Barrows, Avalon City, Ghost Houses, Tower Keeper Booking SHIT!



if you get this worked up over a booking sheet then you shouldn't be playing the game :)


End of the day you cant book a place but when some one anounces that they will be doing a dragon/sidi raid you should respect that and think oh well I will go tomorrow, I understand why people get angry about booking sheets and make bad posts, they are right, they pay for the game, they can go where ever they want but as i say they should respect othere players that should realy anounce, not book a spot for a raid. I know they probably carry on going anyways but its up to them if they want to be childish but also dont you think your lowering your self to their level when u flame them??


I've been away for a while - as BB conn was down - just read this thread - here's my 2 - penneth.

Originally posted by Axcel
End of the day you cant book a place but when some one anounces that they will be doing a dragon/sidi raid you should respect that and think oh well I will go tomorrow, I understand why people get angry about booking sheets and make bad posts, they are right, they pay for the game, they can go where ever they want but as i say they should respect othere players that should realy anounce, not book a spot for a raid. I know they probably carry on going anyways but its up to them if they want to be childish but also dont you think your lowering your self to their level when u flame them??

But what would u rather see - Players abusing other players in game for taking their kills in sidi, then flaming off on these forums about it (no names mentioned)


people living in harmony by sorting a time to go raiding via this unofficial, yet mostly superbly officited booking sheet. ( no i wasn't bribed to say that).

Lalu is a dick who doesn't respect anyone - i respect others they respect me, not the other way round. LALU, here endeth the lesson).

and yes that was an insult aimed at lalu - im not ashamed to admit it, what i AM ashamed of is having to be in the same realm as him/her/it. even the same server in fact. One of the worst and least respectful individuals i have ever come across.


You might not believe this, but when Zlair was a little n00b, fresh into the game.. he was a sound lad. :( RvR'd with him a fair bit too on keep raids and stuff. Was an ok guy.

I guess it's proof that DAoC is bad for your braincells :(


I think the idea of the bookings is nice, but noway you can get all people to work according it / respect it.

In the end we've all seen people not respecting it and even we've seen 'respected' big names pull tricks where I think 'OK, that aint good'.

* Trying to lotto for stuff while you didnt attend to the raid
* Stealing/keeping drops after a successfull raid
* Lottoing for stuff while your spec wouldn't allow for it
* Lying about other stuff to increase your odds on getting/keeping something.

It aint so strange in the end people just say NO to the bookings. Atleast they're honest towards all of us. While you might think they're being idiots they dont lie about their stuff and dont lie about booking. In the end you know exactly what to expect from such people.

Some stuff requires abit of common sense, some dont. How often did a dragon-raid clash in practice on Alb/Excal ? How often did Sidi-raids clash?

Nowadays tradition where you can do the dragon with 2 pallies and a necro (or whatever) its hardly a big deal if you find the dragon 'camped'. It truely is same as going down with a fg to do tanglers to find it camped (in terms of people/time).

It would make sense to announce the 'big/open raids' abit in front so people can keep it in mind before they go focuspulling Sidi. But to stretch it so far and 'book' for every spot worth camping goes way too far in my opinion.

And Meduza aint half as bad as you guys think once you learn to know him abit.


Originally posted by Puppetmistress
I think the idea of the bookings is nice, but noway you can get all people to work according it / respect it.

We know that and, I think, most people accept this fact. We know that some kiddies will always have a "f*ck you, I can do what I want, when I want!" attitude. But actually most people in this community aren't like that! I know it's difficult to believe when we come to BW and see so much BS posted here, but the vast majority of people in this realm/game are 100% decent, respectful, honourable guys and gals. And for these people the "announcement" threads are great news - it means we can let people know what our plans are and it means that we can see what others are planning. It saves a big waste of time for many people.

Some stuff requires abit of common sense, some dont. How often did a dragon-raid clash in practice on Alb/Excal ? How often did Sidi-raids clash?

Well, speaking only for my own alliance and speaking only for dragon raids... We have run 3 dragon raids in the last few weeks. The first one was completely free from any clashes. The second one clashed with a raid being organised by HB (they kindly let us go ahead and raid before them). The third one clashed with a raid Aussie had organised (and he went on to kill the dragon before us). The last two clashes were what prompted me to throw my weight behind an announcement thread - there's just no reason for these clashes to be so common if a place exists where people can announce their intentions. Please remember that this is just one alliance I am talking about here - I know of several other clashes that have been publicly discussed on BW! In summary, dragon-raid clashes were happening frequently and were becoming ever more common - that's the only reason the announcement thread was proposed and created. To minimise the conflict.

Nowadays tradition where you can do the dragon with 2 pallies and a necro (or whatever) its hardly a big deal if you find the dragon 'camped'. It truely is same as going down with a fg to do tanglers to find it camped (in terms of people/time).

