Best Guilds of all Times


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
NP was using satellite uplinks when they played on Hib after cluster and everybody agreed on it back then, even Hibs, good to see you're mentioning this guild.


NP didnt have a longstanding set grp on hib after cluster iirc


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
since the game has been around quite a while, i can't think of a guild who would have been there and able to compete with the top grps of every era.

pretty much all had either long breaks, quited early or were formed after toa/nf etc.

NP might be the only one to get close, sure they haven't been really active for ages, but think they still had a grp and did well at all "periods".


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
HIB - IA still the same bunch of friendly players it has always been, never had a problem with any of them.

ALB - TT for standing up for the players

MID - which ever came up with the most imaginative excuses for losing


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
Prydwen PoV

Alb: PE FL Sotl (walker fire wizz days!)

Mid: MM Maelstrom Bulle (mebbe dont remember that many fights vs them)

Hib: Eclipse NP Tuatha


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
since the game has been around quite a while, i can't think of a guild who would have been there and able to compete with the top grps of every era.

pretty much all had either long breaks, quited early or were formed after toa/nf etc.

NP might be the only one to get close, sure they haven't been really active for ages, but think they still had a grp and did well at all "periods".

Hmm...well Maelstrom was active during all eras, and doing very well at all times. It wasnt the same group all through the ages, but I do think some of the group always stayed to build on it and the guildname. They certainly kept playing longer than NP didnt they? (Think they stopped this last august) Granted with a few new names, (hello brite!;) but still with a core of the midtime mael group.



Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
LOL, way to go trying to promote OG to being the best group. Let's all say OG was the best ever guild to make Stajjijjon happy! No offense dude but you were and never will be what DH were... not to mention the RP PL.

Well, OG was pretty dominating for a while, and very skillfull, not to mention that their farewell vid made quite an impression (vodkas work I presume?) so not really to strange for them to be up there.

And his argument stands, it is impossible to say weather an old group could stand out as well today as they did back then, given that it was possible to do great feats alot more easier back then based basically on OP powers or EQ. (since 80% of the people you farmed never actually got 100% templated as they do today) The added advantage of the aedefences (interruptables/ damage/ etc) available to most realms/Classes now also makes it alot harder to manage those spectacular events that we love to remember.

What ever you might say about them, OG managed to add such a feat in their last movie to celebrate their departure. Beeing able to run the group naked, and beating a group like NI (at rr6+), even with 7 players, is a feat. (I would have loved to see them do it without RAs (i.e reset all RA points in the film and not buying any new ones) instead of naked but both are damn hard which ever way you twist it.



One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
for me the the best guilds i found over the years were

Mid:Miget Mafia

i think MM farmed the bigest zergs with 1fg i can ever remember


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 13, 2004
Alb: Black Falcons,
dont wanna say AD, since it was a guild mixed with NP members etc

Hib: Vengeance and Llaw Arian,
dont wanna say DH, RR and OG, since the guilds came out of Vgn and LA mostly

Mid: Nolby Pride, Jack Herer & Ora Minus
and FoM for leading midgard until Ardamel had to leave the game

This is my view from old frontiers, since New Frontiers, there havent been much fg roaming around like the good old days

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
What ever you might say about them, OG managed to add such a feat in their last movie to celebrate their departure. Beeing able to run the group naked, and beating a group like NI (at rr6+), even with 7 players, is a feat. (I would have loved to see them do it without RAs (i.e reset all RA points in the film and not buying any new ones) instead of naked but both are damn hard which ever way you twist it.


Seems I missed one of Vf's movies then, any link?


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Seems I missed one of Vf's movies then, any link?

It used to be under this link (the old daocmovies page), but since it shutdown, im not sure where vodka is keeping it any more (the new site doesnt seem to be up either). But the name of the vid is Walking Issues 3, hopefully someone have it on their comp and can host it. Acutally I would like to have to myself again. So anyone who can host it please do!:)


ps. Nice one Eleas you found it while I was replying!:) Thats fast service for ya!:) ds.


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Ahaa...good to know!:)

All of VF's vids are hosted on filefront

Aha good to know, now just lock him up in the toolshead behind the barn and dont let him out until he has made us a couple of juicy German cluster films!:)



I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Well, I can't speak personally for all other freddyshouse users :)

Midgard: The Unforgiven (To me they were the best, and if i'm not mistaken also one of the first guilds ever created when prydwen first went live)

Hibernia: Nolby Pride (Always liked to see Drooooood spamming spreadheals permenently heh)

Albion: Lords of England

All of these i've rated from past times.. The Unforgiven (back in days when spellcrafted stuff wasn't even heard of), Nolby Pride(Hib) Was fun fighting against NPH back in SI days... the pbaoeing was slightly annoying however, Lords of England (I was apart of LoE just after DF first ever went live iirc... fun days.. all those raids in DF co-oping with Savants of the Lake to kill legion + Lynn Barfog (or however the ***** spelt lol) farming afanc for cloaks etc etc...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 26, 2005
Alb: Black Falcons,
dont wanna say AD, since it was a guild mixed with NP members etc

Hib: Vengeance and Llaw Arian,
dont wanna say DH, RR and OG, since the guilds came out of Vgn and LA mostly

Mid: Nolby Pride, Jack Herer & Ora Minus
and FoM for leading midgard until Ardamel had to leave the game

This is my view from old frontiers, since New Frontiers, there havent been much fg roaming around like the good old days

Llaw also started out from VGN if i remember?
But yeah your point is valid, a lot of the big shooter groups came from various guilds. Example the ppl like eleas etc came from llaw, domain from that spanish guild, garba from CF (and even vigis 1st guild), then the lunabels and vulcans and popovs etc from vigilance, stajj from bulle ef fetstryk or something if i remember (all of this pre-toa pov), but you get the picture and your point is correct.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Llaw also started out from VGN if i remember?
But yeah your point is valid, a lot of the big shooter groups came from various guilds. Example the ppl like eleas etc came from llaw, domain from that spanish guild, garba from CF (and even vigis 1st guild), then the lunabels and vulcans and popovs etc from vigilance, stajj from bulle ef fetstryk or something if i remember (all of this pre-toa pov), but you get the picture and your point is correct.

I came from vgn & llaw. BaF was only for the blademaster.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
Unseen Vengeance -- Any other Stealther only guilds about?


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
For being good mates, good laughs etc

Hib: Alliance Of Power
Alb: Dragon Knights/Hand of Chaos(pryd)
Mid: Draconis Combine(pryd)/Red Shadows

For skills and so forth

Alb: BF/PE/Sotl
Mid: JH/NP


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
NP didnt have a longstanding set grp on hib after cluster iirc

Aye, i remember them descending on the place like a mini plague, generally nicking all the camp spots and being pretty rude, getting levelled in about a week (pre toa ofc) which meant something in those days. Then they went into rvr, were around for about 5 months, during which time they were top of the total rps list in hib, around 70mil (having overtaken the big guilds then like HDS and Soul Pact) and then they all disappeared.

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