animst ninja nerf


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Cromcruaich said:
Got you mid edit charl. You ammended bit on end of your post. Note that you initially started by say 2 afk animists, which is where I had a problem.
Well I was exaggerating abit ofc with the afk bit...!:)

Cromcruaich said:
20 to 30 a pull in arbor, ive never seen that location - moderna allows far bigger pulls than anywhere ive seen in arbor. 2 animists post nerfs cannot deal with continous pulling of 20 to 30 red and purps at a time.
To be honest I dont know what encounter/place it was exactly since I was afking getting PL at the time, but there are several spots In both green glades/arbour glen I can think off. But Ill ask one of them where it was!:) (It was: fotsvamp and his brother that did it btw!:)

Cromcruaich said:
I dont see it as ridiculous no. Youve been pretty vociferous in saying almost any encounter can be done with focus, isn't that ridiculous by the same store?
Well Im saying almost because there are always some encounters that cant be 1 pet killed, but then again those encounters are meant to be taken with a small zerg of atleast 2fgs. Not a big zerg of 10 fg pets and only 6 people.

But to be honest I can only think off 2 encounters in the game where the nerf will make a BIG difference, and that is ML10 and the Dragon.

Cromcruaich said:
Keep pve as easy as possible for people as its boring i say.
Well, ofc, but then they shouldnt nerf Animists but give Mids a petspam class.



Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Danord_durin said:
So u cant do mid dragon with low numbers buy a clue.
1 fg with 3 thanes /walks and 4 gate guard is fine for mid dragon just takes 45 mins:twak:

Mate, count the amount of people you got there?
You count like this:
1, 2, 3...

Then continue to do so till you get to the if you were having a hard time getting that into your thick scull, go back and ask your kindergarden teacher how to do it, im sure shell be able to help you on your way...

1 fg = 8, +4 people at guarding positions = 12 now to the tricky part for peanut brains like yourself,
Is 12 more than a fg in daoc?

If you arrive at the answere "no" then get back to me and Ill try to explain it to you in even simpler words, if you achive the goal of a "Yes" then you might even be eligable for graduating kindergarden. Moron...



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
wonder if they will finally get rid of the 50% rp loss for using shrooms in rvr.

Just to make my bombers go through doors i could do so much more damage than with shrooms.

O well will have to see how it goes. Just glad i no longer really rvr on the animist and only use it for leveling friends as well as helping out on raids.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
charmangle said:
Mate, count the amount of people you got there?
You count like this:
1, 2, 3...

Then continue to do so till you get to the if you were having a hard time getting that into your thick scull, go back and ask your kindergarden teacher how to do it, im sure shell be able to help you on your way...

1 fg = 8, +4 people at guarding positions = 12 now to the tricky part for peanut brains like yourself,
Is 12 more than a fg in daoc?

If you arrive at the answere "no" then get back to me and Ill try to explain it to you in even simpler words, if you achive the goal of a "Yes" then you might even be eligable for graduating kindergarden. Moron...


As u wrote m8 u said should be done with atleast 30. I didnt say a fg i said low numbers. Learn to read before u try and learn me how to count!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Danord_durin said:
1 ae nuke can do it aswell easy. 1 ae mezz. etc etc shrooms is so easy to counter. Never seen em as a major problem eccept from the no cap limit days, cause they could lag down a zone.

Oo wait that can't happen on excal/pryd anyhow theese days. Guess why?Cause its only the likes of u around, and luckily there isen't to many of em:)

But isen't it quite easy to find 1 dead person in a keep siege to rezz?
Its not like there is few Tics around theese days..... So don't even start on that.

When was the last times albs have had a major nerf to any class, oo wait a moment. Albs are so underpowered isen't that what u allways write, so there is simply no need for a nerf to anything:twak:
Yet u come here crying like a small baby evry time with nerf this nerf that and its not ballanced if u can't 2 shot it.

Yes, cause its so easy to land an aoe nuke when you have a lord room stand off and need to fight round that corner on the stairs. Everyone knows how murderous those stand offs are on either side.

