Are mids on god mode with *just* right setup?



Re: Re: Are mids on god mode with *just* right setup?

Originally posted by Kallio
Are mids unkillable and insanely overpowered if they just have a fotm setup?


but its like this:

overpowered classes in noob/amatur hands, no problem.

overpowered classes in skilled/experienced hands, nearly impossible.

an equal level of skill but an unequal group make-up mean an alb grp has to play not only AS GOOD but in fact BETTER than the mid players do in order to win. unless the mids fuck up totally ofc.

Originally posted by faderullan
They arent. Infact, i cant even remember when we last died to a mid group. Oh yeah, you'll probably blame the "mid/pryd sucks" talk.

we don't do pre-arranged fg duels with all RA's up.
we don't wait at pk for RAs to come up.
we have to fight hibs too.
mids have all 3 str relics atm.
the only mid grps we can't regularly beat are JH and NP.


Re: Re: Are mids on god mode with *just* right setup?

Originally posted by faderullan
They arent. Infact, i cant even remember when we last died to a mid group. Oh yeah, you'll probably blame the "mid/pryd sucks" talk.

great words from the guy who refused to play without relics xD

- Fedaykin -

ah faderullan is back from the backwards void known as Prydwen to tell us how to play once more.


Re: Re: Re: Are mids on god mode with *just* right setup?

Originally posted by K0nah

we don't do pre-arranged fg duels with all RA's up.
we don't wait at pk for RAs to come up.
we have to fight hibs too.
mids have all 3 str relics atm.
the only mid grps we can't regularly beat are JH and NP.
Who does pre arranged duels?
Who needs more then 1 bof vs a mid group anyway? Usually not more then 2 group of good mids you meet in 30 minutes.
We use sos vs hibs. Very rare vs mids. And yes, there are plenty of hibs on pryd now too.
Mids having 3 strenght relics sure makes it harder. But not impossible.
Finnally, there arent any mid group we cant regurly win over.


Re: Re: Re: Are mids on god mode with *just* right setup?

Originally posted by Aussie-
great words from the guy who refused to play without relics xD
I brought the relics back fyi.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Are mids on god mode with *just* right setup?

Originally posted by faderullan
I brought the relics back fyi.

still dont see you denying the fact that you wouldnt play without relics...

and that there aint a mid group you cant beat regularily says more about the mids then about you tbh.


Why would i even comment such a lame comment? I have played in albion/pryd for 2 years. With and without relics.


Originally posted by Pandemic
i know of several successful alb guilds on excal who run fine though aussie. and many many more on the us servers :)

us servers are some patches ahead no? :p


Originally posted by dawn-
us servers are some patches ahead no? :p

us servers dont count because they are playing kid-mode daoc yes?


Mids without melee relics:Usually win vs most but the best fotm(Jh&np) groups.
Mids with relics:Lose much more even against the average fotm.Since savages outdamage blademasters badly now and with 2 savages assisting a caster is insta killed the only way to have any success vs these groups is with a really good high rr 50 shield hero.Without good guard a druid does not even have time to insta heal casters since they often drop from full life to red and spamming spread heals on a diseased bm is not enough to keep him alive after 2 casts.
So probably without good guard decent mid groups are quite deadly with melee relics.


Mid has a huge advantage vs alb groups, probably on par with hib groups though ...

The only way you can lose vs a fotm mid setup is when they fuck up, or are played by n00bs... If they dont fuck up, and play with 'skills' (or brains ;)) then for Albs its nearly impossible to beat... (not impossible, but damned fuck hard)

Damage output is higher on mids, healing power is higher on mids, cc is better on mids (chain vs cloth) and utility of a mid group is generally higher...

So sure its possible to win, just dont expect to win as much against 'fotm' mid setups as 'fotm' mid setups win from 'fotm' alb setups...

Definitly not with the stupid relics, nerf being killed with bof active by savages...


Originally posted by -Wedge-
Mid has a huge advantage vs alb groups, probably on par with hib groups though ...

come again, instamezz?


Re: Re: Are mids on god mode with *just* right setup?

Originally posted by faderullan
They arent. Infact, i cant even remember when we last died to a mid group. Oh yeah, you'll probably blame the "mid/pryd sucks" talk.

