@ Albs

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One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 15, 2004
>Why is 8v1 or 8v2 fine and acceptable

It's not acceptiable, what's worse is when FGs add on 1v1 or 1v2 (Hello FC, DH, AD, in fact pretty everyone apart from groove).

Some people in the 8v8 groups say:

- I never get spared, so I don't see why I shouldn't gank back. (Human nature this, it's why there are so many wars)

- They're "obvuously" going to add on our figths so we should kill them. /sigh well yes if they get chain ganked by FG's yes they probably are going to add. It's a vicious cycle, and honestly it's the 8v8 groups responsibility to break it. 8v8 is not the norm for most people (which is zergy mass warfare) and we need to fit in.

Apart from anything if you stop to gank a soloer (and particularly if you chase) you stand a big risk of getting a FG add in the side with you all in bad positions, usually leading to /release. Most 8v8 groups want to fight other 8v8 groups and to me having a bad fight due to ganking some soloer is just stupid and preventable (leave the soloer alone, unless they attack).

The problem is that certain duos and mini groups have a semi-miraclous ability to add on your fg from the side and take out your support, that and getting the Arpee Horn. These players do deserve to be ganked as they're out to ruin other's fun.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 24, 2004
polza said:
when have hibs had advantage since NF o.0 albs have always out zerged us, dnt c y we should be expect to defend a keep with alb casters hittin for +20% dmg as they got up at 4am, take all keeps dnt think any1 is really bothered as it dosent get u anythin. if u wanted to take keeps agasint competition you shouldent have taken relics at 4am should have tryed prime time but ofc the albs that "rule" this server would easily be able to do that.

Ok so this argument pops up a lot. WHat do we have here? we have 1 FG that went up at night to take a relic and now all albs are bad persons???

I never play at 4am and neither do most, that being either albs/hibs/mids.at 1 group does dont put the same mentality on everyone else.

I once got killed by a hib while I was exping and he attacked midpull. So by your definition now all hibs are expkillers and never want fair fight, all scum of the earth.

Dont come with that tired wellused argument of AC relic raid, when we talk about 1-2 fgs of albs out of all.



Loyal Freddie
Nov 12, 2004
Baldrian said:
Ok so this argument pops up a lot. WHat do we have here? we have 1 FG that went up at night to take a relic and now all albs are bad persons???

I never play at 4am and neither do most, that being either albs/hibs/mids.at 1 group does dont put the same mentality on everyone else.

I once got killed by a hib while I was exping and he attacked midpull. So by your definition now all hibs are expkillers and never want fair fight, all scum of the earth.

Dont come with that tired wellused argument of AC relic raid, when we talk about 1-2 fgs of albs out of all.


well its the reason y we dnt defend keeps so wat do u want me to use a fake reason so u feel better.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 6, 2005
I think most hibs are 'thinking why bother' we have no relics and the keeps mean nothing except a port for iRVR when we had crauch.

We all know we get reset as soon as pry comes back up, tho I'm of the opinion they will say we need to see how the server is a for a week or so, before clustering.

I spent the whole night in emain, quite a few albs solo about, a few weird set ups running, I even saw a mid FG.

On a personal note its wasn't much fun, but I was just probably missing the action, without the hibs campin the bridge the focus for solo/duo and FG and zergs was missing.

Again just my thoughts, and before anyone starts saying... ah arrange a keep take yourself, well i use to do raids all the time (some of them took too long!) they were fun, but this FG 4am albs grp has ruined all the fun for my raids at least.


current hibs in emain 0


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
>>when have hibs had advantage since NF ...

qcast stun, whine on, as far as i am concerned hib casters ALWAYS had the advantage.

>>o.0 albs have always out zerged us, dnt c y we should be expect to defend a keep with alb casters hittin for +20% dmg

We did so for 2 years vs 20% extra magical damage from hib, what`s the diff, except being a bad loser ?

>>as they got up at 4am, take all keeps dnt think any1 is really bothered as it dosent get u anythin.

your inability to cooperate and do anything that doesn`t directly benefit yourself is the downfall of your realm.

>if u wanted to take keeps agasint competition you shouldent have taken relics at 4am should have tryed prime time but ofc the albs that "rule" this server would easily be able to do that.

