They aren't within reason though, that's the point. I don't mind a random calculator for crit amounts but he is talking about critical fails, so you cast your spell and just explode or Mr Roglord wanders up to you and one shots you through your carefully planned spec and equipment.
It goes against the idea of a hardcore game because any spacker can kill people through blind luck, or despite how much research you do into spec and equipment, gold you invest in gear you may well just slip over and kill yourself. BUT IT WILL BE WELL FUNNY ON THE FORUMS OLOLOL /Jacobs
It's retarded.
ain't that just assumption from your part ?
Could be, for sure. One thing that toally ruined War PvP was random crits sooo... yeah. Seems he hasn't learnt jack shit.
I thought that, they should have $1 - Get a free cupcake with our logo on it.asking way too much for silly things.
they did say they wanted feedback, i'd imagine feedback will be mostly negative based on that so doubt they will go ahead with the above.. prob have the same tier rewards but drop the prices abit.