And weapon of the day is???????



Plz try and not be as sarcastic as possible to elevate yourself or something.

Anyway, i have fought vs jackhammers loads of times in beta and from people who have looted them. Yes it is a bitch but just as much as a chaingun. I try and loot chainguns so i have chaingun and jackhammer. So i use both alot and i can safely say they both have their place like all the weapons.


Originally posted by Deadmanwalking.
Anyway, i have fought vs jackhammers loads of times in beta and from people who have looted them. Yes it is a bitch but just as much as a chaingun. I try and loot chainguns so i have chaingun and jackhammer. So i use both alot and i can safely say they both have their place like all the weapons.

The Jackhammer is stupidly overpowered, like I've said - and you've agreed with - so obviously it doesn't have a place in the game.

If somebody alone can defend a tower against 12 others purely because they have a weapon native to their empire, then the game's unfair no?


Like i also said is 90% of people can't use it. That also goes for the other empires. What i meant when it was "overpowered" was compared to others in it's place. EG: jackhammer close range is the most powerful weapon. But Sniper long range is.

The problem comes when people compare it to others when its not the same. Compare a jackhammer to a sweeper yes no competition. But with other guns that are for dif jobs?


Originally posted by Deadmanwalking.
Like i also said is 90% of people can't use it.

In my experience 90% can use it, 10% can't. Someone even managed to shoot me through a wall with it today.

Originally posted by Deadmanwalking.
The problem comes when people compare it to others when its not the same. Compare a jackhammer to a sweeper yes no competition. But with other guns that are for dif jobs?

But the other empires don't have guns that one man alone can use to clean out a tower of 12 people?


They do. And once again comparing dif weapons. A Jackhammer is used for close range IE: in a tower. A Chaingun can mow down people at medium range in say a coutyard battle. Plus its large clip and huge ROF means it can take mulitple enemies.


I'd say chaingun is the weakest of the heavy assault weapons. It's just as useless as the other heavy assault guns at medium range, I believe most TR ditch it in favour of the cycler. It's alright close up but I normally win with my lasher although take a fair bit of damage.

Towers just happen to be a place where jackhammers excel. Non-NC just need to sort their tower defence configs to include a few more grenades and maybe even a thumper :) If you charge a full health jackhammer you're almost certainly gonna die so just need to use tactics a little.

I'm leaning towards wanting them to improve lasher and chaingun at medium range slightly. Keep jackhammer as point-blank king and make the others more effective outside. At the mo lashers are too easy to beat just by strafing like a madman. In the first couple weeks I'd have people spotting me, crouch and start shooting with their cycler CS stylee. But now the majority are getting wise and keep moving.


Its not just in barrysworld forums that VS and TR are asking for the Jackhammer's damage to be looked into.

Lots of threads on the official forums are whining about it. Surely that must mean something is up. Also what ammo does the jackhammer use. Because the chaingun rips through ammo like its going out of fashion.


They whine about everything on the official forums tho :/


Originally posted by mank!
Hi i'm an idiot and don't know shit.

If you lower the rate of fire on the Jackhammer you get...a Sweeper.

So for 4 certs you get a Sweeper with a bigger clip and a seldom used secondary spam shot.

The only thing that needs changing with the HA weaponry is the chaingun having a slightly smaller CoF.


Originally posted by Cronn
If you lower the rate of fire on the Jackhammer you get...a Sweeper.

Then you increase the firepower to compensate? Shotguns shouldn't fire that fast.


Originally posted by mank!
Then you increase the firepower to compensate? Shotguns shouldn't fire that fast.

Jackhammer is a three barreled semi-auto shotgun, that is why it has a high RoF.

In close quarters the Jackhammer is superior to the chaingun and lasher, but at longer ranges it is inferior by far.


Originally posted by shilak
Jackhammer is a three barreled semi-auto shotgun, that is why it has a high RoF.

In close quarters the Jackhammer is superior to the chaingun and lasher, but at longer ranges it is inferior by far.

lol, if you even get hit by a lasher at medium range I feel sorry for you.
The jackhammer is just point, click, win. Almost every NC loot bag has one for me to try. The only way you're going to win 1v1 against someone with a JH is if they are either new, or you have a JH yourself (or you snipe them, like I do ;) ). DMW is right about retarded NC, You'd be suprised how many try to snipe back with a shotgun, which makes it all the more painful when these same people kill you at close range.
Most people don't mind dying, they don't like dying with no chance at all of winning though.


I've not had a chance to use the jackhammer yet (will do in .5 of a BR) but I disagree about the NC having an all-conquering weapon, when you can be killed in 3 shots wearing max armour as I was yesterday I don't think that certain other Empires are unfairly treated.


I'm surprised noone has said this : Someone got pwned badly !
Up the arse boyz, Muhahahhahahaahaaaaa :)

Keep up the whining, we all know thats the way to go.
Fyi I had a JH and specced out of it, chainguns are waaaay better.
Not that I ever found any, if a TR dies all the NC swarm over him just to get the gun...


