Caer Benowyc

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Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
And pip, u even state in ure sig that u want more 1v1 fun lol? Thats exactly what they were doing..


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
Just because a few of us were standing at beno bridge and having a few 1v1's doesn't mean we rp farm or cheat in any way?

you're very weird... ever tried seeing a doctor?


Loyal Freddie
Dec 19, 2005
Gonz said:
Just because a few of us were standing at beno bridge and having a few 1v1's doesn't mean we rp farm or cheat in any way?

you're very weird... ever tried seeing a doctor?

he did and it didn't work ... belive me :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
pip said:
Just been there to see like 10 albs few mids duelling each other. Nice way to go all, cheat your way to rr11:mad: ok wether it's third party or not imo it's supposed to be realm vs realm. I added on 1 of the duels ROLF amount of /rude I got was pathetic, these people should all be stripped of their realm points, even accounts closed imo. Keep up all the great skillz you cross realming F**ks

Lets roleplay together, you and me! We'll conquer the world with our stronghold that is Prydwen as the base of our righteous crusade for RIGHT vs. WRONG!


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
oh btw this had nothing to with the solo zone Gahn is running. We just ran into eachother and had a few duels nothing else...


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Void959 said:
Not surprised if your rightnow was as incoherent as your whine-post.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Void959 again.


Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004
pip said:
Just been there to see like 10 albs few mids duelling each other. Nice way to go all, cheat your way to rr11:mad: ok wether it's third party or not imo it's supposed to be realm vs realm. I added on 1 of the duels ROLF amount of /rude I got was pathetic, these people should all be stripped of their realm points, even accounts closed imo. Keep up all the great skillz you cross realming F**ks

-No bbs were about to rezz peeps
-No outside DAOC communication was used
-No rps were handed out freely (maybe u qq for that since we know what u r all about)

Now plz go play with your dolls u stupid goddamn motherfucker (continuing on the 'Keep up all the great skillz you cross realming F**ks' quote spirit)

The fact that u play DAOC is a waste of bandwith that some need to DL pOrn !!!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Gonz said:
you're very weird... ever tried seeing a doctor?

Pip makes me laugh me and nuxtobatns-e having fights at beno, and albs don't add, that MUST mean were rp farming!

Just because people don't perma add and ruin other peoples fights doesn't mean they are cheating. If i wanted to farm rp's im sure i would be alot higher RR by now.

I like having 1v1's as it gives more excitement, you actually feel you have to really work for it and play well to win some fights, just say v a RR9 merc.
It's nice to get the adrenaline running.

Fancy to guess how long it's taken me to get RR8, being the majority of it solo? 117 days /played. Im preety sure if someone was to rp farm, it would take 1/4 of the time.

But because im pacient and try not to add, and aim to try and get 1v1's the rp's can come in slow, and just because i have got respect from albs, who know i solo alot, they then don't add on my fights, doesn't mean it's arranged at all. Just mean they have the decency not to add on the fights, and think for a change, o well what the heck, why can't i allow them to have a little bit of fun?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2005
pip said:
Just been there to see like 10 albs few mids duelling each other. Nice way to go all, cheat your way to rr11:mad: ok wether it's third party or not imo it's supposed to be realm vs realm. I added on 1 of the duels ROLF amount of /rude I got was pathetic, these people should all be stripped of their realm points, even accounts closed imo. Keep up all the great skillz you cross realming F**ks

okay m8 take a deep breath this might come as a shock to you, ITS JUST A GAME U FUCKING TART.


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
brad said:
Just because people don't perma add and ruin other peoples fights doesn't mean they are cheating. If i wanted to farm rp's im sure i would be alot higher RR by now.

I like having 1v1's as it gives more excitement, you actually feel you have to really work for it and play well to win some fights, just say v a RR9 merc.
It's nice to get the adrenaline running.

Fancy to guess how long it's taken me to get RR8, being the majority of it solo? 117 days /played. Im preety sure if someone was to rp farm, it would take 1/4 of the time.

But because im pacient and try not to add, and aim to try and get 1v1's the rp's can come in slow, and just because i have got respect from albs, who know i solo alot, they then don't add on my fights, doesn't mean it's arranged at all. Just mean they have the decency not to add on the fights, and think for a change, o well what the heck, why can't i allow them to have a little bit of fun?

Completely agree, well said.


