are you all sad addicts?

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Roo Stercogburn

Pretty much agree with Kharok and Moriath.

I don't particularly feel a need to justify anything in answer to what is essentially a flame post at the community in general, even if some of the later replies were more moderate.

benappo, go take an anger management course mate, your initial post smacks of "I can't enjoy a mmorpg so I'm going to take a pop at those that do."

Have a nice life :)


atm im a happy addict :)

seriously tho, ive been good at sports, but never really enjoyed it since i hate to win over other ppl irl. i dont get any satisfaction if i prove myself beeing better then someone in say, football.

also ofc, playing comp, quake -> aq2 -> cs -> daoc is good cause you can begin and quit whenever you want, which you cant in many sports.

thing is if you get stuck playing daoc or any other game i get easy lazy, thinking that thing i have to do can wait til tomorrow etc. which is bad if you keep on doing so ;)


Originally posted by benappo
And no I'm not a fat, masturbating slob with pasty grey skin.

You mean you have a tan?


Originally posted by benappo
Kharok - nice reply, and well put.

I KNOW most people have other interests. What i'm getting at is the propensity for people playing DAOC to get sucked into it to the point where they do nothing but sleep - work - play DAOC.

We've all seen them online, the alts who are on from 6pm to early morning, day after day after day.

As I've said, I nearly got sucked in, and was bordering on the edge of addiction. Don't mind admitting it. It got to the point where I would eat my dinner infront of DAOC, cut phone-calls short because i was grouped etc.

I'm pretty sure there are a lot of other DAOCers who have those traits, and maybe don't realise it. Just an observation, not a flame or a moral judgement on anyone, contrary to what some people have been posting.

What's my point? Who cares? It's a post.

Ok, I see your point, you had a major problem if you delayed stuff like work just to play daoc..
My summer job demands that you are physicly strong enough to do it, cause alot of my work is lifting very heavy packages and such things from place to place, aswell as other things.
But I have never said to myself "only one more hour/half hour before I go to bed", imo that is some real addiction

I see myself as an addict, I get home from work very tired at some point, Go turn on my computer, getting something to bite, not usually something unhealthy ;) and then I logg onto daoc, and having a blast with friends..
And as mentioned before, If the opportunity bids it self I love going to the cinema and such with friends/family..

Imo you had a worse kind of addiction, I can tell myself that Im going to stop, but its really not in my plans yet, im having to much fun... At some point I considered to quit a number of times, I was inactive for about 1 month+, then about 3 weeks and latest I was inactive for 2 weeks..
And it well darn helps alot, cause you dont get tired of daoc, and you can do other things like spending time with friends..

And for the smoking part..
Im a non-smoker (well, at parties I tend to take a smoke but hey..)
I only drink at parties, and that aint always..

Only thing is, you annoy me with your "I am better than you now" way of speaking..

I wish you good luck in your life, and may you live your life to the fullest and get bored to death somewhere in it...


edit: And I got a gf atm so it all cant be that bad can it ;)

And for the masturbating slob part... C'mon, you telling me that you aint one of those? ^^


Originally posted by old.moriath
Never seen the point in knowing what the Romans did

No? If it weren't for the Romans, you wouldn't be camping Hadrian's wall matey ;)


Originally posted by old.Normengast
No? If it weren't for the Romans, you wouldn't be camping Hadrian's wall matey ;)

somehow I suddenly get a strong Life of Brian flashback...
'What did the romans ever do for us!'


Originally posted by old.Normengast
No? If it weren't for the Romans, you wouldn't be camping Hadrian's wall matey ;)

True but if it wasnt called that it would just be called scottish border or something. ;-)

Stop pulling one part out Ociri, heehee


Originally posted by vintervargen
atm im a happy addict :)


Although I don't play much because I live in the states, play on the euro servers, and I work a day job. By the time I log on everyone is asleep, so no, I'm not one of those sad people who must play Daoc till the wee hours of the morning - I'm just a silly yank playing around 8pm my time on a nice and quiet server. More camp spots for me!

Daoc is a fun, relaxing, destressing thing to do at the end of the day. Usually once I get home I'll go take a jog or a power walk to get the blood flowing... if i'm tired of leveling my alts I'll grab a harry potter book or something by Terry Pratchett YEAH! :D

But hey, I'm happy with my life, going to get married soon, moving to England soon, my life is good. Daoc just makes it a little better :clap:


Originally posted by benappo
I bet many people come home from work, slob in front of their computer and play for 6-8 hours (more?) solid, eating crap and generally not washing, exercising or doing anything else.

Why do you make such assumptions about peoples physical health and lifestyle? You're making one COCKY assumption imo, one thats totally without merit.

Originally posted by benappo
The real test is, how many of you have tried to stop playing, telling yourself you'll do other RL things, and caved in within 10mins/1 hour/1day (take your pick)?