I understand the spirit of this comment, but I think it's not quite right to compare tanglers (or any other camp that has a "normal" repop rate) to a dragon-raid. There are a few exceptions (looking at HB in particular!) but the most common setup for a small-scale dragon raid is 2 or 3 FG of people actually fighting the dragon and around 1FG of "support" people (emergency rezzers, buffbots, EB'ers, crackbots etc)... So we are really talking about 3-4FG of people on each and every dragon raid. When two raids clash, that's 6-8FG (48 to 64 people!) of albs who have their precious play-time wasted! I'm sure you can see that this is different to going down to tangs and finding them camped? The number of people involved is so much larger and the repop time on the dragon is so much longer. If we don't inform each other of our plans, it can mean a lot of wasted time for a lot of people. And, really, this wasted time is so easily avoided by simply checking a single post on BW and making sure to add your own raid times there.

But to stretch it so far and 'book' for every spot worth camping goes way too far in my opinion.

I agree. But any spot with a repop that takes many, many hours (ie. Dragon and Sidi) and takes many, many people (ie. Dragon and Sidi) to succeed should be considered a special case. And in these special cases, the vast majority of albs are willing to work together to ensure that everyone has fun without clashes. And what about the small, vocal minority of kids that want everything their way and no other? Well, we just have to smile and ignore them as best we can.


What makes me laugh is a few individuals talk about the "i will go where, when and how i want"....all i say is crack on...lets see how far you get soloing Sidi...soloing a is just a few sad muppets who cannot see the good in something. I think the booking sheet is a good is common sense to book things in advance i you need it. As somebody said, just because you book a church for your wedding does not mean you OWN the church. Think about it....people book things to let others know what they are avoid a clash. Nobody anywhere has laid claim to Sidi, Golly or any other epic mob. Just a bit of foresight to stop the chance of ruining it for somebody else by killing stuff when another raid is organised later/earlier. Just gives people a chance to organise things around that. If you fail to see that then just STFU, stay out of the game and go for an eye test..because you obviously need one.

And as for the few negative people on here (no names...we all know who they are) get a grip...get a life but most off all.....get a better attitude as yours is bad for the game.


Originally posted by Cap'n Sissyfoo
Is Whisperess not entitled to his/her opinion? Does he/she HAVE to have an alb/excal account in order to comment on Meduza's apparent lack of maturity/intelligence?

Actually no, she doesn't.

She cannot comment on what its like there she cannot comment on what is good for Sidi or Albion on Excal becasue she does not play here.

If you feel that anybody can comment on a subject simply because somebody made a comment off topic or is perceived to be an idiot then thats your perogative, but the topic and content is mostly clear and did not need the involvement of a middy that has no bearing on this thread in the slightest..

Short answer again, no.


Originally posted by heath
What makes me laugh is a few individuals talk about the "i will go where, when and how i want"....all i say is crack on...lets see how far you get soloing Sidi...soloing a is just a few sad muppets who cannot see the good in something. I think the booking sheet is a good is common sense to book things in advance i you need it. As somebody said, just because you book a church for your wedding does not mean you OWN the church. Think about it....people book things to let others know what they are avoid a clash. Nobody anywhere has laid claim to Sidi, Golly or any other epic mob. Just a bit of foresight to stop the chance of ruining it for somebody else by killing stuff when another raid is organised later/earlier. Just gives people a chance to organise things around that. If you fail to see that then just STFU, stay out of the game and go for an eye test..because you obviously need one.

And as for the few negative people on here (no names...we all know who they are) get a grip...get a life but most off all.....get a better attitude as yours is bad for the game.

Actually your wrong on several points, some individuals may go off and do there own thing and they could affect you (Assuming you go to sidi raids), a number of people have claimed sidi forcing out a smaller group.

Additionally I find nothing more amusing (well I do but for the sake of this argument I wont) than people towing the party line then throwing a "get a life" or " just stfu if you dont agree with me" or the classic "Sad Muppets" line..

Your portrayed higher ground is only put in context by your "If you fail to see that then just STFU, stay out of the game and go for an eye test..because you obviously need one. " line, I mean, really, do you honestly beleive your the only one thats right in this?


If you fail to see that then just STFU, stay out of the game and go for an eye test..because you obviously need one.

Nope, it´s actually based on the "I respect nobody and I don´t care about anybody else" style of argumentation of some people. It´s perfectly ok to disagre on things and discuss, but if people are as ignorant as they (deliberately) seem to be, then they can hardly complain about a strong and stfu-ish reaction.


Originally posted by quinthar
She cannot comment on what its like there she cannot comment on what is good for Sidi or Albion on Excal becasue she does not play here.

So what's your opinion on the football? :)

The problems here are pretty generic to both daoc and indeed human behaviour, so why can't she comment?

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Originally posted by quinthar
Actually no, she doesn't.

She cannot comment on what its like there she cannot comment on what is good for Sidi or Albion on Excal becasue she does not play here.

If you feel that anybody can comment on a subject simply because somebody made a comment off topic or is perceived to be an idiot then thats your perogative, but the topic and content is mostly clear and did not need the involvement of a middy that has no bearing on this thread in the slightest..

