Assassins and particularly sbs...are just dead. Good work mythic


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
after mids got AF spec's it evened out imo....hehe if albs don't use the damn heal spec's from the frier.....As for the NS vs SB - I for one would give up the 2hander any day for 2 insta interrups and a nuke

i dont like what they did with the buffs... how fooking complicated is it to give all 3 realms equal buffs...

its a fooking no brainer that this would be a good thing. 1 bot that has spec af and haste and all the other ones and thats it... voila level buff playing field.


Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004
Buffs r ok atm tbh.
RR5 needs massive reworking ... same do the deathblow abilties. Btw..why did we even get those ? .. so that the infils/ns can stop qqing about blugeon (which aint that much usefull at all really) since they will be true PAing/remedy machines with free SLs all around ?

hmmmm as always i seem to totally disagree with nuxto, playing an inf on german servers atm and i find it extremely fun. I do know i got more spec points etc yadayada so dont go there, i find most stealthclasses fairly even as they are now. As for remedy dump, what exactly prevents you from using it yourself? purge if any poisons already on u etc.. just makes it more of a dick swinging/styling contest.
On my little inf who only just dinged rr5 yesterday and is still ml4 i go for almost all targets, only things that are pretty much a no go atm are maulers unless i can line up a 100% pa, s/s valks and wardens. Heavy tanks are tough as hell but imo they bloody well should be.

So quit the whining and play more, only stealth class i think is severely in need of some lovin' are rangers. They seem to be free rp as it is now


Remedy .. means ... u getting hit first on a sb (cause the other has SL .. or comes from behind or whatever and he already has his remedy up) .. u will prolly lose. Mainly cause u will have to purge..then apply remedy...and then u will get stunned from the free mid combat stun styles Hib and Alb only get (even got myself stunned twice midfight in a 1vs1 from a NS.. i mean... lol...)
I wish i had an infil too ... @ rr10 infil is still like 2% infront of SB. Maybe rr12sb is in front..but to get there being the underdog...

Also..Blugeon is for laughs. Use it.. and then u make both your weaps crush...without the ability to debuff either of those. So..why use it ? To make your legendary in your main hand useless?... or to make the GS in your main hand... basically useless ? Ofc.. u could use Zimm or Zen... but ofc ... too rare (especially when u really need like 10)...and an extra 5%miss rate for the moment afaik (or was it changed this last patch ?)

Ending.. shield was ok.. at least on that rr4 arms i faced twice. Didnt really face a problem there. But the dmg received from Frozen was ground braking... i was hitting with a wet noodle..and he was throwing 500+ without the proc. At least i got him low enough.. but didnt even waste his IP... after landing a perfect PA chain followed by a Pincer and a purge ofc.

U cant say u r up to par with visuals on rest must be ok. And only 1 thing is needed to justify this. I played thane...and i was getting hit and had to dumped stuff vs infils that didnt even swap weaps...when against NS that would even swap every round ... it is a hands down win. (i seen many infil hits in after evade styles...that where comparable with sb dual wield PAing on cloth...). U wanna know how much was my hammy undebuffed on Knatti the other day ? 198mainhand...

Anyways...maybe i will go to the way my sb was before...might be just a tiny little bit better.
Damn large post. Either way...i will make a true final try on it...but things r MUCH worse than when i started playing sb. Thats what i am comparing.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
use blugeon on crush vulnerable class :)

pretty coolio ability really...


Feb 17, 2007
NUxto, just reroll infil on Temair and have fun. You can get sced and ml10 in in a week or so and its almost 3k population and like 140 albs in agramon ( so probably like 350 ppl all together in the zones some nights from all sides ).

I'm ml6 now and got 1 played day and iam lvl 48 on a scout and I soloed/duo'd 80%.

/edit, to better give you an idea of the population, Emain just zonecrashed, when did that ever happend on Dyvet ? Insane amounts of ppl, and NF works when its 3k pop... small grping, zerg, 1v1, 8v8 it got most of it in some form. Try on IRC #Temair-stealth and ask around about the solo community.


Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004
Hahaha...that sounds fun maybe.
But i got too much on Dyvet to let go..i like my thane that i will still play.
I will make 1 more try on sb with a new approach on things to check something (tho i must w8 for next patch)...
Will c...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
try a Valk while they got that HoT as it is now, doesn't even need RAs to splat stealthers :p

hmm tryed and needed use even IP once to survive.
thou inf hit whit PA and used his disease well + dots.
when hot change launch, dunno if anymore point play spear valk in rvr.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
well if you use it on a crush vulnerable class you basically get them predebuffed!



