Attacks on Iran is coming very soon..


Part of the furniture
Jan 3, 2005
Nothings changed since the crusades.

Stop being sheeple. I support Iran, the more countries stand up and defy Bush and his cronies the better.

ps. US wont do shite, Chavez in Venezuela will just cut his oil supplies to States and ship it China instead.

You support Iran... even though their president warns people away from voting for the opposition through scare tactics and violence. What little opposition there is anyway before his cronies get to them.

Nice one! Democracy for all.


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Take my word for it, if the Americans invade Iran they will be facing another Vietnam; the Iranians have a very good army, not to say the Americans don't but they are no way near the class of for example the British or the Iranians, its suicide for many young americans going there.

The same army that got beat by Iraq's not that long ago. It would be another Iraq but nothing like Vietnam. The air war would last a few hours at the most and the ground war would be like Iraq, over in days. Occupation would be a disaster though.

I still doubt the UN would let it happen anytime soon. Current estimates by the IAEA say they would only yield enough enriched material in 2-3 years if they indeed had 3000 'working' centrifuges.

Of course the US could just let Israel deal with it like they did with the last lots of Iranian nuclear facilites.

Zede said:
Nothings changed since the crusades.

I always love this view. Blamming everything since on two crusades which started in 1095. So, the entire history of the last thousand years and problems in the Middle East stem from that?

If you do take that view, then a simple retort is they started it! the Moors (Muslim) invaded Catholic Spain some 400 years before the first crusade. They actually went as far as North into Europe as mid France. They were finally driven out around the time the first crusade started with help of military leaders like Rodrigo Diaz (El Cid). The war took over 30 years to win.

Open a history book before making such a ludicrous argument.


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
I kinda hoped that the Iranian people would have raised a revolution, after the Iranian's President declarations about Israel and the reiterated World Community slaps about the Nuclear problem.
I guess, sadly, they gonna have what the Integralists looked for. It's a real shame cause the Iranian youth got a Western Culture.

Very true, it is still my firm belief that US/Western Policy will never put an end Fundamentalism. What will do in the end it is MTV! All over the Middle East you see a youth wearing, or aspiring to, western clothes and all the materialistic trappings of a the western culture. They want all the same gadgets we all crave for.

This week in Dubai is the big Electronics Show called Gitex. People will be flooding into to Dubai from all over the Middle East to buy the lastest consummer gadets.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
You support Iran... even though their president warns people away from voting for the opposition through scare tactics and violence. What little opposition there is anyway before his cronies get to them.

Nice one! Democracy for all.

Damn right I do, and any other country that has the BALLS to stand up to the right wing twat that is B.Junior. Ahmadinejad is no saint, but compared to what the USA gets away with, he is insignificant.

Oh and by the way, Georgey boy just gets his Brother to "lose" a whole bunch of black votes in Florida to keep him in power, who needs scare tactics when you have so much disinformation you can get away with anything, oh yer like invading Iraq !


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
But Iraq had weapons of massdestruction!!

Somewhere! :eek:


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
The same army that got beat by Iraq's not that long ago. It would be another Iraq but nothing like Vietnam. The air war would last a few hours at the most and the ground war would be like Iraq, over in days. Occupation would be a disaster though.

I still doubt the UN would let it happen anytime soon. Current estimates by the IAEA say they would only yield enough enriched material in 2-3 years if they indeed had 3000 'working' centrifuges.

Of course the US could just let Israel deal with it like they did with the last lots of Iranian nuclear facilites.

I always love this view. Blamming everything since on two crusades which started in 1095. So, the entire history of the last thousand years and problems in the Middle East stem from that?

If you do take that view, then a simple retort is they started it! the Moors (Muslim) invaded Catholic Spain some 400 years before the first crusade. They actually went as far as North into Europe as mid France. They were finally driven out around the time the first crusade started with help of military leaders like Rodrigo Diaz (El Cid). The war took over 30 years to win.

Open a history book before making such a ludicrous argument.

Quoting what one tribe did in Spain means shit. Tribes have had a habit of invading countries for centuries, heck millenia, just look at good old England for example, some blokes from Normandy sorted us out. Anyway, I digress.

