Arti stealers : Prometal, Dawnbringer, Elitrea, Zenruyz

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Fledgling Freddie
Sep 3, 2004
Well ....

It's pretty annoying to see people with that kind of behaviour i guess....

Even if it's allowed by the CoC.

Only possible option is not to buy items from Xevius/Dawnbringers etc cm. At least that would slow his actions down....

Btw. Seems removing his chars from ss wasn't needed as i see always ss backing up ....


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 30, 2004
Aeoric said:
We hit Danos long before he came into your toon
Loyalist's view. LoL - we tried to steal a mob we had
been camping. You are funny.

Honestly............I really start to think u are retarded or something dude!
Which part dont u get `? Did u see those adds run off? U did right? Cause they are on your boyfriends gay pic.......

Those run after our puller.


Hope you can read the caps now at least.
We pulled, we killed, we walked off and no we are not banned but I hope you idiots will get banned for your poor attempt....

and still as for "we were camping".............Still find that sentence funny....
And no, I dont reply to your pms.... your guild as been stated tried to take it from SS ppl I was helping couple hours earlier....

Oh and about the ebay etc. Never have I mentioned even the word. How come u ppl know so much about it though?
That day I farmed 3 GoVs. 2 were given away, I farmed sash, Given away, I farmed some other stuff........kept myself.....rl cash....honestly...........u dont know a god damn thing about my rl. About my wealth , achievements, how I look, what I earn etc
And u know what. You never will. None of u will except my close friends but believe me...........what u claiming a gov is worth on ebay........might sound much to u.....but not all ppl clean toilets for a living.

Drop it now please!


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 1, 2004
Tiarta said:

I was there and saw what happened, tbh not much respect from you guys when it comes to artifacts.

i saw the same thing happen to Eremai once where those Chaos guys also rushed in and just killed eremai without respect for the other group (btw musicbox was not given to eremai at the time, guess chaos guys just hoped that the musicbox had been handed in).

its the 2'nd time i see this behaviour from the Chaos guys and the same ppl from Shadowlords defending them eachtime.

So you was there when i was? and you didnt see our necro go towards the camp and send the pet in on danos? i think someone is talking some crap or talking about a completely different situation.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Tiarta said:
its the 2'nd time i see this behaviour from the Chaos guys and the same ppl from Shadowlords defending them eachtime.

Maybe because they are friends. Friends stick up for each other wether right or wrong. No need to name drop the guild either. He isnt part of SS.


Fledgling Freddie
May 17, 2004
Tay said:
Nobody else will have him??

Do I get a prize?

You can join Aussie's club for comments like those.

Chopke said:
Seems like everyone has made up their mind about this person by reading on FH.

If/when I meet this Prometal in game, I will make up my own mind about him then, and no sooner, just like I do about anyone else...

I wish more people were like you. That's the spirit, judging on personal experiences not on rumours.

Chopke said:
StonyPony wrote:

That regular basis is easy to explain , he gets 1 flame every 2 weeks, he does 20 encounters / day minimum => 280 encounters/weeks => at least 1 encounter is so called 'camped' and then the one that was camping it comes here to release stress of his heart

(1) - 280 encounters a week, why does he need to steal
one that is 'camped' ? Why is that one so important to him
that he must try and take it from others ? Surely he has a
stack of each Artifact he's been stockpiling ?

Every 2 weeks? suggesting he's been doing it for some time
right ? Almost sounds like a job with those kind of hours...

Almost as if GoV was so important because he could sell it
for RL cash...

Course, not sure how GoA would like that

(2) - Why does he need to do 280 encounters a week ?
Surely his 8-9 Accounts are fully maxed by now ; P

Some people get fun out of rvr, others out of becoming the most wealthy char in game. daoc = both rvr and pve.
Bit jealous coz He's wealthy enough irl to spent 4 hours /day ingame (that's actually how long it takes him to do 20 encounters... kinda makes you think twice why some people take 1.30 hour to kill danos....)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 3, 2004
Marchegiani: "He isnt part of SS."

Is that why dokuske left ss with his caba, so he could pull a camped spot at tanglers, being allowed so by the CoC, but annoying other people trying to game there?

He's back in ss i saw, so him leaving to do that makes it all ok then ?


Fledgling Freddie
May 17, 2004
I took dokuske out of SS during the 2/3 weeks i farmed at gobos. Why? coz all you others did was /pm at the leaders of SS about me being there. Most of those leaders backed me up actually... my other chars stayed in SS tho.

Why didn't i have time to wait for a spot to come free (as i always did before these 3 weeks) : I had exams....... i only have Very lil playtime during those exams so if i had to wait for a spot to come free it would mean i couldn't do anything at all. Exams are over and now i can be a bit more gentle when it comes to waiting for a spot.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 3, 2004
so if it's all is ok, why leave your guild then ?

you shouldn't have bothered leaving then ....


