Best PvE guild?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Servants of the Lake , they farmed epic mobs fastish


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
The Last Watch, they have Speeedy and therefor win. No contest!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Svartmetall said:
I would say the 'best' guilds are those who have the most fun. You know, what with this being a game, and everything.

Some people treat this game as a gritted-teeth exercise in WINNING, and play it like Quake Team Deathmatch. They measure their status by their RP scores and killspam, and woe betide anyone who doesn't see the game their way or play it their way. They aren't so much concerned with having fun as being the BEST! UBAAARRRRR!!!!one!!!11!!!

Some people, on the other hand, remembered that this is a game, and games are played to have fun.


I know which kind of player I'd rather be.


zzzz.... have you ever thought that many people find winning and being UBAAAARRR!!! fun?

but ofcouse your way of having fun is better :eek:


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Svartmetall said:
woe betide anyone who doesn't see the game their way or play it their way.


yet anytime anyone says PvE is crap you get into a fury over it?

bit of hypocrisy there?


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 28, 2003
Don't know who the "best" PvE guild is, but imo it's not important. Each player takes what they like out of the game. It will be different for every player.

Vive la difference imo!

<likes a bit of both pve and rvr>

D xx


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
The people I know who grouped with me in DF at late night hours (and they know who they are) and the people who played with me @ PvP server (same for them).

What makes a guild/group best PvE group? Friendship, Loyalty, Knowledge and a whole lot of Fun.

(There isn't 1 the best there are many)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Will be attempting a guild Ml10 raid soonish and see how many of our 33 different members that are ML9-10 can attend :)

And imo the only thing thats proved a huge challenge to TLW so far is when we "zerged" the dragon (to many attended a guild dragon raid) and we got ported/ae'd constantly, was the most fun dragon raid ive ever seen :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Going back to the 1st question.
apart from TLW is there anyone else?
Mid or Hib on pryd must have a PvE quild.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
There's not a shortage of "PvE" guilds... it's just that there aren't enough epic-mobs worth killing 'as a guild'.

Most DAoC mobs fall into two categories:
Those which can be killed by less than 4 players
Those which need over 24+ people to kill

Alot of the hardcore purple++++++++++++++++++++++ mobs can be killed solo. PvE suffers from the same class imbalance as RvR and there is always a class which excels in PvE at unreal levels.

Is there any point to have a 1fg guild hunt... when 2 guys could go and duo "badass_mob#87921" and keep all the loot? Regardless of any "point" you might want to make, this is what happens.

If Mythic took the time to make "epic mobs" hard to kill, there would be a reason for regular guild hunts and you'd see more "PvE" guilds forming.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
PvE guilds arnt about loot, they are about doing it as a guild, working together well and the challenge, loot is a bonus.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 16, 2004
People can say what they want about "rvr leetists" but it is hard to deny the fact that killing dragon or most mobs in TG/ToA is much easier if the players are rr7 on average, compared to a rr3 average, given the same number of ppl on the raid, ofc.. I would rather have a bunch of warriors with MoB4/MoParry3/IP tanking Gjalpinulva than someone with MoB1/FA2, the same goes for seers/casters; definately you will do better if all seers have MCL2 + RP + MoC + Purge etc. There are very few RAs that ppl have for rvr-ing that are wasted in high-lvl pve, I would say noone ;)

So in this sense, most rvr guilds do well in pve as well (dunno what guild someone was referring to that rocked in rvr but were killed by yellow mobs lol), but this doesn't mean they are "good pve" guilds, as the pve bit is just something you do to go back to playing rvr again, there is no love for the pve bit in itself, which is what Belomar wanted to know with this thread, me presumes.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Belomar said:
Anyway, TLW seems like a good candidate--any interesting achievements recently? :)

If I remember correctly we have done pretty much everything except a guild only raid on Pheonix and the AC Dragon, oh and Apoc but I have seen him wipe 100+ people before now so I don't see anyway for 3fg to kill him. We could do Pheonix easily imo but we lack an adequate number of distract classes to keep the generators down.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Herbal said:
such zerg easy with 7/8


That isn't a challenge, that just takes a FG with the patience enough to keep hitting a mob for 3 hours. Infact the Albion dragon is no challenge at all anymore, no matter how many people you take. All you need is for everyone to listen and run when told. ML skills/spells, ToA arti's and equipment made the Dragon much much easier, the only raids that wipe to the Dragon these days are ones where people are afk playing or not reading orders and reacting fast enough. The truth is that there are very few challenges in PvE anymore if you have the right people and setup. Time for Mythic to raise the PvE bar a few notches imo.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Klonk said:
There are very few RAs that ppl have for rvr-ing that are wasted in high-lvl pve, I would say noone ;)
Moc is a waste for high lvl mob hunting, their high lvl enables them to interrupt a lot of your moc time.
While mcl2/Rp still remains very nice for mob hunts, since the arrival of fop they're not as usefull/essential for healers.