And to answer your question - Yes. A large chunk of our history( sorry not falling for the "entire" bit, thats just silly) over the last 1000 years absolutely, 100% has been down to one persistant thing - the ones who organised the damn crusades, the wonderful Roman Catholic Church. If i really have to explain whats going on with them fairies...I think its you that needs a history lesson m8zor !


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
I think it was kinda obvious when the Iraq war started that Iran would be next.

Doesn't bother me though, one less country processing nukes to worry about

problem is that iran HAVE nukes, and also stated that they are prepared to use them if they get attacked.

and i dunno about you but i'm not to comfortable with that.....


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I've got ADD this morning so I'll just say...about f*cking time.

No good war on TV since iraq.

Though it's probably rather boring since it's just iraq/iran transition.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 19, 2004
I really wish you fucking kids would get a clue what your talking about before reeling out bollocks. The USA is a democracy in which many races and cultures live.

Societies 'interests' is one of the key concepts of the American way of life.

First of all, don't call me a kid when we are the same age - That does not make you look "cool".

But to get to the point, please do state your source when using such a definition. Am I right in thinking it is from Wiki? ( Fascism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ). Just to let you know of a thing called "source criticism", then you should never NEVER quote wikipedia. It is based on user input and may therefor very well be flawed. Just look above that article: "This article needs additional references or sources for verification.". This should of warned you but I guess it did not.
Secondly, then don't just use the snip of the text you can use.
Just after your copy paste it states some other very interesting "facts". I for one can see many things in the next quote that fits the USA very well. Like Militarism, nationalism, anti-communism, etc.:
"Various scholars attribute different characteristics to fascism, but the following elements are usually seen as its integral parts: nationalism, authoritarianism, statism, militarism, totalitarianism, anti-communism, collectivism, corporatism, populism, and opposition to economic and political liberalism." - From the same wiki page as above.

So after the hard facts from wiki, I would state America as being a fascist nation. Tsk tsk tsk Gamah... maybe it is you who should get a clue.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
So after the hard facts from wiki, I would state America as being a fascist nation. Tsk tsk tsk Gamah... maybe it is you who should get a clue.

:rolleyes: you dont really know anything about fascism do you?

also, another joor thread, whoop-de-doo. wont happen.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
Or many many thousands, who knows...its Doesn't bother you ??

no, i personally have more important things to be concerned with. dont come over like you really give a shit joor. if you did you wouldnt be sat on fh copying and pasting bullshit you found on your crackhead websites. youd be out protesting 24/7, writing letters to the government, all sorts of things. but instead your doing something that will make no difference at all.


Dec 22, 2003
Hmm... You really didnt understand my post did you? - Was "trying" to show Gamah how you can misuse wiki. :rolleyes:

Well done, yes I used Wiki for my "quote", that’s what happens when your about to go to work and don’t have time to write 1000 lines on why your simple comment is wrong on about 1000 levels. I could find similarities between a nice fresh chicken and a big pile of shit, but my guess is you aint gonna eat the shit and that’s what your argument of the USA sharing "similarities" with a fascist state is like.

I also understand what fascism is, and used a relevant quote from wiki which shared my understanding on the political system. You, however, clearly don't understand and were clearly only using the political “buzzword” to express your band wagon hate for the USA.

Just because you think you're some sort of political revolutionary because you have Che Guevara as your avatar doesn't mean I will buy your media brainwashed theory’s about the USA (a democracy btw) being a fascist state.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 19, 2004
Well done, yes I used Wiki for my "quote", that’s what happens when your about to go to work and don’t have time to write 1000 lines on why your simple comment is wrong on about 1000 levels. I could find similarities between a nice fresh chicken and a big pile of shit, but my guess is you aint gonna eat the shit and that’s what your argument of the USA sharing "similarities" with a fascist state is like.

I also understand what fascism is, and used a relevant quote from wiki which shared my understanding on the political system. You, however, clearly don't understand and were clearly only using the political “buzzword” to express your band wagon hate for the USA.

