Blitz Signing Off!

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Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
hf irl :). Don't worry about peeps moaning about playstyle in early days, everyone acts like noobs then, just some prefer to forget (ho ho respected rvr guilds running with stealth adds on stick).


Loyal Freddie
Aug 7, 2004
Always sad to see a decent chap leave. Brad, Mactavish has his pole ready for you any time as usual. Game is not designed to be played solo so we solo'ers just have to grin and bare it and look out for each other.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
Straef yah i can do that once every 15 mins :mad:

/edit if u where refearing to the scout i guess he is worse off then me when it comes to handling adds ;<
Yes, it was aimed at the scout, but you need to toughen up aswell, now you mention it :D


Loyal Freddie
Jan 30, 2004
Good luck with whatever you do. It's a shame your leaving because of getting perma ganked. I know how you feel on that level. Recently i have been having fun with a RR10 SB, RR9 Hunter, and RR8 hunter all on's sad, it really is. Bet the 3 of those beating my lowbie inf down really do get off on it.


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Goodbye to a really old mate... has been a really good laugh meeting you bud =]

Gl irl.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
I can't believe the QQ.

So the game means different things to different people and that can change as they play. So some like 1 vs 1 and some like fg vs fg. Others like group stealth vs group stealth. Some change and want to try a new thing some want to change and play solo. Some cannot let them or forgive them for past trangressions. Such a load of shit tbh.

Straef got it right enjoy what you do mate and hopefully you will come back once you feel better.


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 11, 2004
Take a break then roll an infi, and play your scout more relaxed till maybe one day its more solo friendly.

As much as adding scouts wind me up, its obvious they must be shit to try and play solo (alot worse than the other realms archers).


One of Freddy's beloved
Oct 4, 2004
Thanks for the kind words guys. It means a lot.
Ill keep a look on the status of the server when Darkness Rising comes out and see if a lot of people come back from Classic.
If the population increases, then maybe, just maybe ill come back and try it again.
As for Censimilia<sp?>, well i believe we have had 3 fights, 2 of which i have won and 1 which i would have but you had ya mate take me down when you got to about 10% hit points.
Its no problem though as i could see you were duoing. It was a good fight and i believe i managed to get ya NS buddy to about 40% aswell, but it just wasnt to be.
As for my Sorc adding? well i had not played my Sorc for well over a year after the 1st year of DAoC. I was still new to the RvR scene like most people back then. So if i did kill you, it was in the 1st year of daoc and as Maeloch has said, we were all n00bs then ;)
Regards Blitz

Tafaya Anathas

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Sad that see you leaving Glad, take a break and come back, I did it 2 times and worked.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 12, 2004
Hey mate...

Seen u in stealth lots of times... knew you by reputation and it was really all good... don't think I ever fought u 1on1 or 2on1 for that matter...

Sorry to hear your experience about it really... I started on my Nightshade just after christmas again... and the first few days I seemed to get zerged and zerged and zerged but now... now after playing vs the same guys again and again (it's the stealthers I remember mostly but ofc also Xrystofer and others to mention) we all learned to know what to expect of eachother and more and more kept from adding... (the worst thing for me atm is casters)

Anyways... for me it seems to get better and better and if it continues like it has been for me the last couple of days it should be really good ;)...

Cheers, Good luck irl and I hope you'll be back for a good old fair 1on1 ;D,


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Have fun out there Blitz!
Cya in some weeks anyway imo ;)


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
my cats name is Bram.

true story

hi Straef:cheers: gelukkig nieuwjaar

btw is this the place where you can QQ bout people grouping up and playing the game the way they want it? And yes is do NOT solo


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
I dont think I have lost 1v1 to a scout in a proper fight like ever...

dunno why u think we have fought like 3 times and you have won 2. Think today is the first time I have ever seen your scout.

but gratz I guess.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 20, 2004
Take care m8 .. taking a break or playing another realm can help.. cu soon


