Broke up with the GF after a little more than a year.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
@fettoken - I'd really advise against staying mates, it'll just remind you more frequently of what you once had. I've got no doubt you'll disregard this, but I'm sure plenty of others on the forum can agree with me.

My logic senses agrees with this. Tho, i will probably disregard it because i like her too much.

Anyways. After all that talk yesterday about she wanting me to let go, and needing a break. You know, i called her yesterday and said that i would let go, and i would be there if she needed anything (the last thing might not have been too smart).

So, she texted me at work and said she wanted to talk on msn. What the hell? She wanted two weeks break, and i were devastated, and she now texts me after i have been through the worst (at least i think it is). Its kind of not nice, but i guess she needs to talk.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Thats women for you, always fucking with your mind.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Bad luck m8

Women: can't live with em, can't live without em

(well thats not actually true - one of my pals has been single for 8 years and is as happy as as a puppy with a squeaky toy)


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
I kind of agree with your mate tbh. apart from the first two years where my head was completely fucked, I'm great with the life :)

damn, I'm not even joking or being sarcastic 0o


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Bad luck m8

Women: can't live with em, can't live without em

(well thats not actually true - one of my pals has been single for 8 years and is as happy as as a puppy with a squeaky toy)

Yeah, been single all my life really. Well, i don't think i can count one 3-4 month relationship in 30 years as something needy :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
My logic senses agrees with this. Tho, i will probably disregard it because i like her too much.

Anyways. After all that talk yesterday about she wanting me to let go, and needing a break. You know, i called her yesterday and said that i would let go, and i would be there if she needed anything (the last thing might not have been too smart).

So, she texted me at work and said she wanted to talk on msn. What the hell? She wanted two weeks break, and i were devastated, and she now texts me after i have been through the worst (at least i think it is). Its kind of not nice, but i guess she needs to talk.

Noone can tell you how to do, but if you really like her that much, that's even more reason not to be mates. From experience, being mates with an EX only works if you genuinly do not have strong feelings about her or want her anymore. Otherwise the whole thing will only turn into a painful farce for you. Nightmare.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
do NOT talk to her on fucking MSN. don't fall for that shit dude. if you really like her, and she really likes you, then talk in person, in a neutral location. if you need to, bring someone along you both trust.

stop dicking about Fet, and I mean this in the harshest possible sense. if you're serious about shit, then you have to stop dicking about. tell the girl in no uncertain terms that you want to talk to her, and that you mean to be serious about this shit. if you really can be, then you can. if you can't, then draw your own conclusions and move on.

if YOU are serious, really deadly serious, then do not leave her alone until she tells you to fuck off. if you are NOT serious, then get the hell out of dodge dude. that will save you a shit load of grief in the future.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Noone can tell you how to do...

do NOT talk to her on fucking MSN. don't fall for that shit dude. if you really like her, and she really likes you, then talk in person, in a neutral location. if you need to, bring someone along you both trust.

stop dicking about Fet, and I mean this in the harshest possible sense. if you're serious about shit, then you have to stop dicking about. tell the girl in no uncertain terms that you want to talk to her, and that you mean to be serious about this shit. if you really can be, then you can. if you can't, then draw your own conclusions and move on.

if YOU are serious, really deadly serious, then do not leave her alone until she tells you to fuck off. if you are NOT serious, then get the hell out of dodge dude. that will save you a shit load of grief in the future.

Apparently Teeds can. :p


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
don't do what I do, do what I say :p


Part of the furniture
Apr 9, 2005
Women are fucking crazy.

My ex rang me at 2am once in the morning after breaking up with me because she felt sad...

The false hope given by acts like this is just fucking cruel.

I learnt the hard way, and you probably will too, you will never be friends because -you- will always want more than that.

A friendship built on the hope that you may some day magically fall back in to each others arms is no friendship at all.

Burn the bridge. Burn it fast!

An ex will only talk to you after breaking up with you to try and relieve some of their own guilt, in a mind fuck of all mind fucks them talking to you actually helps them get over you. Whilst your left in the gutter feeling shit and not moving on or grieving (yes grieving). Don't contact her, don't respond to her, if she really does care about you and theres any hope, let her see how much she misses you.

Word from another brother; women wont miss you if you are always there...


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
snap her fucking neck, women are cunts ony thing that are good for is a shag


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I learnt the hard way, and you probably will too, you will never be friends because -you- will always want more than that.

Depends on how sissy the man is...err..i mean depends on the person :p

My best friend is my ex, the only REAL ex i got even. There's no plans for re-kindling, hell i was at her wedding too and we're a close as we can get as friends.

