

Sep 13, 2006
you dont see these groups on cluster as well!



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
toxii, its not like we need to try and make avalon look better then it is, I actully fear for such a massive move of hypocritical shitheads from cluster to avalon. Not to forget the whining bitches like septina and booomer. :kissit:

Its good as it is atm, dont need more groups from cluster, can be nice, but can also end in disaster.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Well if i would play activly i would def go Avalon if i had a setgroup.

Thing is that english servers are dying imo. I just tried rvr 2 evenings like last 2 weeks and imo it wasnt good action at all. Last time before that i tried rvr on live was 1year ago and it wasnt so good then, but it was sure alot better then it was these 2 evenings.

Avalon seem to have many groups thats gonna roll here and they already seem to have many FG germans already so, and also with english servers losing more and more ppl. Other "casual/randoms" might also roll on Avalon.

Seems fun atleast with alot of action. But i have no idea on how many FGs there is roaming. But seem to be zerg stuff to, and that can be some fun fights now and then also :)

But for agramon to be fun it needs to be many groups roaming.

So what setups u guys using Staj?
I tried to use duskwave to see etc, couldnt find u tho. And the germans names on chars i dont know :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
quite impressed by avalon too. everybody seems quite friendly and helpfull, not rly any whine on irc or forums since ppl know where what happens (fg zone / zerg zone). the same grps that dont add u on agramon will happily run u over in the zerg zone, and nobody whines cause thats how it works.
also quite nice to be able to actually go out and play during afternoons if u want, was 100+ mids in frontier a few days ago at 14 cet, on cluster ppl moan like hell if u run a fg before 19. and grps keep comming back, not the usual cluster nonsens with "we lost twice now some ppl log"
and when fg vs fg action is over and most have logged, u can go to the zerg zone and get plenty of action.
also quite fun to fight all those r11/12 grps etc.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 13, 2004
Jobbegea said:
like... wtf? :) you guys are rr5-7?

in that ss we were rr 1/2 (mabbe vf and acher 3), was first rvr night xD

not like that alb grp is even decent, they only roam in zerg etc.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
toxii said:
vf, seriously, you're playing there for 2 weeks, we played there for a year plus.
keep on sugarcoating this and you sadly will find out in a while that we wasnt overexagerating at all ;p

im not sugarcoating shit, im speaking from my experience. next to that i think people here are overdramatising things like fuck :D

it was one group of people who decided to reroll and none of those bar two (rsh/gwal in rage) were active in fg rvr on cluster. me and staj hadn't played in any group for ages except the occasional pug we got invited to, same for lorfo + vinter, and duact + acher were remainders of a semi-failed project camlann or whatever happened there.

the only group which stopped running on cluster after our reroll was Rage, but Rsh was always loyal to his guild and would never have joined us if Rage was still fully active.

anyways, my point in short: our reroll didn't directly affect cluster rvr in any way. the only thing that happened is that 8 semi-inactive guys decided to group up and start a fresh project on a 'new' realm, with new classes, new enemies to fight, in a totally new community.

and so far, it's been great fun, which has intruiged other guilds to go also. i can't do anything but cheer and welcome them. sure, cluster had a great community for many years but around the start of the camlann project i lost pretty much all motivation to play.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 11, 2006
Gratscensi said:
you dont see these groups on cluster as well!


That picture tells more about the quality of FG on Avalon...
RR5-7 able to knock down a group that contains no less than 3 RR12 and alot of RR11. Sure you're a good group, but that should not be able to happen in reality, if your oppenents was good, simply for the fact they got way more tools behind the back.

Stallion said:
toxii, its not like we need to try and make avalon look better then it is, I actully fear for such a massive move of hypocritical shitheads from cluster to avalon. Not to forget the whining bitches like septina and booomer.

We won't miss you either mr. leet! :kissit: :fluffle:
That message does actually go to most that have moved, as it was mainly those that has now moved, that whined like kids that didn't get their share of the cookie.
Hopefully you and those that moved, will stop posting here and post on the Avalon boards instead. Ahh! How pleasent both FH and Cluster would be!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 13, 2004
Xajin said:
That picture tells more about the quality of FG on Avalon...
RR5-7 able to knock down a group that contains no less than 3 RR12 and alot of RR11. Sure you're a good group, but that should not be able to happen in reality, if your oppenents was good, simply for the fact they got way more tools behind the back.

