No idea Another Selfish Suicide? (Germanwings Crash)


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
The problem for me is our cultures need for simplification. We take things like Depression and Autism and other conditions and we lump them into "box's". The reality is there is a massive spectrum of symptoms and connected issues so saying person A has Depression and so does person B so they must be treat the same is flawed. We need in depth analysis for everyone and we have to look past the stigma and find a way to stop hiding them, this means protecting them legally from employers but also forcing them to stop hiding things from employers.
At the end of the day it would help us a lot if we could then see that -
Person A suffers depression, struggles to find motivation, does not see the point in it all but still has a level of caring and empathy for others
Person B suffers depression, has been treated for suicidal tendencies over a long period, expressed a desire for his name to be remembered after he has gone

Person B would and SHOULD flag up as dangerous in certain jobs while they are in a depressive state.

The reality is there are probably loads of depressed and/or suicidal people out there who never show any symptoms at all, and in that case how do you force people to reveal an issue they might not even be aware of? I bet there are significant numbers of people who aren't even aware they have depression. Plus, "in depth analysis for everyone"? Who's paying for that then?


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Also there's people who would be declared depressed when they're not. For example if i told my doctor "i thought about how i would kill myself if i decided to do so", he would pop me on a list faster then a handjob from a threehanded martian.

Then there's the so called "depressed" people who just are humans being humans(in other words sad/tired), but want an excuse.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
The reality is there are probably loads of depressed and/or suicidal people out there who never show any symptoms at all, and in that case how do you force people to reveal an issue they might not even be aware of? I bet there are significant numbers of people who aren't even aware they have depression. Plus, "in depth analysis for everyone"? Who's paying for that then?
But he is right they are spectrum disorders no one has quite the same symptoms as another. And you are right that some people don't know they are depressed.

It will always be a risk we have to take putting our lives in other people's hands. It can be mitigated in planes by always having two in the cabin. To some extent. But what about the bus driver. Or the train driver. They are alone in their cabs every day. Still responsible for a lot of people.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Yes, but can you see where this might go? If the employee can't be relied on to self-report, the employer might have to pro-actively make judgements about their employees' mental health; which is fraught with problems.

Don't airlines already do this? What I'm suggesting is that legislation protecting the employee from abuse of such a system be made much, much stronger.


Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
And i agree legislation does need changing, the whole subject needs bringing into the light and De-demonising. When we do that we can then start to look at it in depth, place it into a full spectrum so we can understand it better. It WILL cost money that's unavoidable but surely that's a better alternative to what we currently have?


Resident Freddy
Nov 17, 2004
Disregarding all the depression bits, the first thing I thought at that age is; He's had a row with his girlfriend.

Would he really worry about killing all those people? He's obviously not going to be around for his conscience to prick him. Unless he heavily believes in heaven and hell he literally gets away with murder with no punishment.

I think anyone who says they have never considered suicide is lying. yet I don't think we have all at some time been depressives.

My second thought was all those mobile phones. 150 at least on that mountainside. Someone must have filmed it. Tried to make a call. texted. and now they are saying they have a sim or something with a sound recording. So how long before a film?


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
I think anyone who says they have never considered suicide is lying

You'd be wrong!

I can honestly state that I have never, ever! not even remotely, ever concidered suicide - At any point during my life, and I've seen quite abit of shit in my life.
I plan to clinch to life for as long as I's that simple to me..I really do not comprehend the logic behind suicide/selfdestruction, too me it's one of lifes big mysteries.

I can use the words to explain it, I can observe it, so in that sence I can understand the mechanics behind it, but understand it, in the sence as to relate? No!

Someone did film it btw.
Last edited:


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
You'd be wrong!

I can honestly state that I have never, ever! not even remotely, ever concidered suicide - At any point during my life, and I've seen quite abit of shit in my life.
I plan to clinch to life for as long as I's that simple to me..I really do not comprehend the logic behind suicide/selfdestruction, too me it's one of lifes big mysteries.

I can use the words to explain it, I can observe it, so in that sence I can understand the mechanics behind it, but understand it, in the sence as to relate? No!

