Buyer beware....



Originally posted by Jupitus

Jupi is taking a break - do I want to come back to a cheat-ridden realm full of players who don't know how to play their class?

No... I don't.

Why do you assume they wouldn't know how to play the class? And although it might be cheating it's sure no more cheating than people who are power levelled to 50 in 3 days, or people who have buff bots.


Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
Turamber is such a sour, old git... bet he is an accountant or something in real life(tm). :D

Seeing as I've already posted on these boards that I am, nice memory :p

Jupitus, on the other hand, appears to be a policeman. Presumably the kind that likes to pick up motorists for speeding but has no interest in 'real' crimes - just ones where results are guaranteed and he can ingratiate himself with his superiors.

Most of the 'eyes and ears' team could be renamed 'brown tongues' instead :)


Personally, i'd love it if they did something about the account trade. Why? Because i dont like the idea of someone leveling to 50 in order to make money off it. The whole thing can very quickly accelerate into something we definately dont want to see. Something that might ruin this game completely.

I would estimate about 70-80% of the entire playerbase stays for the People. Imagine if you no longer knew who your friends was?

I've a few friends who have sold their accounts, and theres nothing more weird and annoying than to see these toons run around with new owners.

Finally, the inability to play your class, is a reason. Granted, someone might be a Natural Assassin/mezzer/tank, but i guarantee you, that the noob-ness is far superior in numbers. That includes being leveled to 50 without ever drawing a weapon or casting a spell.

Conclussion: I report the accounts i _know_ are traded. I will keep doing this, even if they dont do anything about it. Why? Because they will know which accounts is traded, and they will probably put that account on a special list, in case of troublemaking etc.

Do i care if you are a grumpy old man Turamber? No. Call me a brown nose, i care less. Since your weight lifting experiences, you lost some sence on these boards, and has yet to come up with anything remotely interesting.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Turamber

Seeing as I've already posted on these boards that I am, nice memory :p

Swear to God - I guessed... ;)

Yay! Go, me!


[Calm and reasonable]
Liste said it Turamber. If you think that the efforts put in by all of the E&E team are because they are all brown nosers then you'd be sadly mistaken as the majority are there simply because they want this game to keep a good community to it and not see it degenerate as some others have done.

I said at the start of the thread why I was posting, and that is as a warning to people who might buy the account only to find it has been banned.

[/Calm and Reasonable]

Fuck off Turamber and take your childish insults with you.



Originally posted by Turamber

Seeing as I've already posted on these boards that I am, nice memory :p

Jupitus, on the other hand, appears to be a policeman. Presumably the kind that likes to pick up motorists for speeding but has no interest in 'real' crimes - just ones where results are guaranteed and he can ingratiate himself with his superiors.

Most of the 'eyes and ears' team could be renamed 'brown tongues' instead :)

Funny how the accountant was the only one to notice..


Well given Niar was sold without GOA doing anything is was a much higher profile name and higher RR than this what exactly are you expecting GOA to do? :p


Originally posted by Danyan
Well given Niar was sold without GOA doing anything is was a much higher profile name and higher RR than this what exactly are you expecting GOA to do? :p

Was he auctioned on ebay?


A major reason for why selling accounts was banned last year by Mythic, and hence their contractors such as GOA, was to try disencouraging people making a business out of the whole thing.
There was an incidence where a "company" sued both Mythic and FunCom after said companies banned several players for macroing.
This "company" used macroing to powerlevel chars up to 50 in 3 days or less and then sold the accounts for a nice profit on ebay.

I can see why people don't see selling an account you've worked hard for is a problem. But when a "company" take it to an extreme I see why Mythic sets their rules as they are now.

Of course, the more noob high levelers joining Albion the better...
Midgard has for too long been a leader in this field :p


Originally posted by ApathyEndymion
Going by the R4L6, it can only be Psi or Dagitch. Or unguilded sorc or one with /webdisplay off.


prolly left a guild b4 putting the details up on ebay, unless they are very stupid indeed.