Can't get enough of FH
Aug 6, 2004
Life of a soloer is damn hard but imho most rewarding /bow to the ppl that try it /hug to the non adders , tbh i tought and cursed almost smashed monitor zilion times but i could never leave doac took break thinking now bit more but always saying till next patch for a long time now :) but id u decide to do the final /quit gl on everything u try to do and hf .

censi said:
Soloing as a stealther either makes you bitter and twisted or it makes you quit. One or the other. Most people cant hack it and quit.
Cens i dont fit inany of those 2 think there should be 3rd :p sadomasochistic player

Caylan Raal

Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
tc Blitz - Good player, and the few times i met you was frustrating fights. Hope to see you back in time for DR though, not many players left in this era of daoc who are prepared to allow solo players to solo. You did with me :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Censi, I know it may seem like I'm stalking you, but I'm not. It just really annoys me when you try to bullshit people.

censi said:
To the poster I was somewhat taken back.. back in the days when I was a purest solo ranger trying to get rr10,

The purest solo ranger, back in the days? What? The few months? You took the easy route aswell, zerg to rr9Lx and then solo too rr10, oh whopdi woo, you could get rps on a rr9lx ml10 ranger, it's not like they can be god in the stealthwars.

censi said:
my heart bleeds you cant get nice clean 1v1, but you are the type of player who was a trigger happy mofo that certainly had ZERO respect for stealther 1v1 fights... Unless u think us hibbies like being lifetapped when already in a tough fight...

Tell me, how fun do you think it is for us middies, who while trying to make it too docks, get zerged by your bunch of high moral ground hypocrites.

censi said:
Soloing as a stealther either makes you bitter and twisted or it makes you quit. One or the other. Most people cant hack it and quit.

Or it makes you spout an amazing ammount of crap, about how the real devil is doorstepping. Lets face it your a zergling Censi, who somehow manages to get peoples attention when your preaching about honorable play.

censi said:
It made me bitter and twisted now Im in therapy zergging the shit out of anything I can get my greasy hands on...

Yeah, the soloing made you zerg lol. You zerged for 9 realm ranks, then you solo'ed a little, now your back to zerging.

censi said:
You are no different to all the other players that "dabble" with stealthers... You are great at running around on random shit visual toon sticking the boot into anything and everything... Put yourself in the driving seat of a class that takes some determination and balls to get results with and your out the door like after a week of hard knocks...

I never forget an adder....

Ive got no problem with how you play Censi, after all I'd say the majority of players in this game actually more than happy to zerg like yourself. But for the love of god, admit it and stop being so full of shit.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
i still remember when the dueling come in the game and everyone dueled each other . this time i got shield spec when your arms is pole specced. you beat me there :worthy:

good bye


Loyal Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Melachi said:
Censi, I know it may seem like I'm stalking you, but I'm not. It just really annoys me when you try to bullshit people.

The purest solo ranger, back in the days? What? The few months? You took the easy route aswell, zerg to rr9Lx and then solo too rr10, oh whopdi woo, you could get rps on a rr9lx ml10 ranger, it's not like they can be god in the stealthwars.

Tell me, how fun do you think it is for us middies, who while trying to make it too docks, get zerged by your bunch of high moral ground hypocrites.

Or it makes you spout an amazing ammount of crap, about how the real devil is doorstepping. Lets face it your a zergling Censi, who somehow manages to get peoples attention when your preaching about honorable play.

Yeah, the soloing made you zerg lol. You zerged for 9 realm ranks, then you solo'ed a little, now your back to zerging.

Ive got no problem with how you play Censi, after all I'd say the majority of players in this game actually more than happy to zerg like yourself. But for the love of god, admit it and stop being so full of shit.