Mids do suck pretty bad on Prydwen tho :p

Oh, and ye a proper PE fg should own them, and surely by miles all these exc/albs o.0



Originally posted by Kallio
Are mids unkillable and insanely overpowered if they just have a fotm setup?

you know what that means, 2-3 savas, maybe one zerk, 3 healers etc.
Not all true. JH seem to run with 4 savages, 3 healers, 1 shaman these days.

Just a comment, NP ain't one of those fotm lovers for 3 light tanks(aka savages)!


Originally posted by Arnor
come again, instamezz?

If you look group wise, hib has the ability to pretty much get the same healing action that mid has, same (roughly) damage output and almost same utility...

3 druids, 1 bard, 3 or 4 bm's and perhaps 1 eld (for disease)...

3 healers, 1 shaman, 1 skald (not needed), 2-3 savages, 1 zerker...

3 clerics, sorc, minstrel, paladin, 2 mercs? 2 clerics 3 mercs? just not the same... and shaman/bard both can rez + heal (a bit)...


Re: Re: Are mids on god mode with *just* right setup?

Originally posted by Denisée
Not all true. JH seem to run with 4 savages, 3 healers, 1 shaman these days.

Just a comment, NP ain't one of those fotm lovers for 3 light tanks(aka savages)!

JH rarley play with 4 savages since i've been back, nolby have ran with 3 light tanks for along time.



Originally posted by dawn-
us servers are some patches ahead no? :p

what about the successful rvr albion guilds on excal then ?


Originally posted by Arnor
us servers dont count because they are playing kid-mode daoc yes?

mmm not really mate they have to develop all the knew ways of rvring as they get the patches first like doing the savage healer setup then europe copies them

Garbannoch Nox

Originally posted by Pandemic
mmm not really mate they have to develop all the knew ways of rvring as they get the patches first like doing the savage healer setup then europe copies them

doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out that a group consisting of the best tank in the game and the best support char is likely to succeed


As mentioned, alb's big problem is that they can only fit 2 healing classes in the group, and they got no Ae disease either unlike mid who has 3 healers + shammy who can do some heals and has ae disease. Ofc albs could go with 3 clerics and 2 mercs too but 2 mercs don't kill very fast.. Alb classes are just badly designed imo, need too many classes in the group to make it good.

Anyway, i've played a bit on prydwen and met PE and their group really seems powerfull, better than any alb group on excal Imho.

When savage nerf comes and mid loses relics on excal the situation might be bit different though (i hope :p)


I agree with some not others, Alb classes are not badly designed at all.. why people think this i dont know, HOWEVER a group of mid or hib has more utility than a group of alb, so if mid have a PERFECT group albion cannot match it

example poon in 1fg mid tank setup
me team +1 other team yes 2fg casters perfect alb caster groups we died so fast some one pm me in other group wtf happen there... we have all RA,

so invicable no dam hard yes,

maybe the above is bad example we are cloth wears in a tank world but unless the alb group can match RR it wont happen as the group i mention poon's are relitevly experianced, now take NP and well we all been beat by them


Originally posted by Garbannoch Nox
doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out that a group consisting of the best tank in the game and the best support char is likely to succeed

well duh no ofc not but doesnt change what i was saying we took all our ideas off the us


Really good to be an honest mid asking this. It
seems that mids doesnt want to admit that game is unbalanced atm, they think mythic will nerf them etc...

Its really frustrating to go to emain since they got the 3 str relics, really hope that albs get them back and balance a bit the game that Mythic can´t balance....


Originally posted by Kallio
Are mids unkillable and insanely overpowered if they just have a fotm setup?

you know what that means, 2-3 savas, maybe one zerk, 3 healers etc.

Yes. ;)


Originally posted by salamurhaaja
DH seem easily win JH in the movie, no casulties.
Just simple as that.
Get peeps to rr10-11 and pwn mids.

so untill albs are all RR10-11 we all zerg untill we are high rr enough to compete?

i dont think mids are unkillable.. nor do i think they are INSANELY overpowered...

i think its just that there classes areMUCH more powerfull than ours. mids tanks r better . mid cc/healers/buffers are better (going by the utility they bring to grp) . where as to bring all the stuff that mid can put into a optimal grp.. alb would have to have a 10man grp or summin . and thats ust the spells etc . where as the hp's etc of some of the classes in that grp doesnt match the utility n hp or the enemy classes. or kill speed.


Originally posted by old.Lethul
cause that is the only fight we have had vs DH :D

yes, mids are overpowered deluxe atm
it's all your fault you know?

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