Armsman Spec Advice...



I have a Lvl 26 Arms, currently specced 2 H Slash (26 Two Hand & 24 Slash).

I find myself comparing the swing speed to my LW Champ on Hib/Pryd, and the Arms seems to take so much longer to swing.

Additionally, unless I'm missing something, Two Handed in Alb does not have a Front Positional chain - why not? I know there is the Bone Bruiser chain, but it's pretty crap IMO.

What I want to know is should I respec at Lvl 40 (Or 1.62 whichever is sooner) to Pole, or Slash & Sheild?

Has Pole got a decent Front Positional?

If a Paladin can take the aggro, the Two Handed Back Positional is superb...was using it in Cats yesterday to great effect ;)

I really don't want to go sword and board if I can get away with it - I like the fact that I am one of a few with this spec, but it's just too slow :(

I am worried (if I make it to 50) how I'd fair with this spec in RvR...I don't have to miss much to be dead ;)


Most common pole styles used is the anytime Crippling Blow / Disabler chain

Some people use Mangle instead of Disabler, but the damage differance is very little and Disabler only uses a tiny amount of endurance (not an issue though if a paladin is in your group admittedly).

Then for rvr theres the 'enemy styles on you, you win !' Defenders Rage / Revenge chain, but its almost entirely only for rvr due it being a reactive chain.

But the Rear position chain is sweet, Phalanx / Defenders Aegis, if you wanted to go pure pole.

In the pole styles there is one slightly harder hitting anytime style, Poleaxe, but the endurance cost is rediculously huge.

For pve the two handed styles are possibly as good as the pole styles, but when it comes to dueling/rvr the Defenders Chain pretty much beats anything daft enough to style you.


I wouldn't respec to 2H. For a start, it looks gay.

50 pole
39 slash
42 shield
6 parry

Is my armsman's current spec - I've tried S+S, and various pole combinations and I like this one the best. The defenders rage/revenge is sweet and low endurance. Defenders aegis always biffs for a bit too :p

But, tbh, delete now and roll a merc.


hybrid is gay...

most people who have that spec either don't like it or or think their amrsman is weak.

rvr is about front loaded dmg to teh max!! :D


Originally posted by Eggy
But, tbh, delete now and roll a merc.

LMAO - not very helpful mate ;)

I thought Two Handed looked quite cool myself, but Pole looks good too I guess.

I will have to do a bit more research.

Oh, and what's so special about Mercs all of a sudden? They were utter crap the last time I was in Alb, they getting some love next patch or something? ;)


Originally posted by Jiggs
hybrid is gay...

most people who have that spec either don't like it or or think their amrsman is weak.

rvr is about front loaded dmg to teh max!! :D

So what's your suggestion then?

Aren't Pole and Two Handed too slow for RvR?


no not if you are assisting someone else they arent


Mercs have never been crap, just the people who tried them are sometimes too shortsighted


Originally posted by Danamyr

Oh, and what's so special about Mercs all of a sudden? They were utter crap the last time I was in Alb, they getting some love next patch or something? ;)

Next Patch:

- Increased bleed damage for Dual Wield combat styles Dark Tendrils and Dual Shadows. This is a Mercenary ONLY change - other classes that receive Dual Wield will not see increased bleed effects on these styles.

- The damage for both styles in the Flank -> Shadow's Rain combat style chain has been increased for Mercenaries only (Infiltrators are not affected).

- The Mercenary Dirty Tricks special ability is now on a 7 minute re-use timer (it was previously set to 30 minutes), and has changed in effect. It now activates a 30 second offensive proc effect on the Mercenary that applies a 10 second debuff on the Mercenary's target every time it is hit. This debuff gives the target a 50% chance to fumble all their melee attacks while under the debuff's effect.


Originally posted by Danamyr
What about 1v1?

The only problem 2h/pole has is against PBT (which is NO issue if you use /assist). Are you worried about a 1v1 with a Warden or Runemaster?


Originally posted by Danamyr
Aren't Pole and Two Handed too slow for RvR?


i can go thru 6sec pbt with minimal problems being 2h

just requires more buttons to be pressed.....


u cant tuch a warden, wyle wielding a pole...

if he is not so idiot to twist chant is damn hard...

have allways to swap on 1h... to take out bt than pole
than 1h again

or 1h bt of... slam... pole ecc...

no armsman isnt rlly the kind ov char i would suggest to anyone...

who says not is just cuz never played alone allways in balanced guild group....

so that mean that armsman r sad since need a wole group to drop some damage... pff

TOO Slow for a not that hig damage...

atm in my guild, im asking to the new players starting with arms if they like some other class instead ov armsman... make em build that char
n pl em by my own till the level ov ther armsman or bit higer...

once i chosed arms cuz was the Tank ov albion the heavy armoured damage dealer...

at that time paladin were good to get aggro in pve n not much more...

but... they got lot ov toys... so if somoene wish to make a tank with plate... make a a s/s paladin he will get more satisfaction n less frustration...

what armsman have ? Pole... the only class able to train in pole...

pole taht is slower than other 2h weapon... give "decent" damage with crap style...

pole the only spec line that doest have a "stun" usable in pve...

n u have to waste point in double train for it...

no kinda sad but armsman atm has rlly few to offer n to have fun...

that from one ov the oldest arm ov excalibur...
wiz in beta arms since release...

pls doesn't answer with some "Armsman in group Experience" =)

go out alone... maybe in odin... alone for 1/2 Weeks... n tell me how much fun u get...