Fledgling Freddie
May 17, 2004
Coz I personally didn't like those people bothering fellow guildies due to my behaviour. if you have a problem with me, you should yell at me, not my friends.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
This made me curious because I play L2 where ebaying money and items is the norm. I just looked and I don't see any artifacts from Albion/Excal for sale. So you guys are just throwing that around w/o proof? It's not a light charge to make.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Whiner said:
so if it's all is ok, why leave your guild then ?

you shouldn't have bothered leaving then ....

he left so the leaders of SS wouldn't be spammed with /send with people whining about the fact he was pulling tangs.

thats what i know anyway.
Apr 20, 2004
Heath said:
LMAO all the peeps are jumping on y=the "he must e-bay loot/chars" very very funny to see people who assume what he is doing and then write it down on here without proof. I could have sworn somewhere that if you do it IRl it is called slander and could get you into a lot of trouble !!.

But..some poeple find it hard to find the difference between a G-A-M-E and real life. :fluffle:

A false tale or report maliciously uttered, tending to injure the reputation of another; the malicious utterance of defamatory reports; the dissemination of malicious tales or suggestions to the injury of another.

I'm sorry did i miss the part where i said he was a bad person and if he is selling accounts on ebay good luck to him :| i dont care i was just stating what it looked like and you cant say it often do you see players running 8-9accounts at once constantly hunting for artis "280artis a week" :| but ofc i cant see why that is suspicious can you *cough*


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Edaemos said:
So you was there when i was? and you didnt see our necro go towards the camp and send the pet in on danos? i think someone is talking some crap or talking about a completely different situation.

i was there with Nazgul.
Apr 20, 2004
Asha said:
This made me curious because I play L2 where ebaying money and items is the norm. I just looked and I don't see any artifacts from Albion/Excal for sale. So you guys are just throwing that around w/o proof? It's not a light charge to make.

Asuimg he is farming for personal gain like i said i dont have problem with that :) and as for no artifacts on ebay ofcourse not if he is going to sell things there it will be a pl'd char will full artis on


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
GrisomWarshadow said:
A false tale or report maliciously uttered, tending to injure the reputation of another; the malicious utterance of defamatory reports; the dissemination of malicious tales or suggestions to the injury of another.

I'm sorry did i miss the part where i said he was a bad person and if he is selling accounts on ebay good luck to him :| i dont care i was just stating what it looked like and you cant say it often do you see players running 8-9accounts at once constantly hunting for artis "280artis a week" :| but ofc i cant see why that is suspicious can you *cough*

ok 280 arit's a week is high ... ( giv free stuff imo zera ;P) however , is this any different to peeps who camp the princess room for days at a time , collents 1 mill seals and then go and sell them on .. no , just another way of making ingame cash is all.

wish i had rolled mid .. would have df 99% of the time :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 1, 2004
Tiarta said:
i was there with Nazgul.

If you was there in my picture then you either didnt see our necro clearly pull danos+adds or your lying, i tend to think the first.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Asha said:
I don't see any artifacts from Albion/Excal for sale.
Theres a few there. Id provide links but the mods would slap me ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
GrisomWarshadow said:
Asuimg he is farming for personal gain like i said i dont have problem with that :) and as for no artifacts on ebay ofcourse not if he is going to sell things there it will be a pl'd char will full artis on
Well I didn't think of that, however accounts sell for very little money compaired with say, L2 or SWG. I could very well be naive but I would think if you're trying to make money from gaming, there is much much much much better games out there.
Apr 20, 2004
Asha said:
Well I didn't think of that, however accounts sell for very little money compaired with say, L2 or SWG. I could very well be naive but I would think if you're trying to make money from gaming, there is much much much much better games out there.

True but pending on what chars is on the accounts like how many lvl 50s with fully sc'd toa'd armour and weapons on you could make a very nice profit from it for say for lvl 50chars fully toa'd you could easily get over £150 and for what? a matter of hours worth of farming for artifacts nice little profit tbh - i mean its either you pay for the 4 lvl 50s fully toa'd or spend hours/days/weeks farming and asking people for help :p


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
Asha said:
This made me curious because I play L2 where ebaying money and items is the norm. I just looked and I don't see any artifacts from Albion/Excal for sale. So you guys are just throwing that around w/o proof? It's not a light charge to make.
Look again, there ARE several alb/excal artis for sale


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
GrisomWarshadow said:
True but pending on what chars is on the accounts like how many lvl 50s with fully sc'd toa'd armour and weapons on you could make a very nice profit from it for say for lvl 50chars fully toa'd you could easily get over £150 and for what? a matter of hours worth of farming for artifacts nice little profit tbh - i mean its either you pay for the 4 lvl 50s fully toa'd or spend hours/days/weeks farming and asking people for help :p

Now, to me the amount of info you know about sounds suspicious *cough-only looked for reference-bullshit-cough*.

