Buyer beware....



Originally posted by Gandir
Hmm I wounder what would have here in Sweden if I sold my account and GOA did ban it. Since there are laws in Sweden that says that you can sell anything secondhand. And contracts singned over the internet are not lawfully good here.

The characters are property of GOA...

just because I post to barrysworld doesn't mean I 'own' the posts here...

*ponders ebaying his last rant at Ironheart, might be worth something*


Worth ignoring.


This picture of James Brown will surely lighten the mood.

There is currently a level 50 RR2 BM for sale on eBay, in Hib/Exc. Current price is £31.


It even has that nice picture of the guy with his name in a fancy faunt and "Mythic Entertainment" on it too!



nice to see the normal crap on boards. whats the big deal billy bob pays someone for account now has a lv50 to do umm go rvr maybe new places in si, why does anyone care. plenty lv50 running round these days not like they have a super char where everyone else is lv30. billy bob still has to pay the money each month same as everyone else, prob has to buy a copy of the actual software as well. as for all the whinning, all you ones moaning about billy bob not leveling himself etc etc, so your saying you never given one of your alts stack of money to buy all top kit, not got a friend to help you level quick. i lost track how many si chars i seen running round with higher level players.
If you dont agree then just say you dont agree dont go on about it like your some holy white virgin


Currently £175.00 First bid £1.00
Quantity 1 # of bids 19
Time left 2 hours, 7 mins +

Roflmao with around 2hrs left, someones about to flush £175 down the drain


Originally posted by Jupitus

and your CD key?
and your ISP?
and your credit card details for billing?
and your guild?
and your friends list?
and your mannerisms?
and other things GOA may check for that I don't know about?

Interesting that your sorc happens to be the same RR as the one advertised... that purely coincidence ?

Funny thing is if you really wanted to you could change all those details if needed


Originally posted by -Nxs-
Currently £175.00 First bid £1.00
Quantity 1 # of bids 19
Time left 2 hours, 7 mins +

Roflmao with around 2hrs left, someones about to flush £175 down the drain

used ebay couple times but was with a software company not private seller, hows it work if you just used fake info and put bid in for 175 when you didnt have it.


~~***DAoC - 4 Accounts - Must Sell***~~ $500

much better plus he will split, now where did i leave my credit card.

on us server though but thats more up to date anyway.

and on a hib server you can get 1000g for $38


If the buyer refuses to pay, they just get a bad comment, or worst case blacklisted, then they can just set-up a new account.

My advise to the buyer.... retract your bid !! its not worth it


Originally posted by Turamber
I actually said 'some' of the E&E ... don't find all that many of them posting up topics like this one on BW thankfully.

If i were a person completely new to the game, without knowing anything about it or the community or goa or anything, I'd imagine it would be tempting to see that character for sale and go for it <but not for that price heh>

If a few days later GOA banned the account, or the original user changed the password, deleted, whatever, then id lose that account and subsequently have lost however much was paid for it.

This post was made to reflect this. It had absolutely _nothing_ to do with whether the policy was right or wrong. He even goes so far as to say it!

Now then... selling and buying of accounts is against the code of conduct, and we can argue the pros and cons of this policy for weeks. That is not why I am posting. I am posting simply to warn any potential buyers that buying an account that has been so publicly sold would be at best daft, and at worst downright stupid.

If youre thankful that more warnings arent put up to prevent guys who probably dont know there nerfbat from their spiritgimp, then youre on your own there.

Now with this this lil quote thing here from Turamber:

E&E should represent the player base and not be informing on them.

I'd quite like to see exactly how this post offends that. If anything, this is potentially saving personxxx from wasting £175. If thats not representing the player base and doing a good job for the people, as opposed to against them, then again, please clarify me.

If I'm wrong and that quote and the general posts from you in this thread has nothing to do with this particular post, then I'll kindly refer you back here:

EDIT: And did I decry the work of E&E? Err no. Selective reading, back to school my lad and work on those comprehension skills. What I don't like is people playing policeman in this game because of some overblown idea of their own importance or to win cudos from GOA. E&E should represent the player base and not be informing on them.

And ask what the intention of your posts were. From the llikes of the brownnoser/tongue/other anatomy parts, I can safely assume that you dont like the job these people are doing <voluntarily i might add> and conclude that yes, you were decrying the work of E&E.

And regarding the accounts in general, regardless of what me , you , or anyone else thinks, these are the rules that were laid out when you leased your account space. If you disagree with that policy, then dont sign up. If you dont like their conditions of service thats your problem. Breaking their rules is breaking their rules. Some are more serious than others, but none are less important.

As a personal viewpoint on it however, I am led to understand that when a person cancels their account, the details are stored for x amount of time so that you can reactivate and carry on if necessary. If a seller wishes to leave the game, he could sell the account to a potential new player to the game, or just deactivate. If he deactivates, the option for that account to be renewed is still open, and newplayer x might start a new account of his own. <a good thing. 1definite account open, and potential to return at a later stage>

If he sells, the option to renew that account is lost, and the odds on person x coming back is greatly reduced. <not good. 1 account remains open, bugger all chance of renewal>

Added on top of that the other issues already raised, as potential for exploiting and businesses raising up and selling chars, then I can see why its frowned upon, and subsequently part of the CoC.

