any BNP members around here ?


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Extremists of all flavours are fuckwits.

I agree with everything in your post bar this.

Some people with "extreme" views are incredibly intelligent and, dare I say it, possibly right.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I agree with everything in your post bar this.

Some people with "extreme" views are incredibly intelligent and, dare I say it, possibly right.

Good example could be hitler, while a homicidal maniac, had some good ideas and was a rather smart man.

Well, the two front war thing wasn't that smart but aaaanyway :D


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Good example could be hitler, while a homicidal maniac, had some good ideas and was a rather smart man.

Well, the two front war thing wasn't that smart but aaaanyway :D

You're trolling. But it is funny :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 15, 2008
Good example could be hitler, while a homicidal maniac, had some good ideas and was a rather smart man.

Well, the two front war thing wasn't that smart but aaaanyway :D

Hitler was a smart man...until he went fucking banana's.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
BNP are borderline legal, word of the law etc, but wouldnt piss on em if they were on fire tbh

and Greenpeace is a terrorist organisation :)

as for the hitler comments.. he was VERY clever, but also very evil. they arent mutually exclusive sadly :(


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
I'm clever and evil. perhaps not as evil as hitler, though :(


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
No, its the people who don't understand the difference between a well-referenced article, and a poorly-referenced article, that are the mongs.

I have written quite a few, one of which was recently on the front page as a featured article. Newly-promoted featured articles are generally about as reliable and trustworthy as any source you'll find anywhere.
Why focus something on an individual because there isn't agreement with your view?

Afaic Wikipedia is mong, it's content is far too fluid. I have a paper encyclopaedia at home, the pages don't change each time I open and shut the cover.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Why focus something on an individual because there isn't agreement with your view?

Afaic Wikipedia is mong, it's content is far too fluid. I have a paper encyclopaedia at home, the pages don't change each time I open and shut the cover.
I have an encyclopedia at home it's over 40 years old, it's my definitive source of information for everything.
I keep it safe with a cookbook of the same age which advocated cooking everything in litres of aspic and lard for health reasons.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
You can't be a policeman if you're a member of the bnp? Why the fuck not? It's not like the non card carrying bnp members in the police force are a modicum of restraint and liberal thinking.


Activity likely to interfere with the impartial discharge of duty

Special Constables should abstain from any activity which is likely to interfere with the impartial discharge of their duties or which is likely to give rise to the impression amongst members of the public that it may so interfere. In particular, special constables may not belong to the BNP, National Front or Combat 18 or any organisation whose constitution, aims, objectives or pronouncements are incompatible with the duty imposed by section 71 of the Race Relations Act 1976 on certain persons, in carrying out their functions, to have due regard to the need to:

a) eliminate unlawful racial discrimination; and

b) promote equality of opportunity and good relations between persons of different racial groups.

The BNP's own constitution says this:

The British National Party stands for the preservation of the national and ethnic character of the British people and is wholly opposed to any form of racial integration between British and non-European peoples. It is therefore committed to stemming and reversing the tide of non-white immigration and to restoring, by legal changes, negotiation and consent, the overwhelmingly white makeup of the British population that existed in Britain prior to 1948

That's why you can't be a copper and a BNP member, and rightly so.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Why focus something on an individual because there isn't agreement with your view?

Afaic Wikipedia is mong, it's content is far too fluid. I have a paper encyclopaedia at home, the pages don't change each time I open and shut the cover.

Good articles are rated on their discussion page. Any content that isn't verifiable is either highlighted with a [citation needed] tag or removed.

Wikipedia isn't 'mong' - its the people who use its content without first checking the quality of the article they're referencing who are. It has an undeservedly bad reputation. None of the articles I'm involved with could be described as unreliable.

By the way I doubt your encyclopaedia will contain verifiable references to source material on each topic. Good articles on Wikipedia do.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Yes, they are scum. However they have every right to view their opinion in public, despite what some people would like, we happen to live in a democracy where freedom of speech should be encouraged.

Besides which there is no proof whatsoever that anyone on that list is part of the BNP. I am not saying that they aren't but what would some of the idiots who think its a good thing to publish a random list of names do if someone was beaten up or killed when they have absolutely no link to the BNP? There are even children's names on there for fucks sake.

It could ruin someones life when they have nothing to do with it. The people that act on this list and the people that released it are just as bad as any BNP member.

The mods should remove the link in my opinion . (not that they can't be found elsewhere)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 15, 2004
whether you hate the BNP or not releasing that list was wrong, saying ALL BNP members are thugs racists etc is just the typical PC response whatever happened to innocent till proven guilty?

it seems its a crime to have an oppinion these days and believe in something.

i cant say i agree with the BNP on some issues but on some they have a point and they are the only ones pointing it out. immigration is a key issue these days with the mass influx of immigrant workers. labour conservative all the other big parties are so busy trying to please the minorities that the average working man is feeling ignored (im the average working man) agree with this or not its up to you im not going to argue about it.

example 15 applicants at my place applied for a job were 6 jobs available 5 eastern european 10 english applied (i know this cos im a nosy fucker and was pokin through the application forms)

the 5 european lads and 1 english lad got the job 3 of the blokes who applied were coming from another factory all from the uk afaik that dothe same as us, only 1 got the job, i know it comes down to the wage bill at the end of the day, i see the practicality of hiring people who will work for peanuts, but this is my point immigrant workers are taking non skilled jobs, (i could understand if it was doctors etc) and now we are entering a recession it just smacks of bullshit to me. the native population need these jobs at this time. shit like that happening gets around a factory fast and causes resentment. (i do know the argument about the english not wanting to do these jobs thats another issue)

ive gone off topic a little bit but i just wanted to show that there are real reasons why people are turning to parties like the BNP

i vote labour i dont agree with enough of the BNP's policies to vote for them but it doesnt mean i dont agree with them on some issues

what it comes down to for me when all is said and done is this. i live in this country and i want it to be a prosperous country i live comfortable and i work hard and i will vote for the party who can realistically keep me in the lifestyle im accustomed to, this has nothing to do with race or colour in my eyes its about the well fare of the state and at the moment its a disgrace.

this is my oppinion i dont expect you to agree with it but i do ask that you respect it and not resort to insulting me if you dont


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
You're trolling. But it is funny :)

I assure you, i never troll.

