Ask them Hawkwind!
Going up steadily. I do know a couple of guys who could put up the money and would not miss it. 200K is like pocket money for the weekend to them.
Hm, you clean tables for rich Arabs?
Hurricane on Saturn or Muylaetrix dream PBAoE? said:Camelot Unchained unveils new video, Mark Jacobs visits Reddit for AMA
by Matt Daniel http:// on Apr 29th 2013 5:00PMVideo, News Items, Family, Sandbox, Crowdfunding, Camelot Unchained0
The Camelot Unchained information deluge continues with the release of a new video and a Reddit AMA by Mark Jacobs himself. The video is a half-hour-long affair in which Jacobs provides fans (and prospective Kickstarter pledgers) with an in-depth look at the lore of Camelot Unchained and the myriad features that the game is bringing to the table. Also, as it happens, you can check it out after the cut.
Meanwhile, on Reddit, Jacobs stopped by /r/IAmA to answer questions from the communit. Suffice it to say, questions range from the standard, "tell us about the progression system" to details on server structure, maximum player population, and much much more. Surprisingly, however, horse-sized ducks don't appear to be mentioned even once. To check the full Q&A session out for yourself, head on through the source link below.
- Source: Mark Jacobs AMA
- More coverage: Camelot Unchained official site
Tags: ama, camelot, camelot-unchained, city-state, city-state-entertainment, cse, kickstarter, mark-jacobs, pvp, reddit, rvr, video, videos
Haha, don't we all. After a week of d0000m it actually looks like it will fund. So stoked. Mark Jacobs do you have some kind of contingency plan if it's, say, $10,000 short with 5minutes to go?
it will fund and this is why
he started it on april 2nd just after people get there pay packets
it finishes 2nd may just after people get payed again
those people who realy want the game made will have payed what they could aford in the 1st week and in the last 2 dys will know how much they can aford to plege again this is where the last 2 day spike comes from on most kick starters the people who realy wanted it will put a bit more in id say it usualy ends up being around 50% of what they 1st put in at least so in the 1st 24hrs of the KS there was what 600k put in so i would expect atleast another 300k from the first wave of backers if not moreput in by those from the 1st 24 hours +
and BLOOD get your butt on Uthgard Ickltasa needs a fighting buddy :-p
it will fund and this is why
he started it on april 2nd just after people get there pay packets
it finishes 2nd may just after people get payed again
those people who realy want the game made will have payed what they could aford in the 1st week and in the last 2 dys will know how much they can aford to plege again this is where the last 2 day spike comes from on most kick starters the people who realy wanted it will put a bit more in id say it usualy ends up being around 50% of what they 1st put in at least so in the 1st 24hrs of the KS there was what 600k put in so i would expect atleast another 300k from the first wave of backers if not moreput in by those from the 1st 24 hours +
and BLOOD get your butt on Uthgard Ickltasa needs a fighting buddy :-p
Pledging is not currently available. Check back soon!
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