That GOA havent come down on every single account that has been sold or rumoured to have been sold, is an indication that Turamber is correct:

There are much worse issues - cross realming spies; use of IRC to advertise relic raids etc; account hacking; buff bots.

GOA _are_ too busy for looking into things like account trades, offensive names and the like. Thats what the E&E are for. Read what E&E stands for again. Eyes and Ears. For complaints and observing any game 'crimes'. So yes Turamber, policemen might be a good analogy.

And regarding the negative comments made against the E&E <specifically Jupitus and Brannor> The way i see it, these people are prepared to set time aside to try to help running the community for little or no reward and quite frankly, should not have to be treated like shit by you or anyone else.


<goes back to reading his 'how to disagree with someone without flaming' manual>

No need to go into personal abuse at any time <shrugs> What was a post about accounts and coc and shit had some unnecessary personal comments thrown in <And Jupitus - seeing as you don't actually play anymore can't you find somewhere else to post? > Reap what you sow and all that as far as I'm concerned. People dont like being derided. Human nature and all that.


Originally posted by Turamber

Get some English lessons :sleeping:

Sod it. the manual can wait.

Turdamber ffs grow up. txt speak filled with u and l33t and other shit can be laughed at, and 'proper language' requests issued.

mocking someone for not having a complete grasp of their second language is quite frankly a load of bullshit. if the only meaningful comment you can come up with worthy of posting is to take the piss out of someones language, then yeah, my respect for you just dropped bigtime. Something which I've had for a long time I might add.

I _think_ Liste is danish. He'll speak perfect english to you if you speak perfect danish to him. If youre not willing to do that, then shut the fuck up.


Ahhh Shaeffer - you spotted the point at which I stopped bothering :rolleyes:


my first ever flame :p

can i have a :hat: please?


Current bid £175.00 (reserve not yet met) Starting bid £1.00
Quantity 1 # of bids 19 Bid history
Time left Auction has ended.
Location Bath
Country United Kingdom
Started 27-Feb-03 16:29:51 GMT Mail this auction to a friend

Ends 06-Mar-03 16:29:51 GMT

Aww no one won the auction, reserve was not met when it closed... just ban everyone on prydwen who has a 50 sorc, 50 scout and 24 mins that live in Bath.. cant be that many.


persoanly i think reporting people for selling accounts is bit lame, but then its up to the individual. If you mates were that good then im sure they would of told you what they doing, unless they trying to get away from you :)

mind you the sell not sell argument will never change you either agree or dont its that simple.

im sure the comment about english lessons was just a joke since liste english does seem to be pretty good.



Was offered a large sum of money (£xxxx) for Usp's account if I could get him restored. Not that I would have sold anyway, just wanted him back for sentimental reasons.

Anyone who sells their account deserves to have it banned, and advertising on eBay...?



Originally posted by monkeynutter
persoanly i think reporting people for selling accounts is bit lame, but then its up to the individual.

I just get anoyed when someone throws some cash around, and gets some L50's for nothing.. They have no idea how to play the character and provide poor classes to group with.

For me the game is about leveling and learning your character from 1 - 50


Originally posted by old.Tyraette
my first ever flame :p

can i have a :hat: please?

flame-grats :)

you can have a


Originally posted by Flimgoblin

flame-grats :)

you can have a

i feel so shpeshal.

i need a custom title: Flame-Noob hehehe

am i the only one reminded of m&ms with that bazbeer?


Easy way to fix this.

Grant 1 first name change for chars.

I my self, don't see a problem in people buying accounts, as long as its from private people who put alot of time and effort into the game, and not like that company who exploited with macroing.

I sold my account and made a few bucks out of it. :m00:


Gandir says.

"Hmm I wounder what would have here in Sweden if I sold my account and GOA did ban it. Since there are laws in Sweden that says that you can sell anything secondhand. And contracts singned over the internet are not lawfully good here."

Good point :). It's such a refreshing change to see inteligent posts by inteligent people.

Unfortunately I doubt you could get that to stick. This law would only be applicable if
a) DAOC was distributed only in Sweden or
b) Mythic/Goa or its servers were based in Sweden.
In short GOA would be free to ban your account because this law could not be enforced upon then.

The EULA states that all disbutes are to be resolved according to international law. By agreeing to this you forego the statutes provided by your country, unless the conditions above were met.
The law that internet based agreements are not legally binding in Sweden could be invoked before the fact, in that you were never bound by the terms of the EULA as agreeing to it was never legal. However GOA could still ban you from playing DAOC because you never agreed to the terms of their EULA, and could continue to ban you until you agreed to the EULA in a binding manner. You would have the right to get a refund for DAOC from the retailer, but your account and all its characters would still be the property of GOA/Mythic. Either way you are still screwed.

I am pretty sure this is how it works... but international/Europen Law is not my specialty.

Aside from that your comment about buying accounts being lame anyways... that was bang on :).

