Blitz Signing Off!

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Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
Melachi said:
Censi, I know it may seem like I'm stalking you, but I'm not. It just really annoys me when you try to bullshit people.

The purest solo ranger, back in the days? What? The few months? You took the easy route aswell, zerg to rr9Lx and then solo too rr10, oh whopdi woo, you could get rps on a rr9lx ml10 ranger, it's not like they can be god in the stealthwars.

Tell me, how fun do you think it is for us middies, who while trying to make it too docks, get zerged by your bunch of high moral ground hypocrites.

Or it makes you spout an amazing ammount of crap, about how the real devil is doorstepping. Lets face it your a zergling Censi, who somehow manages to get peoples attention when your preaching about honorable play.

Yeah, the soloing made you zerg lol. You zerged for 9 realm ranks, then you solo'ed a little, now your back to zerging.

Ive got no problem with how you play Censi, after all I'd say the majority of players in this game actually more than happy to zerg like yourself. But for the love of god, admit it and stop being so full of shit.

Have u atleast played 1 day on excalibur? cause from what i remember ur from prydwen in OF or before cluster


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
I think more people would solo if it was rewarding to do so, atm its not.

well in one way it kinda is, in another it isnt. :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Vladamir said:
I blame the Shikezerg for Blitz's quitting! :D

Actually I think I solo but, zergs always add on me, you referring to that zerg? :)


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Shike said:
Actually I think I solo but, zergs always add on me, you referring to that zerg? :)

Thats what the pills keep telling you :(


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Vladamir said:
Thats what the pills keep telling you :(

no the pills tell me Brite is a lesbian, Endac is a good SB and albs are brave.. Dno which is worse tbh.


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
i've never met you (that i know of, you might have flattened my huntress a cpl of times but so does every one else:)) but judging from your FH post that i've read you seem like a really nice fellow with a very good attitude towards the game. sad to see you leave :(


Can't get enough of FH
Aug 6, 2004
Razemouze said:
Ohh and btw. No respect to Kilsimba, worst stealtherzerger ever!
<3 Blitz
hmm only now u found out but still u need add more skills there runner adder ....


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
every player pays subscription , they can play game what ever way they find fun , this doesnt prevent them from being considerate towards other people playing game in different ways thou.

there is no moral high ground , its about how you play the game you play with the other players.


Loyal Freddie
Jul 29, 2004
Dont Go Just Yet

Dont leave just yet or say Goodbye for Good. Ride out the storm a little and roll a new char, take a break for a few months and go pve. Maybe even try another realm and look at the scenery hib and mid have to offer. Its very frustrating at times rvr and the game will always have people adding from other realms whether its Hibs, Albs or Mids. There are still respectful players out there who do have some ettiquette and there are players who will learn that ettiquette the longer they play and get to know what stealther life is all about. We have lost far too many decent players over the last year/year and a half and it would be a shame to lose you. Maybe some of them will come back for a while and remind us how much fun rvr stealth wars used to be. Half of the battle though is trying to get the fight over with before enemy traffic comes your way which is the frustrating side to it.
There are some cracking low-mid realm rank stealthers coming through the ranks (Stop Pa'ing me Fortinbrae :))from all the realms who can play there chars very well. Also the cluster has been a good thing as it has introduced some stealthers with the same beliefs as we think.
If you do go i will say this. You will be missed by the old schoolers and whatever you decide to do instead <Space-Invaders?> you will be missed old friend. I would have liked to have met you in IRC to discuss the amount of adds and lucky evades i got against ya :)

Take care bud!!


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Gladiator, the first complete pink dye'ed Armsman :)
Shame to see you go was fun back then especially those duels vs Hibs/Mids late night near APK a long long time ago.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 15, 2004
1st and only time i met you was in Bled yesterday while duoing with Censi, you gave him a great fight and were completely owning tbh;) Regretabally i had to
intervine as censi was my tag partner, but in my eyes you were the only winner!

As for quiting due to the zergs / and adds, ill tell you this from what ive experienced... it wont get any better. In fact as a stealther now you just have to admit that this is the life you lead. Its a road of frustration, anger, rage but also has incredible gameplay highs. (Of which i dont think any stealther will disagree).

From reading what you typed i dont think youll quit long term, it seems to me that your a hardcore stealther player at heart with alot of ingame friends that will really miss you.

Dont retire that bow just yet:touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 20, 2004
Cya mate and good luck best scout i seen play this game and i hope you will come back someday as i may come back too someday:)


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 13, 2005
A quick comment, people tend to turn threads into whine, and this one has dwindled towards the stealther solo issue ect. I know you mentioned the topic but there's a diffrence between listing reasons and whining about pointless things. Cut the whine, there's a lot of external programs or a button called 'New Thread' if you have an urgent need to discuss any offtopic issues.

Only encountered you a few times, and I doubt it was of any particular remembrance, so I'm gonna make it short - HF in rl mate, I'm sure you'll find your way and the best of luck to you.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 11, 2005
Had some damn good fights with you m8, glad i gave up the stealth thing when i did though.

If you ever fancy visiting hib again (& ill prolly get kicked in the nuts by guildies for saying this) but gimme a /send & ill invite you to guild ..... its full of those damn smelly albs anyways, one more wont hurt ;)

Good luck & take care.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004

if I was being conservative I would say Ive solod at least 3 mill of my 6.1 mill. That is a guess, but its prolly accurate could be higher but wont be lower. I got around 600 solo kills which would probably (who knows) put me in the top ten of solo kills on the cluster (i dunno could be a lot lower in the rankings) Thats not perfect, lots of my RP has been got playing the game with friends, stealth zergging, the realm point I earn with people in post mortem I am proud to spend, they are my in game friends and RVRing with them is the whole reason the guild was set up.....