We wanted to take stuff and continued till we had it. And in the end if it took 8-10 hours to take, so what ?

Do you honestly think i`ll blow of a raid started at 6pm at 2 o clock in the morning cause to much oppenents might have gone to bed ? How would you react if you were on a ML raid, it took longer than anticipated and the raid leader called it of and sent 50 people empty handed home saying `sorry i have to get up in the mornin`. I am prety sure that would be the last raid that person organises where people show up.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 6, 2005
Muylaetrix said:
>>when have hibs had advantage since NF ...

qcast stun, whine on, as far as i am concerned hib casters ALWAYS had the advantage.

>>o.0 albs have always out zerged us, dnt c y we should be expect to defend a keep with alb casters hittin for +20% dmg

We did so for 2 years vs 20% extra magical damage from hib, what`s the diff, except being a bad loser ?

>>as they got up at 4am, take all keeps dnt think any1 is really bothered as it dosent get u anythin.

your inability to cooperate and do anything that doesn`t directly benefit yourself is the downfall of your realm.

>if u wanted to take keeps agasint competition you shouldent have taken relics at 4am should have tryed prime time but ofc the albs that "rule" this server would easily be able to do that.

We wanted to take stuff and continued till we had it. And in the end if it took 8-10 hours to take, so what ?

Do you honestly think i`ll blow of a raid started at 6pm at 2 o clock in the morning cause to much oppenents might have gone to bed ? How would you react if you were on a ML raid, it took longer than anticipated and the raid leader called it of and sent 50 people empty handed home saying `sorry i have to get up in the mornin`. I am prety sure that would be the last raid that person organises where people show up.

not sure you have any idea how many hibs are active in rvr mate, with most twr defence/keep defence I go there its normal for less than a fg hibs (all solo i might add) defending.

You go on about cooperation, many times we cant even get a FG hibs together to defend anything, i'm not talking because they dont want too, i'm talkin when you take keeps we have 20 people online!

and ofc not everyone online wants to go and face 2fg albs at 4am, with there lvl 20 thid chars

Things will get better when we cluster, well at least that what I tell myself.



Loyal Freddie
Nov 12, 2004
Muylaetrix said:
>>when have hibs had advantage since NF ...

qcast stun, whine on, as far as i am concerned hib casters ALWAYS had the advantage.

>>o.0 albs have always out zerged us, dnt c y we should be expect to defend a keep with alb casters hittin for +20% dmg

We did so for 2 years vs 20% extra magical damage from hib, what`s the diff, except being a bad loser ?

>>as they got up at 4am, take all keeps dnt think any1 is really bothered as it dosent get u anythin.

your inability to cooperate and do anything that doesn`t directly benefit yourself is the downfall of your realm.

>if u wanted to take keeps agasint competition you shouldent have taken relics at 4am should have tryed prime time but ofc the albs that "rule" this server would easily be able to do that.

We wanted to take stuff and continued till we had it. And in the end if it took 8-10 hours to take, so what ?

Do you honestly think i`ll blow of a raid started at 6pm at 2 o clock in the morning cause to much oppenents might have gone to bed ? How would you react if you were on a ML raid, it took longer than anticipated and the raid leader called it of and sent 50 people empty handed home saying `sorry i have to get up in the mornin`. I am prety sure that would be the last raid that person organises where people show up.

lol u took a keep few days before, then later that week u took the other keeps at 4 in morn that aint a continuous raid. and bad cooperation we r so sorry we didnt arrange a night time relic guard for peps standin post all night long 4am dont make a diff if u have to take 3 keeps or 5 keeps with no defenders u still gonna open relic g8s, when we get relics back a night time guard will be organised, or not as no1 else really gives a toss about a game at 4am unlike the albs.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 1, 2004
polza said:
lol u took a keep few days before, then later that week u took the other keeps at 4 in morn that aint a continuous raid. and bad cooperation we r so sorry we didnt arrange a night time relic guard for peps standin post all night long 4am dont make a diff if u have to take 3 keeps or 5 keeps with no defenders u still gonna open relic g8s, when we get relics back a night time guard will be organised, or not as no1 else really gives a toss about a game at 4am unlike the albs.