Originally posted by tripitaka

prolly left a guild b4 putting the details up on ebay, unless they are very stupid indeed.

... I'm sure GOA couldn't find them in the database directly and rely on chronicles information to see which character it is...

Edit: added the sarcasm tags for the thickoes out there :)


Originally posted by Belsameth

it's not that easy tho, as someone can always move, or change ISP, and thus IP

Its very easy to see who has "purchased" an account.

Just look for the L50 player who knows jack shit about his character and how to play it. Bitter... yes... getting quite anoyed at the higherlevel characters that are next to useless in groups. Either a purchased account or someone has powerleveled there alt. grrrrrr


Interesting, i had a 2nd account which had a level 15 char on. A friend who had left daoc for a while came back and tried said character and levelled it to 50. Meanwhile i still pay for the account and they send me cash every so often since they have no CC
In essence i consider the account theirs yet going off payments etc its mine

Wonder what the stance is on that ;o


Originally posted by Delket

Wonder what the stance is on that ;o

technically, illegal as you are lending out your account, had they bought the account from a shop and where just borrowing your CC then np, but it's registrered in your name and thus they are actually not allowed to use it.....

j000 d000d

Originally posted by Addlcove

technically, illegal as you are lending out your account, had they bought the account from a shop and where just borrowing your CC then np, but it's registrered in your name and thus they are actually not allowed to use it.....

But do you really think they are gonna do anything about it?

Do you think something should be done? :eek:


Originally posted by Delket
Interesting, i had a 2nd account which had a level 15 char on. A friend who had left daoc for a while came back and tried said character and levelled it to 50. Meanwhile i still pay for the account and they send me cash every so often since they have no CC
In essence i consider the account theirs yet going off payments etc its mine

Wonder what the stance is on that ;o
It's technically your account, you will catch any comeback off their actions.


I do understand the points being made about purchased accounts. But, unlike the brown nose brigade, I don't think its the worst problem this game is facing.

There are much worse issues - cross realming spies; use of IRC to advertise relic raids etc; account hacking; buff bots.

But the fact is that its easy to target people who purchase accounts - despite the fact that it does very little (if any) real harm to anyone. Would it be better for those characters to go inactive and be deleted from the database? Would GOA rather lose the income from subscriptions?

Liste - not aware that I had any obligations to do anything other than enjoy the game I pay for. Sure I was very upset when I gimped my character through lack of understanding of game mechanics (and a desire to help my realm) and that made me want to stop playing the game. Look what happened when Shike left for Hibernia - you disbanded your whole guild! When you move out from the glass house you can throw stones, k? :p

Jup - do you consider it mature behaviour to swear at people who have the temerity to tease you or disagree with you? In any event consider your post reported to the BW staff ... being such an advocate of justice and playing by the rules I'm sure you will understand :)


Jup - do you consider it mature behaviour to swear at people who have the temerity to tease you or disagree with you? In any event consider your post reported to the BW staff ... being such an advocate of justice and playing by the rules I'm sure you will understand

Well I would have taken what you said as an insult.. so for me you now deserve all the shit you get. All the eyes and ears seem to do a good job even though they have to listen to stupid comments from people like you. :rolleyes:

Jup: What has happened to Luna? not seen her for awhile has she taken a break for a bit?


Originally posted by Gimly

Well I would have taken what you said as an insult.. so for me you now deserve all the shit you get. All the eyes and ears seem to do a good job even though they have to listen to stupid comments from people like you. :rolleyes:

Is that right Gimly? Well if you think it's true must be right obviously...

EDIT: And did I decry the work of E&E? Err no. Selective reading, back to school my lad and work on those comprehension skills. What I don't like is people playing policeman in this game because of some overblown idea of their own importance or to win cudos from GOA. E&E should represent the player base and not be informing on them.

