@ Albs

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Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
we try to avoid zerg at all cost unless its some kinda 'special' event like a rr or sth, so no its not truth - its shit ;)

atleast we never went to any bridge to farm zergs, only looked for other grps to fight

stallion never farmed zergs in 11 ranks, never vodka!



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
we try to avoid zerg at all cost unless its some kinda 'special' event like a rr or sth, so no its not truth - its shit ;)

atleast we never went to any bridge to farm zergs, only looked for other grps to fight

Come on Vodka, I've been hit my Stajj so many times at sieges (often in Midgard) in the last few weeks there is no way he's actively avoiding 'the zerg'. Infact his Nightshade 'added' ( a term I don't agree with but these are your rules not mine) on us several times around Nottmoor the weekend before last.

Whilst he may not sit at the bridge, running into people doing sieges for some quick and easy rps is not something that he avoids, you're hardly gonna find full groups roaming at the towers in flames in Mid now are you.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Stallion said:
did i mention anything about how he plays this game? :eek7: he bumed my bunny :twak:

She. She. She.

And I didn't burn it I boiled it :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Baldrian said:
You dont understand Javai. We are not allowed to attack anything. We shall ignore our realm mission, its unfair to the other realms that we try to complete them and Stallion? well he is one of those FG runners that allways whine about zergs, but you can be sure he will allways join in anyway. Hippocrites you call them I think.

Favail said:
Come on Vodka, I've been hit my Stajj so many times at sieges (often in Midgard) in the last few weeks there is no way he's actively avoiding 'the zerg'. Infact his Nightshade 'added' ( a term I don't agree with but these are your rules not mine) on us several times around Nottmoor the weekend before last.

Whilst he may not sit at the bridge, running into people doing sieges for some quick and easy rps is not something that he avoids, you're hardly gonna find full groups roaming at the towers in flames in Mid now are you.

sure he does his own stuff when he's solo, i can only speak for when we're in group. since the guy said 'them' i asumed he means all of us in grp, which is kinda bs. we dont bridgefarm if theres grps out to fight since thats what we mainly look for, and the past weeks there have been plenty :p


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Vodkafairy said:
sure he does his own stuff when he's solo, i can only speak for when we're in group. since the guy said 'them' i asumed he means all of us in grp, which is kinda bs. we dont bridgefarm if theres grps out to fight since thats what we mainly look for, and the past weeks there have been plenty :p

Lemme get this straight:

Some of the time you don't farm at bridges.
Therefore staj is justified in calling someone a moron for taking a tower.

Interesting logic there VF.


FH is my second home
Jan 29, 2004
Raven said:
Albs are just killing this game now, its getting silly, you cant go anywhere without getting perma adds or meeting 3, 4, 5x your number. there is no point attempting to take any keeps or towers back because morons just take them at 5 AM, likewise for relics.
The server population is crashing through the floor. I think the Albs will only truly be happy when they dont have anyone to fight at all.

yes qq more etc, maybe people will stop when you grow up and realise that what you may find funny now will leave an empty game in a few months time.

Must be slightly different in the heady and honourable world of the 8v8 purists, but what I tend to see is FGs roaming near ports and farming solo and duo players (like me :p), adding on 1v1/2v1/2v2 fights and generally RP-whoring as much as possible.

I've always been very impressed with the skillz required to stun->debuff->nuke a soloer having chased them at perma-Speed6 for a third of the zone.

As far as I can tell, Hibs and Mids have given up all rights to whine about Alb zerg...no respect for zergers, adders and whiners from ANY realm imo.

I don't understand the (seeming) hypocrisy...maybe Stajj or VF could explain to me. Why is 8v1 or 8v2 fine and acceptable and a normal part of the game, but 32v8 or 64v8 is somehow wrong and evil and ruining the game?

Less whine, more killing...and saying "oooh I'm gonna quit the game if you guys don't stop ganking me!!!111" is just lame. Play the game and adapt to the environment that you bring on yourself by have 3 enemy ports into your realm or fuck off.