I bet that lots of you have. Now that is the beginning of an addiction if ever i saw one.

Yet another COCKY assumption on your part, hmm I see a trend.

Originally posted by Solid
The only six pack withing 100 yards of me is embedded just in front of my stomach, i got a glorious summer tan, I dont each much pizza...

You know that ad on the telly?

...Does play games

...doesn't smoke

Its kinda like that, just cos ur an avid gamer dont mean you're a 15 stone lard arse with a phospho tan.

I shall quote myself to explain a few things in simple words.

Every human being on this planet has a set of muscles sitting in front of their stomach, their abdominal muscles, often reffered to as a six pack cos they come in a 'pack of six' (its really 8 but most people don't know that).

OK so far? shout if I am going to fast.

A 6 pack is also a common reference to a pack of Beer cans/bottles bought from Offlicences/Supermarkets in a pack guessed it... 6.

If the only 6 pack within 100 yards of me = my own abdominal muscles, what's that tell ya? It means I don't drink you dumbass eejut.

OK...moving on, a glorious summer tan indicates what my friend? yup you guessed it, some exposure to our beloved life giving centre of the solar system, the SUN, meaning I have spent a fair bit of time outdoors.

Me not eating much pizza is a direct response to your claim above (I am sure you can read your own quotes). Its an indicator that I am of good health and not obesse.

HOW you reach the conclusion I am cocky from myself proclaiming I don't drink, I go outside often and I am not fat is beyond me.

I think you will find the cockiest person in this entire thread is yourself, you are essentially claiming to lead a better life than the masses you "BET" do this that and the other.

Now everyone is entitled to an opinion as you quite rightly pointed out, but most opinions usually come with some underlying information and knowledge to back them up, you on the other hand simply seem to be full of shit (Thats my assumption of the day :D).

Do you get a lot of reading, going out and looking at Art whilst continuously bumping this pathetic excuse for an intelligent thread. Lemme guess you are as we speak in the Tate Modern on your PDA accessing a Wireless LAN so you can post here without having to leave the beautiful exibits all around you, and you're as we speak with the dozens of friends socialising like there's no tomorrow.

Like I said buddy, you are full of Hypocrisy and (yes this is my second assumption tho many will agree :D) shit]


Originally posted by Solid
Why do you make such assumptions about peoples physical health and lifestyle? You're making one COCKY assumption imo, one thats totally without merit.

Yet another COCKY assumption on your part, hmm I see a trend.

I shall quote myself to explain a few things in simple words.

Every human being on this planet has a set of muscles sitting in front of their stomach, their abdominal muscles, often reffered to as a six pack cos they come in a 'pack of six' (its really 8 but most people don't know that).

OK so far? shout if I am going to fast.

A 6 pack is also a common reference to a pack of Beer cans/bottles bought from Offlicences/Supermarkets in a pack guessed it... 6.

If the only 6 pack within 100 yards of me = my own abdominal muscles, what's that tell ya? It means I don't drink you dumbass eejut.

OK...moving on, a glorious summer tan indicates what my friend? yup you guessed it, some exposure to our beloved life giving centre of the solar system, the SUN, meaning I have spent a fair bit of time outdoors.

Me not eating much pizza is a direct response to your claim above (I am sure you can read your own quotes). Its an indicator that I am of good health and not obesse.

HOW you reach the conclusion I am cocky from myself proclaiming I don't drink, I go outside often and I am not fat is beyond me.

I think you will find the cockiest person in this entire thread is yourself, you are essentially claiming to lead a better life than the masses you "BET" do this that and the other.

Now everyone is entitled to an opinion as you quite rightly pointed out, but most opinions usually come with some underlying information and knowledge to back them up, you on the other hand simply seem to be full of shit (Thats my assumption of the day :D).

Do you get a lot of reading, going out and looking at Art whilst continuously bumping this pathetic excuse for an intelligent thread. Lemme guess you are as we speak in the Tate Modern on your PDA accessing a Wireless LAN so you can post here without having to leave the beautiful exibits all around you, and you're as we speak with the dozens of friends socialising like there's no tomorrow.

Like I said buddy, you are full of Hypocrisy and (yes this is my second assumption tho many will agree :D) shit]

Well spoken my dear friend :) :clap:



I don't give a shit about this thread anymore. I'm now simply amused at your replies.

You are one hell of a tosser. You've twisted things i've said, made specifics out of generalisations and generally been patronising and smug with everything you've said.

1) never specifically claimed in my post to have liked arts, history etc. just listed them as examples - you twist that into an oh so amusing point scoring not-so-witty retort. The fact that i do like these subjects is irrelevant.

2) if you read my posts, properly, you'll see I name no names, and generalise, referring to people who i bet have an addiction. It's not simply an assumption you dozy fuckwit, but backed up by studies on other MMORPGs and if you even do a simple search on the net for "DAOC addiction" or "Everquest addiction" you'll see what i mean.

