Melee range might help, it seems the "Blaablaa notices xxx standing at the background and prepares to charge him!" makes him bug, i.e. the boss decides to charge out of world geometry or something stupid like that.
We had it bug a couple of times, we had it fixed about 80% of the time while we waited (ok its handy having an E&E in the guild at times)... We even had it bug up about 3 times in a row when the GM was watching ^^
Milky, if you PM me on irc, or here, or one of the other E&E, i can contact someone to reset it. Posting here does very little as I dont check this thread that often. A PM to an E&E will be 10x more effective at getting it reset
goa should hire some ppl for reseting this enc 24/7, The Final Boss Ice Test Mob or whatever it was called mob disappear thingy as aussie described is ZzzZZ
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