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- #121
If i was still a regular DAOC player this post would worry me a great deal.
With so many new MMORPG's on the horizon, not just the big 2 (WOW & EQ2) either but so many more that will find a niche market and attract players, how will DAOC continue?
It's no secret that Mythic favours the hardcore player, it must do because progression of your char even after lvl 50 requires so much time and effort, thats time and effort that casual players just can't put in. The rift now appearing between the casual player and the hardcore player, with RA's, SC Armour and the like, all required to improve your char, is now getting so great that there is an almost zero chance a casual player in RvR is going to win anything.
Don't get me wrong, Mythic should reward it's hardcore players, but the rewards have, in themselves created an elite society within DAOC, one which no casual player has any chance of breaking into, as these forums so often prove (arranging a exping group on BW forums is one of the most ridiculous things i have ever seen and alienates other players before you even get online). So then, if the casual player has no chance, no new players are going to come either.
I think this will be one of the final nails in the DAOC coffin tbh, current players who are no longer prepared to put up with the elitist shite are going to have a choice, a much bigger choice than they have now (take a trip to mmorpgdot.com to see some of the games coming our way). They will move onto new games, as will most if not all of the people they get on with, both in and out of their respective guilds. New players won't be interested in DAOC, it looks dated and no amount of patches are going to make life there any easier, you'll still have to work hard, in most cases against other selfish people of the same realm so that rules them out.
What have we got left then, ahh yes, the elite hardcore players. Well i just hope there's enough of you to justify Mythic keeping the servers open but you only have yourselves and your attitude towards your fellow realm players to blame for it's decline.
One thing tho, you wont have the problem of having to tell people to FO when they are follwing your 1fg V 1fg only RvR group because there wont be anyone behind you, probably wont be anyone in front of you to kill either
. You will have the frontiers to yourselves tho, for as long as they stay online.
With so many new MMORPG's on the horizon, not just the big 2 (WOW & EQ2) either but so many more that will find a niche market and attract players, how will DAOC continue?
It's no secret that Mythic favours the hardcore player, it must do because progression of your char even after lvl 50 requires so much time and effort, thats time and effort that casual players just can't put in. The rift now appearing between the casual player and the hardcore player, with RA's, SC Armour and the like, all required to improve your char, is now getting so great that there is an almost zero chance a casual player in RvR is going to win anything.
Don't get me wrong, Mythic should reward it's hardcore players, but the rewards have, in themselves created an elite society within DAOC, one which no casual player has any chance of breaking into, as these forums so often prove (arranging a exping group on BW forums is one of the most ridiculous things i have ever seen and alienates other players before you even get online). So then, if the casual player has no chance, no new players are going to come either.
I think this will be one of the final nails in the DAOC coffin tbh, current players who are no longer prepared to put up with the elitist shite are going to have a choice, a much bigger choice than they have now (take a trip to mmorpgdot.com to see some of the games coming our way). They will move onto new games, as will most if not all of the people they get on with, both in and out of their respective guilds. New players won't be interested in DAOC, it looks dated and no amount of patches are going to make life there any easier, you'll still have to work hard, in most cases against other selfish people of the same realm so that rules them out.
What have we got left then, ahh yes, the elite hardcore players. Well i just hope there's enough of you to justify Mythic keeping the servers open but you only have yourselves and your attitude towards your fellow realm players to blame for it's decline.
One thing tho, you wont have the problem of having to tell people to FO when they are follwing your 1fg V 1fg only RvR group because there wont be anyone behind you, probably wont be anyone in front of you to kill either