That is all...move along now.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Raven said:
yes qq more etc, maybe people will stop when you grow up and realise that what you may find funny now will leave an empty game in a few months time.
Haha, all right, you're free to take your ball and go home to sulk if you like. Luckily, Hibernia is mostly dominant in RvR on Prydwen, that will be a necessary infusion when clustering hits. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
lmao no goood rvr atm...albs at bridge...hibs at DC.. Wtf ppl like this? :m00:

yesterday day 30. hibs not moved from DC in around 12+hours



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Belomar said:
Haha, all right, you're free to take your ball and go home to sulk if you like. Luckily, Hibernia is mostly dominant in RvR on Prydwen, that will be a necessary infusion when clustering hits. :)

i sure as hell hope so cos its a pain trying to muster a fg of decent hibs nowadays


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Killswitch said:
Must be slightly different in the heady and honourable world of the 8v8 purists, but what I tend to see is FGs roaming near ports and farming solo and duo players (like me :p), adding on 1v1/2v1/2v2 fights and generally RP-whoring as much as possible.

I've always been very impressed with the skillz required to stun->debuff->nuke a soloer having chased them at perma-Speed6 for a third of the zone.

As far as I can tell, Hibs and Mids have given up all rights to whine about Alb zerg...no respect for zergers, adders and whiners from ANY realm imo.

I don't understand the (seeming) hypocrisy...maybe Stajj or VF could explain to me. Why is 8v1 or 8v2 fine and acceptable and a normal part of the game, but 32v8 or 64v8 is somehow wrong and evil and ruining the game?

Less whine, more killing...and saying "oooh I'm gonna quit the game if you guys don't stop ganking me!!!111" is just lame. Play the game and adapt to the environment that you bring on yourself by have 3 enemy ports into your realm or fuck off.

That is all...move along now.

For one i only solo these days, i know i am going to get zerged by any random group around anyway, thats something i have got used to, i know i could kill any of the people in those groups in a 1v1 situation so i am happy enough in that fact.
Anyone with half a brain cell can see that the current fucked situation of rvr on excal cant continue without having a bad effect on the game. Albs have even taken crau now, i mean what the hells the point in that? They have nothing to "farm" now. The population is dropping every week, i just cant see a future for the game if it continues, and no, retard zergers wont make me quit, i will just go and do something else.


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 22, 2005
I don't blame the albs for taking our relics, simply because we let them do it by allowing Irvr in our realm (which was stupid). Now they are taking more keeps because we let them have insta port into our realm, we can hardly complain. I personally don't like the relic situation at the moment, especially with Prydwen down, seems the Alb population has increased.

But as people have pointed out, Hib prydwen do very well with a similar if not lower population, there are no excuses to be honest.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Raven said:
Albs are just killing this game now, its getting silly, you cant go anywhere without getting perma adds or meeting 3, 4, 5x your number. there is no point attempting to take any keeps or towers back because morons just take them at 5 AM, likewise for relics.
The server population is crashing through the floor. I think the Albs will only truly be happy when they dont have anyone to fight at all.

yes qq more etc, maybe people will stop when you grow up and realise that what you may find funny now will leave an empty game in a few months time.

Listen to yourself man. It's the albs fault that hibs don't put out the numbers to defend a keep? It's albs that are killing the game? Thought you had more about you than that kind of twaddle.

Hibs are more than capable of defending their keeps - the only time they genuinely struggle is when both mids and albs are hitting them at multiple keeps, but then any realm struggles when being double hit. As for the early morning keep / relic raids, again all realms can, have and will do that - using that as an excuse for whining like the whore of Babylon is pitiful.

Keeps are there to be taken and if people want to then why the fuck shouldn't they? Hibs could defend if they wanted to - they've shown that over and over. It isn't anyones fault but their own if they choose not to.

And as for your last line about the game being empty - you say that as if people should therefore not take keeps. Get a grip. Either play the game, or if it's upsetting you too much then just leave. Berating people for just getting on and playing the game how it's intended just makes you look silly.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Bracken said:
Listen to yourself man. It's the albs fault that hibs don't put out the numbers to defend a keep? It's albs that are killing the game? Thought you had more about you than that kind of twaddle.

