Best Ingame Moment



telling Mattshanes to "SEND PET SEND PETS SEND PETS!!!!!!!" in rvr at about level 30 odd when everyone conned max orange.

finally slamming Blood (after dieing 1000s of times to him) when he tryed to run away


So many good times hard to pinpoint just a few but...

Being invited into Disciples of Aldur back when I was a ikkle cabalist called Kaitlin

Giving Mason full use of his account and getting a new one where Kaitlyn was born

Finally getting revenge on Ayams bullying of me in sauvage and seeing him lying at my feet.

Reaching 50 unguilded and not telling anyone, but suddenly being flooded with about fifty pm's from different people, some of which I hadn't even heard from in months really made my heart go all quivery (still gutted that I lost the screenshots of that when my harddrive went kaput :( )

Killing Caylan enough for the silly sexist thing to place me on the Inquisition of Raal known heretics page.(All of our real life circle who play camelot had made it on there but the sod forgot about me)

Finally getting the number one rvr cabalist spot on duskwave and being able to poke my tongue out and say 'Hah, tell me I cant do something' to Mason (which lead to one of my worse moments when I suddenly thought 'ok, what do I do now?')

Moving to Midgard and finding a home in Nyd with some of the sweetest, intelligent, satirical, people, trolls and kobolds I could ever hope to meet.


Albs conquered this post now :(

Best ingame time was when i was speaking with Vodkafairy on connla beach and we talked just about everything,really shame she moved to other server :(


Gaining the armour craft to wear the Templar Emblem.

Running around Salisbury plains with Baldrian for two hours at Minstrel speed, trying to track down Cynewulf the Ghostwalker, and finally succeeding.

First rezzing another player. Still love this !

First soloing of a Salisbury Giant.

Any near death experience.

First experience of the real frontier, the day of my second Thidranki experience (Which was good for the first hour, in which I was grouped. Then everyone wanted to run solo, to make the experience last longer - I'm a group specced Paladin !!!)

Lots of great groups with the late 30's and 40-something Templars over the last month or so.

Slamming the Drakoran's in Avalon, with the all damage, one tank, one secondary healer, no crowd control, Templar group, and wondering why we were kicking ass, rather than getting into trouble. My first experience of Slam, at Level 42 !

The little red chanter (I think) who ran up to a couple of us trying to hide in ambush behind a tree <grins>. Slam, hack, hack, hack, oh, he's on the ground !

Reaching 500 in Tailoring and Weaponcrafting, therby never losing materials when making ram or catapult parts again !

Darzil Siegecrafter
Season 43 Paladin
Order of the Knights Templar


Prydwen Best Moments:

Joining one of the best guilds on Prydwen
Getting to wear the Templar emblem
Season 50
Playing strip poker with Kyra, Ziera, Liste, Laird and a few others :)
Always having a nice chat in the stone with a brew

some others but cant thing of any atm

Prydwen Worst Moments:

Good friends leaving guild and game.
Sometimes finding it hard to stay ingame due to boredom

Excalibur Best Moments:

Being a part of the guild Shield of Valhalla being the best guild ive ever been in ever.
Lahtaaja :) remember you always :) <3
Season 50
Joining White Rose after the death of Shield of Valhalla
Once being the highest armorcrafter in midgard.
Legendary Armorcrafter

again a few others but cant remember them

Excalibur Worst Moments:

Death of Shield of Valhalla :( Will always remember this guild and its members. You are the best
Defending the frontier for 12 hours straight then loosing all 3 relics due to neromancer LOS bug (albs case its a 'feature')


this will be reaaaaaaaaally hard.. :p
planky nicethat u remember something of that cause i dont :p
i can try to tell memories i have atleast etc...

beta daoc was fun meet kalgarn etc and doing snowmans was fun and then also rvred in emain the last days at level 23thane and did loooooads of ae hammers :D

what more level 6 or so meet ayam and roleplayed i loved it :p

I liked spindel for 1 and did "kill the mobs so many times tour" run around farm and try get the tl stuff.. :p finallly got all parts atleast but the hauberk wasnt that good and it was the last part i was looking for ages.... :)

What more was very fun to explore in malmo when it camed :) omg at those bafs i say.... :p

What more.. Dinging 50 was nice third on the server but got damn sinister was sooo close to get it before me since he was leeching when we did our EoO malmo xp groups :)

malmo name tours was always a blast.

killing the GG wow on the third-fourth attempt was nice to..