Just because you think you're some sort of political revolutionary because you have Che Guevara as your avatar doesn't mean I will buy your media brainwashed theory’s about the USA (a democracy btw) being a fascist state.

You make me laugh, thank you.

First of all I really wouldnt like you nor anyone else to "buy my media brainwashed theories". Make up your own mind about a subject. I was not trying to say anything about USA or Iran with my last 2 post. Just showing you what a gimp you are for, first of all not showing your source and secondly for using a place like wiki as a source.
And it surely does not make it any better that you used that quote, simply because it shared your views haha.

And starting to criticise me because of my avatar does indeed makes you look cool aswell Gamah mega mate.:clap:


Dec 22, 2003
It's like you read my post, forgot the points that I made, replaced them with some random "Echome's" and replyed to that.

I am done argueing with you as you appear to be a fucking moron.

I'm not writing a political essay where I am to "Declare my sources" it's an internet forum you ponce.

/Gamah out...leaving the ignorence to fester in its own shit.


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Quoting what one tribe did in Spain means shit. Tribes have had a habit of invading countries for centuries, heck millenia, just look at good old England for example, some blokes from Normandy sorted us out. Anyway, I digress.

And to answer your question - Yes. A large chunk of our history( sorry not falling for the "entire" bit, thats just silly) over the last 1000 years absolutely, 100% has been down to one persistant thing - the ones who organised the damn crusades, the wonderful Roman Catholic Church. If i really have to explain whats going on with them fairies...I think its you that needs a history lesson m8zor !

Roman Catholic Church have an awful lot to answer for when it comes to bloody history of Europe and the Middle East but they are not alone. Just possibly the worst offenders.

You appear to have totally missed the point of the post which was that I happen to find the often used term Crusaders very funny. It implies a very one sided view of the history in Europe and the Middle East which does not agree with the written history. It was far from one sided. It was a power struggle between faiths. Out here it is a derogatory term implying all the west are just war mongering idiots and have not changed.

As for me not reading enough history about this region, I have read plenty on the subject from both sides and travelled to many parts of it talking to people. With two other relatives we were tracing genealogy of our family back past the failed third crusade. So, save the lesson for someone who needs it! I know enough and more than most.

Try going to these places and live out here for a while then I might respect your opinion a bit more.;)


Part of the furniture
Jan 2, 2005
First of all, don't call me a kid when we are the same age - That does not make you look "cool".

But to get to the point, please do state your source when using such a definition. Am I right in thinking it is from Wiki? (Fascism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ). Just to let you know of a thing called "source criticism", then you should never NEVER quote wikipedia. It is based on user input and may therefor very well be flawed. Just look above that article: "This article needs additional references or sources for verification.". This should of warned you but I guess it did not.
Wiki is actually quite trustworthy. It contains only slightly more minor faults than the Encyclopaedia Brittanica, according to some research about a year ago.

Secondly, then don't just use the snip of the text you can use.
Just after your copy paste it states some other very interesting "facts". I for one can see many things in the next quote that fits the USA very well. Like Militarism, nationalism, anti-communism, etc.:
"Various scholars attribute different characteristics to fascism, but the following elements are usually seen as its integral parts: nationalism, authoritarianism, statism, militarism, totalitarianism, anti-communism, collectivism, corporatism, populism, and opposition to economic and political liberalism." - From the same wiki page as above.

So after the hard facts from wiki, I would state America as being a fascist nation. Tsk tsk tsk Gamah... maybe it is you who should get a clue.
Authoritarianism, statism, totalitarianism, collectivism, corporatism and opposition to economic and political liberalism don't apply to the US as far as I know, so no, you could not support that statement with Wikipedia's description. Perhaps populism, militarism and anti-communism apply, but that's only 3/9.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 27, 2004
Wiki is actually quite trustworthy. It contains only slightly more minor faults than the Encyclopaedia Brittanica, according to some research about a year ago.


I Hear a lot of people slating Wiki but it is actually very good, and of you are unsure of the info you can always look at another source which really should be done anyway.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Roman Catholic Church have an awful lot to answer for when it comes to bloody history of Europe and the Middle East but they are not alone. Just possibly the worst offenders.