So it can work, if you don't have some hollywood romantic comedy in your head like a girls blouse(right term?).


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I know how it feels mate, i also broke up with my girlfriend when Cataclysm exp came out for WoW because i wanted to get serious in the game again. I dont really feel bad for what i did. Besides she is still happy and now has a new boyfriend.

We were together for 5½ years and have a 4 yearold son together. We still go out in themeparks together with our son and celebrate his birthday etc. together too. Sometimes i do miss having a girlfriend though. But my son is the most important thing in the world for me, as long as he's fine i will be too.

If you do not truly love eachother you should not be together. If you feel the urge to do something else, go out with friends, play computer, do whatever, instead of being together with a girl, then follow your heart!.

You only have one life, live it!



Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
I know how it feels mate, i also broke up with my girlfriend when Cataclysm exp came out for WoW because i wanted to get serious in the game again...

...We were together for 5½ years and have a 4 yearold son together. ...

You only have one life, live it!




Can't get enough of FH
Jan 15, 2004
I know how it feels mate, i also broke up with my girlfriend when Cataclysm exp came out for WoW because i wanted to get serious in the game again. I dont really feel bad for what i did. Besides she is still happy and now has a new boyfriend.

We were together for 5½ years and have a 4 yearold son together. We still go out in themeparks together with our son and celebrate his birthday etc. together too. Sometimes i do miss having a girlfriend though. But my son is the most important thing in the world for me, as long as he's fine i will be too.

If you do not truly love eachother you should not be together. If you feel the urge to do something else, go out with friends, play computer, do whatever, instead of being together with a girl, then follow your heart!.

You only have one life, live it!

forever and a day i will remember this and think i was not as hooked on gaming as i thought i was. infact im seriously thinking of putting that on my sig

dont make friends with them as said by so many others all it does is offer false hope and basically fucks you up and lets them feel better about it all. tell her squarely its all or nothing your not interested in being friends.

i tried been friends once it was sorta ok till she got a new boyfriend and thats what did it for me, fucking tore me up inside and basically put me off women for quite along time ie my gaming phase.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
I think i need to move on, because there is too much between us, too much baggage.

I need to find myself again, and evolve.

I love her still, and she loves me.

If in the future, something exists between us then we will find eachother, or there wont be anything, and we´ll become friends.

But i doubt there is anything i can say or do to her to make any difference, it would just make things worse.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
But i just want to call her and tell her how i feel now. Fuck it hurts..


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 15, 2004
love hurts best cure night out with the lads, giv ya mum a call cos you can always talk to ya mum assuming ofc she is around and your on speaking terms etc.

do things you like to take ya mind off it, dont call. it will just prolong the pain m8

keep your mates around you dont brood trust me on this one i know of what i speak :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
forever and a day i will remember this and think i was not as hooked on gaming as i thought i was. infact im seriously thinking of putting that on my sig

dont make friends with them as said by so many others all it does is offer false hope and basically fucks you up and lets them feel better about it all. tell her squarely its all or nothing your not interested in being friends.

i tried been friends once it was sorta ok till she got a new boyfriend and thats what did it for me, fucking tore me up inside and basically put me off women for quite along time ie my gaming phase.

I could probably get her back anyday if i want :) But i'm happy for now. Waiting till i see how the Dragon Soul raid will be, and hopefully killing Deathwing!.

I guess this is what makes us humans different from animals, as we can make decisions not based on our instincts, forcing us to live in packs or reproduce.

Live your own lives, and do not judge people you do not know. :twak:


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
No, I'm sorry, but you're getting judged. You put a computer game in front of your family, basically. That is just unbelievable. I'm still calling troll and you have no idea how much I hope that I'm right.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
You consider yourself a devoted parent?

I indeed do, even though i dont live together with his mother, we still pick him up from kindergarden on shifts, sometime i deliver, sometimes i pickup. I see him almost everyday, and sometimes we take him to the movie together or other stuff like that :)

Christmas/bdays together etc. We're in the 21st century, people get divorced/seperated every second. Would i be a better person if i had left her because the sex was bad, instead of a WoW expansion?. (the sex was good ofc, just an example.)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Those aren't really strong parental values, those are parental obligations.

FYI; man standards of sex are rather poor compared to your female counterpart.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Those aren't really strong parental values, those are parental obligations.

FYI; man standards of sex are rather poor compared to your female counterpart.

Enlighten me, because when i do these things i dont feel they are obligations, i do it because i enjoy it and because i love my child!

FYI; It was I who left her, not the other way around.

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