Hmm... so... you decide to sell your account, where do you do so? Somewhere nice and quiet where noone will know?
Don't be daft! You go to a public auction site where everyone can see!
Now then... selling and buying of accounts is against the code of conduct, and we can argue the pros and cons of this policy for weeks. That is not why I am posting. I am posting simply to warn any potential buyers that buying an account that has been so publicly sold would be at best daft, and at worst downright stupid.
If you think GOA cannot track down this account which has a level 50 sorc, a level 50 scout and a minstrel too you are blind. Furthermore if you think that they don't ban accounts where they know the account has been sold you would also be incorrect, even if they don't publicise those who are banned (I wish they would - public naming and shaming is always fun and it would be a great deterrent).
So folks... if you saw this and though 'ooo I can be an uber sorc', think again. Buy it and I reckon you'll likely be buying a closed account.... I just feel sorry for any poor sod parting with 105 quid who isn't reading this beforehand....
Don't be daft! You go to a public auction site where everyone can see!
Now then... selling and buying of accounts is against the code of conduct, and we can argue the pros and cons of this policy for weeks. That is not why I am posting. I am posting simply to warn any potential buyers that buying an account that has been so publicly sold would be at best daft, and at worst downright stupid.
If you think GOA cannot track down this account which has a level 50 sorc, a level 50 scout and a minstrel too you are blind. Furthermore if you think that they don't ban accounts where they know the account has been sold you would also be incorrect, even if they don't publicise those who are banned (I wish they would - public naming and shaming is always fun and it would be a great deterrent).
So folks... if you saw this and though 'ooo I can be an uber sorc', think again. Buy it and I reckon you'll likely be buying a closed account.... I just feel sorry for any poor sod parting with 105 quid who isn't reading this beforehand....