We won't miss you either mr. leet! :kissit: :fluffle:
That message does actually go to most that have moved, as it was mainly those that has now moved, that whined like kids that didn't get their share of the cookie.
Hopefully you and those that moved, will stop posting here and post on the Avalon boards instead. Ahh! How pleasent both FH and Cluster would be!

Rush said:
in that ss we were rr 1/2 (mabbe vf and acher 3), was first rvr night xD

not like that alb grp is even decent, they only roam in zerg etc.

what u didnt understand? :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Xajin said:
That picture tells more about the quality of FG on Avalon...
RR5-7 able to knock down a group that contains no less than 3 RR12 and alot of RR11. Sure you're a good group, but that should not be able to happen in reality, if your oppenents was good, simply for the fact they got way more tools behind the back.

no, it tells more about the quality of one certain alb group. and like ive said for a long time, teamwork is the most important factor in winning a fight, not rr.

another rr11 albgroup has farmed us 8 times in a row until we finally beat them one time, imagine the cheers on vent and double it a few times. that's excitement i havnt had on cluster for a long, long time.

the 'best' achievement on cluster would be beating the mael/grv/whatever mid and eriks alb grp (?). im not saying they're shit and we would always win, far from it, but we have fought those exact same guys for years already.

change = good, new experience = good. sure it might all be boring in a few weeks or months, but so what? 2 weeks of pve was well worth it. if we would quit today, it would still have been worth it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 11, 2006
Gratscensi said:
sometimes silence is golden Xajin.

Bah! I had hoped you would stop posting on FH after my comment.... guess that will only remain a dream.
Silence is golden? Sometimes speaking at the right moments is alot more in your favor than keeping your mouth shut, and I think this is such a moment! :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003

sucks when good ppl move though, despite that, good luck on Avalon guys :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Xajin said:
That picture tells more about the quality of FG on Avalon...
RR5-7 able to knock down a group that contains no less than 3 RR12 and alot of RR11. Sure you're a good group, but that should not be able to happen in reality, if your oppenents was good, simply for the fact they got way more tools behind the back.
Nah not a chance, u can win easy with a good lowbee grp over a high rr grp, we beat costodia on our first night out as mid, we were rr 1-2 with 1 rr 3 still won kinda flawless. they are all rr 9+. not a massive acivment or anything but rr!=skill


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 11, 2006
Vodkafairy said:
another rr11 albgroup has farmed us 8 times in a row until we finally beat them one time, imagine the cheers on vent and double it a few times. that's excitement i havnt had on cluster for a long, long time.

the 'best' achievement on cluster would be beating the mael/grv/whatever mid and eriks alb grp (?). im not saying they're shit and we would always win, far from it, but we have fought those exact same guys for years already.

change = good, new experience = good. sure it might all be boring in a few weeks or months, but so what? 2 weeks of pve was well worth it. if we would quit today, it would still have been worth it.

1. Understandable, but as well as teamplay plays an important matter when it comes to competitive FG rvr, so does rr's play a very big role. Have you actually been in a group that started from scratch? Because I think some of your excitement actually more comes from that, than the fact you've moved from Cluster.
2. I agree that there haven't been many groups out lately. The strange thing is that the effort people put into creating FG guilds on Avalon, could easy have restored FG rvr on Cluster completly, if the energy was spend here instead of Avalon. Like Eleasis I don't understand why people did move in the first place.
3. If I should speak truthfully, then I'm not that happy about people just leaving, and spending energy on creating guilds on Avalon, since it drains Cluster. As said before, if people put the effort into Cluster instead of Avalon, we would've restored FG rvr again. But if you're happy about the move, then cheers. I just wish people would stop posting here on FH, so the cluster doesn't get drained further than it is due to negative posts about people leaving cluster...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
like all rerolls they can be fun, but the novelty wears off after a bit. Especially when you play a fixed grp of 8, one suddenly can't play and cos you're on a foreign server, theres a lack of suitable replacements :(

Having said that, would love to play some active rvr on avalon again, <3 playing bard :( Tho ofc noone from nocturne still plays hib/ava, think the only other nocturne player is sept whos rerolled alb with madi? :E


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 11, 2006
Valgyr said:
Nah not a chance, u can win easy with a good lowbee grp over a high rr grp, we beat costodia on our first night out as mid, we were rr 1-2 with 1 rr 3 still won kinda flawless. they are all rr 9+. not a massive acivment or anything but rr!=skill

CM is not centered around FG rvr, which does mean their playstyle can be rather... hmm... bad. What I meant was, if you met a group that was centered around FG vs FG rvr, then there should be slightly no chance you could beat them if they are around 5 RR's+ over yours.

