bwra3l : cpma or ra3??



Originally posted by A3GiR
come on..leaving a league cose it stay ra3 (when u played it in 2 last seasons) is stupid.
I don t think we can just ALL go to cpma so quickly..
it is already a good thing that there some leagues in cpma.
Obviously dont expect the leagues the change ALL to cpma in just 1 season cose it s not like a "simple ra3 update".

eventually , cpma might take over ra3 if it isn t updated..
so 1 more season in ra3 won t hurt u..
and u can play cpma in other leagues

I don't see what's stupid in wanting to stop playing RA3.
I'm tired of this crappy mod, had enough of it, getting bored of those pure servers where you can't see a thing, while in CPMA you have brightskins etc, tired of lagging when in CPMA I can aim at the player, tired of hitting air rox which do not make 100 damages, tired of fuckers maxpacketting @ 100 and pretending they have a normal maxpackets although I'm lagged as hell as long as they're near me, and so on for sucky connection settings.

I'm also tired of RA3's spec mode, admin mode, comp mode, all as crappy as crappy can be, I've had fucking enough of all this shit and of waiting for an update and bug fixes that will never come. We've been begging crt to have OSP implemented in RA3 for ages, he didn't do it, he won't do it, because he just have other things to do now and he doesn't give a fuck about RA3 and the RA3ers.

Even if he gave a fuck about us and / or had time to update RA3, he always said, and will go on saying, that RA3 wasn't made to be played competitively (yeah all of you wanting RA3 leagues, crt himself disagrees with you :), and thus won't make a thing to improve RA3.

I can understand that some people are happy with things the way they are, and want them to go on, it's a question of tastes, I won't discuss further on this point if people are aware of the improvements that CPMA brings. I won't discuss anymore the fact that some RA3 leagues go on RA3 instead of switching to CPMA, after if people want to play RA3, let them have their own league, as long as Barrysworld promises us we will soon have our BW CPMA pm 0 RA3 League.

But if you ask me to be happy with what RA3 1.5 has to give us, A3GiR, I can just disgree with you, I can't be happy with ra3 at the state at which it has been left to us (half-finished ?), and the only good way to me now, is CPMA promode 0, and nothing else.

Therefore I will hardly play any RA3 league from now on, except if my clan is involved in RA3 leagues (*sigh*) and really needs me to have a full team.


/me shares sansai's frustrations

:rolleyes: Fix are you likely to reconsider? :confused:


sansai :
i understand ur points..
Everyone isn t thinking like u
so best way to make every1 not too "unhappy"
is to have some cpma league AND some ra3 leagues.

if BW was cpma, it would had been the thing thing : ppl not happy with it and other ok with it.

u re tired of ra3 , then ok , play some cpma league.

myself, want to play both..i like ra3 , and i do like cpma even if it s different and have some advantages/disadvantages (plz don t come with the arguments written 10 times before :) )
i prefer bw to be ra3, it s my own opinion and i understand others dont agree.
Fixer had to make a decsion, and he obviously can t make every1 happy.


I understand that cpma seems very appealing, with all its flashy netcode (which i do rather like) and greater range of admining options but there is a main problem with it, its not ra3.

The debate about whether its better can go on forever because it is just personal taste, there is no right or wrong because no matter what you say about cpma the physics and general feel of the game is nothing like ra3.
Admittedly ra3 is far overdue an update, the netcode is very old and the admin settings need sorting out, but its the mod we have all come to love and just coz cpma looks great now doesn't mean its going to be great forever - what if ra3 is finally updated? new netcode, admin settings etc. everyone would have fought hard for cpma just to have to change back.

The problem is that this debate is ruining the community, the clans that don't like ra3 have voiced their opinion and they all have very valid points but the barrysworld league is staying ra3 so just accept it and grit your teeth and play it.
And as for this talk of "top" clans abandoning the barrysworld league because of its decision to stick with ra3 - thats silly considering that those are the same clans that are taking part in the Clanbase league, which is sticking with ra3 for the time being (tho they claim that they will move to osp when it supports multi-arena maps)

I am sure some witty retort will follow shooting down any points i have made above but i am voicing my personal opinion, accept it if u will.


fair shout vast m8.. i got into this debate in it's latter stages so my points may already have been exressed but... this difference of opinion is tearing the fabric of what is a very tight community.

True if ra3 updates it's code we will prolly all be happy bunnies...

IMO this mod|version of quake be it ra3 or cpma will live a while longer yet, out of all the mods, ra3 and cpma pm 0 ra3 are by far the most liked by the fun, tight community, shame to see the split of opinion but no doubt this forum will go on and on.

/me considers going for a game instead of spending all day reading this forum :p

ANYONE KNOW WHEN JOLT IS STARTING ITS LEAGUE? (wrong place to ask.... but i asked everywhere else.. talk about the blind leading the blind)


idea of ra3 being updated is a valid point BUT

1. its not gonna be updated, afaik crt is working on some xbox stuff

2. if it is updated its gonna feel like cpm and have less options. Ok so if u wanna hang on for this good luck but whens the next update coming? Another year, hmmmmm cpma is being updated frequently and when the community voices its concerns.

Clans will play in clanbase for practice with some large and v.talent clans not playing in uk leagues. Also when a3 compete we do it simply to try new stuff out for the uk leagues. Clans have left bwra3l in order to show their feelings on the matter. True it may be a contradiction but someone has to show their opinions more directly if we are to move away from ra3. The community is as u point out being ripped to pieces by this and for those who think sticking with ra3 is the way to solve this im sorry but i cant see ur line of thought. By sticking with ra3 we are further seperating ourselves from these mysterious dm/ctf players who some chose to ignore due to their feelings that ra3 is for n00bs. Clans will leave leagues either way you go but at least with cpm we have dm/ctf clans to populate existing clans and to create new ones.





:sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping:






And now she thinks she's Jack Nicholson in A few good men.

Or is that what you're looking for gorgeous?



Jack Nicholson is abit 2 old 4 me.

Not my sorta bloke either m8


Yup, cos he was the man that uttered the line: "Truth? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!" :D

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