Some nice replies - thanks guys ;)

TBH - I have not got that much time to spend online, married with one child and a dog that needs walking constantly, you get the idea ;)

The thought of deleting and re-rolling is just not floating my boat at the moment. I have spent too much time getting him to the level he is to throw it all away.

I think I will carry on as I am at the moment, then respec as soon as possible to S&S. At least that way I can perform some decent group functions in RvR, protecting healers and casters etc.


Or go crazy as one of my family members

50 crossbow
39 2-handed
21 slash
41 parry
7 shield

Will be funny and he still believe in parry.

Why be like everyone else? Go original!!


soz kinda "sad mode"

pole would be more spicy

but s/s will be easyer...


Originally posted by Vasconcelos
Next Patch:

- Increased bleed damage for Dual Wield combat styles Dark Tendrils and Dual Shadows. This is a Mercenary ONLY change - other classes that receive Dual Wield will not see increased bleed effects on these styles.

- The damage for both styles in the Flank -> Shadow's Rain combat style chain has been increased for Mercenaries only (Infiltrators are not affected).

- The Mercenary Dirty Tricks special ability is now on a 7 minute re-use timer (it was previously set to 30 minutes), and has changed in effect. It now activates a 30 second offensive proc effect on the Mercenary that applies a 10 second debuff on the Mercenary's target every time it is hit. This debuff gives the target a 50% chance to fumble all their melee attacks while under the debuff's effect.



Originally posted by Silenzio
u cant tuch a warden, wyle wielding a pole...

if he is not so idiot to twist chant is damn hard...

have allways to swap on 1h... to take out bt than pole
than 1h again

or 1h bt of... slam... pole ecc...

no armsman isnt rlly the kind ov char i would suggest to anyone...

who says not is just cuz never played alone allways in balanced guild group....

so that mean that armsman r sad since need a wole group to drop some damage... pff

TOO Slow for a not that hig damage...

atm in my guild, im asking to the new players starting with arms if they like some other class instead ov armsman... make em build that char
n pl em by my own till the level ov ther armsman or bit higer...

once i chosed arms cuz was the Tank ov albion the heavy armoured damage dealer...

at that time paladin were good to get aggro in pve n not much more...

but... they got lot ov toys... so if somoene wish to make a tank with plate... make a a s/s paladin he will get more satisfaction n less frustration...

what armsman have ? Pole... the only class able to train in pole...

pole taht is slower than other 2h weapon... give "decent" damage with crap style...

pole the only spec line that doest have a "stun" usable in pve...

n u have to waste point in double train for it...

no kinda sad but armsman atm has rlly few to offer n to have fun...

that from one ov the oldest arm ov excalibur...
wiz in beta arms since release...

pls doesn't answer with some "Armsman in group Experience" =)

go out alone... maybe in odin... alone for 1/2 Weeks... n tell me how much fun u get...


Sorry but thats utter crap, im pure pole spec, have always been and always will be, and nearly all of my 600K+ realms points have come from that exact place, solo in odins or as part of usually no more then 4 people groups. 6 second pbt is not a problem, stacked pbt possibly but your only going to encounter that in major zerg battles, solo one on one fights are easy against anyone stupid enough to use styles on a pole user who isn't stunned, and I have a hell of a lot of fun out there solo.

For front load damage and heavy tanking the armsman is still a viable class so long as you don't try and play the warriors game of going hybrid or the paladins game of defensive.


2-h arms uncommon? Not really. Probably as many of them as with S+S.


Btw, S+S aint that bad. 50 slash does pretty good damage :p.


Originally posted by Kagato.
Sorry but thats utter crap, im pure pole spec, have always been and always will be, and nearly all of my 600K+ realms points have come from that exact place, solo in odins or as part of usually no more then 4 people groups. 6 second pbt is not a problem, stacked pbt possibly but your only going to encounter that in major zerg battles, solo one on one fights are easy against anyone stupid enough to use styles on a pole user who isn't stunned, and I have a hell of a lot of fun out there solo.

For front load damage and heavy tanking the armsman is still a viable class so long as you don't try and play the warriors game of going hybrid or the paladins game of defensive.