Short answer again, no.

Yea, she does. ;)

Unless the forum rules have changed since I was here last I don't think there is anything written about people not being allowed to exercise their freedom of speech or voicing their opinion on various topics regardless of what realm they belong to.

Whisperess wanted to comment on Meduza's obvious lack of maturity which is pretty evident from his moronic posts and who the f**k are you to tell her she can't?

She hasn't said anything about how Sidi should be run or how the Albion population should conduct its affairs. Maybe you should read her post before telling her to shut up. ;)


Originally posted by Gordonax
And I see by your use of date "l33t" phrases that you need some help with your English. Well there are remedial lessons at a local adult education college - I'm sure they can help you.

tbh, lol @ that like irl :p


How come mids dont have this problem unlike you albs and hibs? Something gone right i guess ;)

ROLL on the focus shield nerf ^^


Im still laughing @ most of u

amazing how serious ppl r taking this. do u even think its a fun game ? or r u just 'killing time' ? i recon its the time-killer thingie that makes most of u play, cuz if u played for fun, u cant seriously mean, that some ppl cant do this and that on specific times of day, just cuz some other dude 'had booked time there'. some ppl can only play for a very short duration of time each day, and those times r mostly 'booked' by others. so what ur saying is that those 'casual' players cant go whereever they want to, becuz more 'hardcore' players have made a 'rule' that states 'j00 cann0t g0 there, becuz im g0ing there and i t0ld many ppl i w0uld g0 there!'... lol, get a grib!

wake up!


The other way round dude, the other way round.

This has nothing to do with taking the game too serious. However, as I´ve pointed out before, I consider myself one of those casual players too, since I`m having a job and a mundane life etc. and as soon as I see my rare playtime being wasted by people like you, then I really start takling it serious because that´s *my* RL time you´re wasting. You might not care (as you´ve said) and you might not respect that, but then stfu and stop telling people how to play this game. Slapping people in the face and then telling them not to take this too serious doesn´t quite match.

It means that even the *casual* player has a chance to attend a successful Sidi Raid because they know exactly when and they don´t have to trust their luck, log on and find Sidi camped by some wannabe Che Guevaras like you are. It´s exactly the reason *why* the booking sheet is a good thing.. so that even those people who can only play for a short duration can play and have fun.
Apparently, you have a strange definition of fun. If "wandering around and do what you want" is the ultimate fun for you, then that´s fine. If that´s the case, then I wonder why you ever bothered levelling to 50. Not really fun to level up there if I remember correctly.

For the majority, fun seems to include more than that. Like doing large scale raids with many people, kill dragon, kill apoc, whatever. Things like this can´t be done with your "hey, I feel like going here now" attitude, it requires some sort of preparation and organisation. If that´s not your cup of tea, well, fine. But then I still can´t see a reason why you´re aggressively trying to disrupt the fun for those people.
It´s not you who´s making the definition of fun for everybody.


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
So what's your opinion on the football? :)

The problems here are pretty generic to both daoc and indeed human behaviour, so why can't she comment?

Why would I want to comment on football, some stupid mod would ban my account for it being off topic..

Practise what you preach I say.


Originally posted by Cap'n Sissyfoo
Yea, she does. ;)

Unless the forum rules have changed since I was here last I don't think there is anything written about people not being allowed to exercise their freedom of speech or voicing their opinion on various topics regardless of what realm they belong to.

Whisperess wanted to comment on Meduza's obvious lack of maturity which is pretty evident from his moronic posts and who the f**k are you to tell her she can't?

She hasn't said anything about how Sidi should be run or how the Albion population should conduct its affairs. Maybe you should read her post before telling her to shut up. ;)

And what value did her comments make other than to make a personal comment on another BW user?

And the reason I can comment is that I have a vested interest in booking sheets as has clearly been stated before, but if you wish to treat that as anything other than a +1 go right ahead.

And I did read the post. It was off topic.


Originally posted by zlair
Im still laughing @ most of u

amazing how serious ppl r taking this. do u even think its a fun game ? or r u just 'killing time' ? i recon its the time-killer thingie that makes most of u play, cuz if u played for fun, u cant seriously mean, that some ppl cant do this and that on specific times of day, just cuz some other dude 'had booked time there'. some ppl can only play for a very short duration of time each day, and those times r mostly 'booked' by others. so what ur saying is that those 'casual' players cant go whereever they want to, becuz more 'hardcore' players have made a 'rule' that states 'j00 cann0t g0 there, becuz im g0ing there and i t0ld many ppl i w0uld g0 there!'... lol, get a grib!

wake up!

Fook me... Are the words 'Make sense', 'Sentences', 'Punctuation', 'Grammar' and 'Paragraph' in your dictionary ? ;)


Originally posted by tripitaka
Fook me... Are the words 'Make sense', 'Sentences', 'Punctuation', 'Grammar' and 'Paragraph' in your dictionary ? ;)
"Dictionary? What's a dictionary?" :rolleyes:

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