3) there are people out there who are addicted, playing 24/7 and generally not living any sort of life. There are also people who are playing to the detriment of their families, friends, health and psychological well-being. There are many people who will acknowledge this, but are unwilling or unable to do anything about it. That's not a bet or an assumption, it's a fact attested to by any of the threads you'll find under a "DOAC addiction" or "Everquest addiction" search. SO, don't fucking patronise me about "assumptions" and being cocky you smarmy little toad.

4) the fact that many people are even reading this thread means it intrigues them and probably sets off a little alarm bell in some of their heads that maybe, just maybe, i have a point, whether or not i've put it eloquently or not. So again stfu with YOUR holier than thou attitude. I've every right to post a thread like this.

5) if you read this thread properly you'll have noticed that i admitted that i nearly became (or even did become) unhealthily stuck on this game. I'm not ashamed of it, it fucking happened, life's like that. Secretly there will be others playing the game and reading this thread who feel the same way, but haven't got the bollocks to come out with it.

In summary, the things I've said are all relevant and worth discussing, but dickwipes like you Solid are too bullish and belligerent to let the thread happen without personal flames. You really are a twat of the first order.

Good night. God bless


Did I hit a nerve? :D Sticks and Stones and all that buddy, water off a ducks back :D

BTW if I am the bad Guy, rest of these fine BW folks seem to disagree.

And if you were trying to help people, rofl the way you set about it is the worst way you could do it.

I didn't really twist anything you said, you managed to make a fool out of yourself all on your own.

Keep up the good work d00d

you rock!!!


Aha! new you'd have to reply to that thread Solid. It was just tooooo tempting wasn't it? :)


Originally posted by benappo
In summary, the things I've said are all relevant and worth discussing, but dickwipes like you Solid are too bullish and belligerent to let the thread happen without personal flames. You really are a twat of the first order.

Originally posted by benappo

Like I said, Hypocrisy is a major factor in all your posts.

And I like replying to threads, bite me...

As someone once wrote in this very thread "I have every right..."


you have every right. never said you hadn't, but i'm wasting my time pointing this out to you, it's obviously not sinking in, is it speedy?

as i keep saying, you're twisting everything. you simply can't help it.

and no doubt you'll have to have the last word, so before i bid goodbye for the last time (too much art to look at and history to read :) ) i'll check that, true to form, you reply with a thread proclaiming my hypocrisy.


Originally posted by benappo
Peeps should really take a look at themselves and what they're doing with their lives
Agreed. Take your own advice, and start with yourself.
Originally posted by benappo
Well, having read the replies, it's obvious some of the peeps playing this game also have a life.
Your definition of life doesn't cover everyone elses definition.
Originally posted by benappo
And before anyone starts slagging me off, it almost happened to me. I played DAOC and found myself playing just that half hour extra, and before i knew it, it was 4am and i had to get up 3 hours later.
So because you're an addict, and you say you yourself were nearly addicted, wouldn't you think calling other people sad and nerdy is infact rather hipocritical?Also what gives you the right to judge them?
Originally posted by benappo
life is short, there's so much to see and do
Stop wasting your time on a forum then and fuck off to see some sights.


I agree with Flesh :(

*runs off to commit suicide*


And when it all comes to an end benappo...

What is it for you to think about how other people like to spend their lifes? If they want a life of daoc or a game at all, let them have it..
Your own statements are utterly bullshit due to you dont know a shit about others and how they control their life, someone can juggle RL and DAoC, and that is good, cause I know daoc aint life, but its damn well fun to some point...


Since you realised you were getting addicted to DAoC, and subsiquently stopped playing. I would like you to give us a run down of a typical week in the life of benappo before you stopped, and after you stopped.

How do you fill in the gaps now?


I find it odd that i actually Agree with Flesh's post...

Kharok Svark

Originally posted by benappo


as the thread starteryou have the ability to close the thread (bottom right hand corner)

when / if you have decided the thread has run it's course.



Im thinking im going to regret playing daoc once its all died down and the game is obsolete.. All those hours spent playing Asherons Call. Had 600 followers, my own mansion etc etc.. well it all amounted to nothing and is now non-existent What a waste of time. You go to work knackered, you miss out on so much.. sunlight etc... Generally bad for your health, relationships etc... Luckily for me im giveing it all up soon and emigrating to Australia. I got enough income from my house in London to mean i have no need to work. Im getting a van and gonna be a hippy.. no computer no nothing... hoorah :mad:)

Funny how a game can be so addictive.. crack has no way near the same appeal and instant addictivness.


I got 30 Carlsberg Sort Guld,you dont.

Get a life!

MOuHGH gAGH gAH ghagh gahAGHAghaghg


The Kingpin

for some random reason, i blame derric for this whole thread..
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