As for tics? theres a few around but they are hardly numerous and even fewer that are actually spec'd for monster rezzing, those that are and actually use it rather then trying to focus something are a god send.

And no, im not crying about anything so cut out the 'small baby' bullshit, prove it or shut it because your baseless insults are nothing but childish and really quite sad to be honest. I stated my opinion on why I think the nerf is not as bad as is claimed and why it was needed, I did so without insult, without finger pointing and I backed it up.
All you have done is spit the dummy, act like a spoilt brat and thrown childish insults around rather then stick to the topic. I guess forums are a little to grown up for you to handle?


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Kagato said:
Yes, cause its so easy to land an aoe nuke when you have a lord room stand off and need to fight round that corner on the stairs. Everyone knows how murderous those stand offs are on either side.

qcast or moc, but then again the averidge alb caster only knows how to lt or nuke.

Kagato said:
As for tics? theres a few around but they are hardly numerous and even fewer that are actually spec'd for monster rezzing, those that are and actually use it rather then trying to focus something are a god send.

Right, but 1 fking rejuv tic can make plenty more then 1 monster. If 2 or more are there, its game over in general.

Kagato said:
And no, im not crying about anything so cut out the 'small baby' bullshit, prove it or shut it because your baseless insults are nothing but childish and really quite sad to be honest. I stated my opinion on why I think the nerf is not as bad as is claimed and why it was needed, I did so without insult, without finger pointing and I backed it up.
All you have done is spit the dummy, act like a spoilt brat and thrown childish insults around rather then stick to the topic. I guess forums are a little to grown up for you to handle?

Well start making constructive posts, instead of the bs you spilled here in this thread. The nerf is hard and unsound. Never seen more then 2-3 ani's in years at a keep/relic defensive, I wonder why (for example, bombers are shite in siege and mebbe even slow in open field rvr aswell). All in all it still makes me curious why the animist does get nerfed, but the theur gets left out of the picture.


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Danord_durin said:
As u wrote m8 u said should be done with atleast 30. I didnt say a fg i said low numbers. Learn to read before u try and learn me how to count!

About learning how to read aswell as count...

charmangle said:
(with the exception of 1 fg ML10/dragon farming which is impossible on Mid)

Now where does it say 1 and a half full group here?

Or did you just make up a senario as a reply to nothing I wrote before?

If im arguing about 1 fg things, and you reply by saying: "Buy a clue, its doable with 1.5 fgs", how stupid does that make you look?



Fledgling Freddie
Sep 17, 2005
Oh come on :) Animist nerf? 30 pets is still alot guys.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Varna said:
Oh come on :) Animist nerf? 30 pets is still alot guys.

Good then you will realise 70 lost pets is even more.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
qcast or moc, but then again the averidge alb caster only knows how to lt or nuke.

Right, but 1 fking rejuv tic can make plenty more then 1 monster. If 2 or more are there, its game over in general.

Well start making constructive posts, instead of the bs you spilled here in this thread. The nerf is hard and unsound. Never seen more then 2-3 ani's in years at a keep/relic defensive, I wonder why (for example, bombers are shite in siege and mebbe even slow in open field rvr aswell). All in all it still makes me curious why the animist does get nerfed, but the theur gets left out of the picture.

You know as well as I do that soon as a cloth caster shows himself to try and QC round the corner of a lord room he'll be dead, no matter what realm he belongs too. And yes I do play a cloth caster too.

1 tic will be able to make 2 monsters at most if he was on full health to begin with before having to sit down in a fop for awhile.

As for constructive posts, there was nothing wrong with my post at all, I stated my opinion plain and simple and its an opinion shared by many people already in this thread. You simply disagree and feel the need to act like a baby to anyone that disagrees with you.

Your also forgetting that anamist pets, unlike theurgist pets, can attack other targets if their current target dies or goes out of range.


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
I talked to the Animist TL and he said you could get two stacks of shrooms (60 shrooms) attack one person, if that person was in the middle of a 500large area.

