<awaits the friday new whine>



Well, some Friday news on time again this week. We'll talk about the next patch coming up on servers near you (pointy hats !), the Chronicles, our plans for the coming months and some useful hints to finish with.
Enjoy !

Patch 1.60 :

We are now done with the French tests. Yesterday, we started the German ones. Some minor issues are still there but the fixes have been asked for already. If everything goes as planned, we should patch the version 1.60 to all live servers before the end of the month.
You can find the release notes in our Knowledge database (1.58, 1.59 & 1.60) at the usual address : http://faq.camelot-europe.com

Chronicles :

Some news regarding the Chronicles again this week. While waiting for the brand new version of the software compatible with the 1.61 version of Dark Age of Camelot, we have been testing several new versions this week.
None of these versions were fully functional sadly, but we could gather some important information with the errors generated during the process and most are being fixed.
This means that things are moving the right way and that we may have the Chronicles back before the patch 1.61. Please note that there is nothing certain here, but it's a plan following the information we have presently.

Current Projects :

Let's talk about something a bit more general, but it should interest you : what we are planning for the 3 months coming.

We are currently designing an online poll tool, which will allow us to ask you questions, to learn & react more to your expectations and wishes regarding the game and related services. You will be able access these polls directly from our website and will only be usable by players with an active account. This tool will also allow us to bring the feedback of European players to Mythic regarding the coming developments, providing real facts of what you are asking for.

Still related to the official website, we are currently considering the "map-a-lot" system designed by Mythic on their website, allowing players to learn about the fastest way from two locations in Dark Age of Camelot (you can get a look here). Of course we do not want just a cut/paste project and we want this to be available to everyone, in English, French and German. At first glance, there is a lot of translation in this project and this will take some time to develop, but we are seriously considering making a European version.

Now, let's see about the events.
The first European Dark Age of Camelot campaign will end and, before starting another one, we want to re-think their concept and format, to make them even more interesting and, of course, shorter :)
On a different note, our event tools will be nicely enhanced in coming versions and we should be able to offer new European unique in-game quests on all servers. These quests will be a bit different than the ones you are used to do in the game currently but we will come back on this in a soon future. Our will being to always offer more content and ambiance, we will of course keep on adding characters in the game, like the ones we added at the beginning of this week.

We have other projects in our bags, but they are still in foetus stage and it's too early to really talk about these.

Some in-game hints :

We will start with a little trick, not really known, allowing you to give better weapons to keep guards. You can actually give a weapon to any keep guard (must be better quality than the one he is holding currently) and the guard will wield it and use it during battle. Of course, the weapon will disappear if the guard happens to die. You cannot equip keep guards with armours or other items.

There is a command that not many of you should know about, the /trade command. You can use /trade to filter who will be able to initiate a trade with you (all/group/none).
I can already hear some say "hmm, what is the point of this command ?". Well, not sure about you, but during relic raids or big keep raids, it can useful to filter who will trade the ram parts with you, especially if you have a lot of people on the doors :)

Last, the "should be known and used" /advice command.
By using /advisor, a player with more than 15 hours played can choose to flag himself as an advisor, ready to answer other players' questions about the game, quests and various things. By using /advice, you can get a list of the online advisors in your realm and, by typing /advice , you can contact him directly (different chat colour).

Remember that advisors are players, just like everyone else. While they have a will to help, they can be busy in a hunt ; they can be away from the keyboard and may not answer your questions straight up. Do not get upset if you do not get an answer, ask another advisor :)

Well, looks like this is it for this week...
Opps, almost forgot. If you are interested in what Mythic is planning for the future, I urge you to read the Matt Firor's "What's next for Camelot" letter. You will find it here.

Enjoy the weekend, and happy hunting everyone !



"We will start with a little trick, not really known, allowing you to give better weapons to keep guards. You can actually give a weapon to any keep guard (must be better quality than the one he is holding currently) and the guard will wield it and use it during battle. Of course, the weapon will disappear if the guard happens to die. You cannot equip keep guards with armours or other items. "

u are joking me? we can equip keep gaurds with weapons?

Roo Stercogburn

Been able to equip keep guards and the keep lord for ages :)


See the last link to up n coming stuff for daoc, last note on herald is about rvr changes...

no details but from the sounds of it they will be a big change

Edit : Still, any sensible person who may face losing customers to rivals is bound to say this type of thing :/


You must have missed the Caer Benowyc rock band thread then when all the guards had instruments...

Generic Poster

Current Projects
What we are planning for the 3 months coming:

We are currently designing an online poll tool

We are currently considering the "map-a-lot" system designed by Mythic on their website

The first European Dark Age of Camelot campaign will end and, before starting another one, we want to re-think their concept and format, to make them even more interesting and, of course, shorter :)

What has this crap got to do with gameplay. Polls are useless, maps can be found anywhere and almost every event to date has been an annoying affair.

I'd rather GOA push their resources towards translating patches until we catch up with the US, fix the XML, then start on whatever pointless tasks they want.

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