Burn my views, destroy my thoughts, but you'll never see me troll ;)

Hitler was smart, and had good ideas(based on marxism i guess?), just the whole kill-genocide thing was a bit over the top.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003

The BNP are happy for immigrants to come into the country as long as they are white. They state that they would reduce the amount of people that would come in from Asia. yet they do not mention anything about people coming here from republic of Ireland. Yet we have just as many people coming here from there.

I am all for people having an opinion but when people join up to a so called party like the BNP I would like to think they have done so after looking into what the party really does stand for.

Saying "yeah but they want to stop immigration" is not really a reason because if they came into power people of an ethnic background would systematically be forced out of this country regardless of their nationality.

Ethnic cleansing is something that happens in 3rd world countries we are not one of those countries nor would I want us to be.

So show me what the BNP actually stand for, I mean surely my area wasn't the only one that was informed of all the other politicians in the area being paedos and rapists on the BNP campaign sheet. A party as established as the BNP isn't trying to trick elderly people into voting for them to get these evil people off the streets is it?

It's a party of thugs run by thugs and followed by people that cling onto a hope that one day they can stomp on other people because of their colour and get away with it.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Good articles are rated on their discussion page. Any content that isn't verifiable is either highlighted with a [citation needed] tag or removed.

Wikipedia isn't 'mong' - its the people who use its content without first checking the quality of the article they're referencing who are. It has an undeservedly bad reputation. None of the articles I'm involved with could be described as unreliable.

By the way I doubt your encyclopaedia will contain verifiable references to source material on each topic. Good articles on Wikipedia do.
Again, all in your opinion. You can say that it isn't all you like, it does not make you right and I do not agree. Further you are not impartial.

They're rated on the discussion page... why not on the actual article page? Surely it would be much more useful if for example it said "this article is F- grade" before anyone bothered reading it?

Oh and I'm afraid you're wrong about my encyclopaedia, but never mind.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I assure you, i never troll.

Burn my views, destroy my thoughts, but you'll never see me troll ;)

Hitler was smart, and had good ideas(based on marxism i guess?), just the whole kill-genocide thing was a bit over the top.

Really? I said this:

Some people with "extreme" views are incredibly intelligent and, dare I say it, possibly right.

Hitler wasn't "possibly right" now, was he?


Anyway, just downloaded the list. Gonna look to see if anyone I know is on it :D


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Again, all in your opinion. You can say that it isn't all you like, it does not make you right and I do not agree. Further you are not impartial.

They're rated on the discussion page... why not on the actual article page? Surely it would be much more useful if for example it said "this article is F- grade" before anyone bothered reading it?

Oh and I'm afraid you're wrong about my encyclopaedia, but never mind.

Because facts in a Wikipedia article should be checked against the references provided. The article rating is a guide, not a source, and in case you didn't know, Wikipedia is not considered by itself to be a reliable source - it is the sources within each article that demonstrate reliability. Article ratings also specify grammar, structure, reference type, formatting - a whole range of things. Also, discussion of article ratings is done via links on the discussion page, not the main article page, and ratings (and importance) are often divided between several wikiprojects which would take up far too much space on the article page.

I wonder, what does your encyclopaedia say in relation to the former planet Pluto? Does it update regularly with new facts? Can you go outside, take a picture of something important near you, and upload that picture to your book so as to improve upon the one already there (if present)?

Take a look through the several thousand featured articles on Wikipedia, and then tell me that its 'mong'.

Wikipedia:Featured articles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Then look at the several thousand 'good articles' (the differences between featured article and good article are mostly quite minor):

Wikipedia:Good articles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It must be a very big book you have there.


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
I'm clever and evil. perhaps not as evil as hitler, though :(

You also have 1 less bollock than Hitler :eek:


Heres something none of you knew (and why should you), my dad was close to running for the Walsall BNP election things, then he got too ill......and......well.......died. On that subject I would like to say he had asian mates, black mates and a couple of bender mates along with some total fucking nutter mates. My dad wanted British people to have the SAME rights as foreigners in this country and not to be treated as second in line all the time. Is that racist? Not to me it isn't we must be the only country in the world that puts others ahead of its own (I know thats a sweeping statement but we only see whats reported)


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
This thread is starting to smell of sperm and piss :(

Edit: not your post Trem, but the general subject of the BNP


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Really? I said this:

Hitler wasn't "possibly right" now, was he?


Oh yeah, i can see how you took it like that. I only meant the smart part, not the right part, though about the things hitler was smart, he was quite right about too :D


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
"Party supporters now include doctors, vicars, teachers, sports commentators and children's clowns.



Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
BNP member targeted in firebomb attack sparking fears of vigilantism | Mail Online

I was waiting for this to happen. It's funny how the anti-nazi movement can't see the irony on wanting to know the names and addresses of all people involved in a political, and legal movement (no matter how distasteful) and then persecuting them. Perhaps the next logical step is getting them to wear armbands, so we can identify them in the streets. Of course, there's a chance it was just done by people in the community who oppose having a BNP member in their midst, but my money would rest elsewhere.


Dec 17, 2003
If it was someone in the community, you think they would have burnt the right car.

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