are you all sad addicts?

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Hmm I guesses I do what ever I freaking want to... I guesses you hobby is being nosy...

If anyone ell's wants to know what I do when I'm not working or playing feel free to ask and I'll be happy to tell you..But "MR snot-nosed I'm so much better than the rest shit kid " there... he can go eat a dead toad


Originally posted by benappo
Well, having read the replies, it's obvious some of the peeps playing this game also have a life.

BUT a lot of people have a real problem playing, or rather not playing. How many of you come home and immediately go to play DAOC (or any other online game) after possibly grabbing something to eat? Probably hundreds. How many people then stay on for hours at a time, shunning the summer sunlight and saying "just half an hour more" to themselves? Again probably hundreds.

That can't be too healthy really can it?

The real test is, how many of you have tried to stop playing, telling yourself you'll do other RL things, and caved in within 10mins/1 hour/1day (take your pick)?

I bet that lots of you have. Now that is the beginning of an addiction if ever i saw one.

And before anyone starts slagging me off, it almost happened to me. I played DAOC and found myself playing just that half hour extra, and before i knew it, it was 4am and i had to get up 3 hours later.

Luckily i saw where that was heading, and quit. Deleted DAOC from my harddrive, snapped the CD and tore up my account details.

Never looked back.

How many other people can say they'd be willing to do that?

Flame away as usual.....

lol, you gotta put things a bit more in perspective dude imo when talking about it like a disease like you do.

I smoked for 10 years and quitted because I realized it was bad bad bad for my health.

I drank loads of alcohol for many years and was a partyanimal until I realized it is bad both for the economy and my health and now I seldom drink.

I have played daoc since beta and play quite a lot, lot more than most people do but I dont consider it sad or unhealthy, I have a family with a 3yearold happy son and yes, I have friends aswell.

What on earth makes history art or other more "sophisticated" hobbies more "worth" if I may ask. What gives you the right to hack down on people who might enjoy to play an onlinegame and call them sad?

I rather would see my son grow up and play games than smokin pot or hang out with some gang trashing people and others property, if he wanna sport, sure why not, if he wanna play games, sure why not etc.

Imho, to play a game, become an "addict", stop playing, come to BWs and boast up the ego and call others sad, now thats really sad dont you think?

Grow up and realize there are far worse things out there to do than to play a harmless onlinegame before comin here and make a fool of yourself Benappo.

People like Benappo, that try to tell other people what to do, how to do it, when to do it, how to live, when to live, why to live, kindly fuck off ok?


Or putting it slightly more politely:

Benappo, could you choose and explain your choice, as to which of these hobbies is more 'worthwhile' as you put it:

1) playing an online game, where I can socialise - albeit via the internet - with hundreds of different people at any time, from all across Europe, getting to know some of these people quite well, and occasionally meeting them in real life.

2) watching tv, or reading a book, on my own, in my front room.

3) going swimming or jogging or cycling, on my own, outside.

4) sitting outside in the sun, trying to get a tan and possibly getting cancer.

5) going to the pub with a few mates, breathing in heavy smoke and drinking alcohol.

The majority of other pastimes are actually no 'better' than playing an online game, and in many respects, playing an online game can actually be considered more 'sociable' than others.

No, it's probably not a good thing to play a MMORPG all the time, every free minute of the day, but there are worse things to be addicted to. Like masturbation for example. How are you going get over that addiction of yours?


the problem is how do you define having a life? Is sitting at a computer all day different from sitting watching the tele like a house-wife/husband... would you say that they had no life? Would you say that someone who went out to pubs/clubs has a life?

Define having a life?


Oh, for real now..

Yes, I get home from work/school, grab something to bite, logg on my computer, logg on to daoc, and chat with friends and playing some..
Im having alot of fun, and yes I may have gained some while playing, and I am planing to get it off me..
Im out with friends and my brothers as often as the offer is right there..
I play football with friends at summer time, tho it has not been very much of that yet, but im sure it will come..
And I started work now today, and after a hard day of work its nice to come online, talk to friends, and play with friends..
And YES I said friends, you actually get some kind of wicked bond between those you have played with for many, many months..

Now, pls just go away, stop bother the people that is trying to have fun, and stop telling ppl that it is unhealthy, dont you think we know that?


edit: are you all sad addicts? - FU :)



And if you quit DAoC so you can boast to others that you can watch TV all evening and you are "No longer wasting my life." then you sir are truly an idiot in disguise.