I will take my first arguement back though, as the group on the pic was a bunch of zerglings according to what people have said. What I want to question, is what the intention to prove with that picture was? That there's more rr12's on Avalon or that you can beat a very high rr group of zerglings?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Xajin said:
1. Understandable, but as well as teamplay plays an important matter when it comes to competitive FG rvr, so does rr's play a very big role. Have you actually been in a group that started from scratch? Because I think some of your excitement actually more comes from that, than the fact you've moved from Cluster.

...yes. prime example being this avalon project? we had nothing when we came, facing groups which are mostly rr11. we were lucky they arent used to our playstyle so we had it fairly easy, but now they adapted to us we have lots of hard fights. when I joined bdc with heretic it was fairly new also, most people being rr5-6 and my char being rr1, with no guidelines on how to play the class because none used it in a similar way before. and way way before that i joined a spanish valewalker group called Everhate, we were all low rr and had shit teamwork but we tried and tried and tried until we got better eventually (never even got ~average/good tho, but we were on our way! :p)

2. I agree that there haven't been many groups out lately. The strange thing is that the effort people put into creating FG guilds on Avalon, could easy have restored FG rvr on Cluster completly, if the energy was spend here instead of Avalon. Like Eleasis I don't understand why people did move in the first place.

we didn't move from cluster to avalon. we started there from nothing, we didn't run on cluster in the first place, all of us were scattered all over the place and most semi-inactive. there was extremely little action on cluster at the time and avalon seemed to be active as hell, so we went there instead.

3. If I should speak truthfully, then I'm not that happy about people just leaving, and spending energy on creating guilds on Avalon, since it drains Cluster. As said before, if people put the effort into Cluster instead of Avalon, we would've restored FG rvr again. But if you're happy about the move, then cheers. I just wish people would stop posting here on FH, so the cluster doesn't get drained further than it is due to negative posts about people leaving cluster...


there is no need for cluster guilds to reroll, nor did we ask anyone to. ofcourse we shared experience mostly on irc with friends, if they feel ava is tempting too and reroll then sure, join the fun. we hardly posted about ava on fh (if at all), let alone make a recruitment post or anything of the sort Oo


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
me myself are rerollin because of 3 choices:

1. never created a own character and played it for some time in albion, due to GOA restricting us to 2 realms if you only have 1 account(and i didnt roll on camlann)

2. facing the same people/groups all the time makes the game boring very fast

3. playing low rr again and face some real hardass opponents


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Stallion said:
toxii, its not like we need to try and make avalon look better then it is, I actully fear for such a massive move of hypocritical shitheads from cluster to avalon. Not to forget the whining bitches like septina and booomer. :kissit:

Its good as it is atm, dont need more groups from cluster, can be nice, but can also end in disaster.

Heard you're doing quite fine in the whine department yourself stajj so ^^
'olol you cant win without moc' 'rr11 moc newbs' and such. :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Xajin said:
1. Understandable, but as well as teamplay plays an important matter when it comes to competitive FG rvr, so does rr's play a very big role. Have you actually been in a group that started from scratch? Because I think some of your excitement actually more comes from that, than the fact you've moved from Cluster.
2. I agree that there haven't been many groups out lately. The strange thing is that the effort people put into creating FG guilds on Avalon, could easy have restored FG rvr on Cluster completly, if the energy was spend here instead of Avalon. Like Eleasis I don't understand why people did move in the first place.
3. If I should speak truthfully, then I'm not that happy about people just leaving, and spending energy on creating guilds on Avalon, since it drains Cluster. As said before, if people put the effort into Cluster instead of Avalon, we would've restored FG rvr again. But if you're happy about the move, then cheers. I just wish people would stop posting here on FH, so the cluster doesn't get drained further than it is due to negative posts about people leaving cluster...

Sorry that our interests clash, but I dont think anyone cares.

If people want to know how it is, we will tell them, why would we keep people outside of the knowledge that Avalon actully can be a good substitute for cluster and fg environment.