+1 rep tbh

Censi = Born again soloer lol and tbh this shit about door step camping is like censis way of saying all the high rr stealthers must piss off to hib/alb land so he can zerg all the lowbies who hang around bled.. are these are the kind of fights he wants? lol.
I duo/trio (sometimes more when we counter other stealth zergs) etc and doorstep camp atleast I admit it (and always have) unlike some who need to come back down to earth off of their high moral horses tbh.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
cya m8 and again thx for wakeing me up on that very 1st ml 2 raid back in the day with that phone call ftw :worthy:

anyways sad to see you go m8y keep trolling the forums though :drink:


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 9, 2004
I've had the same kind of experience the last few days, when i decided to wipe dust off my infiltrator. Havnt played it for 7 months or so and i thought it could be fun to try something i was so devoted to once. Boy what stealtherwar has changed, atleast from the good old prydwen days where ppl actuallly left 1on1 ones and even sometimes when you just were low on hp after a previous fight.

I will continue to play inf semi-activly but would be so much more fun if ppl actually soloed.

Ohh and btw. No respect to Kilsimba, worst stealtherzerger ever!

<3 Blitz
Dec 31, 2003
Razemouze said:
I've had the same kind of experience the last few days, when i decided to wipe dust off my infiltrator. Havnt played it for 7 months or so and i thought it could be fun to try something i was so devoted to once. Boy what stealtherwar has changed, atleast from the good old prydwen days where ppl actuallly left 1on1 ones and even sometimes when you just were low on hp after a previous fight.

I will continue to play inf semi-activly but would be so much more fun if ppl actually soloed.

Ohh and btw. No respect to Kilsimba, worst stealtherzerger ever!

<3 Blitz

I think more people would solo if it was rewarding to do so, atm its not.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 9, 2004
thats because they áll think like you. I solo anyway - tho i guess its not that rewarding. But today i met a ranger called something like Forstinbrae. I saw him, he saw me but didnt attack me because a fg hibs was running around us. i /bowed him and we started fighting and was a nice 1on1. Times like that makes you want to stay solo.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
Melachi said:
Censi, I know it may seem like I'm stalking you, but I'm not. It just really annoys me when you try to bullshit people.

The purest solo ranger, back in the days? What? The few months? You took the easy route aswell, zerg to rr9Lx and then solo too rr10, oh whopdi woo, you could get rps on a rr9lx ml10 ranger, it's not like they can be god in the stealthwars.

Tell me, how fun do you think it is for us middies, who while trying to make it too docks, get zerged by your bunch of high moral ground hypocrites.

Or it makes you spout an amazing ammount of crap, about how the real devil is doorstepping. Lets face it your a zergling Censi, who somehow manages to get peoples attention when your preaching about honorable play.

Yeah, the soloing made you zerg lol. You zerged for 9 realm ranks, then you solo'ed a little, now your back to zerging.

Ive got no problem with how you play Censi, after all I'd say the majority of players in this game actually more than happy to zerg like yourself. But for the love of god, admit it and stop being so full of shit.

OMG you are soooooooooooo right /rep.Sad to see u go Blitz your a very good scout.Btw that NS is a pet not a real player.


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Melachi said:
Censi, I know it may seem like I'm stalking you, but I'm not. It just really annoys me when you try to bullshit people.

The purest solo ranger, back in the days? What? The few months? You took the easy route aswell, zerg to rr9Lx and then solo too rr10, oh whopdi woo, you could get rps on a rr9lx ml10 ranger, it's not like they can be god in the stealthwars.

Tell me, how fun do you think it is for us middies, who while trying to make it too docks, get zerged by your bunch of high moral ground hypocrites.

Or it makes you spout an amazing ammount of crap, about how the real devil is doorstepping. Lets face it your a zergling Censi, who somehow manages to get peoples attention when your preaching about honorable play.

Yeah, the soloing made you zerg lol. You zerged for 9 realm ranks, then you solo'ed a little, now your back to zerging.

Ive got no problem with how you play Censi, after all I'd say the majority of players in this game actually more than happy to zerg like yourself. But for the love of god, admit it and stop being so full of shit.

Spot on!
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