Best Albion grp ;)



Originally posted by kin
Not on some class but on sorcs, since they are albs mezzer.
Enemy tanks allready has immunity, since they have high det, and 20 sec is more than enough for paboers or heavy mid melee
to take out 1 or 2 alb support classes. In those 20 sec a sorc
will not have bof or any healing unless clerics have purge up.
A sorc with best posible buffs and best posible armor will drop in
1-2 sec against assisting savages without a cleric to help.
Stong savage groups like JH will be able to atleast kill 1-2 clerics too in those 20 sec. Then its gameover for alb group. Its also why
its a good idea for albs to have a high det tank run in front, so that insta is hopefully fired at first contact.
If pbaoe hibs they will use those crucial seconds to have there little annoying lurikeens run in and spam pbaoe.

Yes if your group can run without stick, insta mezz less powerful,
but lag often means people will get lost if not on stick.

yes and alb tanks usually have high deter, so insta mezz is even more useless, you really dont understand, no one uses it, most pac are 44 pac which is a 150 radius insta mezz for 20 seconds, that will at max hit 2-3 chars maximum.

If insta mezz was really that good people would spec for it, funny how pretty much no one does.

Not every group is JH, so try not to use the best middy group atm with high Rr chars for every example. If you get beat by insta mezz with 150 radius then sorry to say, you suck.


best alb group is outlaw and his hoes, they can kill anything if its prime time ^^


Originally posted by Rollie
yes and alb tanks usually have high deter, so insta mezz is even more useless, you really dont understand, no one uses it, most pac are 44 pac which is a 150 radius insta mezz for 20 seconds, that will at max hit 2-3 chars maximum.

Not every group is JH, so try not to use the best middy group atm with high Rr chars for every example. If you get beat by insta mezz with 150 radius then sorry to say, you suck.

Alb tanks dont usually have high det, they have IP.
Alb 'tanks' consists of reavers, palas and friars which has no det.
Alb groups often do have 2+ casters.
150 radius is more than enough to hit a good deal on stick, trust me mids and hibs run on stick too, altho its rather foolish in combat.
10 sec mezz on crucial alb support is enough to turn the battle,
and if ur group cannot kill a sorc atleast in 10 sec then im sorry to say, you suck.

Originally posted by Arnor
best alb group is outlaw and his hoes, they can kill anything if its prime time ^^

Before tankalot they didnt need primetime to whoop just about any mid group there was. Dont degrade outlaw, det + ip + resist
+ resist buffs + ... dosent make him a worse player, it does make
mythih a worse game designer :)


Alb tanks dont usually have high det, they have IP.

not our problem, everyone knows a tank should spec deter before IP if they can, that is a player gimping his spec imho

Alb 'tanks' consists of reavers, palas and friars which has no det.

i mainly get hit by arms+mercs so obviously you need to make better groups

Alb groups often do have 2+ casters.

again that is a group problem, not a realm, make a tank group, then u only have 1 caster a sorc.

150 radius is more than enough to hit a good deal on stick, trust me mids and hibs run on stick too, altho its rather foolish in combat.

150 radius is the size of your char laid down, it will hit 2-3 maximum and will be even weaker with dropoff, its completely useless, no exscuses sorry

10 sec mezz on crucial alb support is enough to turn the battle,
and if ur group cannot kill a sorc atleast in 10 sec then im sorry to say, you suck.

i dunno where this comment is going, seems to be junk like all your previous posts, notice how many albs are here supporting your spam, i mean you have even had albs calling you crap.

Before tankalot they didnt need primetime to whoop just about any mid group there was. Dont degrade outlaw, det + ip + resist
+ resist buffs + ... dosent make him a worse player, it does make
mythich a worse game designer :)

Yet you continue to whine and post rubbish, we all know the game is unbalanced atm, but some of the crap you come out with is shocking


Originally posted by Rollie
Alb tanks dont usually have high det, they have IP.

not our problem, everyone knows a tank should spec deter before IP if they can, that is a player gimping his spec imho

Alb 'tanks' consists of reavers, palas and friars which has no det.

i mainly get hit by arms+mercs so obviously you need to make better groups

Alb groups often do have 2+ casters.

again that is a group problem, not a realm, make a tank group, then u only have 1 caster a sorc.

150 radius is more than enough to hit a good deal on stick, trust me mids and hibs run on stick too, altho its rather foolish in combat.

150 radius is the size of your char laid down, it will hit 2-3 maximum and will be even weaker with dropoff, its completely useless, no exscuses sorry

10 sec mezz on crucial alb support is enough to turn the battle,
and if ur group cannot kill a sorc atleast in 10 sec then im sorry to say, you suck.

i dunno where this comment is going, seems to be junk like all your previous posts, notice how many albs are here supporting your spam, i mean you have even had albs calling you crap.

Before tankalot they didnt need primetime to whoop just about any mid group there was. Dont degrade outlaw, det + ip + resist
+ resist buffs + ... dosent make him a worse player, it does make
mythich a worse game designer :)

Yet you continue to whine and post rubbish, we all know the game is unbalanced atm, but some of the crap you come out with is shocking

Mids use insta area CC all the time.
Hibs use insta ae lul + insta area CC all the time.

Gives the innitiative in start of battle for pbaoers and tank squad to pick a soft target and move in.

Btw if insta ae cc was not a usefull tool there would be pages
after pages where hibs and mids complained about sorcs, since
casting speed is based on dex, and a sorc gets 330 dex+ buffed + moa. Hibs and mids would lose every mezz battle, and if purge or gp or maybe baod is down that sorc mezz do infact last very long. I dont see these post...


Originally posted by kin
Mids use insta area CC all the time.

pointless discussing anything with you tbh, you have no idea what your talking about, guess your realmmates were right calling you a noob.


Originally posted by Rollie
pointless discussing anything with you tbh, you have no idea what your talking about, guess your realmmates were right calling you a noob.

Some albs like emain chat group, they will run in a fg but will
come to any request. Its called zerg, and insta low duration/area CC means little. The side most mids/hibs see of albs.

Then some will avoid this and try to find true fg vs fg rvr, hopefully getting a good even fight, and in these cases 5-10 sec of initiative is crucial against a good enemy group.

Most mids appraise albs ra's bof and sos, thinking we are equal.

I have one think to say, borrow a sb with purge from a friend,
and go fight infils. Then you will understand how equal a 30 min
ra is.


it is true, you rarely need insta CC to outmezz a sorc id trade their mezz+qc for all healer insta CC any day.


Originally posted by DeSlisser
Old.Krane m8, think you are sadly mistaken.. PE will steamroll over your group. These guys know what they do, they will definatly not be a walk in the parc for your newly 50 rr2-5 fotm mid group.


kewl, didnt know we played mid atm, thought it was hib...

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