Part of the furniture
Aug 13, 2004
I really dont see why inf with the same crit spec as SB should hit harder.. the only difference is that inf's have more DW or better poisons at low RR.


Loyal Freddie
Feb 7, 2005
hmm tryed and needed use even IP once to survive.
thou inf hit whit PA and used his disease well + dots.
when hot change launch, dunno if anymore point play spear valk in rvr.

lol why? because then valk would actually need a template to compete in rvr?? I mean facing the class 1vs1 now is beyond retarded, dd's on all their bloody styles etc.
Not to mention that it is not viable to try and run neither use vanish, no just valks tho.. all characters with hot are utterly retarded to fight atm, wish all that play them 1vs1 would just go somewhere and duel eachother so the rest did not have to spend 90% of our online time dodging valks caoe'ing every square inch of every hotspot.

To nuxto: i agree with your last post here and i know things might be different from sb pov, that being said i still think that stealthers have their place fairly high in the food chain. Yes, there are classes that are insanely hard to beat atm, but as a stealther you still have the CHOICE to avoid fighting these.
I am quite new in the stealth game but still think i am entitled to an oppinion of how to play one, and i find that another skill that determines your succesfulness is the ability to judge where, when and what to fight. So it might be harder, but it is still very possible to fight and kill 90% of what is out there. IMO! ;)

/edit i think most classes have their eras btw, by saying you hope that your sb goes back to what it was, is that because u think it was balanced with PH on sb's? :p


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
well if you use it on a crush vulnerable class you basically get them predebuffed!


like everyone who faces a SB/Hunter with slash weapons get's them pre-debuffed AND can debuff them on top of that ?
Furthermore, all realms get a race with 5% racial Crush resists, none with 5% slash though.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
like everyone who faces a SB/Hunter with slash weapons get's them pre-debuffed AND can debuff them on top of that ?
Furthermore, all realms get a race with 5% racial Crush resists, none with 5% slash though.

90% of your primary enemies wont be using slash because they will be running around 1550 WS.. blugeon is a great ability. I never found being slash vulnerable on hunter even close to a problem.

and do not go down the road of fooking racial benefits with midgard because I can play the norse card on you.... give shar and celt NS (and there is no REASON they shouldnt be alloweD)

tbh SB got zero to complain about. I would say assasin balance is marvelous at the moment and all 3 assasins are strong. SB and Inf being roughly on par NS being perhaps slightley behind but its all open to debait. thats just my opinion.

like I say cylian. if you feel your hard done by roll a ranger. you will be in for a shock.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Also playing an infil atm but have alot of stealther experiance, i think Sbs and hunters are the BEST stealthers just that 99% dont know how to utilize it:)

Look at hunters b4 dog love only 2 hard hunters out in all of NF, was it a weak class hell no, did players suck hell yeah. Same goes for Sb u just have to think outside the box when u prepare it:)

On topic yes shield tanks specialy valks wardens etc are retared, solution? avoid them unless u think u can handle it


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 15, 2004
In current game state defense>offense. Pendulum had a swing pretty fast - with regen changes, regen myths and upgrade of shields.

And this completely sux for assasins, who rely strictly on offense.

And celerity charge (+12% dmg roughly) is not enough to compensate for it.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
In current game state defense>offense. Pendulum had a swing pretty fast - with regen changes, regen myths and upgrade of shields.

And this completely sux for assasins, who rely strictly on offense.

And celerity charge (+12% dmg roughly) is not enough to compensate for it.

U shouldnt win vs heavy tanks easy imo, apart from that only classes that are different from b4 are BDs and valks none of which u have to fight as mid;)


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Well it makes more sense than several patchs ago, assassins scared to jump 18 brittle casters and picking off tanks and hybrids. Problem is I think peeps got to like their role as melee duelers more than the traditional role of assassins in fantasy games of picking off casters and weak targets.

