News Banning texting causes more car crashes


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
The revenue made from smoking is many billions of pounds more than what the smokers cost the NHS, its a bullshit argument that none smokers wheel out all the time. Ban smoking and the NHS would be in an even bigger mess.

Texting while driving is stupid, end of argument. Doing make-up while driving is stupid, end of argument. Many things that involve not looking at the road while driving are stupid.....END OF ARGUMENT!


Way to completely miss the argument Trem :)

I've explicitly said several times I'm against useless laws. I've never said texting whilst driving was a good idea.

As for the smoking thang. I remember seeing some guy from Forest, someone from the NHS and someone from the (then) Labour gov on BBC news all in total agreement that the tax take from cigarettes doesn't even come close to funding the damage done by smoking...


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Don't say that Jup or we'll all be against him, just let him single me out, after all it's me that's basically saying "look Toht, stop being a twat" not you.

Bliblaa ba blaa, dibdidab, duuu.

Might as well say that, since no one reads anything around here :eek:

Jup isn't exactly an impartial judge on this since he's openly admitted that people can break the coc when i'm concerned.

EDIT: Actually that's not true... it's more of a "Climpse at argument, point back and go No You! with an arbitrary quote from said argument attached" style of discussion that goes around.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Jeesus Toht. Did you wake up and think "I fancy another day of unplesant argument. I know, lets post more off-thread cack".

Give it up man.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Might want to direct that at some other people too. I was done with it already, but people just have to keep poking away even after it.

EDIT: Actually you're right, let's give it up. From now on, any post that has any inclination of bullshit like this will be ignored and will only answer those that stay on the topic. Let the kids whine about how i'm xy and z all they want.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Actually I was thinking "fuck off, you can't drive, stop trolling in this thread"

Edit: I think I'm probably done with it 'cause I can't be arsed to read any more of you whining about being badly treated whilst not even bothering to enter the thread properly by posting your driving status, despite repeated questioning by everyone. I mean, why bother arguing if you refuse to answer basic questions?


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
Using the phone while driving is stupid and should be illegal ! :m00:

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Looking back at the thread, Toh's posts are on topic, and not directed at anyone. People can question the validity of the viewpoint but it doesn't seem to be inflametory.

Its actually when someone else drags in a post from another thread that the hate-war kicks off. The more overt trolling was actually started by someone else.

You should all be ashamed of yourselves to be fucking honest, mods included. This is pointless squabbling about who likes who and nothing to do with reasonable forum discussion.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Using the phone while driving is stupid and should be illegal ! :m00:

Attempting to read a book while driving is stupid and should be illegal!

Attempting to put lipstick on your face while driving is stupid and should be illegal!

Attempting to eat fish and chips while driving is stupid and should be illegal!

We don't need more stupid laws. We already have laws against careless driving.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003

Mothers turning round to shout at unruly kids in the back of the cars should be shot. :eek:

Or done under careless driving laws. Simple eh?


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
Attempting to read a book while driving is stupid and should be illegal!

Attempting to put lipstick on your face while driving is stupid and should be illegal!

Attempting to eat fish and chips while driving is stupid and should be illegal!

Agree! :)


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
You should all be ashamed of yourselves to be fucking honest, mods included. This is pointless squabbling about who likes who and nothing to do with reasonable forum discussion.
Yes Dad, sorry Dad... :rolleyes: PS: That's for adding nothing yourself, because it's ironic.

Since you're so hot on being on topic today. I happen to agree with Chet, if I see someone has a mobile in hand in my rear view, I will decrease my speed and double up the stopping distance in front of me so that I can adjust if when the traffic stops they should fail to brake, i.e. I can stop and if they don't/aren't going to I've got a chance to move forward again to avoid being hit.

I think this applies equally to anything though, fiddling with the radio, applying makeup, etc, etc. If I see someone who is clearly doing something other than paying attention then I adjust my driving to increase the safety margin.

My car has a built in handsfree kit and steering wheel controls for the stereo. I have a car you see because I have a licence and bought one, so I figure I can comment on this topic.

It's the same as people who come up behind at stupid mph, headlight flashing and generally being aggressive. This will always cause me to slow down as it decreases the chances of being rear-ended.

As Tom says however there are plenty of laws in effect. Personally I'd rather see the Rozzers do more random checkpoints and fuck over the ***** that drive with their phone on their shoulder, etc. than enshrine more bullshit laws into the statute book.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
It's the same as people who come up behind at stupid mph, headlight flashing and generally being aggressive. This will always cause me to slow down as it decreases the chances of being rear-ended

Innocent question: Why don't you simply move out of the middle lane you fucking woman driver? ;)

Seriously tho, I'm presuming you're talking about single-lane roads? If so, wave 'em past. Let 'em fuck themselves up rather than slow 'em up. If you slow down you'll just make 'em angry - and angry drivers are a lot less safe 'cause they're prone to rash overtaking maneuvers...


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Innocent question: Why don't you simply move out of the middle lane you fucking woman driver? ;)

Seriously tho, I'm presuming you're talking about single-lane roads? If so, wave 'em past. Let 'em fuck themselves up rather than slow 'em up. If you slow down you'll just make 'em angry - and angry drivers are a lot less safe 'cause they're prone to rash overtaking maneuvers...
I'm simple dimple when it comes to this stuff mate, if people wanna go past, they can go past, I don't wanna end up dead.

Around mine its mostly standard roads, white lines down the middle but with so many (badly) parked cars it essentially narrows to a single lane road.

You're quite correct though, angries do just get angrier. If they put me at risk though then I protect myself, who else is going to?

Out of curiosity how do you handle morons?


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Out of curiosity how do you handle morons?

I drive up really close to their slow motherfucking asses and intimidate them until they get the fuck out of my way. My breaks are way better than theirs anyway :)

The only way to deal with people who want to go faster than you is let them. Anything else is probably illegal tbfh. And I'm not in the business of dictating what speed people want to drive.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Hopefully without endulging peoples curiosity about my vehicular activities, i can say that i agree that there doesn't need to be a law on it.

On the other hand i have to ask; what is the harm of a useless law? Or is it simply the waste of time used on that particular law that is the problem?


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Amongst other arguments - useless laws are used to criminalise.

If you've ever met a british pig you'd understand :(


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
I never flash people but had to the other day, some stupid bird was on the a13 going towards the blackwall tunnel doing 30mph in the right hand lane not letting anyone past. Everyone had to go into the middle lane and undertake her and thats a busy road you cant be undertaking on that road due to the amount of people coming on from slip roads etc there is a lot of lane jumping already. Stupid bitch


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Ahh Sparx, while you are here - how many bus drivers get pulled up for using their phone while driving? Are there cab cameras that the bus companies can use to catch out drivers? How often do the police give a shit about bus drivers?

I think it's even more dangerous considering how many passengers are on board and how big a bus is. Never once seen a bus driver pulled over even though they are blatantly on their phones.

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