Nov 28, 2004
Nuxtobatns said:
-No bbs were about to rezz peeps
-No outside DAOC communication was used
-No rps were handed out freely (maybe u qq for that since we know what u r all about)

Now plz go play with your dolls u stupid goddamn motherfucker (continuing on the 'Keep up all the great skillz you cross realming F**ks' quote spirit)

The fact that u play DAOC is a waste of bandwith that some need to DL pOrn !!!
Ho well number1 in rp list say no more


Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004
Zdeath said:
Pip, you have the I.Q of a shoebox.

what he said will answer the /stats Nuxtobatns allegation.
Also...learn to play if u want stats like that (and tbh..they pretty suck by my standards)


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
pip said:
Ho well number1 in rp list say no more

Name Guild Level RP Last week Class Race
Nuxtobatns Atreides 50 2,458,237 24,407 Shadowblade Norseman


Make us all a favour pip,

just join us! :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
pip said:
Ho well number1 in rp list say no more

OMFG HES FIRST ON /stats rp WHAT THE FUCK MATES HE MUST BE CHEATING ROFLOLZ! 5k/hr is some op'd shit too, he must be using some rp hax prog.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
I take it this thread is turning into.........who can insult pip the best.

Who wants to re start us of?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
brad said:
I take it this thread is turning into.........who can insult pip the best.

Who wants to re start us of?

well it cant turn into anything else when it comes to pip can it.


Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004
haha...tbh .. i am having a blast !! Back to rvr since a bit (seems a lot longer to me), an average day,some ok duels and Pip's rampage


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Alme said:
well it cant turn into anything else when it comes to pip can it.

You must spread your reputation before giving it to alme again.


One of Freddy's beloved
Oct 4, 2004
What a pathetic thread?
Pip, you sure must feel like a silly sod posting this!
I still havnt got over you moaning at people who suddenly stopped to watch some 1v1 action?
Get a grip on life and have another break imo... i think you need it!
I have never seen you solo and ive only seen you in atleast a 'trio' and most the time it has been adding on everything you see from a tower.
Let the people who want to have fun have fun and stop whinging because people are having a fair 1v1!
As said above... its not RP farming!!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
pip said:
Just been there to see like 10 albs few mids duelling each other. Nice way to go all, cheat your way to rr11:mad: ok wether it's third party or not imo it's supposed to be realm vs realm. I added on 1 of the duels ROLF amount of /rude I got was pathetic, these people should all be stripped of their realm points, even accounts closed imo. Keep up all the great skillz you cross realming F**ks
Just kill everyone not in your realm :)


Nov 28, 2004
Blizard said:
What a pathetic thread?
Pip, you sure must feel like a silly sod posting this!
I still havnt got over you moaning at people who suddenly stopped to watch some 1v1 action?
Get a grip on life and have another break imo... i think you need it!
I have never seen you solo and ive only seen you in atleast a 'trio' and most the time it has been adding on everything you see from a tower.
Let the people who want to have fun have fun and stop whinging because people are having a fair 1v1!
As said above... its not RP farming!!
Ok nothing wrong with it? I will bring my warlock,pick all the peeps from the crowd that I can kill+ be allowed to sit down have a rest bite and carry on:twak: Then get number1 on the rp list and try and look so cool:fluffle:


Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004
pip said:
Ok nothing wrong with it? I will bring my warlock,pick all the peeps from the crowd that I can kill+ be allowed to sit down have a rest bite and carry on:twak: Then get number1 on the rp list and try and look so cool:fluffle:

u r wrong actually...u give fights u want..sometimes even when a win is virtually impossible
and just for u to learn...i only looked my stats like half an hour or more after we finished there. its really secondary at this lv of play that i like to believe i am starting to get in.
oh and i died like 3-4 times and went back ofc


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
pip said:
Ok nothing wrong with it? I will bring my warlock,pick all the peeps from the crowd that I can kill+ be allowed to sit down have a rest bite and carry on:twak: Then get number1 on the rp list and try and look so cool:fluffle:

With every post it becomes more clear that there's no reasoning with you.

It's like my dad always used to say; "never have a battle of wits with an unarmed person." Pip's unarmed I'm afraid, and it puts those of us with the powers of reasoning at a big disadvantage.

Pip, you're obviously not going to listen to anything any of us say, so what is the point in this? You made this as a discussion and have found out that practically everyone disagree's with you, so why not act a little mature and conceed the point and learn from this?

You dont have to solo, but don't whine or report anyone else who does.


Nov 28, 2004
Like it or not you have a fight sit down rest, then have another fight sit down and rest again,so forth all day and I'm wrong to qq about it?
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