Anyone know a good guide how to set upp a guild ?



ive never tryed it before but ill try with my own guild now =)

just a small one with soem friends =)


yeah but im really new at this i was wondering kinda how to set upp rank lvls and such =)


doh ofc, no clue then ^^

u can check by just typing /gc tho


Teh manuuul of teh daoc holds lots of info.. used ith wif my uber elite haxxor pvp-guild KOS! KOS! FFS J00 KEEL GREYY sil vous plait?!?1


Originally posted by Divinia
Teh manuuul of teh daoc holds lots of info.. used ith wif my uber elite haxxor pvp-guild KOS! KOS! FFS J00 KEEL GREYY sil vous plait?!?1

rofl u tard

Repent Reloaded

When startin a guild friendship and dedication are "very" important.
Your startin with a group of friends so thats a good start, you need to sit down and talk about how your goin to run ur guild. imho best option is like a council, only core members can be in the council (your first few loyal members/friends)
Make up Rank names and give each rank a possion/job
You'll need someone to help with Human Resources (recruiting) Someone to keep the law in the guild and help out new members who have questions, these rolls fit the "Officer"
make basic ranks, More dedicated the member, higher rank he/she gets. 9 to 6 are pritty good starts. 9 (recruit) after 1 week or so (test if they are active) 8 Member - 9 warrior (L20+) etc...

when u got about 20+ ppl your ranks should be filled and ur guild runnin well, do guild hunts every now and then to keep ppl happy and help friendship along, Remember, kick none active people, it can lead to the death of ur Guild.

Just some small advice, good luck with ur guild m8!


Hi Nfr Dagobertii here try this link matey gives you all the /slash commands good luck with your guilding :)

Slash commands


Aule Valar

Originally posted by Divinia
Teh manuuul of teh daoc holds lots of info.. used ith wif my uber elite haxxor pvp-guild KOS! KOS! FFS J00 KEEL GREYY sil vous plait?!?1

je ne comprende pas


first of all, U need to get 300G :)

the rest is simple :p


Originally posted by greenfingers
first of all, U need to get 300G :)

the rest is simple :p

No, 300 gold is for buying your guild emblem. To start a guild is only something like 5 or 10 gold.

Cavex ElSaviour

if you (or any one else) is still interested. here's a possibe structure that has been propoes in my guild.

Rank 0: guild leaders 2
rank 1: high counsilor 3
rank 2: High officer 2
Rank 3: lower officer 2
rank 4: 40+ members
rank 5: dedicated members
rank 6: 30+ members
rank 7: full member below level 30
rank 8: all alts below lvl 30
rank 9: starting member

Rank 0:
Ok, we need 2 guild leaders for insurence, this way AoV will always have a guild leader, even if one of the leaders suddenly stops playing, is unable to play or whatever. <acces to all area's>

Rank 1:
3 high counsilors: with the task to regulate the guild, together with the guild leaders they take most guild decisions, including the less fun part. (e.g. kicking someone out of the guild, talk to other guilds who have complaints about our members etc) They also arrange and decide about the promotions/demotions together with the guild leaders.
<acces to all area's>

2 high officers: The task of the high officers is to bind the guild as much as possible. this means forming exp groups, RvR groups etc. They should have the ability to lead more then 1 fg. During raids these people start the groups (lvl 40 minimum)
<acces to all area's, not able to kick someone from the guild>

Rank 3:
2 lower officers: In principle their task is the same as for higher officers but in a less extend. Where the high officers are expected to try to organise something (small) for the guild almost every night they play, the lower officers are requiered to do this on a regular bases. Hereby relieving the higher officers in there task. During raids the lower officers are the back up group leaders. meaning they are invited first by the higher officers to take their place when a higher officer logs or goes ld. lower officers are expected to be able to lead 1 fg. (lvl 40 minimum)
<acces to /os and officers forum of the guild>

Rank 4:
The basic high lvl member, these members are beeing asked to group as much as possible with guildies and alliance members. They are also expected to recruit as many as possible, BUT try to figure out if he/she would fit in the guild.
<full acces to /as>

Rank 5:
Every player who hasn't attained the 40th level yet but have shown a great dedication towards the guild. their reward is a special rank with full acces to /as. They are encouraged to find new recruits who will fit in the guild.
<full acces /as>

Rank 6:
Every member between the 30th and 40th level. These members can view /as but can't speak in it. These members are encouraged to recruit new members.