Just don't try this in Sweden.


Originally posted by old.Tyraette
my respect for you just dropped bigtime. Something which I've had for a long time I might add.

To be quite frank I couldn't give a rats arse what you or anyone else who posts on this forum think of me :)

Liste's posts in this thread had nothing to do with the topic at hand, instead they just consisted of petty insults because I was upset when I accidentally gimped my character. If people are going to hand out insults they have to expect to get them back.

As for the other things you said concerning E&E ... I don't decry their work. Jupitus' work in connection with the guild bounty point problem was sterling stuff and benefited everyone. Unfortunately GOA managed to muck it up again :rolleyes:

I don't see any reason for his highlighting the Ebay selling of a level 50 account - it serves absolutely no purpose but to win cudos for himself from GOA. If people post things on public forums they should be prepared for people to post disagreements or even jibes over the way they express themselves.

If you can't live with it - don't post. If E&E can't cope with being disliked for acting like policemen - don't volunteer.

Simple really.


Originally posted by old.Aralik
£100 !!! sod off i sold my account for £20! lol.


x100 or so.


Originally posted by Turamber
I don't see any reason for his highlighting the Ebay selling of a level 50 account - it serves absolutely no purpose but to win cudos for himself from GOA

Then I suggest you didn't read either:

a) The subject name of the post, 'Buyer beware'


b) My initial post:

Originally posted by Jupitus
I am posting simply to warn any potential buyers that buying an account that has been so publicly sold would be at best daft, and at worst downright stupid.

I posted it as a warning to those who would consider buying an account to say it may contain characters which would subsequently be banned. It's quite simple Turamber, and I am suprised that someone of your intellect cannot grasp the concept. The fact that I am E&E is unrelated, although it may well be fair to say that those amongst the E&E team have a tendancy to want to help to advise people. The fact that I disagree with buying or selling accounts (the primary reason being the increased workload it places on support when those people subsequently moan to them that they've had their account hacked or characters deleted) is also unrelated.

That's all... the auction's over now anyway I think.


Originally posted by Turamber

Is that right Gimly? Well if you think it's true must be right obviously...

EDIT: And did I decry the work of E&E? Err no. Selective reading, back to school my lad and work on those comprehension skills. What I don't like is people playing policeman in this game because of some overblown idea of their own importance or to win cudos from GOA. E&E should represent the player base and not be informing on them.

But hell thats probably so far above your head you'd need a ladder to understand that. Go back to birthday parties in Emain with Liste & co.

So you didnt post this then..
Most of the 'eyes and ears' team could be renamed 'brown tongues' instead

So I'm guessing you have a selective memory ;) . As for the role of the E&E team I believe they should be a go between the player base and GOA and if i'm not wrong I think thats how GOA see them also. (but i'm sure you will correct me if i'm wrong.. then again you will probably correct me if i'm right)

As for the Birthday parties in Emain if you are talking about Kemors birthday, well I was more than happy to be involved in that due to Kemor helping a number of my friends who had problems ingame that he solved.

Selective reading, back to school my lad and work on those comprehension skills.

This coming from somone who could not work out the math for how much is needed to carry a ram. :rolleyes:



Originally posted by Gimly
This coming from somone who could not work out the math for how much is needed to carry a ram. :rolleyes:


Not maths - game mechanics, capped strength and all that malarchy.

Anyway, to my mind its better to have tried to do something for my realm than be an RvR shy chap like yourself. Just how long did it take you to get those 120k realm points? You must be so proud :m00:


Originally posted by Teador
All this hate.... :(

Nah not really. I think Jupitus is a top chap, Liste plays the game in a way that he enjoys but doesn't do a lot for me ... Gimly needs to get a life and stop being a twit :)


Originally posted by Turamber


Not maths - game mechanics, capped strength and all that malarchy.

Anyway, to my mind its better to have tried to do something for my realm than be an RvR shy chap like yourself. Just how long did it take you to get those 120k realm points? You must be so proud :m00:

Yes Gimly has 122k i think.. but also has close to 3 bubs of exp. So maybe just maybe I like to help my realm by joining them in exp groups and making it safer for them. With Shield 50 + 13 MoB 2, Parry 37 + 13 and slash at 44+10, and a back up of IP (forward ra planning there ;)) I am more suited to exping.

But then again maybe also it might have somthing to do with me making a minstrel and getting him to 50 (hit 50 about 2 weeks ago), does take a bit of time you know.. not everyone can do it in 3 days. Yes I know he only has 90k rps but that might be because i patrol the Alb Frontier with him, normaly solo due to lack of people out there.

Or maybe you would like me to just farm emain :sleeping:

Helps if you know the facts about me when you try to slate me.. but hohum.. Just means another Alb I wont group with as he seems a bit of a twit.



Originally posted by Gimly

Okies.. I will come and farm emain with you then. :rolleyes:

hehe, not been to Emain for months.

Need not worry about not grouping with me 'cos I'm really not that desperate. Look at the time you are posting on these forums, get a job and get a life before you start spouting your opinions kid.

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