I can tell you cluster got some bad sides of me to shine brighter with the hypocrits out there. Hard to not get dragged down into the shit.. Avalon is for me like a distant land without whine or double standards. Its very relaxing and I get to do it with some very very good friends. Thats all..

Cluster was loads of fun but also alot of frustruation..


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Septina said:
Heard you're doing quite fine in the whine department yourself stajj so ^^
'olol you cant win without moc' 'rr11 moc newbs' and such. :)

I resigned from that department and cheif in command is now Shadowz, I heard he is doing a great job! :fluffle:


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Stallion said:
I resigned from that department and cheif in command is now Shadowz, I heard he is doing a great job! :fluffle:

Not according to people on irc, might be missinformed tho ;x


Sep 13, 2006
Xajin said:
What I want to question, is what the intention to prove with that picture was? That there's more rr12's on Avalon or that you can beat a very high rr group of zerglings?

it means what it says, there are no such groups on cluster. you figure it out what it means.

again, silence is golden.



Oct 8, 2006
Stallion said:
I resigned from that department and cheif in command is now Shadowz, I heard he is doing a great job! :fluffle:
karate did ok aswell, something like; Your all rr11 noobs!

Personally im rolling avalon cause it sounds fun, and i got a grp to do it with. We'r like 10-11 people, so some people not being able to play wont be a problem for us. Have to admit it got abit boring to play on cluster rvr aswell, considering we met the same groups over and over again. mael/groove was always a really hard and entertaining fight, with different outcomes, dont panic was also a fun fight. These albgroups was just silly in my opinion, if you got a good start you won usually flawlessly, if they spdwarped and kited 2k range before we could even get close it was usually loose, atleast with the tankgroups we ran in the last 2-3 weeks. Think avalon will be fun, new realm, new class, and new enemies :)

forgot to mention valheru <3! Oh, and for the record, most albgroups actually started to run with more tanks the last week, like tt, arctic circle and asylum who have been more tankoriented than other groups for along time


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Xajin said:
2. I agree that there haven't been many groups out lately. The strange thing is that the effort people put into creating FG guilds on Avalon, could easy have restored FG rvr on Cluster completly, if the energy was spend here instead of Avalon. Like Eleasis I don't understand why people did move in the first place.
3. If I should speak truthfully, then I'm not that happy about people just leaving, and spending energy on creating guilds on Avalon, since it drains Cluster. As said before, if people put the effort into Cluster instead of Avalon, we would've restored FG rvr again. But if you're happy about the move, then cheers. I just wish people would stop posting here on FH, so the cluster doesn't get drained further than it is due to negative posts about people leaving cluster...

how can u be so narrow minded, most of the grps going have been a major part of the fg scene on cluster for ages and ages (and before that too). when it got boring ppl moved realm, then went back, then tried another server (like glaston), then moved back, then moved realm, etc etc. many of those currently rerolling to avalon have given cluster a lot of effort through a lot of time.

u have NO right to critisise us for our decision, particulary when what ur suggesting has alrdy been tried a dozen times over.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 11, 2006
Gratscensi said:
it means what it says, there are no such groups on cluster. you figure it out what it means.

again, silence is golden.


Do you know this old saying:
"Ask a question and be a fool for 10 minutes. Never ask, and be a fool for lifetime." :fluffle:

On the other hand, I don't think I am the fool here. So I'm sorry, but you would probably have to find a mirrior if you want to find a true fool.
So, should I be sad, because you have these sort of groups we don't got on cluster? No, think again. So the picture posted was pretty pointless and even wasted. :touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 11, 2006
gwal said:
how can u be so narrow minded, most of the grps going have been a major part of the fg scene on cluster for ages and ages (and before that too). when it got boring ppl moved realm, then went back, then tried another server (like glaston), then moved back, then moved realm, etc etc. many of those currently rerolling to avalon have given cluster a lot of effort through a lot of time.

u have NO right to critisise us for our decision, particulary when what ur suggesting has alrdy been tried a dozen times over.

You're pretty wrong about that. I have EVERY right to state my opinion, as a messageboard is much about that. I've been here since day one of DAoC (also beta), so don't come to the conclussion that I haven't seen the effort you've put into trying to restore the FG rvr.
Also keep in mind that some of the things I say, is meant for all, and not you only. Some of those rerolling haven't really tried to do anything here on Cluster to restore FG rvr after it became bad, I agree there have been some, but far from as many as you claim.

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