Rank 7:
Every full member under the 30th level. This does not include alts. Getting a special rank is their reward for beeing a dedicated guildie. from this rank up members are allowed to wear guild colours.

Rank 8:
This rank is for all the alts below lvl 30 with their main in rank 6 or higher. This rank has been made to prevent the embarising situation where you don't know if it's an alt or a new lowbie member. This ranks gets to view /as

Rank 9:
Every new member starts at this rank for a week. they are not allowed to wear guild emblem yet.

Promotions and demotions should be on regular basis. This includes the officers ranks. When a rank 3 officer is organising mor ethen a rank 2 officers then the rak 3 officer should be promoted and the rank 2 officer demoted. Same goes for rank 4/5 and rank 3. It's up to the counsilors together with the guild leaders to make those decisions. Being promoted to rank 8, 7, 6 and 4 is beeing done as soon as a counsilor or guild leader spots you at the right level. A promotion to rank 5, 3 or 2 is beeing done via a guild wide message, this is a special rank that you need to earn, and everyone should know you earned that rank.
People from rank 1 are beeing voted by the guild. Every 3 months there will be a voting to determin the right persons. This can be someone from every level. Guild dedication should be central here.
Me and malicki stay guild leader in principle. Howe ever, if all the offciers and the counsilors feel that 1 of the guild leaders isnt capable of doing their job, or if they have the feeling someone else can be doing a better job then they can call for a guild vote, if mor ethen 75% of the guild feels the same then 1 guild leader will be demoted and a new one will be voted.
Just one to emphasie that (especially for the officers) not the person that matters but the guild does. So sometimes you will have to swallow your pride and accept the demotion as a man and fight back for your space by making this guild stronger.


Time to farm then :D

Btw. Can you remove ppl who are not logged on???
I heard long time ago that we would get that possibility.


The above mentioned guide should help you out, but one tip:
Decide on the guild's name before inviting people to help you found the guild. Most people will be glad to help you get the required number of members, but it is quite frustrating to sit around the guild registrar for half an hour waiting for ppl to agree on the name of a guild while all you want to do is finish your epic :).


Originally posted by kathal_tdd
Time to farm then :D

Btw. Can you remove ppl who are not logged on???
I heard long time ago that we would get that possibility.

Not too sure if the /gc autoremove <name> command works atm.. i heard it was broke and havent needed to use it. worth a try though if u really wanna :)


/gc edit

is your friend here

with this you are given a list of options such as alliance speak, cloak emblem, remove, invites etc

with this you can set up the ranks you want and what you want them to access

its pretty self explanatory just type /gc edit <rank no> and whatever u want with a Y(es) or N(o)


if you want to make two levels the same within the guild you can do

/gc edit ranklevel 2 2
/gc edit ranklevel 3 2

this sets levels 2 and 3 to be identical for promotion/demotion porpoises. (i.e. a number 2 can't demote a number 3 :))

HG uses this to have different names for the same rank (Chaplain/Magus Prime/Sergeant are all the same)


Originally posted by Repent
When startin a guild friendship and dedication are "very" important.
Your startin with a group of friends so thats a good start, you need to sit down and talk about how your goin to run ur guild. imho best option is like a council, only core members can be in the council (your first few loyal members/friends)
Make up Rank names and give each rank a possion/job
You'll need someone to help with Human Resources (recruiting) Someone to keep the law in the guild and help out new members who have questions, these rolls fit the "Officer"
make basic ranks, More dedicated the member, higher rank he/she gets. 9 to 6 are pritty good starts. 9 (recruit) after 1 week or so (test if they are active) 8 Member - 9 warrior (L20+) etc...

when u got about 20+ ppl your ranks should be filled and ur guild runnin well, do guild hunts every now and then to keep ppl happy and help friendship along, Remember, kick none active people, it can lead to the death of ur Guild.

Just some small advice, good luck with ur guild m8!

When come back, bring literacy.


This was my long term goal for Chosen while i was GM. This was the 10 Commandments or Guild Charter as its commonly known.

1. Helping Each Other

If asked to help by a guild member try to do so. This does not imply that you have to drop everything and run to aid him/her.

2. Crafter Fund

Events will be organised to raise guild funds with all items given to the Treasurer who will post them on the forum & if unclaimed within 7 days they will be salvaged for cash. All funds will be held by the Treasurer & distributed by the treasurer in accordance with Guild policy. Guild policy on sponsoring crafters is that they will have reached 650 in their skill. This however does not guarantee you will be sponsored as funds need to be shared around equally among all crafts. Your turn will come though.