People know their own limits and aren't as naive as to think everyone else must be in the same situation. Sure I admit DAoC adds a little more effort and time then, oh, say reading a book for a few hours a night... but that's half the fun. People play DAoC for fun and it is no different to somebody who doesn't play DAoC and instead talks on MSN all night or goes and hangs out at the arcade. It is a hobby in itself, there is nothing wrong with it. Just look at your situation you are in now; I bet you have merely replaced DAoC with something more socially exceptable. So fucking what.


Still no answer, Benappo.
while I'm really looking forward to it.
I'll restate

Who're that you that you think you have the right to judge me, and how I choose to live?


Originally posted by benappo
I mean do any of you have hobbies, sports, or even like more intellectual things like history or arts for example.
Tell me again why it's better to spend all those hours infront of an history book rather than sitting infront of the screen and play DAoC?

Originally posted by benappo
And before anyone starts slagging me off, it almost happened to me. I played DAOC and found myself playing just that half hour extra, and before i knew it, it was 4am and i had to get up 3 hours later.
Sad :(


stfu with that "who do you think you are judging me" crap. I'm not individually judging anyone, and in any event unless people judged other people there would be no concept of right or wrong, or no concept of justice. It's my opinion and i've every right to it, just as you've every right to get annoyed about it.

And no, i haven't moved on to any other game, DAOC was the only game i've played for years. And no I'm not a fat, masturbating slob with pasty grey skin. And no, I don't watch tv, smoke or drink much. So everyone who posts anything in a similar vein now is wasting their time.

The bottom line is - life is short, there's so much to see and do, and a lot of peeps here spend between 1/12 and 1/2 of their days sitting playing a game, many of whom have already spent 7-8 hours working in front of a computer. I just think it's a waste.

People who get angry in this thread want to really evaluate themselves - what are you getting angry about? If the thread doesn't apply to you and you're not an addict then go and troll another thread. If you are an addict then getting angry about it is just another form of denial methinks.

And Solid most people, even with a bit of flaming have had reasonable answers, but yours are like a pre-pubescent delinquent's who hasn't had his own way for a while. Boasting about your six-pack, what a cock.

For people asking why i haven't replied quickly - strangely enough it's because i have other things to do and don't log onto this board every 10 minutes :)

Oh, and i'm not boasting about giving up DAOC, in fact i'm quite disturbed that it ever got to the point of having to get rid of it because it was becoming a problem. No boast, just a fact.

Flame away as usual....


Originally posted by benappo
Do any of you have any RL interests, or are you all so addicted to this game that you play in every spare moment, to the detriment of everything else?

Originally posted by benappo
People who get angry in this thread want to really evaluate themselves - what are you getting angry about? If the thread doesn't apply to you and you're not an addict then go and troll another thread. If you are an addict then getting angry about it is just another form of denial methinks.
I love contradictions.

Anyway, what's the big deal? I play a fair lot of this game, yes I'm addicted (and not sad :p), but i do have some hobbys like roleplaying, art and martial arts. I don't think there is many that, as you say, do not have a life. Could you just give it a rest? :p

ps. :p


I like reading :eek:

Favoured authors:

John Grisham
Tom Clancy
Terry Pratchett
Raymond E Fiest
(once apon a time) Steven King.

Do admit I haven't read anything in a while though - book wise :x


Trahg - no i won't "give it a rest" as other people in the thread had asked me to explain myself.

So please post something constructive instead of a childish dismissal, or go to another thread.


Originally posted by benappo
stfu with that "who do you think you are judging me" crap.

People who get angry in this thread want to really evaluate themselves - what are you getting angry about? If the thread doesn't apply to you and you're not an addict then go and troll another thread. If you are an addict then getting angry about it is just another form of denial methinks.

Lol - therse only a couple of people getting angry - and you are one of them you tart.

I reckon you are angry at yourself for wasting a whole fucking year playing this shite when you could have been outside doing something intersting instead....oh no hang on..thats me.


djeez benappo,
go study animal psychology or something. At least you might make sense to them.
Let people play for fun, social talk or to achieve something they want to achieve, be it 'uberness' or not, as long as they are happy. And no, I won't post constructive things either before I see the first one coming from your side :p


I'll tell you what I get angry about.
your moralizing tone, as if you somehow know it all and have all the answers.