Damn this broken record is getting more and more broken... get over it!
relics is going to be reset when patch comes up so please come up with some new exuses to whine please :touch:

and yes i play ALB


Loyal Freddie
Nov 12, 2004
Jarod said:
Damn this broken record is getting more and more broken... get over it!
relics is going to be reset when patch comes up so please come up with some new exuses to whine please :touch:

and yes i play ALB

his askin why we dont defend im tellin him, i aint bothered we dnt defend only albs r whining we arent defendin, when i say the reason apparently the relic raid had been goin on since 6pm no hibs new they where being relic raided or that there keeps where under seige but apparently they where.

we lost relics no1 in hib actually cares or is tryin to retake atm as we r waitin for the cluster, albs are the ones who need to get over it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
polza said:
unlike the albs.

There you go again tarring all Albs with the same brush, since the major complaint seems to be about the numbres of Albs out surely you can work out that the 2fgs or so that are about at 4am are a tiny proportion of active Albs.

One of the reasons for the Alb 'zerg' recently is that through setting up a fairly regular bg, showing some coordination and finding a way to get a few rps a large proportion of 'random' Albs have found rvr fun on a nightly basis rather than simply being fodder for 'gank' groups (and let's face it they aren't called 'gank' groups because they 'gank' other fgs now are they.)

Albs have always had the numbers to do this but for the most part rvr has been a bad experience for Alb pick up groups, Mid and Hib 'gank' groups have had advanatges for too long (relics in OF, more utility in the average pick up group etc). The overwhelming response I have had from people joining the bgs we run and taking part in the sieges has been a thank you for making rvr fun for them.

I honestly hope that other relams can do the same, perhaps after cluster, so that the majority of players from all realms can enjoy the rvr experience and not be continually wiped by opted full groups.

I have no problem at all with people who want to play fg vs fg, or 1 vs 1. But it is a sad day for DaoC if that is all there is on offer.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
cuddled0rf said:
Im not blaming alb or mid for this evolution of hib rvr, i just think Mythic gave the bard too many essential tools, without any fun side, making the class rather unattractive to play in rvr.
This is also a good point of the bard--with the inclusion of a single class, Hib groups get speed5, CC and endurance, whereas other realms need more than one class to solve those tasks. It's both a blessing and a curse: Hib groups are stronger because of it, but the class design puts more strain on the person playing the character.

A similar argument was raised some years ago about Sorcerers--people said they were vital in group, but were difficult to play and died loads. Since then, Sorcerers have received loving that makes them much more powerful. Furthermore, the fact that they can do damage (good damage even) nowadays means that a lot of the Killspam Kiddies now play Sorcerers, whereas it takes a good and dedicated player to take up a support class such as a Bard.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Belomar said:
This is also a good point of the bard--with the inclusion of a single class, Hib groups get speed5, CC and endurance, whereas other realms need more than one class to solve those tasks. It's both a blessing and a curse: Hib groups are stronger because of it, but the class design puts more strain on the person playing the character.

A similar argument was raised some years ago about Sorcerers--people said they were vital in group, but were difficult to play and died loads. Since then, Sorcerers have received loving that makes them much more powerful. Furthermore, the fact that they can do damage (good damage even) nowadays means that a lot of the Killspam Kiddies now play Sorcerers, whereas it takes a good and dedicated player to take up a support class such as a Bard.

bard is the only class i wouldnt want to play in a grp, far far too much pressure and concentration required


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Our Hib/Avalon group so far has levelled up and ToAd three Bards that we since have lost :)(), that says something. ;) I also briefly played a Bard during pre-ToA times, up to about RR3-4, and it was definitely no walk in the park.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Javai said:
Come on Vodka, I've been hit my Stajj so many times at sieges (often in Midgard) in the last few weeks there is no way he's actively avoiding 'the zerg'. Infact his Nightshade 'added' ( a term I don't agree with but these are your rules not mine) on us several times around Nottmoor the weekend before last.

Whilst he may not sit at the bridge, running into people doing sieges for some quick and easy rps is not something that he avoids, you're hardly gonna find full groups roaming at the towers in flames in Mid now are you.

I wont hesitate to go help on siege takings when its gains "all" realms in the aspect of a good rvr area..

About the adding on nightshade, thats because it was your group :confused: :touch:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Killswitch said:
Must be slightly different in the heady and honourable world of the 8v8 purists, but what I tend to see is FGs roaming near ports and farming solo and duo players (like me :p), adding on 1v1/2v1/2v2 fights and generally RP-whoring as much as possible.