Someone did film it btw.
Did you really scan back a page to find a post with a spelling mistake from me that you could put the bad spelling emote on. Lol


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Don't airlines already do this? What I'm suggesting is that legislation protecting the employee from abuse of such a system be made much, much stronger.
To a certain extent, if colleagues report it then it would be investigated.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
The wife works with problem kids and the thing she moans about is kids being put on the 'spectrum', be it autism or adhd.
Kids who are simply a pain in the ass get diagnosed with low level autism which automatically gives them the free pass to entitlement due to their 'disability', the freakin parents get taxi money to send them to school, free holidays ( she's taking 10 of them for a kayakiing weekend).
We are sliding into a singularity of every personality trait being diagnosed as an issue requiring special attention, the 'spectrum' get's wider every year, partly due to legal pressure and officials looking for an easy life.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
theres reports of some mobile phone footage surfacing, not sure if legit or not


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I think anyone who says they have never considered suicide is lying. yet I don't think we have all at some time been depressives.

Have to go with Olga here. I've never considered suicide and add to yours and say all those who claim to be depressed these days aren't either.

I've thought about suicide, how would i etc, but i've not considered it.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
Not screening for depression for roles like these is like not screening for dangerously bad eyesight. It doesn't mean that if you wear glasses you can't work, you are just not able to function as well at certain jobs. ie as much as I love to be able to walk in a room and 'feel' the mood... I would never consider becoming a nurse on a children's cancer ward as it would destroy me ie I am not cut out for it... My bouts of depression are fewer these days but I still know my limitations


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Not screening for depression for roles like these is like not screening for dangerously bad eyesight. It doesn't mean that if you wear glasses you can't work, you are just not able to function as well at certain jobs. ie as much as I love to be able to walk in a room and 'feel' the mood... I would never consider becoming a nurse on a children's cancer ward as it would destroy me ie I am not cut out for it... My bouts of depression are fewer these days but I still know my limitations

Except bad eyesight is an easily measurable defect. Depression isn't. How do you screen for depression other than by the person self-reporting?


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Ask them if they like shoes.

Funnily enough in the Finnish army(and other countries i believe) evaluations, there is/used to be a question "Have you ever wanted to be a florist"(or to that extent), which is a red flag to the people evaluating your fitness for weaponhandling and other military stuff.

I'd figure screening out depression these days isn't that far fetched, just by asking questions.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Did you really scan back a page to find a post with a spelling mistake from me that you could put the bad spelling emote on. Lol

Simply thought I'd answer a useless and stupid gesture, with something equally as stupid, seems the symbolic subtlety of my actions escaped you :(

- Facepalm it is!


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Funnily enough in the Finnish army(and other countries i believe) evaluations, there is/used to be a question "Have you ever wanted to be a florist"(or to that extent), which is a red flag to the people evaluating your fitness for weaponhandling and other military stuff.

I'd figure screening out depression these days isn't that far fetched, just by asking questions.

It kind of is. I have limited experience of doctors dealing with depression, but one thing I've noticed is the careful choice of words, which goes along the lines of "you are exhibiting several of the signs or symptoms of depression", rather than "you're suffering from depression". Conclusive diagnosis of mental conditions is fraught with problems. You might display lots of signs of depression and just be a miserable cunt.


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
Anychance of renaming the thread? I know I chose the title but for some reason, after reading it countless times, it becomes really fucking annoying :)


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Just been over to Amsterdam for a couple of meetings, and even though I fly all the time and have never really had an issue, this was the first time I was actually a bit nervous about flying. To be fair the crew were doing their best to put everyone at ease, leaving the cockpit door open as everyone boarded and opening it mid flight, but still, was a bit nervous :(

Stupid really, as I was more likely to die on the Toll Road on the way to the airport, but still. The Malaysian Airways incidents didn't really bother me, but this one.....


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I always think of it this way(i hate flying myself); If we crash, surviving challenge accepted.


Resident Freddy
Nov 17, 2004
Last night stupidly watched an old episode of Not Going Out. It wouldn't be allowed at the moment. It was too near the truth. Lee Mack on a plane and thinking there was a terrorist on board. Being locked out from the pilot. and more or less saying that the pilot wouldn't be the problem. Quite prescient really. if that's how you spell that.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Just clicked agree and the lowest goddam jet I.have ever heard outside an airport just flew over our house with that descending tone of engines...I was tempted to get under the couch.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Last night stupidly watched an old episode of Not Going Out. It wouldn't be allowed at the moment. It was too near the truth. Lee Mack on a plane and thinking there was a terrorist on board. Being locked out from the pilot. and more or less saying that the pilot wouldn't be the problem. Quite prescient really. if that's how you spell that.
I don't know, I dislike this putting shows off cause of real world events. It's a comedy anything to do with real world is coincidence. For the few people that are directly affected they aren't going to be watching the tv any way or if they are there's an off switch. I dislike my schedule being disrupted due to events that are nothing to do with 99.9999% of the world.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
But your callous. You can't disLike something that's callous lol

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