crap for adding/zerging. Gl fighting RR11 groups with RR2 group or RR11 solo chars with RR1 one.

Pure BS. Sure it is harder but not even close to what you describe. We gave Nexus high RR groups a good fightswith our semi equiped rr2-4 ml0 groups. Sure they might win more but we sure won alot aswell.

If you really think it is all about ml's and RR then you need to find some better players to play with in my eyes.

PS. I don't mean Nexus high rr/ml group stinks. They where great to fight and a challenge every time they are an exampel DS.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Deffinately think the idea of haveing your flag on in the home zones but full PvP in ther frontiers idea would work. Suggested that a few times before. No real down sides to it would have constent player to level up with lots of flexability with group set ups etc. Prehaps make it so players in BG's drop some kind of Df seal/Aurulite so you could gear up while PvPing in Bg's.

Would keep most people playing till WAR comes out imo.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
I always found the problem when I rolled a toon or two on Camlann was even finding an english speaking guild with active members. Tried on the forums, tried in-game, found one, had about 3 people in it and every time I logged on after that I was only one there :(

To get Camlann up and running would require either as someone said - a char copy facility, or a major crash on one of the other big servers that lasts several months forcing people over, otherwise with Classic and TOA servers already available it will just keep fading more n more..

Personally loved Camlann tho - insta RvR wherever you were, loved exp'ing and always having to watch my back - made things more interesting by a long shot.. I left and came back to TOA servers because it was soooo damn lonely over there.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Phoebee-v- said:
1. Sounds like an idea but should it be possible? People turning the flag on/off? As it is now when you turn it off it is off but ding 40 with 0 RSP will be just as hard as lvl 36 with some RA's.
2. Well both yes and no. Fighting in TOA about the artifacts is part of what makes that server so lovely. You can't camp as it is now, even with recent changes, artifact camping is a no no on camlann.
3. Indeed would be a much better fix. Change free lvl to 3 days and increase exp/camp bonus.
4. Guilds has a strong roll on camlann doesn't really understand what you mean here.
5. The BG "bug" is fixed in this patch. You can't attack people in the same BG witch make both ML's and artifacts alot easier. Allthou they should fix so that artifact/ml's shouldn't effect enemys aswell just guild/group/bg. Such as the warlord abilitys stinks on camlann as you give the shouts to your enemys aswell.
6. Is BB's really that big problem? Only time I know we used them big time was in PvE anyway. I have no problems with buffs as it is now.

Pure BS. Sure it is harder but not even close to what you describe. We gave Nexus high RR groups a good fightswith our semi equiped rr2-4 ml0 groups. Sure they might win more but we sure won alot aswell.

If you really think it is all about ml's and RR then you need to find some better players to play with in my eyes.

PS. I don't mean Nexus high rr/ml group stinks. They where great to fight and a challenge every time they are an exampel DS.

really doubt you understood my post. It was a comparision on rolling cluster and Cam, saying rolling cluster aint much easier if youre totally new.

But sure post an answer saying youre the man cause you killed groups on Cam before you had ml's if that make you happy.


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
how to fix camlann:

make it so you can only port while out of combat!!!

The times I've lost someone because they port away is just insane. :mad:

The changes you suggested are also nice though :)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Nedo said:
really doubt you understood my post. It was a comparision on rolling cluster and Cam, saying rolling cluster aint much easier if youre totally new.

But sure post an answer saying youre the man cause you killed groups on Cam before you had ml's if that make you happy.

I have lost to lvl 40-44 solo people with my 50 full eq ml10 savage. Where did I say that I/my guild was supose to be the better here? I just said that it isn't all about RR's and ML's. Sure they help alot but people on the right class with knowledge in how to play the class is WAY more important then eq/ml/rr. :cheers:


Dec 22, 2003
I'd roll there if my guild did, and there was a chance we might see more than just soloers.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I think the thing that would attract most to it would simply be to change it so that all the "home" zones are Co-op and NF for PvP.

It would allow cross realming PvE for the co-op fans (who aren't offered that option anywhere on the EU servers, but are in the US) and still give the RvR'ers a lot of space to churn around in cross-realm groups...

Yeah, some of the locals would whine about it, but would they prefer the vicious circle of "the higher the pop, the more opportunities/attraction for gankers and bind stone campers"? With the established high level, low numbers pop it's not really attractive to the sad cases who infested it at launch, but if the server were to suddenly boom again you can bet you get them all flooding back to make life a misery for the new/guildless/solo/low level players.


One of Freddy's beloved
May 18, 2004
Eleasias said:
who the fuck wants to mix pve with pvp anyway

people who believe that they're better than the rest? if someone is camping your spot, you wont have to leave and come back at night to kill your mob. just remove the player.

but for people with selfesteem problems, I can see your point clearly


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Succi said:
1. Safety flag available untill lvl 40 (currently lvl 10 or so)
2. ToA zones made non pvp
3. levelling bonuses
4. More distinguished guilds rolling there
5. fix of bugs... such as attacking people in BG and running through ports to avoid dying
6. buff restrictions like on classic servers in pvp zones
1. agree completely
2. well maybe
3. definately
4. no...
5. would be nice, but the interest in camlann by company reflects the interest in camlann by the players = low
6. ye. would be more fair if everyone just ran with CL buffs


One of Freddy's beloved
May 18, 2004
Dukat said:
how to fix camlann:

make it so you can only port while out of combat!!!

The times I've lost someone because they port away is just insane. :mad:

The changes you suggested are also nice though :)

agree ever so much :p its been an issue since before ToA, when people camped camelot entrance, but somehow Mythic doesnt seem to pick up on that :/ shows what a bunch of retards they truly are


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Nah porting is fun especially when a FG fully ToA'ed is camping Goth just to kill soloers, zone in, load chambers, unload on one of the FG campers, zone out with some extra RPs.
Shame I find Warlocks such a boring class else I'd do that the entire day long ;)

That's also one of Camlann's problems, people that feel the need to group up at fooking 5am in the morning when the total amount of people on is below 20 and they make a FG to wtfpwn soloers and then you wonder why people roll such retarded classes like Warlocks and Vamps because that is the only way to get some RPs off those people.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Andrilyn said:
That's also one of Camlann's problems, people that feel the need to group up at fooking 5am in the morning when the total amount of people on is below 20 and they make a FG to wtfpwn soloers and then you wonder why people roll such retarded classes like Warlocks and Vamps because that is the only way to get some RPs off those people.

agree those people give camlann worse(it is bad rumors as it is) rumors how the life on that server is.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
Maybe if you didn't have such a retarded class that fucks up a server like Camlann, you'd get a fg guild


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
See, whenever i complained about this before all the camlaan lot started jumping on my back with the whole "If you don't like it don't come here, don't whine!" etc.

It seems to me that the current crop of players on there don't want to mix it up with more than the 50 or so who are regulars, as they might find that they don't run the show anymore...

I would love to cross-realm, in both PvE and PvP, but without a "safe zone" then theres no point in trying frankly. I still can't understand why it's not a dual PvP/co-op server then it'd serve two customer bases on one tidy server /shrug


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
~Latency~ said:
Maybe if you didn't have such a retarded class that fucks up a server like Camlann, you'd get a fg guild
and here comes the camlaan backlash - it's not them it's US thats ruining it! silly us... :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
it is the camlann communitys fault. i've done my share of chasing people away by playing a WL prenerf. altho i stopped pking with it when it became apparent that the population was dropping

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