I've always been very impressed with the skillz required to stun->debuff->nuke a soloer having chased them at perma-Speed6 for a third of the zone.

As far as I can tell, Hibs and Mids have given up all rights to whine about Alb zerg...no respect for zergers, adders and whiners from ANY realm imo.

I don't understand the (seeming) hypocrisy...maybe Stajj or VF could explain to me. Why is 8v1 or 8v2 fine and acceptable and a normal part of the game, but 32v8 or 64v8 is somehow wrong and evil and ruining the game?

Less whine, more killing...and saying "oooh I'm gonna quit the game if you guys don't stop ganking me!!!111" is just lame. Play the game and adapt to the environment that you bring on yourself by have 3 enemy ports into your realm or fuck off.

That is all...move along now.

we leave all soloers we know wont add on our fights alone, thus making it a verry few and well "selected" albs...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Flimgoblin said:
Therefore staj is justified in calling someone a moron for taking a tower.

help me understand where i justified him calling favail a moron? :p

just got annoyed at him adressing us as a grp of hypocrites that rvr to farm lowbies, but that's really not the point of why we're playing atm.. almost only thing we do with our 'set' grp is look for other groups and we stay well clear of zergy areas like bridges. what people do when they join in random grps or when they solo really shouldnt affect the way you think of the grp as a whole ;)

whatever group staj was in when he moved to mid to chase favails zerg or sth, wasn't our normal group and i have no idea what happened then :p


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Baldrian said:
Actually the other day Favail changed from hib to midland because we kept running into fg fights. What happened? Well Stajs group followed the zerg to midland. So my experience is he is a hippocrite. He loves to whine and call ppl names, but he is not too noble to not farm the zerg whenever he feels like it.

hmm well first off you have no clue why I claimed favail to be a moron, ill keep that for myself...

second, ofcourse we go to the zone which there is most action.. dosent mean we go to the chokepoints to zerg the albs.. I wouldnt hesitate to act in zerg for the realms intresst..(a good reason is needed)I dont see any good raeson for taking crim thou, even if its a fucking realmmisson, albs shoot themselfes in the foot, = retards..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Stallion said:
I wont hesitate to go help on siege takings when its gains "all" realms in the aspect of a good rvr area..

About the adding on nightshade, thats because it was your group :confused: :touch:

Erm can you explain how killing Albs sieging towers in Mid fits in that?

Not that I have any issue with you doing that, would do the same most likely if I had a class that could, it's the hypocrisy that irritates me.

And as for the adding on the nightshade, was referring to seeing you do it rather it necessarily being on my group. In fact you left my Sorc alone every time she passed you solo, though you were kind enough to /wave :p


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Stallion said:
hmm well first off you have no clue why I claimed favail to be a moron, ill keep that for myself...

second, ofcourse we go to the zone which there is most action.. dosent mean we go to the chokepoints to zerg the albs.. I wouldnt hesitate to act in zerg for the realms intresst.. I dont see any backround for taking crim thou, even if its a fucking realmmisson, albs shoot themselfes in the foot, = retards..

Why are they retards? Because they dont give 2 shits about irvr and what you want? Or is it just because retard is the irc buzz word and you are incapable of thinking up your own retort so just go with whats being bounded about irc?. Probably both at a guess. Are you a retard because you dont see the point in albs taking a keep? Are you a retard because your name is stajjjjjjiijjijiiwhatever? Are you a retard because you rolled hib? I dunno, just everyone seems to be retards to you so why arent you a retard?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Stallion said:
hmm well first off you have no clue why I claimed favail to be a moron, ill keep that for myself...

Do please share it, slow day at work could use a laugh


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Marc said:
Why are they retards? Because they dont give 2 shits about irvr and what you want?

its not about irvr, more about it not gaining any realm, its actully just bad for the albs.. and anyone doing something that is bad for themselfes must be a retard no? if your not religious ofc :worthy:


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Bracken said:
How do you work out that mids won't have decent siege groups? Defensively they have as good if not better tools than albs (warlock lord camps are a pain to shift).