*Cough* dont take it bad but... mmm u r more face down than hitting somthing... :)

and u have been in emain group lot lot ov times for long time hehe=)

4ppl group is still a group...

not to argue just safe this guy from the illusion...

didnt wrote that 6 sec pbt is impossible... just harder slower n boring...
the k ov rvr is been fast... more time u spend on a an enemy more prob to get waked from behind

... n since we r talking bout fun... n arms that need to be in a group for have real use...

who will get easyer a group... paladin or armsman?
(dont answer that 1 paladin is enough... have seen so many times group that ruther to get 3 paly instead ov paladin n armsman...)



my arms is Full pole... dont know if the first but surely one ov em with full autotrain (yess done before respec was in game)
i wont swap to s/s or other... i've soloed alot in emain or in odin...

but think is too boring to keep it going for more than a wyle...
sad n afraid but take him out rarely now...


/sigh at the hybrid knockers. Hybrid is great aslong as :

1) You set your damage dealing spec (i.e. 2H or pole)at 50 and can increase it with sc or rr (mine is 50+ 12)

2) you get 42 shield (ofc) and

3) you can increase your minimum damage through sc or rr (e.g. my slash is 39 + 9).

The people who knock it are those that haven't played it or had a gimped spec (e.g. 44 pole). Aslong as you spec it right it's great and I would recommend it to anyone ;)


Originally posted by Silenzio
*Cough* dont take it bad but... mmm u r more face down than hitting somthing... :)

and u have been in emain group lot lot ov times for long time hehe=)

4ppl group is still a group...

not to argue just safe this guy from the illusion...

didnt wrote that 6 sec pbt is impossible... just harder slower n boring...
the k ov rvr is been fast... more time u spend on a an enemy more prob to get waked from behind

... n since we r talking bout fun... n arms that need to be in a group for have real use...

who will get easyer a group... paladin or armsman?
(dont answer that 1 paladin is enough... have seen so many times group that ruther to get 3 paly instead ov paladin n armsman...)



my arms is Full pole... dont know if the first but surely one ov em with full autotrain (yess done before respec was in game)
i wont swap to s/s or other... i've soloed alot in emain or in odin...

but think is too boring to keep it going for more than a wyle...
sad n afraid but take him out rarely now...

On the contrary I never go to emain, as anyone who knows will tell you I hate the place. And face down ? come on a offensive or defensive armsman takes some bloody killing and its the support classes that get targeted first regardless, anyone stupid enough to attack and armsman rather then a support class first deserves to get owned. And if you are full pole spec you should know full well how good you are in one vs one siturations if your use Rage/Revenge proply with back-up styles, just because you've given up on your armsman doesn't mean there not still fun to play, you can run out in excal road or odins knowing full well you can deal with anything on even ground except perhaps a bone dancer in a one on one fight.

And your not going to get more then one swing in between each pule of a 6 second pbt with a single weapon regardless of its speed unless your duel wielding so it might as well be a heavy hitting weapon.


a defensive armsman is veeeeeeery bad choice...they are severely outranked in every way by a paladin. It's like rolling a smite cleric who only smites instead of a caster. Really a a paladin is literally twice as useful as a defender.

Offensive armsman all the way. Worked out a nice template, 502hand, 50slash/thrust, 28 parry, 7 sheild. 7 sheild is essential so if you are being shot by an archer, you get /engage them and get to them before you drop down dead. parry, next patch is fixed. As a sword/board user, each point in parry is worth 0.5% extra chance so not really worth it BUT, as a 2hand user, you have a 1% extra chance to parry per level of it, as well as 5% base. Well worth spending at least 20 points in.

2hand outweighs pole user imo...poleusers outdamage 2handers if all you are going to do is slam the same button. 2hand however has a lot more variety, you even have a 6sec stun as second part of a chain somewhere in there which again, wouldnt be useful if you had a sheild ;) They also heavily outdamage poleusers on their 3rd style at 50 2hand. Okay so you don't hit it too often but when you do, from reports, it does a lot of damage.

50thrust/slash brings up your minimum damage to a bearable level...the more in it you have, the less variance you will get. Yes it does make a difference when spec+extra goes above 50. Being able to consistantly do a lot of damage is better then the odd lucky strike

Copied from our guild boards, had same question asked there too....just my 2p

And to people who don't use /assist in groups.....without it, you are playing very badly.


Nice post - thanks ;)

I played my Arms last night in Cats and got another two levels, but TBH he is still as slow as hell.

I don't see how a S&S Arms is worse than a S&S Paladin - the chants don't make that much difference in duels, although I accept that Paladins are the group friendly tanks - wish I had End Regen ;)

I am not going Pole, so will either stay as I am or respec to S&S. If only the swing time could be reduced, I'd definately stay as I am.

In Hib/Pryd, my LW Champ uses a slash weapon called a Great Falcatta. It's basically a very fast two handed sword. What is the Alb two hand equivilent?

I am only using drops ATM - perhaps a fast two hand would change my perception a little.


Originally posted by Eggy

you need to get some sleep

I don't actually - I beat a orange con Paladin in a duel recently - he was twisting like mad. He was Two Hand though :p


Originally posted by Danamyr
I don't actually - I beat a orange con Paladin in a duel recently - he was twisting like mad. He was Two Hand though :p

hmm strange i've never won a duel against a pally (or any other class) in my life. i've soloed for days with my hybrid armsman in odin without getting a single rp :p

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