Bored Already?


Kicking squealing Gucci little piggy
Dec 24, 2003
I'm thinking that people in general expected a revolution rather than an evolution from Blizzard, it just didn't happen aside from Blizz implementing many existing mmo ideas into WoW and stamping it with their own lore and art design (which is still fantastic by the way).

The basic structure of the mmorpg hasn't changed since the the days of yore, if there were a parody of the genre it would be Progress Quest. Even SOE hasn't broken far from their own rules with EQ2, although that's a fairly uninformed opinion since I haven't played it, only hearsay from other people who have.

Sure there are some promising to break the mould, one that springs to mind is the mmorpg offering permadeath and bloodlines that allow for evolving family trees (can't remember the name for the life of me) and that sounds great, though even that sticks to some of the old ways (the skill based system it has was first seen in UO iirc).

Anyhow, I think the point of this was people expected some drastic change where it hasn't appeared to them. Myself, i'm enjoying the game, I enjoy the quests as much as they do appear similar (there's only so many things you can ask a person to do, City of Heroes is far more noticable in the quests repitition mojo) but the stories behind them are what keep me attached. Meh, WoW isn't for everyone but it's farfar from being a bad game because of the restraints of the genre :).


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2005
The game's been out for 11 days. It's a mmorpg with a lifespan generally measured in months, if not years. I refute that you gave it a good try, and had a good number of characters figured out in 11 days, unless you played the beta - and if you did, why did you buy the game?

/edit, bah posted too early.

Of course, if you just don't like it, that is of course your prerogative ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Just dinged 28 on my Warlock last night and i'm NO WAY near bored yet.

I'm lovin' it .


Luver of Buckfast
Dec 23, 2003
not bored at all

hunter now up to lv 25 and doing a lot of the things i did in the beta

The main difference now is Im just having a laugh randomly killing out big groups of mobs coz i feel like it and going slaughtering pigs to make loads of recipes :D

Plenty of content tbh in the game, like those big bad ass dragonkin u fly over on the way to IF from SW man they look cool

I think a lot of peeps just have too short an attention span


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
FuzzyLogic said:
Anyhow, I think the point of this was people expected some drastic change where it hasn't appeared to them. Myself, i'm enjoying the game, I enjoy the quests as much as they do appear similar (there's only so many things you can ask a person to do, City of Heroes is far more noticable in the quests repitition mojo) but the stories behind them are what keep me attached. Meh, WoW isn't for everyone but it's farfar from being a bad game because of the restraints of the genre :).
I prefer the somewhat repetitive quests to sitting at a camp for 10 hours killing the same mobs over and over and over, which is what a lot of other MMORPGs devolve into (for the daoc people think trees/goobos in alb, fins in hib or lair in mid and consider if wow questing is actually worse ;)).


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2004
Bored atm, I went away for the weekend and my RL friends have gone from lvl6 to lvl22, and solo'ing quest's and grinding is not fun at all by my lonesome selfy :crys a river:

Though i'm willing to give the game the chance to grab me but so far so not good, yet. - had a lvl 17 rouge on Daggerspine and deleted to move to horde, for some reason all 4 of my RL mates who played did, at first I guess i was expecting to get L60 first and become uber, but now i just want to enjoy the game with my mates, and with them so high lvl than me I can't really group with them anymore :s

oh well, gonna go find some meat for my new pet,



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
got bored of my mage at level 25 and rolled a hunter on friday.

just hit 26 and i like hunter still :p


Fledgling Freddie
May 12, 2004
Brynn said:
I have a level 21 warlock on Al'Akir.

A friend of mine gave me a 10 day guest pass, i played that for a bit. But got to level 21, with 170 engineering. But just seems the game is boring.

Sure it has its cool funky bits, some of the quests are hilarious (poison pumpkins) but it just seems ... dull now.

Is anyone else feeling like this or is it just me?

