Should be insta delete upon detection, so if they try cheating again they get their chars deleted again!Kinag said:Then, if they knew a friend with a pl bot, they would just pl up a new toon.
And then they would continue cheating and abusing.
Case said:name and shame imo... stick all their names on the friday news what could possibly be worse for the so called l33t players than to be advertised as the cheating scum that they are
Iceflower said:Appendix, you better get used to it, it is already a fact in a lot of PC game releases. Several titles from European publishers refuse to work when they located image programs like Nero Image, Alco...something. The latest iteration of the Startforce 3 copy protection program installs nice shiny hardware device drivers in your computer that so far seems to be fairly innocent except for a few where they cause all kinds of horrors. Something I found out the hard way when my computer started to work in slowmotion and my Palm docking station ceased to work. It was great fun trying to figure out what caused those effects as you were not told about the drivers during the game's installation process. From a note on Avault it seems like SF3 can work as a spyprogram sending a LOT of info about your computer and its content to the receipent. Of course publishers go all over the way to explain that they of course dont use it like that. Just check Codemaster's message board for one example. So the future is indeed very Orwellian, but I guess that is the result of the explosion of the internet shop lifting that has been going on during the last decade.
Naewae said:I couldn't get "Deus Ex: Invisible War" to work... Turns out it wouldn't run on some PCs with CD-Writers in them unless you contacted support and proved you had the original disks whereupon they directed you to a patch that moved FTP location every 24 hours.
Yeppy Kinkster said:Yeah, thats where I got the filename changing from.. CS ^^ The makers of these pr0gs will just find ways to avoid being detected :S
most ppl using it ill do like most retards and still use it till they get a ban or suspended i bet ;oMorchaoron said:it will get rather risky in this game to do that, in other games when you get banned its just one server usually and no big deal, if they manage to detect a newer cheat here again you are fuxored bigtime, byebye account/itams/chars/rps/mls
for the majority of the cheatz0rs it will probably not be worth the risk anymore, cuz you could still lose everything in an instant when mythic actually gets off their asses again...
mirieth! said:strange. my warez copy worked straight off
shame the game was shit![]()
So true. :-ocougar said:if goa make 160 000 customers happy its worth banning 500 accounts, t b h
I totally agree! Give us back good old daoc with a much better community free from cheaters.cougar said:if goa make 160 000 customers happy its worth banning 500 accounts, t b h
Appendix said:Just curious, does anyone know how Mythic manages to detect radar? I'm guessing they have implemeted some sort of spyware code in their client to detect if certain third party software is installed or running. As much as I dislike cheating and cheaters this seems to me as a bit orwellian should it be the case. I wonder if this is a wise move from Mythic's side since spyware might even become illegal in the future whereas radar use is merely a violation of their CoC.
And /lastname IAMARADARWHORE ofcBunnytwo said:Rather than banning them, I'd love it if they set all the chars on the account to lvl 1, with no money, no artis, no nothing.
Preferrably without sending them an email to tell them this has happened. Would be so sweet them logging into their char and finding it a naked little lvl1 on the pad in Sauvage, everyone would know exactly what they were too :kissit:
If they ever have a crack down on the Euro servers, shouldn't have any of that warning crap, think they've had enough warning from this.
Belorfyn said:Hehe.. Instead of suspensions, the offenders should be put in prison somewhere near heavily populated places. They couldn't move out, trade or anything if they log in
And the avatar could be there even if they're not logged on.. On wall there's list that tells what each of them did![]()