You appear to have totally missed the point of the post which was that I happen to find the often used term Crusaders very funny. It implies a very one sided view of the history in Europe and the Middle East which does not agree with the written history. It was far from one sided. It was a power struggle between faiths. Out here it is a derogatory term implying all the west are just war mongering idiots and have not changed.

As for me not reading enough history about this region, I have read plenty on the subject from both sides and travelled to many parts of it talking to people. With two other relatives we were tracing genealogy of our family back past the failed third crusade. So, save the lesson for someone who needs it! I know enough and more than most.

Try going to these places and live out here for a while then I might respect your opinion a bit more.;)

ah, we are more akin than you think !

I to have travelled extensively, my last trip being to India last year(3rd trip), 6 months before that Sinai and the good ole USA in 2005 (8th trip). Im off to Korea in December, then Venezuela in 2008 - do i get the cookie ??? :)

Lets face it, the power struggle between 2 right wing factions ( which is nuts itself) is the same as it was when the first crusade started. The fundamentalist arms of both Islam and Christianity have far more in common than they let on.. ! The Musilim armies were more preoccupied with Asia than with Europe throughout history anyways.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
I cant say id shed a tear if america nukes Iran


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 27, 2004
I cant say id shed a tear if america nukes Iran

I saw a few progs/articles of late talking about Iranian people, they have a lot in common with many western people, the only difference being their government.

Read this about snowboarding there Iran - World Snowboard Guide

Here are 2 examples of what people want to do but get into shit for
Iranian morals police arrest 230 in raid on 'satanist' rave | Iran | Guardian Unlimited
Iranian police give barbers the chop to enforce Islamic dress code | Iran | Guardian Unlimited

I would hate to see innocent people getting nuked because of the government, reading stuff other than the normal "news" about this country makes it very hard to think of them as an Alien race that should be wiped from the earth. :p


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
ah, we are more akin than you think !

I to have travelled extensively, my last trip being to India last year(3rd trip), 6 months before that Sinai and the good ole USA in 2005 (8th trip). Im off to Korea in December, then Venezuela in 2008 - do i get the cookie ??? :)

Lets face it, the power struggle between 2 right wing factions ( which is nuts itself) is the same as it was when the first crusade started. The fundamentalist arms of both Islam and Christianity have far more in common than they let on.. ! The Musilim armies were more preoccupied with Asia than with Europe throughout history anyways.

Cookie for you :). NOt gonna list all the places I've been but I do go through a standard British Passport in around 2 years due to all the VISA's.

Yeah, history is a funny thing. If it wasn't for the Catholic's and the likes of El Cid and Vlad the Impaler (What a guy!) we'd probably all be kneeling towards Ka'abba right now :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
I saw a few progs/articles of late talking about Iranian people, they have a lot in common with many western people, the only difference being their government.

Read this about snowboarding there Iran - World Snowboard Guide

Here are 2 examples of what people want to do but get into shit for
Iranian morals police arrest 230 in raid on 'satanist' rave | Iran | Guardian Unlimited
Iranian police give barbers the chop to enforce Islamic dress code | Iran | Guardian Unlimited

I would hate to see innocent people getting nuked because of the government, reading stuff other than the normal "news" about this country makes it very hard to think of them as an Alien race that should be wiped from the earth. :p

dont forget the poor terrorist student in that sleepy american suburb who was expelled from school... cause he made a counterstrike map of said school !! ( kinda the same but different ! )

and marc - u stupid , arrogant s.o.a.b. give me a choice between wiping saints or tehran off the map, happier to see saints vapourised anyday. my crew will be in saints this evening if u want to exchange a few gloch rounds. no seriously, your are a twat.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
and marc - u stupid , arrogant s.o.a.b. give me a choice between wiping saints or tehran off the map, happier to see saints vapourised anyday. my crew will be in saints this evening if u want to exchange a few gloch rounds. no seriously, your are a twat.

Knock yourself out big man, I dont live in St Helens. As for my opinion, im entitled to it.

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