Sure you have not sold stuff on there??...also..if so are so damn clever..why not look on there for Alb excali chars..lvl 50 arti'd to the gills...see if the seller is the same person..then come back and report if you find anything.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 4, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
Other angle on that - why should you have to sit in one spot for 12 hours to get an item - only students and jobless lowlifes can actually do that - if you can only play between, say , 7pm and 10pm you can't get an artifact if "respecting the buffbot camping" is accepted etiquette.

All that camping an artifact should entitle you to is to know it's up first. Though, if you have the people standing there that can do the encounter (and noone else is inc from Emain or something) then people should respect that, let you buff and get on with it.

However it sounds like in this case there was some kill stealing involved - but given both sides are accusing the other side it'll have to be up to GOA.

my point was.. since toa came out there is a lot of people showing greed and total lack of respect for time others have spent camped there.. its just as easy for somebody to finish work 5pm.. oingame 5-30 and camp a arti till 10-11pm at night., and then some idiot wanker runs in and steals the mob.

yes yes as i said above who ever gets 1st hit its there mob. but imo there should be a certain degree of respect you should have for people who have taken the time to camp a artifact and then call in friends when it pops.. and not just to be a tosser and run in and take the mob.

people who go by the COC to the word and disregard others who may have been there are just making exscuses cos they know they are being twats :)
Apr 20, 2004
Heath said:
Now, to me the amount of info you know about sounds suspicious *cough-only looked for reference-bullshit-cough*.

Sure you have not sold stuff on there??...also..if so are so damn clever..why not look on there for Alb excali chars..lvl 50 arti'd to the gills...see if the seller is the same person..then come back and report if you find anything.

Actually i did yes i sold my old account about 2 years ago got quite alot for it aswell :p anything else? and if your putting an account on ebay you tend not to put the name on :p selling accounts is against CoC take it you havent read it? doesnt surprise me :)


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
GrisomWarshadow said:
Actually i did yes i sold my old account about 2 years ago got quite alot for it aswell :p anything else? and if your putting an account on ebay you tend not to put the name on :p selling accounts is against CoC take it you havent read it? doesnt surprise me :)

and GoA REALLY enforce this, oh yes they do


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
it depends - if someone has a level 20 mincer or a buffbot or even a level 50 char sitting by Eramai and I arrive with a fg I'm not gonna stand around for whoever they had inc to come inc. unless I'm feeling really generous ;)

If someone has most of a group sitting by eramai and one of them is Linkdead or something like that then I'm gonna say "oh well" and move off, or ask if they need a hand.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
GrisomWarshadow said:
True but pending on what chars is on the accounts like how many lvl 50s with fully sc'd toa'd armour and weapons on you could make a very nice profit from it for say for lvl 50chars fully toa'd you could easily get over £150 and for what? a matter of hours worth of farming for artifacts nice little profit tbh - i mean its either you pay for the 4 lvl 50s fully toa'd or spend hours/days/weeks farming and asking people for help :p
You would either have to lvl those toons yourself or buy the account. That is not worth the time to me, you could make more /hour stacking shelves at ASDA. Compairing that to L2 or SWG well .... :) There is entire irl businesses with employees to farm in L2.

Chilly I can't see them, but maybe I didn't look hard enough.

I thought about selling my account, but 200 quid? I'd spend that in 2 days so why throw away a toon I spent a year on? :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
GrisomWarshadow said:
Actually i did yes i sold my old account about 2 years ago got quite alot for it aswell :p anything else? and if your putting an account on ebay you tend not to put the name on :p selling accounts is against CoC take it you havent read it? doesnt surprise me :)

Actually ..yes..i have read the CoC which is why i dont sell accounts/gold etc...cheat...exploit...but, as you do as you sold an, before you accuse others of doing it or assuming others do it..look in the mirror you just admitted it on here..will you get a ban...Nope, doubt it...shame really.

And, how can you preach about me reading it when it obviously doesn't mean a thing to you !

Also..about if Zera is selling on ebay..if he has 8 or 9 chars all ToA'd up...the same seller must be selling them...wait a minute..maybe he has multiple accounts on ebay too...and then every account has different ratings..and maybe he splits himself into his multiple people to go and do stuff...pfft...get a damn life and find something to do all the time instead of whine whine whine...moan moan moan.


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
Asha said:
You would either have to lvl those toons yourself or buy the account. That is not worth the time to me, you could make more /hour stacking shelves at ASDA. Compairing that to L2 or SWG well .... :) There is entire irl businesses with employees to farm in L2.

Chilly I can't see them, but maybe I didn't look hard enough.

I thought about selling my account, but 200 quid? I'd spend that in 2 days so why throw away a toon I spent a year on? :)
Aye, account prices have dropped dramatically. Id only ever consider it if i was sure iw as quitting for good and then i wouldnt give a shit how much a got for it.

As you say stacking shelves in asda is more profitable than farming daoc, but daoc is (supposedly) fun to play and you cna sit on your ass all day doing it
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