assassin's creed


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
On ps3 I hope, disc changing just is not cool in this day and age.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
i agree, disc changing is bane, some DC games had it and i didnt like it much when i had to get off me arse to swap discs.

MS are gonna have a prob in a couple of years time when devs are pushing both consoles more dvd wont be enuff and they cant just switch to HDdvd as preety much every owner will get cunted over.

surprised not many are complaining about this, they prolly will after this game is out tho.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
They couldn't fit it on a DVD. Not enough space, it is where Sony's descision to use BD really shines.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Erm Ch3tan, you are incorrect the devs stated few weeks ago that they fixed the space issue for the X360.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Hmmm... guess I read some out of date news then. Still if it became an issue it will do again.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
.. talk about making a big deal out of nothing, how much effort is it to change disc? to me it doesn't even make a difference.. just any reason to jump in and try to give the ps3 an 'advantage' when the 360 is clearly better! booyeah


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Didn't stop me playing Final Fantasy 7. I'm sure if the game is good enough, changing disk would be the last thing on my mind.


Resident Freddy
Dec 30, 2003
It doesnt bother me at all if it is more then 1 disk, just abit supprised thats all. Games with more then 1 disk are normaly RPG's games with about 3/4 disks.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Didn't stop me playing Final Fantasy 7. I'm sure if the game is good enough, changing disk would be the last thing on my mind.

back then games still came on floppies and changing discs was you could say the norm.

this day and age its "nextgen" this an "nextgen" that and to me and a few other peeps discs swapping is somat from the 80s/90s its old, could and should have been avoided:)

thats not to say sony is any better, BD nice uber size and yet some games need a bit to install on hdd


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
.. talk about making a big deal out of nothing, how much effort is it to change disc? to me it doesn't even make a difference.. just any reason to jump in and try to give the ps3 an 'advantage' when the 360 is clearly better! booyeah

I wasn't the only one that noticed it then.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2005
They're working on the space issue.. currently they're trying to fit all 5 languages on the same disc, etc.

PS3 version is having comparably serious memory issues.

I find this a bit baffling, as the game is coming out on PC also.. do many PC games these days require more than one DVD?

That news was a few weeks ago now, and since then the game has gone Gold on Oct 25th - so I imagine the issues for both systems have been cleared up. If there were issues such as multiple discs being required or memory issues, I imagine that would have delayed Gold..

Assassin's Creed golden - Xbox 360 News at GameSpot

Personally, I think a lot of the space issues people keep harping on about are fairly BS and mostly exist because there's now something *bigger* than a DVD.. I don't think Blu-Ray's full potential will be put to use for a while yet and only then, in Final Fantasy-esque games..


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Most people just don't get it. Sure, you can fit a game on a DVD, because you HAVE to. Like games had to be on CD and small cartridges before that.

What do you miss because of a lack of space? Well for one, there will be much heavier texture re-use. Second, the game design is seriously impacted from the start. You either skimp on sound and textures to fit on one DVD, or you use multiple DVDs which isn't possible on open games like GTA, Oblivion, etc (unless you wanna change a disc every time you go down a certain street :D).

So yeah, games can fit on a DVD9 if you want them to, but that doesn't mean you can't make good use of a bigger disc.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2005
I get that. It goes without saying. :touch:

Doesn't mean DVD is now an obsolete size to work for. Bigger doesn't mean better.. but yes, it means more.

I'm just dubious in the assumption that now Blu-Ray is around, DVD must be maxed out on its potential..

I'm sure Sony and the HD-pushers would love people to think that, but I don't believe its true just as the two new bigger formats start their war and begin singing their respective songs of glory.

.. But then again, I'm one of the people who couldn't care less about HD or Blu-Ray movies - I'm happy with DVD quality.. *shrug*


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
my copy was shipped from shopto at 4pm today. apparently it will be here tomorrow... won't be a disaster (or surprising) if it isn't here until thursday, but still - if it is here tomorrow, wahoo!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
video review up on :) it looks very promising.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
I get that. It goes without saying. :touch:

Doesn't mean DVD is now an obsolete size to work for. Bigger doesn't mean better.. but yes, it means more.

I'm just dubious in the assumption that now Blu-Ray is around, DVD must be maxed out on its potential..

I'm sure Sony and the HD-pushers would love people to think that, but I don't believe its true just as the two new bigger formats start their war and begin singing their respective songs of glory.

.. But then again, I'm one of the people who couldn't care less about HD or Blu-Ray movies - I'm happy with DVD quality.. *shrug*

Thing is tho Sony maxed out DVD ages ago with dual layer titles like GT4 and God of War 2, seems only natural that for the next-gen consoles with next-gen textures they're gonna need some next-gen storage to put it on. Looking at the detail on Assassin's Creed compared to say God of War 2 (as immense as GOW2 is) I can totally see why.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 2, 2004
Lol the review on GT is a bit unforgiving and yet it gets a 9.1 /confused.