But hell thats probably so far above your head you'd need a ladder to understand that. Go back to birthday parties in Emain with Liste & co.


could care less what you think Turamber. You lost it long ago, and has yet to find it again. Keep it up though, you manage to look stupider still, everytime you post here


Turamber, read abit more on what the charter of the voulenteer team is - can't see any mention of them beeing the representatives of the playerbase - which is bloody diverse anyways.
Seems to me you have your opinion of what their role should be - that's another matter.

As for buffbots, no chance in any kind of hell that you'll see much done about it - even if you had the whole playerbase behind you.

The other topics I agree with you are important, but again - as I pointed out, the banning of account trading was put in as part of a way to combat hacks/macroing. Wether successful or not, or if it was fair to the average gamer is another point. But it's there, and we can but live with it.


Originally posted by Turamber
EDIT: And did I decry the work of E&E? Err no. Selective reading, back to school my lad and work on those comprehension skills. What I don't like is people playing policeman in this game because of some overblown idea of their own importance or to win cudos from GOA. E&E should represent the player base and not be informing on them.

You referred to us as the brown-nose brigade, that's pretty insulting... and I'd call that 'decrying our work'.

Jupitus is making a scene about an account trade because it's against the CoC, and warning people (quite rightly) that
A: GOA might decide to nuke the account.
B: The original owner might just turn around one day and delete your characters.

That's informing the public, incase anyone is tempted: 'buyer beware' as the subject is.

And as Hufner said, go read what the Volunteers are meant to be doing before telling us.


Even though Turambers posts are 99% bullshit, it has to be said, he does make me chuckle. :p

For what it's worth I appreciate the work the E&E's do to keep our game the way it is and hope they continue to do whatever it is they've been doing.

Except Brannor, he sucks! :eek:


Originally posted by Flimgoblin

You referred to us as the brown-nose brigade, that's pretty insulting... and I'd call that 'decrying our work'.

I actually said 'some' of the E&E ... don't find all that many of them posting up topics like this one on BW thankfully.


Originally posted by liste
could care less what you think Turamber. You lost it long ago, and has yet to find it again.

Get some English lessons :sleeping:


yeah. lets discuss grammar, because that is the issue. Numbnuts


Originally posted by liste
yeah. lets discuss grammar, because that is the issue. Numbnuts

umm, lol :)

The issue, as such, in this thread was the great evil that is account buying/selling. Some interesting points of view on both sides I thought.

Your issue, however, seems to be that I've not done anything to earn your admiration since I gimped my paladin. Well I'm gonna log into the game now and see just what I can do to win your admiration because you're soooooo important to me!

Maybe I can arrange a birthday party!! :m00:


Hmm I wounder what would have here in Sweden if I sold my account and GOA did ban it. Since there are laws in Sweden that says that you can sell anything secondhand. And contracts singned over the internet are not lawfully good here.

According to Swedish law GOA cannot ban the account if I do sell it what ever the EULA says becaus we are protected by laws that contracts cannot change to protect the consumers. And I would not think that GOA would like to lose all there Swedish customers becaus of a ban against there products from goverment side. So I would not care about it that much atleast from my end of the world. Not that I was going to sell it anyway, becaus I think its freaking nerdy and stupid to charge people for characters in a game. And its even worse with peoplet that buys an account with level 50 chars. Where would the fun be in that?


Originally posted by Gandir
Where would the fun be in that?

I know what you are saying - and let me say that I've never bought or sold an account so I'm playing Devil's Advocate here - but PvE does become very dull after a while.

Shrouded Isles has made it more enjoyable to be sure, but RvR is still what the game is about for most people. I can genuinely understand why people are willing to buy level 50's - it saves them time and gives them the opportunity to try out different classes and skills.

Jupitus and others made the point that they don't want to play with people who don't know their class. However RvR is very, very different to PvE. There are a lot of people out there who levelled to 50 but don't have a CLUE what to do in RvR. RvR a lot and people will learn the ropes, and that's whether you buy your account or level it up the hard way.

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