Artefacts next patch …


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Sorry if this has been asked before, but.

As I understand it, in the next patch, if you have an artefact AND the encounter you can hand in the artefact to the arbiter and he exchanges it for a bull book of the corresponding scrolls.

Is this a correct understanding, or am I mistaken?




One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 7, 2004
From 10-02-2006 News: said:
Artefacts and their future
As we already mentioned some weeks ago and as those who read the American release notes in advance may already know, with version 1.81 artefacts will be obtained directly to the Scholars and not from the encounter any longer. You will only have to complete the encounter and find the corresponding scrolls to receive the artefact activated at level 0 in exchange for the scrolls.
Unactivated artefacts that can currently be obtained and stored or put up for sale at the house merchants will thus have no more use.

In order to avoid penalising players who had artefacts for sale on the American servers, Mythic set a system to determine an average price according to the market value determined by players just before the release of the patch. Thus, since version 1.81, these players could sell their unactivated artefacts to NPCs at this average price. Of course, this has been possible only because American players were not informed in advance of this system.

It thus stands to reason that this cannot be applied on the European servers and it is useless to try and hoard artefacts by monopolizing the encounters and to offer them for sale at an inflated price in the hope of making a good bargain with the NPCs of the coming version.
On the contrary, if you have artefacts you wish to sell rather than activate, the best solution for you is to find a buyer amongst players - which generally requires a sale at a fair price.

However, if you keep unactivated artefacts after the patch, you will be able to choose one of two ways to trade them :
Either you can sell them to any NPC for a modest price, less than the actual market price, or you can go to the Capital city of your realm and trade it against the complete book corresponding to the artefact.

Please note that there will not be any rare scrolls with this version. So, while these books will certainly be very useful to those who wish to activate an artefact they've ben storing, they won't have any significant trade value.


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 25, 2004
"Please note that there will not be any rare scrolls with this version. So, while these books will certainly be very useful to those who wish to activate an artefact they've ben storing, they won't have any significant trade value."

what do they mean? so that rare scrolls like mt3\3 etc wont be given for the trade of arti to book?

or that the now rare scrolls in this patch, wont be rare in the next patch, they get alot higher droprate etc?


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 15, 2005
mikke said:
or that the now rare scrolls in this patch, wont be rare in the next patch, they get alot higher droprate etc?

You've answered it yourself - the current "rare scrolls" Like Mad Tales 3/3 or Love story 3/3 will now have the exact same droprate as other scrolls. And since there are specific mobs you can kill for a scroll ( for example setians would drop Mad Tales 3/3 ) you can camp a spot and get your scroll much easier.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 7, 2004
iirc then all mobs drop all scrolls with the same droprate + the mobs who perviously dropped the scrolls now have an increased droprate compared to other mobs.

So as example
in the current patch you can get love story 3#3 from skotos
In the next patch you can get love story 3#3 from all mobs in all toa zones (GG/AG, Meso, Styg ect. ect.), but if you kill the skotos you have a higher chance of drop than if you kill setians for love story 3#3.
I think there were a dude (either here or VN) that told that he farmed 5'ish love story 3#3 in 1 hour just 2 ppl.
Cant exactly call it a rare scroll when 1.81 hits the EU servers then.

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