Now im delighted that your newbie lowbie SB has solod what 500k? but tbh in the big scheme of things thats just another piss ant newb in the pond. Ill only appreciate critism from players that have solo'd more than me. Atm cant think of too many of them, certainly not you though.

My post to the dude is completly valid. He steam rollered me in full groups on his sorc. Fine, if he wants to play solo now (a bit like me I went through a spell of only soloing tbh, after a long spell of zergging) then know that it suxs... Its not easy, its not plesent, its certainly isnt fair... but there are some rewards for doing it, that you get respect, an you get some nice footage, and you get the challenge factor!....

My opinion of most players that play visuals then all of a sudden decide they fancy a trot on a stealther is that they are in for a shock.... This shock will make most of them quit within a month... this dude even earlier.

ipso facto.


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
censi said:
My opinion of most players that play visuals then all of a sudden decide they fancy a trot on a stealther is that they are in for a shock.... This shock will make most of them quit within a month... this dude even earlier.

ipso facto.

i might be wrong but i think blizard played scout more than a month


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
I think he dusted down the character TOA'd and re-templated it to play solo if im reading it right.

I mean I had a hero for 3 years but I aint really played a hero for 3 years type thing.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 30, 2003
I solo'ed. Not that hard...

I grp'ed. When all others did. Not that hard...

Simple rule: Do what they do, don't do what they say. And you'll find the game to be more fun for you.


One of Freddy's beloved
Oct 4, 2004
Ive played my Scout 90% of the time since ToA was released.
I was RR3l6 when ToA came out but i had made my Scout and got him to 50 within the 1st year of DAoC being released.
Only reason why i never played her that much before ToA was due to the fact that i never had a Buffbot and playing any archer without a buffbot is suicide! ;) I should know lol.
It was only up until a couple of months ago where i decided to go for a mele spec Scout as im reaching realm rank 8.
My old template what i had been using was ok and got me alot of kills ofc but when it came down to mele and 99% of my fights did... then i would have a 40%-50% chance of winning. I needed to increase this by alot as my playstyle was always about hunting other stealthers, not solids.
Once i finally got my template sorted and lvled my artifacts up, i respeced my skills and i couldnt believe the difference.
People who say scouts cant mele need to watch a mele scout in action :D

Anyway, back to topic, thanks again guys, Caestar, Dard, etc. You guys made the game worth while for me as i knew that even if we fought and 1 of us died, we still respected one another and i could tell that you aswell as i wouldnt have any hard feeling apart from.... ill get u next time speech :clap:

Maybe as i have said earlier in the thread that once Darkness Rising is here and people realise that Classic is boring... then we may see alot more of the people return back and there will be alot more people to kill <fingers crossed> If this is the case, then i may return but lets just wait and see.

Until then... bye. <hugs>


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
censi said:

if I was being conservative I would say Ive solod at least 3 mill of my 6.1 mill. That is a guess, but its prolly accurate could be higher but wont be lower. I got around 600 solo kills which would probably (who knows) put me in the top ten of solo kills on the cluster (i dunno could be a lot lower in the rankings) Thats not perfect, lots of my RP has been got playing the game with friends, stealth zergging, the realm point I earn with people in post mortem I am proud to spend, they are my in game friends and RVRing with them is the whole reason the guild was set up.....

Now im delighted that your newbie lowbie SB has solod what 500k? but tbh in the big scheme of things thats just another piss ant newb in the pond. Ill only appreciate critism from players that have solo'd more than me. Atm cant think of too many of them, certainly not you though.

My post to the dude is completly valid. He steam rollered me in full groups on his sorc. Fine, if he wants to play solo now (a bit like me I went through a spell of only soloing tbh, after a long spell of zergging) then know that it suxs... Its not easy, its not plesent, its certainly isnt fair... but there are some rewards for doing it, that you get respect, an you get some nice footage, and you get the challenge factor!....

My opinion of most players that play visuals then all of a sudden decide they fancy a trot on a stealther is that they are in for a shock.... This shock will make most of them quit within a month... this dude even earlier.

ipso facto.
What comp bollox yet again.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 5, 2004
Blizard said:
Blitz -Scout-RR7L6

you know, i might be wrong, but like, 4-5 days ago i roam around dun Crau, at a razed tower, i find a rr2 stealther, i unpop him and thinking ill acsually kill him, then suddently i see your name shooting me, along with 4 other scout's....

now.... :m00:

isn't that adding? :touch:


One of Freddy's beloved
Oct 4, 2004
Nichii said:
you know, i might be wrong, but like, 4-5 days ago i roam around dun Crau, at a razed tower, i find a rr2 stealther, i unpop him and thinking ill acsually kill him, then suddently i see your name shooting me, along with 4 other scout's....

now.... :m00:

isn't that adding? :touch:

Hi there Nichii,
If i saw you fighting 1v1 mate, theres no way i would have added so unless you were fighting at the same time as your fellow hibs were fighting albs then i supose its a free for all as i would have thought you were just part of the hib zerg at that time. I do appoligise if it was me but i was only at DC 1 night which was Friday night. I believe there was about 2 fg Hibs and 2-3 fg albs at the time if im correct.


names in your sig bring memories back tbh... Gladiator and the other polearms you were always with (forgot name) think i might of grouped with your scout and two other scouts in emain when i was like lvl30, chole.. think that was the theurgist in loe? (could of been chloe, infact everything could be wrong was a long time ago ):p
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