I think the exping is nice compared to daoc, but I feel my warrior is slightly weak compared to basicly any other class in the game :p, at least if i play dw/shield. Maybe 2h is better for warriors I guess :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 12, 2004
Compared to Daoc this game is very easymode in PvE :p Experience required for level hardly moves upwards as you level.. + xp'ing goes tons faster, as its hardly no downtime... myself ive found grinding to work better for me than just doing quests.... if you can get multiple kill quests at the same time, with the mobs somewhat close to eachother, or questing for new good items, nothing can be better than that.. but other than that "grinding" > all :)

Just dinged 40 on my Rogue


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
What Blizzard did (with exception of endgame, we havent seen that yet) is take EVERYTHING we like/wanted from a game and put it into one.

*Hated pushing button for crafting a million times? Create All
*Hated having so much downtime for mana/health? Drink/Eat
*Hated walking around like a slowpoke? Mounts
*Want something relaxing, but not tasking/money draining and also profitable? Fishing
*Want surprises and rewards while playing? Treasure chests
*Want surprises and rewards while gathering? Gems, messages in bottles
*Want a system for distrubuting loot in a raid? Auto Roll system
*Hated dying and losing eq/xp/camp spot? Walk back to your corpse and rez

TONS more, but its like they did a survey of gamers and took the things people wanted in a game and put it there, and took teh things out that aggro-ed them. Also put some new things in the game that people always wanted to have or makes life easier. Customizing your UI with all sorts of neat features is also a bonus :)

If you dont like leveling etc, then ANY game of this genre wont suit you. But even leveling isnt a grind, as you can do quests to help your xp go quicker. And if some quest looks zzz to do, guess what? There are PLENTY more quests to do in other areas. You dont have to do every quest you see, do the ones you like. You dont have to group in this game for good xp either which is a bonus for some people. And every class CAN solo. There are no weak classes when it comes to pve.


Dec 22, 2003
Well said Wyleia, i feel the same way. Still i discover stuff and think "Damn that's so smart" or nice :) I started fishing yesterday and it's so funny.

I think that people who just wanna rush their way to 60 to "pwn" have chosen the wrong game cause that's not what WoW is about imo. I'm sure Blizzard will implement more stuff in the future but so far the game is all about enjoying storylines, friends, professions and areas.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I may be bored - but i still bought the game yesterday....

because i made my gnome rogue with pink bunches :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Bored..???? BORED!!!???

Ya done the Hidden Treasure quest in Westfall yet??? One of my fav quests EVER! i got it last night for the first time...





I even gots 'Pieces of eight' (well 8 pieces of silver .. that'll do! ;) )

Totally brilliant... luved every min wandering around looking for all the clues to get the next part!! Genius questing :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
seems WoW is ok. Not mindblowing, but still interesting enough to keep me amused. I'm still lowbie, like my rogue, didn't like the mage much.

I dont mind when i get pk'd by somone 10lvls higher than me - hey i chose pvp server - but it annoys me that they don't get points, they're doing just for shits n giggles (and actually losing money from item degradation). I'm in desperate need for the honour system.

nb, some of the quests are damn hilarious - the rogue epic when i had a device for dealing with aggressive parrots made me laugh, as I often look after my sister's scarlet macaw which is enormous + aggro :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
I'm enjoying the game since it's everything good in PvE that DaoC wasn't. I'm levelling very slowly and, in all honesty, feeling better for it. It's nice to play a game in a relaxing way knowing that, in order to xp, you don't need to be in location x with a group who happen need class x. If I want to quest I'll do that, if I want to solo I'll do that and I've spent hours doing nothing but exploring since the world is so pretty :) Because when I do xp it seems pretty fast it seems much more fun than DaoC I feel less pressure to set and hit targets for myself. Everyone in the game appears to level faster than I do but this suits me entirely since I'm now a "casual" player in all senses!


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
seems i have quit already and i didnt even realise untill i logged in, jumped up n down and logged out again.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
tris- said:
seems i have quit already and i didnt even realise untill i logged in, jumped up n down and logged out again.

had the same problem for 2 days but when I took a small break I found out that it was because I was pushing myselves too far to level fast in the game. Now Im content with just a level a day (at 23 :p) and Im enjoying it mutch more. Doing 1 quest at a time instead of turning my head over how I can multiple quests at the same time,taking my time to level crafts, stopping to help others that need help with quests that I have allrdy done etc.