Got it ordered anyhoo


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Thing is tho Sony maxed out DVD ages ago with dual layer titles like GT4 and God of War 2, seems only natural that for the next-gen consoles with next-gen textures they're gonna need some next-gen storage to put it on. Looking at the detail on Assassin's Creed compared to say God of War 2 (as immense as GOW2 is) I can totally see why.

Creed only filled the 9gb during development due to the audio being in 5 languages, the U.S. version doesn't even fill 8gb being English only yet the visual fidelity on both versions (360 and PS3) is identical. All this was eluded too in a recent interview with the top man at Ubisoft who was furious over the remark made by one of the games developers, he wasn't furious because he spoke out about one version of the game but that he was factually incorrect stating the 360 version would have to be compromised to fit in 9gb.

Now as it turns out they just used heavier compression on the audio and the 5 language version fits onto a single disc with room to spare.

Now onto to your comment about PS2 games that capped out a 9gb discs. They capped that media with those games but there is a good reason why it happened and it wasn't ingame content such as textures or models but video using very old compression methods. The actual data portion of GOW2 only comes in at 4.5gb with the audio accounting for another 1.2gb or so. The rest is all video which if it had been encoded using the best and most modern codecs would have been anywhere from 1/4 to 1/2 the size they ended up at.

Also you need to take this into account, both the 360 and PS3 now utilise some very heavy duty texture compression formats. This allows the developers to compress the textures which means they can save huge amounts of space on the media, these new formats can literally take a texture that would have taken 1mb on a Xbox/PS2 under their best compression and shrink that down to anywhere from 250kb to 500kb. That is a massive saving when it comes to data space and is the only reason some very high fidelity games like Gears of War would ever even fit on a 9gb disc. If we were stuck using the old texture compression formats and the old video compression codecs a game like that would never have fit into anything less than 15gb of space but it came in at around 8gb purely because of these technological advances.

All that is not to say that DVD won't become a limiting factor at some point but I don't see any 360 games yet that look worse than the PS3 counterpart so I honestly don't think that day is quite here yet.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
My gripe with most Ubisoft developed games such as RB6:V/GHOST RECON is that the AI SUCKS BALLS.

It appears Assassins Creed will also follow this trend from videos i've seen so far, my gf is getting it friday so will be able to see then :)

It looks stunning but i'm wondering if gameplay has been sacrificed for this.

Just checked IGN and they gave it a 7.7 ;/

Eurogamer didn't like it either and said crackdown did everything better then what AC does gave it a 7 or something.

Apprently every mission you take plays out exactly the same way with little difference in terms of the enemy etc

Better let my GF see these before she parts cash :)

Roll on Mass Effect!


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2005
Its very baffling.

I think most of the low-scoring views are due to reviewers with very high expectations being disappointed as a result of the hype.

A good example is TXB and several other places - Crackdown was given a 9, yet sports all the shortcomings the reviewers are highlighting tenfold.

A contrasting example is Halo 3, which has shit singleplayer and massive, massive hype, yet scored very big when it shouldn't have.

I think am going to trust Gamespot on this and pick it up on Friday. I have a game to trade in before it loses its value anyways :)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Yet Gamespot gave it a 9.0 confusing.

They are scoring it that high based on the eye-candy sadly. :(

Played the first 4 missions tonight and I am not that impressed, it sure does look nice but the missions all play out the same way and there are just too many things like the lack of being able to jump when you want that pisses me off. Frankly the game is a nice idea but the actually gameplay just isn't good enough to justify it ever being considered a classic 'game'. Visually it is sex on legs though.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
ign gave 360 ver 7.7 and ps3 7.5?

game spot says ps3 over 360

confused as everytoher site says they are identical

reader reviews ftw i guess


Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
To make things even more chaotic IGN AU gave it a 8.7 lol, so it defo seems to all boil down to fact how much u enjoy explore/sandbox type feel ala spiderman 2. If that style of play is enough for you then u should take note of the high scores, but if u get bored of just that style after a short time then u should take note of the low scores. But lets be honest the "low" scores are still 7+ :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
This is certainly turning out to be a game that you need to play to find out if you like it reviews aren't going to be to much use when they are this split, I'm getting it anyway it's the only way to be sure :)


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
my copy arrived this morning, i think it's a great game - it certainly doesn't deliver on all the lofty promises that were made, but it's certainly an enthralling game if the setting and style of play interest you.

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