I saw a lot of what you deem worthy to call life, and I didn't l;ike it. I however do enjoy spending my days behind a PC, so what?
I choose to do so and prefer it over what you seem to think is a worthy life.'tell me, what is there I am missing, that I can't live without? maybe I missed something in my time in the 'real world'


Originally posted by Belsameth
I'll tell you what I get angry about.
your moralizing tone, as if you somehow know it all and have all the answers.

I saw a lot of what you deem worthy to call life, and I didn't l;ike it. I however do enjoy spending my days behind a PC, so what?
I choose to do so and prefer it over what you seem to think is a worthy life.'tell me, what is there I am missing, that I can't live without? maybe I missed something in my time in the 'real world'

I am also a computer potato, and ive never been more happy, when i want to go out, i will go out, What is life, but the ability to do what you want, when you want.

Anuther persons perfect life, is anuther persons worse life.
Some people enjoy sports, some enjoy Computers, others enjoy writeing, ect ect.


Originally posted by benappo
Trahg - no i won't "give it a rest" as other people in the thread had asked me to explain myself.

So please post something constructive instead of a childish dismissal, or go to another thread.
I did a rather childish dismissal, because i didn't find any solid contents in your posts. I thought you had enough humour to take the hint.

Ok, here is a realtive constructive comment: Post something constructive instead of yapping about what the grey mass, as you suppose, is doing and flaming them. So what is this minority going to do, in your opinion.

What goal do you want to achive with this post?

ps. :p

Kharok Svark


Nice thread :)

I play Chess, have even had my arse whipped by a GM

I play Go (National game of Japan)

I play MahJong

I play DAoC

I do not watch telly, but I do read books (and Terry Pratchet is excellent)

I have a freshly mown back lawn and a happy family (except the kids moaning about homework)

The point ;

Society has a new bread of people, brought up with PC's and Game Consoles who have a different view of life. They seem human to everyone else, but rather then watch Eastenders, they converse whilst enjoying the challenge of pitting their wits online against other real people online.

In summary not everyone who drinks a pint is an alcaholic. Not everyone who bets on a horse is a gamblaholic (I know the words wrong but you get the gist), it is for each to resolve their own faults or seek the help of family friends around them.

Sorry you nearly becam addicted to DAoC :( but taken at the right pace it is a fun game :)


So to cut the cake..

It's our life, we live it the way we want to, not the way you see fit.

p.s Nerrr :p


Kharok - nice reply, and well put.

I KNOW most people have other interests. What i'm getting at is the propensity for people playing DAOC to get sucked into it to the point where they do nothing but sleep - work - play DAOC.

We've all seen them online, the alts who are on from 6pm to early morning, day after day after day.

As I've said, I nearly got sucked in, and was bordering on the edge of addiction. Don't mind admitting it. It got to the point where I would eat my dinner infront of DAOC, cut phone-calls short because i was grouped etc.

I'm pretty sure there are a lot of other DAOCers who have those traits, and maybe don't realise it. Just an observation, not a flame or a moral judgement on anyone, contrary to what some people have been posting.

What's my point? Who cares? It's a post.



Somehow I don't think you've quite managed to "kick the habbit". I'm not meaning to make a personal attack here, but do you not see the irony in what you are doing?

This thread is no different to all the other threads you read when "people quit this st00pid game" yet seem to spend a fair amount of time trolling a message board st00pid game they have just left, insinuating that anyone still playing is somehow inferior.

Sorry if i've missed your point, that just how it reads to me. Your in danger of sounding a bit like a born again Christian or reformed smoker. Let people draw their own conclusions and try not to judge them eh?

have fun



I did all my drinking in Uni. Been to places round the world.

Done all sorts of activities I don't care to repeat. Walked all over Snowdonia and Dartmoor.

But ever since I got my first computer 20 yrs ago nothing has held my attention for as long.

I like online games the social (or with some parts of the community anti social) interaction that has developed over the last few years is a long way from sitting in a room playing Horace goes skiing on the Spectrum or Dungeon Master on the Atari ST etc etc.

I hardly watch TV except for movies and DVD's.