Leading dragon raid and slayed him was fun to... :p
damn it went fast 15sec or something :p

Exploring DF was very fun to, and killing legion :p

I love always when u xp and you get a big baf or a lagg pull and die.. always makes me laugh alot.. :p

Once we did us style and i was 1 of the pullers and i did ae pulls and at the same time all the mobs spawned and we got a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig baf and i died when it popped and like 5fg or so more mids died only some ppl that logged survived i laughed so much i got tears in my eyes :D

Even tho i have only played SI 3 days i liked exploring it the first time very much, and trollheim and meeting the rift was awsome to got damn that mob he was to uber :p we where only like 3fg i belive.. dont like him.....

And rvr stuff then hmms its hard to really mention something imo.... PvP stuff was very fun i remember.... 1 memory killing a fg of NP and a swedish person of NP told it was his first time dieng fg vs fg at that time and even tho that we had lost mostly 50% of hp and were healing hp so wasnt full power.. etc we won :)
(mularn lake)

Leaving EoO was Sad.
But started BO was good got a guild like i wanted more...
And will be even better in the future now since i been gone and know more how i want etc stuff to be........

meeting many many diffrent ppl...
Cant even mention anyone seems unfair to the others :)
but i can mention anyway tbh :p
mrt,ucallme,thing(miss you alot),del,grizlas
ozril(old) and new, snozrick, souleater,quemine,ayam,
hannah,gentry/remedy and loads of others...
hibbis... luona,usp,locomo,tradolf
albs, traia,derric, and more there...

but anyway loads of stuff to tell but hard to remember all stuff..
1 funny thing waswhen i died with relic also last person surviving going down with relic and albs at the relic keep i jumped over the walls but i had artemis i think and 2 others after me :p
and in penni i check behind me and then i run into some aggro mobs :p was funny :p many relic raids was fun also.
Fun when some or someone said i carried relic cause i wanted the rp only.. dont even think u get rp for leaving a relic :p

yeye more memories will come i am sure of many pbaors will make some nice memories i belive and now i got my 49sm and soon 50 when i am back home.. will be fun to get some nice death msg :p

stupid BW had to disable smilies!!! :(( am i sutch a smiley abuser got this msg before to ://


I had some great times playing on Hib / Pyrd when they were very much the weak realm (before Nolby Pride et al moved in). I was in the Darkones guild - dunno if it still exists and went RVR in Odin's with See the GM and my first and bestest friend Colleen the enchanter. I was a 28 mentalist but loved casting my mez and dots on fleeing kobolds until I inevitably got one hitted by those aoe thane hammers that always seemed to come out of nowhere!

I've since defected to Mid and had some great times setting up my own guild in particular my two favourite members Aslotol and Eogren - we had such a laugh xping in Uppland at level 35 and much chortling when a level 50 ranger started messing us around and Eogren (the 35 shammie) decided the best course of action would be to hit him with her hammer (a dot didn't cross her mind we were so scared) and he paniced and killed her ;)

Now I'm in Roo's Fabbie Fedaykin and love the goodhearted slagging matches at every guild event ;)


Originally posted by old.mattshanes
My first day of daoc realising what a good new experience it was to me as it was my first pc mmorpg:D

same for me :)

remember choosing a thane ( o_0 ) and spending my points each lvl on hammer/sword/axe thinking as a warrior type dude i should be skilled in all weapons :D

ahh great days - the music as u entered a new town for the first time - first trip to nisse, mithra, askheim, broken bridge :)

and 15 months on i still havent achieved lvl 50 :D


Thats because you spend too much time in the stone.By the way the service theres terrible now, bring back Troryn
<starts a petition>

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