Yesterday we fought TR a long time and I faced the chain gun very very often, and no I dont relly thik the jackhammer is better cuz that chaing gun makes u go ohh-blaf (dead)


YAY i finally worked it out.....

The jackhammer IS overpowered, be it the damage done or rate of fire.
Deadman says that 90% of the NC carrying Jackhammers can't use them, bollox, if you can press your mouse button you can use one.

I did find a weakness yesterday tho, that seems to effect 90% of Jackhammer users.

They can't turn left or right when they shoot :p

Ok, it's not everyone but i'm suprised how many people don't strafe and move. I can't much as an infil unless 1 on 1 becuase i show up too much but i have to against these people and loads of them just aim forward.


The JH is not great at all at medium or long range, and only really effective at close quarters (as a shotgun should be). If you find that a JH user doesn't seem to turn left or right, then a likely explanation is that when they attack someone the best policy is to close in on them as fast as possible, i.e charge right at them firing as fast as possible.

Please can we stop turning BW into the official boards whine-fest ? :rolleyes:


Cronn has it on the button, nothing wrong with Jackhammer (i'm TR btw) but the Chaingun needs a smaller CoF.

Look at it from a n00b pov, you can point and click a Jackhammer at a specific target and keep firing til the clip runs out maintaining the same close range accuracy with the first shell as the last shell. Now do the same with a Chaingun, your CoF becomes so ridiculously large that the advantage over medium distance is lost completely. The only way to increase your accuracy is to burst fire (Terran way of life) at which point the only advantage you have over a Cycler is the larger clip size.

BTW I spent 30mins in a TR tower on Saturday being attacked by NC and quite honestly you need that close up advantage because it was obvious you were having hell getting close enough to us to kill us. It also explains why I get killed by so many NC snipers and see so few TR snipers, most of the guys I know snipe by using a cycler with burst fire.


Originally posted by old.Tbird
Cronn has it on the button, nothing wrong with Jackhammer (i'm TR btw) but the Chaingun needs a smaller CoF.

Look at it from a n00b pov, you can point and click a Jackhammer at a specific target and keep firing til the clip runs out maintaining the same close range accuracy with the first shell as the last shell. Now do the same with a Chaingun, your CoF becomes so ridiculously large that the advantage over medium distance is lost completely. The only way to increase your accuracy is to burst fire (Terran way of life) at which point the only advantage you have over a Cycler is the larger clip size.

BTW I spent 30mins in a TR tower on Saturday being attacked by NC and quite honestly you need that close up advantage because it was obvious you were having hell getting close enough to us to kill us. It also explains why I get killed by so many NC snipers and see so few TR snipers, most of the guys I know snipe by using a cycler with burst fire.

burst firing a cycler...... exactly its a damn good medium assult and its that accurate you can.
I love you guys whining about jackhammer but fact is You simply cannot kill anyone over a distance of 30 feet and even then you are using all of the bullets.
you want bitching? go check your pounder MAX thats worth 10 jackhammers.

btw what is medium range? what kinda distance are you calling medium from one side of a base to the other?


I consider medium distance to be 1/4 to 1/2 half a base width, imo using a chaingun (which I dont anymore) I should be able to kill a JH user stood on the top step of a tower stairs if i'm at the bottom, if he rushes me it should become a 50/50.

Edit: For those TR (or VS/NC looters) that haven't tried a cycler at range make sure you try it with adv targetting switched on. I had it marked down as crap until I could see the damage it was doing.


Originally posted by Tidus Morgahna
They can't turn left or right when they shoot :p

Ok, it's not everyone but i'm suprised how many people don't strafe and move. I can't much as an infil unless 1 on 1 becuase i show up too much but i have to against these people and loads of them just aim forward.

You must have come across a bunch of cripples then, because I've given up trying to fight with Jackhammers at close quarters and just try and strafe run my way past them, they can spin on the spot and move no problems, I was being chased round a corner by one yesterday and he shot through the wall and killed me with one shot.

Although perhaps that is something they should consider doing with the Jackhammer, reduce movement ala MAX's.


Ok, you might be right Mank, but against all NC armed with Jackhammers, my usual approach of getting close and emptying a clip into then has gone, running round them actually gave me a 50/50 chance yesterday, even in some close fights (the CC at Mani was one).

Btw : Gratz to everyone involved at the Mani battle yesterday evening, NC TR and VS alike, was such a great battle, must have taken us 4 hours to retake (hehe by which time we'd lost half of Esamir)
If furture battles are even half as good as that was, PS will be getting my subs a lot longer, Great fun :D

Is my sig too big???


I once killed a Jackhammer dude with a beamer..

but he had kinda just won a fight vs a max :p


So basically you are all complaining that the jackhammer is to powerful at close range?? Nice

And Tidus you are saying its bollox that 90% of them are retards, yet you then said that 90% of them couldn't turn. Sounds pretty retarded to me.


TR have 0oobar spammy minigun thingys!! NerFF!!1

I got owned :(



And anyway you lot didn't see Geffen with a Jackhammer, once you see that all ideas of the weapon fly right out of the window.



But you should see me fight close quaters with a Phoenix and a Bolt Driver!

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