Frozenheart said:Maybe it's him ..... or he just wishes he had done it:eek2:
he actually acted against the CoC ... it's called griefing and can be punished with suspension and/or ban if he repeats it ...Morimdin said:stlong selfownage guys
first you start arguing amongst yourself, then saying he's crom BC/excal, wich he is not?AND he did NOTHING against the CoC, so tbh you should all shut the mighty fuck up
The reason you still play Levin is that if you quit i would hunt you down and keep pokeing you till you came back :wub:I was one of the people in the bg when this happened. First i thought it was a joke to be honest. Times like this makes me wonder why i'm playing this game. So many weirdos..
Levin said:Awww Velimos, you always know how to make an old man feel better.![]()
Morimdin said:stlong selfownage guys
first you start arguing amongst yourself, then saying he's crom BC/excal, wich he is not?AND he did NOTHING against the CoC, so tbh you should all shut the mighty fuck up
Sko's Profile said:Banned from FreddysHouse!
Rank: Lower than pondlife
Morimdin said:Nice to see that everyone believes what is said without a second side of the story, and just starts throwing shit all around. Your the kind of people who would walk in the streets and say "Hail Hitler" cause someone told you thats how it should be.
And for Riots or whoever: Wheres your proof? Have any screenshots? Didn't think so, go back to crying thanks.
Xeanor said:this is something he told me:
"besides I play the game to ripp ass and fuck bones, not get internet friends that will put imaginary flowers at my non existant grave in 20 years because I got an airplane in my room."