That means: ML10 can still be farmed with anis and it also means I don't give a damn about shroom changes at all =) Sure, I've done some bridgeshrooming, I think every animist has, but I think 8v8 with animist is much cooler, so whatever they do, at least they're gonna debug the class in 1.88 it seems =)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
1 tic will be able to make 2 monsters at most

yes, and those 2 monsters can and will cripple a lord room with 30 hibs.
Most of the sieges i've been through ended like this: 2-3 zombies fooling around the hib stack, then zegion charged, then game over.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
yes, and those 2 monsters can and will cripple a lord room with 30 hibs.
Most of the sieges i've been through ended like this: 2-3 zombies fooling around the hib stack, then zegion charged, then game over.

[Irony: On]
I just wonder when all fights between realms was moved to a lords room and only between albs and hibs. I must have been sleeping to much lately...
[Irony: Off]


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Its a bit silly, hibs have lost the advantages they had in keep defences.

Albs still get the zombie mode, which kills most of the shrooms anyway


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
yes, and those 2 monsters can and will cripple a lord room with 30 hibs.
Most of the sieges i've been through ended like this: 2-3 zombies fooling around the hib stack, then zegion charged, then game over.

Surely 2 monsters will not even be able to get remotely close to the lord room, they get slammed, Stunned, grappled as soon as they get to the top of the stairs and will insta die to 30 hibs.
Sure if you let them walk into the lord room they can cause havoc but it's just too easy to prevent that and having 20-30 hibs attack 1 zombie that 75% damage reduction and all the healing in the world ain't going to stop them from insta dying.

Even on Limors where we had 10-20 Zombies storming the lord every minute we held out pretty easy as they would never even come close to entering the lord room.
Like I said in another thread, I fear a Reaver bomb squad (5 reavers 1 minstrel(SoS+AM) 2 Cleric) alot more than 10-20 zombies inc to the lord room.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Kagato said:
You know as well as I do that soon as a cloth caster shows himself to try and QC round the corner of a lord room he'll be dead, no matter what realm he belongs too. And yes I do play a cloth caster too.

Lets just answer the qc question, cause ofc you left the moc argument alone. Depends on situation really. Charging in the lords room alone with a cloth caster and then qcast would possibly be suicide, however with good healers it could be done. But usually you wont storm in there alone.

Kagato said:
1 tic will be able to make 2 monsters at most if he was on full health to begin with before having to sit down in a fop for awhile.

Fop, Js from casters, mcl, rp rings any bells Kagato?

Kagato said:
As for constructive posts, there was nothing wrong with my post at all, I stated my opinion plain and simple and its an opinion shared by many people already in this thread. You simply disagree and feel the need to act like a baby to anyone that disagrees with you.

Your also forgetting that anamist pets, unlike theurgist pets, can attack other targets if their current target dies or goes out of range.

Where did i act as a baby anyways? You're use'ing the metaphor here.
Theurg pets will follow the target though, have a snare or a stunn of d00m. No need to go bitching about static pets you run in without using your brain, mr. Kagato.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Never seen more then 2-3 ani's in years at a keep/relic defensive, I wonder why (for example, bombers are shite in siege and mebbe even slow in open field rvr aswell). All in all it still makes me curious why the animist does get nerfed, but the theur gets left out of the picture.

If there's only 2-3 animists at a keep siege then this "nerf" will do bugger all and unless you're running an all-animist open field group it'll do nothing there either.

What this nerfs is 7 animists creating a lagfest server crashing instadeathshroomfield.

This is just the first of changes for animists, wasn't meant to come through on its own but it's easier to leave it in than revert (see post on VN) - i.e. the fact that bombers are shite in sieges and that animists only really have one line worth speccing in for anything other than pve farming/siege is all in line for improvement.

Theurg pets work entirely differently and don't break sieges.... not sure why you mention them. They're pets and there are multiples of them, but that's where the similarity ends.

If 7 theurgists cast 100 pets it'll really really hurt that poor person that was in los for the 30 seconds it took to cast them all...
If 7 animists cast 100 shrooms it'll instagib anyone who moves into los for a brief second.