Never seen the point in knowing what the Romans did as although its part of how we got to where we are today i think its much better to look to the future than dwell on the past. Art is well ... Art is very much a personal thing ... I like what I like studying the painters etc isnt going to change that and I still think Tracey Emin <sp> is pants.

In a world that is blowing its self to pieces and paying people millions for an unmade bed in my opinion online games like daoc are a welcome sanctuary taking you away from the reality of how really fucked up the human race is.

I mean animals got it sorted run round eating all day having sex and sleeping. Nice simple and you don't have to go to work to make money for someone you don't know and in the case of large corporations probably haven't even met.

I could go to Australia and say ooo look the same sun different rock more people just out for themselves.

In a game like DAOC it gives people a chance to help others make their day just that little nicer and have fun. For many especially the house bound (because of accidents / disabilities) these things are a god send.

I cant understand what is different from sitting infront of a PC or laying in the sun (less likely to get skin caner infront of a PC) both are just in fact killing time until you die.

The way you kill time is entirely up to you and people should not enforce their standards on other people as you are trying to do. As long as when the time comes you can look back from your death bed and say I had fun, as long as you didnt hurt anyone else while doing it, it doesnt matter what you did.

The only difference with the PC community is that they used to be soo complex that they had a geeky image. These days its not true and is becoming more socially acceptable. But remember those geeks from years ago are now worth millions off the back of siting in darkend rooms tapping keyboards.

Just to repeat myself. Do what you want to do and get on with it. No one else cares.


interesting post :)

Personally i like having something to obsess over, something to focus on and something to look forward to doing in my free time. I agree it is important to moderate gaming habits these days, but then again id rather be having to tear myself away from a game i love playing than be bored or watching shite tv.

Altho i think this thread is interesting and its good to be made to stop and think about what ur doing every now and then..... i think halfpint has pretty much hit the nail on the head :D


Well I study psychology and computer science... besides that I work whenever I can...

I play a variety of sports and martial arts, but currently not on a weekly basis, can't find any good clubs in Copenhagen :\

But hopefully that will change when the new season starts around September...

On top of that I have to entertain my gf, and that's a hobby on it's own ;)


Originally posted by benappo
Do any of you have any RL interests, or are you all so addicted to this game that you play in every spare moment, to the detriment of everything else?

I only ask because many people here are so focussed on their alts that they seem to have no idea there is a RL out there.

Peeps should really take a look at themselves and what they're doing with their lives if the main source, even only source, of enjoyment they've got is this fantasy game. I bet many people come home from work, slob in front of their computer and play for 6-8 hours (more?) solid, eating crap and generally not washing, exercising or doing anything else.

Peeps will turn round and say, sure "I go out on friday/saturday night", but that's not really an interest is it? I mean do any of you have hobbies, sports, or even like more intellectual things like history or arts for example. I bet a lot of DAOCers just play DAOC, and nothing else. That is really quite sad.

People are gonna reply "f@ck off it's our life" etc. but surely life's got to have something more to it than months, or years of sitting in your musty, darkened room, playing a game and chatting to "friends" consisting of trolls and kobolds.

Flame away, but i don't give a sh@t.

It's all about priorities mate. For you the most important in your life is your social life. For others it's a game, for others it's another hobby, go on...

If playing DAOC is their real life then they do have a RL, see? In DAOC you are in contact with thousands of other players, you just don't have the fysical contact. Another person may never play DOAC and so called have a "RL" but watch tv the whole time. Who is the social person then?

It's all a bit deeper than just a "game"


I think the real problem is when people play and they dont enjoy it, now thats an addiction. At the end of the day though it is no different to being in an MSN chatroom when the novelty of the repetative xp & rp grind are realised.

If all your friends moved away from the area you live in to live in Milton Keynes would you not be tempted to move there as well?

You can be close to the people you make friends with in a MMORPG and want to interact with them. Is there such a thing as addiction to chatting to friends?


Originally posted by benappo
I'm pretty sure there are a lot of other DAOCers who have those traits, and maybe don't realise it. Just an observation, not a flame or a moral judgement on anyone, contrary to what some people have been posting.

now this is quite something different from how you started your thread, even the thread title screams 'moral judgement inside'

if you didn't start off as such a complete ass it might've even made a nice topic for discussion, tho already slightly old and worn...(try searching OT, there's a similar topic, with a different aproach, and some very good replies)
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