It's also an assumption stealthers are supposed to solo, rather than pick stuff off in small teams, they tend to solo here, but I don't see much of it on otherservers.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
U shouldnt win vs heavy tanks easy imo, apart from that only classes that are different from b4 are BDs and valks none of which u have to fight as mid


shouldnt win etc lol... u were up against it before... for the last 3-4 years if you attacked a solo specialist heavy tank he would prolly hand it to you... peeps are complaining now because its tipped the balance too far one way where they feel they know in advance exactly how the fight will pan out versus class X... and even if they think theres a chance to win it will take fooking hours to drop the class. on a server that didnt have morals you wouldnt be able to kill jack shit before getting added on because fights take so damn long. so now every fight in daoc is at the mercy of peeps not adding... (almost duel like scenarios) The solo end game for visuals is basically a /duel contest now. Good sneaks might be able to give good visuals a run for their money but it does take the edge off it when the majority of the server are giving up on sneaks and playing a visual dueler because quite honestly you dont even need to be half decent to kill things...

"apart from that only classes which are different are bd's and valks"

what about all the other spec shield hybrid classes?

what about light tanks now?? supposedly offense DPS classes but in 1v1 their DPS suxs before they dont even get any benefit DPS wise over a free 2hand spec. And remeber they dont get any advantages when traded off with specing 2 melee lines as opposed to 1.

mythic borked the game basically.


Part of the furniture
Aug 13, 2004
If heavy tanks get free aom5 only because they are supposed to be defensive juggernauts, I would like to get free mop5 on my merc then, cause I'm supposed to be a DPS tank with light defense :(


Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004
The bigger problem isnt the defence changes (ofc they helped visuals ALOT). I mean u can always stalk some1 and w8 to attack him the right moment (ip and or purge down and stuff... or make jump... kite or vanish and rince)

But the problem that not only its not easy to get viable visual jumps .. but also stealther fights rely too much on Sls (free SLs too) combined with Remedy (i mean..there was a time i didnt even mind getting PAed...cause i could come back)... But now... Remedy and even more easily landed stun styles for my enemies... makes it even more unviable out there. And when this is added to the known problem of parity among assassins until a certain RR .. its semi qq.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
yer the rambo stealth mode is a bit fooking stupid.


Loyal Freddie
Feb 7, 2005
i dont rly get the sl thing nuxto, yes infs get sl after a kill but it is not like they are on a perm killing spree just flying around PA'ing stuff all over the place, i might be lucky and get 2 in a row if people are daft. But if you see kill spam near you, maybe dont hang around the same hot spot, that will avoid 90% of the killspam sl pa's imo.
As for regular sl, i got 2 items in temp one being som wich i usually prefer to use the proc, so that is 1 min out of 15 i can use it.. usually do that when i arrive at a new bridge or another hotspot. So if you find sl PA's that much a problem, you are hanging around bridges too much ;)
on the whole sneak vs sneak i think you should take into consideration the fact that you might not have as useful stun styles as your opponents, but then your offhand swings everytime. not a big thing but still i could qq about that i guess. at low rr you might as well dont have an offhander in alb and hib, that is how often it swings.


Part of the furniture
Aug 13, 2004
the SL thing was usefull maybe 3 or 4 times and thats just to escape adds.. by the time you re-envenom your weapons and get some hp back its usually gone, and there're not that much stealthers on Dyvet to make it powerful.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
its just abit pointless...

remove all this post kill stealth stuff... fixed.


Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004
Islef...its not the SL thing by itself. When i played sb only... didnt have trouble comming back even after PA ... its the Remedy that screws u (accompanied by the easy stuns). How often does an infil/ns get stunned midfight by a sb ? Can when/if it finally lands... may it be that it is usually too late ? Anyways.
We got a side got super stuns on the line we r armor weak...
Anyways...let it drop. And hope mythic eventually tweaks things around a bit.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 8, 2005
trust me ppl can go on killing spree with free sl just get off ur sl items on temp and put items with higher utility and then put +11 env in it aswell and ur downtime will be minimum.
I dont complain when im in hand to hand combat with other stealthers its just when they kill a lvl 40 enemy and get free sl and pa u in face bothers me.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
Islef...its not the SL thing by itself. When i played sb only... didnt have trouble comming back even after PA ... its the Remedy that screws u (accompanied by the easy stuns). How often does an infil/ns get stunned midfight by a sb ? Can when/if it finally lands... may it be that it is usually too late ? Anyways.
We got a side got super stuns on the line we r armor weak...
Anyways...let it drop. And hope mythic eventually tweaks things around a bit.

Just curious Nuxo, who is your SB?

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