Now you can't do either of these in open field, you can do the animist trick at a siege ...

Regarding monsters:
I'm not convinced it's overpowered yet - this might just be my alb bias and having been farmed at tower sieges for years on end by the bzillion pbaoe casters in the other realms... (we get ice wizards and servant necros - rah!) ...

However it's existance doesn't justify ludicrous shroomfarms at sieges.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
If there's only 2-3 animists at a keep siege then this "nerf" will do bugger all and unless you're running an all-animist open field group it'll do nothing there either.

What this nerfs is 7 animists creating a lagfest server crashing instadeathshroomfield.

This is just the first of changes for animists, wasn't meant to come through on its own but it's easier to leave it in than revert (see post on VN) - i.e. the fact that bombers are shite in sieges and that animists only really have one line worth speccing in for anything other than pve farming/siege is all in line for improvement.

Theurg pets work entirely differently and don't break sieges.... not sure why you mention them. They're pets and there are multiples of them, but that's where the similarity ends.

If 7 theurgists cast 100 pets it'll really really hurt that poor person that was in los for the 30 seconds it took to cast them all...
If 7 animists cast 100 shrooms it'll instagib anyone who moves into los for a brief second.

Now you can't do either of these in open field, you can do the animist trick at a siege ...

Regarding monsters:
I'm not convinced it's overpowered yet - this might just be my alb bias and having been farmed at tower sieges for years on end by the bzillion pbaoe casters in the other realms... (we get ice wizards and servant necros - rah!) ...

However it's existance doesn't justify ludicrous shroomfarms at sieges.

I do agree about the lag issue/los and i have no idea anymore on how it is on a high populated server.
Yet the key is petspam. The 100 shrooms in siege may be unsound, yet 4+ air pets stunns you for ever and is unfair in a whole different way again (besides pet spam!).


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
you havent seen monster properly used then I guess. Against a proper BGleader with a cpl tics at disposal, there is nothing the enemy can do. Ive seen this on Merlin in proper action and tbh, I couldnt do anything but laugh :) (my chars on merlin are albs) One of albs greatest raidleaders on Merlin is actually a tic and trust me when I say, if wellused, its absolutely horrible to face. One full group with 2 tics in it using vent is all it takes to absolutely smash down any defenses hib and mid can put up. Alb is the supreme siegerealm hands down.

aha ;) we don't have enough heretics specced the right way on vent I guess :)

Well, if it is the overpowered thing of doom then it'll get nerfed next. One thing at least this animist nerf shows is they're no longer afraid to change things...

ok... the forum is being odd and I'm posting things before other people...


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Regarding monsters:
I'm not convinced it's overpowered yet - this might just be my alb bias and having been farmed at tower sieges for years on end by the bzillion pbaoe casters in the other realms... (we get ice wizards and servant necros - rah!) ...

you havent seen monster properly used then I guess. Against a proper BGleader with a cpl tics at disposal, there is nothing the enemy can do. Ive seen this on Merlin in proper action and tbh, I couldnt do anything but laugh :) (my chars on merlin are albs) One of albs greatest raidleaders on Merlin is actually a tic and trust me when I say, if wellused, its absolutely horrible to face. One full group with 2 tics in it using vent is all it takes to absolutely smash down any defenses hib and mid can put up. Alb is the supreme siegerealm hands down.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
I do agree about the lag issue/los and i have no idea anymore on how it is on a high populated server.
Yet the key is petspam. The 100 shrooms in siege may be unsound, yet 4+ air pets stunns you for ever and is unfair in a whole different way again (besides pet spam!).

don't they have an immunity timer these days? or was that never added for air pets?


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
lol, I disagree with you so that makes me a retard? grow up, silly child.

And if you make theurgist pets have same life span as an anamist turret i'll gladly except the same limitations on the numbers.

they already have a major advantage, they can move so there should be a limit if you ask me


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Shike said:
was intended to be used for both airpets and cabapets but guess what, the albion whinebulance charged in and was unCCable by Mythic so albion pwnd Mythic.

Meh :(

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