One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
Eroa said:
If you mean best as in making like ToA fast, or running through the SI dungeons with as few ppl as possible id say the RvR guilds are the best PvE guilds aswell, Since they got all the toys and equipment to be able to do all those things easier then the rr1 ppl in epic armors (just making a case of the extrem, not saying all PvE guys are rr1 and running around in epics)

I find the vast majority of dedicated RvR players to... Well, plain suck in PvE encounters. It's possibly that they can do encounters easier than low rr's, however I'd take a wage on it being those exact same low realm rankers that mainly refines strategies etc for others to use.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Reno said:
Moc is a waste for high lvl mob hunting, their high lvl enables them to interrupt a lot of your moc time.
While mcl2/Rp still remains very nice for mob hunts, since the arrival of fop they're not as usefull/essential for healers.
MoC + EoY lvl10 + grp insta saved a raid just the other week ... you might not need it all the time, but there are situations when you're more than happy to have it ;)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Chrystina said:
MoC + EoY lvl10 + grp insta saved a raid just the other week ... you might not need it all the time, but there are situations when you're more than happy to have it ;)

Seige bolt on the other hand..... ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Krissy said:
PvE guilds arnt about loot, they are about doing it as a guild, working together well and the challenge, loot is a bonus.

Would you kill a mob more than once... if it didn't give anything other than satisfaction? :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003

Ascending Dawn is a solid guild overall, we can do pretty much everything in Hibernia as a guild, a majority have 4+ lvl50's, many higher RR's, loads of "oldschoolers", many have played at least one 50 in other realms, some have RVRd in all realms etc.. tons of crafters, overall we have tons and tons of knowledge about daoc as a whole in the guild.

I dunno, dont think many guilds slap us PVEwise in Hibernia anyway if even one can do it, which I doubt but I still wouldnt consider us beeing a PVEguild, since a majority prefers to RVR.

I read some in the thread about RVR vs PvE, i'd say, RVR is the absolute best way to learn what a char can, and cant do, transfer that knowledge to AIcontrolled mobs and well.. some basic knowledge about how aggro works and you are set to take down alot. PvE in daoc is very very easy imo, I do have alot of respect for guilds like TLW though, working as a guild together towards any goal is an achievement in itself, that is the good thing, then if you guys roleplay, kill AIcontrolled mobs, enemyplayers.. is another matter. Each to their own, aslong as its fun, its good :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Breon said:

You can claim it.. but won't be able to prove it in a game like daoc :/

Not likely that 20+ people would regularly kill the same mobs just for the hell of it.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Rulke said:

Rofl :D



I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Escape said:
You can claim it.. but won't be able to prove it in a game like daoc :/

Not likely that 20+ people would regularly kill the same mobs just for the hell of it.

Well now you see that is where you are wrong, TLW has a vault full of unclaimed loot from many high level encounters and yet we still go back and kill those mobs for one reason. To fine tune our tactics, to drill newer members on how high end PvE should be done and to keep our members sharp for challenges that future patches/expansions will bring. On top of that you have basic premise that many of our members very much enjoy high end PvE encounters, plus the old addage 'the guild that plays together is the guild that stays together'. There are very few challenges left for TLW in the current state of PvE but we continue to raid because it keeps us together as a guild, trust me for most of our members the loot is incedental. We just enjoy PvE for the dozen hours or so hours a week it enables to play and have fun together as a guild.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
cHodAX said:
...and yet we still go back and kill those mobs for one reason. To fine tune our tactics, to drill newer members on how high end PvE should be done and to keep our members sharp for challenges that future patches/expansions will bring

Once you've learnt how to play your character, you can work effectively in any group and kill any mob. DAoC PvE is pretty shallow, there's not much difference between fighting the lv15 Romans in the tomb of Mithra --- to killing a high level Battler. Some mobs need special tactics, but aslong as you dont have afk'ers, ebayers, or whatever random asshole in your group there're no problem. Hit X button at the right time and thats as challenging as it gets.

Just out of interest, how many raids have you had in SI or DF/classic zones since ToA?

Anyway, I wasn't making any reference to TLW in my original post. Just pointing out the DAoC PvE is not as challenging as it should be, which is why there aren't many PvE guilds.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
cHodAX said:
Well now you see that is where you are wrong, TLW has a vault full of unclaimed loot from many high level encounters and yet we still go back and kill those mobs for one reason. To fine tune our tactics, to drill newer members on how high end PvE should be done and to keep our members sharp for challenges that future patches/expansions will bring. On top of that you have basic premise that many of our members very much enjoy high end PvE encounters, plus the old addage 'the guild that plays together is the guild that stays together'. There are very few challenges left for TLW in the current state of PvE but we continue to raid because it keeps us together as a guild, trust me for most of our members the loot is incedental. We just enjoy PvE for the dozen hours or so hours a week it enables to play and have fun together as a guild.

Can I ask you guys, whats the hardest mob youve ever fought? In any context, doesnt have to be the highest level or the highest HP's, which encounter on 1 mob was the hardest you guys complete? :D

And btw, I fought the legion once in my time, but never fought that other mob in DF, forget its name, supposed to nearly unkillable, has anyone ever killed it? Or was it just considered tough back in the day (like the dragon used to be nearly unkillable, now he gets farmed many times a week by 3fg)?

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