I don't think there will be a problem for mids post clustering - once they have relics back I've no doubt we'll see them out in numbers ;)

I know we have the good classes (tho heretics pwn every class in game for towers) i just mean that many mids here on excal don't really care alot bout their front, so if there aren't many pryd either.. well then ... we will see :p


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Stallion said:
its not about irvr, more about it not gaining any realm, its actully just bad for the albs.. and anyone doing something that is bad for themselfes must be a retard no? if your not religious ofc :worthy:

Your logic fuckin rocks mate

I must be a retard cos i smoke
I must be a retard cos i drink
I must be a retard cos i do persians
I must be a retard cos i eat red meat which can cause cancer
I must be a retard cos i play rugby which is bad for my body
I must be retard cos i use butter not low fat margarine which can cause cholestral

etc etc etc

Anyway cba arguing as this thread is going off topic.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 5, 2004
I agree with Stallion here, DC bridge was a huge farming potiential for albs (like me) and it's a shame it's gone. :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Storankan said:
I agree with Stallion here, DC bridge was a huge farming potiential for albs (like me) and it's a shame it's gone. :(

May have been rp farming potential but people obviously found taking keeps more fun. Stallion's logic is that people doing things they happen to find fun (and which happen to be a big part of the game) makes them "retards". The more he posts the more I think he's not the sharpest tool in the box. Surprising really as he's always a tough bugger to drop in game.

Think people have to get over their obsession with bitching at albs for taking keeps. It's not going to stop, so either come out to play or quit - but in any case put the dummies back in, the bleating is getting dull.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 1, 2004
bridge farming is such bull tbh .. it not like you have to cross that bridge every time .. all characters/classes in the game comes with the ability to swim .. make use of it .. or simply go the other direction over the other bridge .. and if they should move there .. then use the first option .. the game is idd 3D :p


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Bracken said:
May have been rp farming potential but people obviously found taking keeps more fun. Stallion's logic is that people doing things they happen to find fun (and which happen to be a big part of the game) makes them "retards". The more he posts the more I think he's not the sharpest tool in the box. Surprising really as he's always a tough bugger to drop in game.

Think people have to get over their obsession with bitching at albs for taking keeps. It's not going to stop, so either come out to play or quit - but in any case put the dummies back in, the bleating is getting dull.

it has nothing to do with rp farm or anything, sure it might be fun to take keeps and towers, I do understand those roleplayers out there, even thou I dont share the same intresst.

But taking a keep which basicy kills a whole zone and makes you (from an albs perspective) not have anything else to do then to fight mobs (this can be fun to, but we have pve areas for that).. you could have picked another keep just for the fun of it..

I feel bad for all alb stealthers now since they nolonger will have a nice area to fight in... I myself dont care since I will just take the boat to best area to rvr in with our group.. if I have to join the zerg to take dc back, I will since I think its in all realms intresst... maybe not the roleplayers, but once again I dont share their intresst, and I doubt they will call me a retard for doing so.. (make note! im not calling Favail a retard for taking the actuall tower or keep)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 8, 2005
!!!!! !!!! !!!!! !!!!!

give DC back to hibs ! :D i was taking good rps!!!! some times we r so lame! :O


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Stallion said:
it has nothing to do with rp farm or anything, sure it might be fun to take keeps and towers, I do understand those roleplayers out there, even thou I dont share the same intresst.

I was replying to Storankon's comments about the bridge farming.

Stallion said:
But taking a keep which basicy kills a whole zone and makes you (from an albs perspective) not have anything else to do then to fight mobs (this can be fun to, but we have pve areas for that).. you could have picked another keep just for the fun of it

How does it kill a zone? If you mean by stopping the iRvR well too bad. If people really want to go to a zone they can just get a boat, it doesnt take any longer than the wait we used to have on teleport pad. And that keep was the realm mission, which some people thought would be fun to try in itself. Don't tell me...that makes them retards ;)

Stallion said:
if I have to join the zerg to take dc back, I will since I think its in all realms intresst... maybe not the roleplayers, but once again I dont share their intresst, and I doubt they will call me a retard for doing so.

Glad you will come out to play and fight back - hope others share the same attitude. And why would anyone call you a retard? You seem to be the one obsessed with the word :eek:

Incidentally what's this thing about roleplayers? Would like to know your definition, as I wonder what you are doing when you're running round as a dress-wearing lurikeen... :touch:
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