3. RVR Fund.

This will be held by the RVR officer to distribute to RVR Leaders for Siege equipment or door upgrades etc. Funds for this will be obtained by subscriptions of level 47+ players of 10g per week payable every Thursday to the RVR Officer.

4. Guild Forum

You must register on the Guild Forum all events will be organised here. You wouldn¡¦t want to miss out.

5. Inactive Characters

Characters that go inactive on will be removed from the Guild. Let us know your ok if there¡¦s a problem. You don¡¦t have to tell us what is going on but if you need someone to talk to we are hear. (That¡¦s a pun as we are good listeners).

6. Guild Emblem

From rank 8 you can wear the guild Emblem
The requirements set by the game are level 20 or 400 skillpoint in a tradeskill.

7. Behaviour

„h Do not demand items and powerleveling from members and fellow Hibernians.
„h Do not annoy members and fellow Hibernians with continuous requests for gold/items/experience.
„h It is not allowed to use excessive foul language on the guild chat since we have younger members too. You will be warned once. Never twice.
„h Treat others the way you want to be treated.

8. Decisions

Decisions regarding the guild & its structure will be made by officer & GM vote. In the event of a drawn vote then the vote will then be opened up to people who have the Adviser rank as well. In the unlikely event we still have a tied vote the whole guild will vote. If after this we have another tie then the GM will decide.

9. Alts

You main character on Excaliber must be in the Guild, we will only recruit alts of players who are already in the Guild.

10. Guild Structure

Rank 0 (Rank Level 0) GM 1 Position
All Access.
Acts as an officer but with Guild remove access.

Rank 1 (Rank Level 1) OFFICER 7 Positions (max number for current size)
All access but not Guild Member remove.
The decision-makers. People who have demonstrated commitment to the guild and have gone the extra mile. These people will organise events, deal with disputes, Offer advice items & money to the greater cause. These people will be involved in any decision discussions & voting. GM¡¦s will decide who is an officer based upon their demonstration of commitment to the guild and its objectives. This rank can also be eligible to be a guild crafter.

Rank 2 (Rank Level 1) RVR OFFICER 1 position (From the total officer positions)
All access but not Guild Member remove.
As a normal officer but their event organising will be primarily for RVR events. This person will understandably have a good knowledge of RVR (max number for current size). This rank can also be eligible to be a guild crafter if they have 650 skill.

Rank 3 (Rank Level 1) TREASURER 1 position (From the total officer positions)
All access but not Guild Member remove.
As a normal officer but their event organising will be primarily for funds. Guild funds will be held by this person & distributed by them in line with Guild objectives. Any unwanted items or DF seals should be passed to this person for sale for salvage or distribution as they see fit to Guild Crafters. This person should probably have a mule character. This person will be responsible for deciding who the Guild Crafters are.

Rank 4 (Rank Level 2) ADVISER Unlimited positions
All access but not Guild Member invite or remove.
For those people who we think qualify as officers but they either do not want to be or there are no vacancies for officers. They will get all the same access as officers but will not invite or remove members. They will offer their opinions in /os discussions & on the officer section of the forum but will not vote. People of this rank can also be Crafters if they meet the 650-skill requirement.

Rank 5 (Rank Level 3) RVR LEADER Unlimited Positions
Guild Chat, Alliance Chat, Keep Claiming & Emblem.
A person experienced in RVR who has demonstrated their ability in the field. In the absence of the RVR officer, an officer who is experienced in RVR or an Advisor experienced in RVR this person will lead the group. These people will also organise RVR events if they wish & will have a good knowledge of Siege equipment. This position should carry a level 40 requirement.

Rank 6 (Rank Level 3) CRAFTER
Guild Chat & Alliance Chat & Emblem.
These people will benefit from guild funds when skilling up their trade. The treasurer may also give them unwanted guild items to sell or salvage. Crafting masters will be at least 650 skill in their craft & will demonstrate a solid commitment to crafting.

Rank 7 (Rank Level 4) WARRIOR
Guild Chat, Alliance Hear & Emblem
Inexperienced RVR players. People who have shown commitment to the Guild

Rank 8 (Rank Level 5) FOOTSOLDIER
Guild Chat & Emblem
You get this rank when you have become fully-fledged members.

Rank 9 (Rank Level 6) MERCENARY
Guild Chat
The trial Rank for new guild members.

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