Armsman Spec Advice...



heh Moody in alb/excal is a 2h Thrust Armsman ;)

somehow appropriate since you have the same name (but different server) :)

2h is good in that you have a slam style that you don't need to get hit to use...

and the side-positional 9s is nasty :)


Originally posted by stupidshady
prob s/s if ya wanna do it alone and they got 6sec pbt.......try doing that with an 5.8s speed pole

Yeah, I expect sword n board armsmen take down... anything at all.... in a PBT'd group, reeeaaalll often. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Ialkarn
Don't listen those gimps,mostly of them are just trying to defend their currently spec (it's prolly the only one they ever tried and mostly never played a properly rvr group).
if you want an offensive armsman,the perfect one, proced like that:
You need autotrain as long is possible:
Go shield/crush till 40 then respec your crush line deleting it completely you ll be in troubles till lvl 44 (the last but one ),then you 'll have all the points you need to do the perfect template.

go 50 pole 44 thrust/slash ( I actually sugest you thrust,cause mids population is more big than the hib one)-low damage variance and max ws-
30 parry -50 at rr10 whit items and realm rank bonuses- (more than 50 is usless)
23 shield -6sec backstab stun and guard III-

Then don't spec in stupid passives like all noobs tanks of this realm doing;moblocking moparry forget them all;get determination IV and prevent flight (before ip:if you have to ip as tank mean you losing the battle aniway)
then get ip-purge and boost your hits -augment con III toughness II (in this order)augment dex mopain I-III.
then get the rest.

Try to think for the group not for you..(try to privilege group ras) your goal isn't show your noob friends how uber you are parrying apoc twice in a row, but try to interpret your role at the best.
Are you offensive? so you don't have to stay mezzed,you have to do the max damage possible.

Do you want to solo? do a stealther
Do you want to slam/be difensive? go 50 shield 50 1h or, better,roll a pali.

Block and parry may get fixed but the number of tanks who get to R3+ without a single level of determination, and...well, everyone should have PF :p PF is just goddamn uber.


Originally posted by Danamyr
I have read all of your comments and considered what I'd like to achieve ultimately.

I have decided to respec to Two Hand Thrust at the earliest opportunity. I think this will give me the best chance to play the way I like. It will appear to be more effective against certain Mid and Hib classes, whilst being faster than Thrust Pole, whilst allowing me to remain fully offensive.

The only real question now is which Two Hand Thrust weapon do I go for? Thrust weapons seem faster than Slash from the drops I have seen so far, so I'd imagine they must cause less damage accordingly. Is this correct?

I should just like to thank everyone that contributed to this thread - I find speccing a character correctly can be an exercise in avoiding the Gimp mines a lot of the time ;)

Two hand thrust is 75 % strength 25% Dex I believe, where as all poles are 100% strength regardless of damage type. You may wish to take that into consideration.

And regarding a post further up about swing speeds and pbt, even the slowest Thrust polearm is only 5.5 speed before quickness / other speed modifiers, and theres 5 or even 4.X speed thrust poles availible too.

And personally I keep haste/damage shield/Damage add charges on my shield/one hand and crossbow ready to use if the situration needs it.


omg stop this plz!!! stop talking about armsman spec, what ever 2 hand , pole , s/s, hybrid, u go what ever u waht to go, just go to gank enemies, 100 times better than the "PERFECT SPEC".


Originally posted by Kagato.
Two hand thrust is 75 % strength 25% Dex I believe, where as all poles are 100% strength regardless of damage type. You may wish to take that into consideration.

I rolled a Briton over a Highlander, so that seems okay - they higher base dex, so should work out okay ;)


Originally posted by Yuanyuan
omg stop this plz!!! stop talking about armsman spec, what ever 2 hand , pole , s/s, hybrid, u go what ever u waht to go, just go to gank enemies, 100 times better than the "PERFECT SPEC".

If the thread's annoying you then don't read it! I wanted help, asked for it and have recieved it.

You read as though you've had a bad week - have a beer and chill out ;)


im telling u the truth, everyone thing their self spec is uber.
anyway this kind of "armsman spec help " threads are at least 10 in this forum. all these ppl talking all the same thing. So please stop this kind of thread, makes no sence.


simply put, make a pala, you'll be way better off


hmm well said gunz and jiggs :p

50 pole
44 thrust/slash
37 parry

winn0r spec

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