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
Seems to be the hardcore DAoC addicts that have got bored. But then one is not surprised, these are the same people who enjoy ToA and NF. They wouldn't know a good game if it bit 'em on the ass :m00:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Turamber said:
Seems to be the hardcore DAoC addicts that have got bored. But then one is not surprised, these are the same people who enjoy ToA and NF. They wouldn't know a good game if it bit 'em on the ass :m00:

i couldn't stand TOA and NF :p

[TB] Benedictine

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I wouldn't pay too much attention to some of these bored posts (1 in particular has a' hate WoW love DAOC complex)

There are thousands and thousands of people who are not bored and have crossed over from various other games - in particular DAOC.

In my own guild which is one of the biggest on the server we have a fair representation of casual and hardcore players from all backgrounds - not one has said 'I am bored/I quit' or anything like that.

Quite frankly, if people are saying they're bored after a couple of weeks that says more about them than it does about the game....


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
wtf? ok, im not hard core. i play a few hours every day/other day. i didnt play daoc hard core, took me 2 years for 1 level 50 armsman.

now tell me mr know it all - what does it say about me?

we asked the audience - what 5 things does it say about you when you dont like wow?

you said: it means they are lesser of a person then someone who likes wow.

our survery said - ner nerrr.

some of the things the audience said - they just dont like it, it wasnt what they thought it would be.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Personally i love WoW, the game is incredibly well created (except the pvp, but thats a different conversation) and i loved exploring the world of azeroth for a while.

I found, and i think im probably not alone in this, that after games like DAoC, EQ, FFXI, SWG etc i am simply burnt out on this genre of game, the comment "Same shit, different fluff" pretty much summs it up for me.

I am not bored with wow as such, yet i dont play as i am more bored with fantasy mmogs in general right now and probably won't play them again until something really awe-inspiring is released.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 2, 2004
we asked the audience - what 5 things does it say about you when you dont like wow?
some of the things the audience said - they just dont like it, it wasnt what they thought it would be.

This test is largely irrelevant as it is something you'll get with *any* game that gets released, no matter how great it is. On many forums DAoC got totally panned after release for example.

The question is what is the rate between the people who like it and dislike it and so far I have the impression WoW scores very high, the highest for any MMORPG in a long long time (probably since UO).
This is reflected in record sales and high retention figures in the USA, sorry DAoC peeps but in the USA there wasn't a mass exodus of bored WoW players after a couple of weeks/months, so far the retention rate for WoW has been really high for a newly released MMORPG.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 4, 2004
my play time is slowly reducing to an hour or 2 a day but that is expected, not bored of it at all tho, lovin it, just got more important things going on.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Ive also lessened my playtime now after level 40, but that was expected and more or less the plan - to play lots first week/weeks and then do other stuff again :)

Character is 44 now and ive only played a couple hours a day the last couple days, which feels more healthy than 8+ hours per day :eek: I dont feel that "mustplay" feeling i had the first few days, but when i do sit down to play i have fun. Still dont know what kind of staying power the game will have, but ill just play until its not fun anymore.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
[TB] Benedictine said:
Quite frankly, if people are saying they're bored after a couple of weeks that says more about them than it does about the game....

Not necessarily. It may be they have chosen the wrong type of game for them.

Some may find the graphics quality not to their standard, preferring DAOC or EQ2. some may try out a toon and play till 10 - get bored, try another toon till 10, but not say this in their post.

Its swings and roundabouts. for every one person who gets bored, there are probably 5 who are loving it :)

But to say its the person just because they get bored easily, sounds very vindictive. In one way it is the person because they get bored easily. They may not have a long attention span. so what? no need to criticise them for it.

Everyone is entitled to give WOW a go. Its their money. let them have a play / not have a play without having a go at them.

Its all about preference too - you like the game. but that doesn't mean someone else has to. Its good to be individual sometimes, and to have a different point of view. We don't all want to be clones.

And just for information. Yes - i'm enjoying WOW. I'm just seeing things from a anothers perspective.

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