assassin's creed


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
Best thing to do in those situations is to grab and throw your target and pull out your finger blade and jump on him, when he falls over.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Its the same with the 360.

Its a little annoying on the assassinations though.. I'd quite like to be able to replay them and try to take them down them better.

Just done my second (the doc in acre) and have been spotted before I could take the target down both times, so am forced into sword fighting :(

If you exit the city you can replay it, but you have to replay it from the 1st investigation. I agree it's annoying, to easy to be spotted on that one.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I've come to the conclusion that this game is pretty repetitive and boring. Ergo and therefore you're all idiots.

I've not had any crashes, but I've had two bugs so far; I fell through the map once and died from falling too far, and my character got stuck in the middle of a 'grab-the-wall' animation.

What the fuck.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2005
3 Assassinations down and a little annoyed that there doesn't seem to be that much personal choice in how you go about your assassination really..

I remember many cool stories from previews about how there were some great ways to approach taking targets down.. when in fact it always just seems to be a case of trying to finger blade them and, if that fails, get into a massive swordfight and kill everyone.

Have now given up on doing all investigations and will just do what is needed as they're all much the same and give no additional advantage that I can see :S

Still fun mind, just feel like I'm missing something with these assassinations :S


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
its been mentioned that game does not deliver what was promised, it is a poor hitman clone. all the assassination's are just kill bloke and either fight it out with the guards that jump you or leg it and hide. i have enjoyed playing it tho but gonna finishe this ebay it and either get mass effect or cod4


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
I'm on the 3rd assisnation now and I really cannot be bothered to go any further. Novelty wore off. We need another proper hitman game.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2005
Mm agreed.. its frustrating as I was very keen to like it a lot and disagree with the negative reviewers. But I see their point. It's another trade-in :(

I'll play it every so often when I need to vent some frustration with my currently shite work and slowly work my way through it before picking up ME. Seeing as I'm now on the 4th assassination after not many hours play and I've given up in the inane side-quests it shouldnt be that long..

On Hitman.. I played one of the older Hitman games a long time ago and liked it.. not played any since.. is the one for the 360 any good? I saw it on the preowned stand in Gamestation the other day and was tempted to pick it up..


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
On Hitman.. I played one of the older Hitman games a long time ago and liked it.. not played any since.. is the one for the 360 any good? I saw it on the preowned stand in Gamestation the other day and was tempted to pick it up..

aye, its very good. Lots of varity in the missions etc.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Mm agreed.. its frustrating as I was very keen to like it a lot and disagree with the negative reviewers. But I see their point. It's another trade-in :(

I'll play it every so often when I need to vent some frustration with my currently shite work and slowly work my way through it before picking up ME. Seeing as I'm now on the 4th assassination after not many hours play and I've given up in the inane side-quests it shouldnt be that long..

On Hitman.. I played one of the older Hitman games a long time ago and liked it.. not played any since.. is the one for the 360 any good? I saw it on the preowned stand in Gamestation the other day and was tempted to pick it up..

Hitman is easily one of the most fun games on the 360 so much so i went through it on every difficulty possible and got every achievement such a fantastic game not really got 100% on all my games so that says alot about how good and varied the game is.

Assassins Creed however is a big steaming pile of HYPE because thats all it ever was.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
just did the 2nd to last assassinations, not bothered collecting the gflags and shit. anyways this assassination was shit, you got hop about between boats and wooden planks sticking outta the sea, and the Arse-sasin cant swim:twak:

obviously that woman ubisoft kept on wheeling to promote this game is a thick as shit bint.


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
i've just killed the 3rd and tbh i'm loving it its a great frustration killing game, great fun bounding across rooftops to kill archers etc, i've bene getting all the civilians etc before doing the mission so making it last


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
i've just killed the 3rd and tbh i'm loving it its a great frustration killing game, great fun bounding across rooftops to kill archers etc, i've bene getting all the civilians etc before doing the mission so making it last

The problem is, there is no point getting all the other missions done. They are the same in each town, they are not difficult, and the info they give you does nothing to make the assasination anything but a fight or flight.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
finished it. uber fucking long credits roll, think everyone @ ubisoft inc the tea lady, bog cleaner etc gets a mention.

end of credits i was thinking you can finaly escape the building but all you do
is use vison button and glance @ creepy graffiti then you can go back to the olden dayz and collect flags.


synching became boring, as did saving the damsell in distress, story wise it was ok sorta kept me intrested. cant belive they got the wallcrawling/building hoping thing nice and simple yet fighting is screwed up. all the missions are far far to easy. they screwed up what could have been a top drawer game


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
The problem is, there is no point getting all the other missions done. They are the same in each town, they are not difficult, and the info they give you does nothing to make the assasination anything but a fight or flight.

you get a bigger synch bar, and i enjoy doing the side missions too, so thats reward enough


Fledgling Freddie
May 4, 2004
just did the 2nd to last assassinations, not bothered collecting the gflags and shit. anyways this assassination was shit, you got hop about between boats and wooden planks sticking outta the sea, and the Arse-sasin cant swim:twak:

obviously that woman ubisoft kept on wheeling to promote this game is a thick as shit bint.

Yeah i did that, then realised to the right of the ship is a plank, which leads to the city wall and back to the harbour so no need to actually jump across the planks :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Completed this game and yes the story line is a bit repetitive (SP), but the visual side definately makes up for that. Really enjoyed it from start to finish and i just hope the sequel is as good and maybe not as repetitive (SP)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Visuals make up for repetitive gameplay? This game proves that isnt true.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
But repetitive doesn't necessarily mean bad. Tetris doesn't exactly have a massively varied experience but still fun. I thought Assassins Creed was great fun.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Good looks only go so far, I would prefer it to look like tetris if it had the same addictive gameplay. But it does not, too much left out after so much hype.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2005
But repetitive doesn't necessarily mean bad. Tetris doesn't exactly have a massively varied experience but still fun. I thought Assassins Creed was great fun.

Is different for everyone. Some people don't mind the repetition, others do.

I enjoyed the game, but the blatant repetition annoyed me a treat. Then there was the claim that it was an assassination game, except you had very little control at all over the assassination.. They really should have considered the actual assassination aspect of the game a whole lot more.

..Then there were the clunky modern day segments, which clearly had been thrown together without much effort. It wouldn't have taken much to fix these to make things more fast paced, mysterious and exciting.

.. Then there's the combat. Too easy. Beautiful to watch, but after the 100th time gets boring holding RT and hitting X, no matter how good the animations are.

.. Then there's the "Kingdom" areas.. silly and not enough time/thought/effort..

But it was beautiful and I liked the free-running controls. Just wasn't given enough time and effort to make it a classic game it should have been, and instead its just Ok..

I also find it very baffling when I see people elsewhere harping on about the "massive, free-roaming world, non-linear world" and how amazing it is being able to wander around cities.. I just don't quite understand why its so lovely to wander around a small collection of identical cities for no particular reason, doing nothing in particular, getting shoved by gibbering idiots and badgered for change by identical beggar women.. or riding for ages through the large, uninteresting desert, being chased by any soldier who happens to catch a glimpse of me daring to try to get anywhere that isn't desolate and boring..

But that's me.. I'm not a huge fan of non-linear games, mostly because a lot of devs like to throw "Massive, non-linear game world" in there as a big positive, regardless of what it contribute to the gameplay.
More often than not I find it detracts from the storyline and forces you to wander around for long periods of time trying to work out just what it is you're supposed to be doing in this non-linear world, other than the main storyline, that is quite so exciting.. Only to eventually find you realising your error and sticking with the storyline from thereon, forever feeling like you may have missed something important.

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