Hibs are more than capable of defending their keeps - the only time they genuinely struggle is when both mids and albs are hitting them at multiple keeps, but then any realm struggles when being double hit. As for the early morning keep / relic raids, again all realms can, have and will do that - using that as an excuse for whining like the whore of Babylon is pitiful.

Keeps are there to be taken and if people want to then why the fuck shouldn't they? Hibs could defend if they wanted to - they've shown that over and over. It isn't anyones fault but their own if they choose not to.

And as for your last line about the game being empty - you say that as if people should therefore not take keeps. Get a grip. Either play the game, or if it's upsetting you too much then just leave. Berating people for just getting on and playing the game how it's intended just makes you look silly.
no i am not saying they shouldnt take keeps, after all thats part of the game, i am saying if we do bother to take them back we know that come morning they will be back in the hands of albion. Why dont the albs find a new playground and go to mid or something? or are they scared of actually having to fight defenders?

Zerg adding on every good fight you see (and yes it is every fight i have had this last week) just means less people out in RvR, less fun for everyone.


FH is my second home
Jan 29, 2004
Raven said:
For one i only solo these days, i know i am going to get zerged by any random group around anyway, thats something i have got used to, i know i could kill any of the people in those group in a 1v1 situation so i am happy enough in that fact.
Anyone with half a brain cell can see that the current fucked situation of rvr on excal cant continue without having a bad effect on the game. Albs have even taken crau now, i mean what the hells the point in that? They have nothing to "farm" now. The population is dropping every week, i just cant see a future for the game if it continues, and no, retard zergers wont make me quit, i will just go and do something else.

My post wasn't a go at you Raven (or any other person/group in particular). I can understand the frustration of people for whom RvR at the moment isn't the way they'd like it. Might be this whole Island of Agramon thing helps a bit, but I'm not that hopeful. I think this 'problem' is caused at least partly by game balance and aggravated by RP-horny Hib/Mid GGs.

It is harder (in my opinion anyway) to make a viable PUG in Albion, simply because there is much less flexibility. I know this has been covered before, but it's still relevant. To emulate a Bard in an Alb group requires a sorc, a minstrel and a paladin. To emulate a Healer in a Alb group requires a cleric, a theurg and a sorc. Hib/Mid heavy tanks are plain OP compared to the Alb Armsman. Alb needs to provide as a minimum (imo);

2 Primary Healers (heals/buffs)
1 Bodyguard (Friar if you want resists)
1 Primary CC (Sorc)
1 Secondary Demezzer (Sorc or Minstrel)

That's 5 spots taken straight away, with very limited damage potential. If you want nearsight, that's another spot for a Matter or Tri-spec Cabby. That leaves two spaces for tanks. Albs don't help themselves by tending to roll OP classes (hence the number of active sorcs vs the number of active friars for example).

It's so hard to make a viable PUG that most people tend to run solo/duo. They get farmed by FGs a couple of times and then go to look for other Albs to protect them and to leech off. Many of you may have forgotten what it was like to get 5k RPs in a night and be pleased with that. A lot of people enjoy this type of RvR because it's the ONLY way for them to get RPs. I was pleased with the 6k I got for completing the Realm Mission to open the Mid STR relic gate...getting the relic was a bonus.

I think Albs need to make more effort to group, which should in theory help the situation. But RR for RR, Hib/Mid PUGs will be better than Alb ones. Add to that the fact that there seems to be a higher average RR amongst the Mid/Hib population and you get a problem.

Although 8v8 fights are good fun (in my limited experience), if I can make 2k in a night fighting 8v8 and getting farmed by DH, TDD, Groove or just random RR5+ PUGs OR make 10k following a 3FG zerg and taking towers, then I'll do the second one. At least until I get enough RAs that I can sensibly solo or get a decent group.

Oh..and stop lag-casting, run-through abuse and rolling Warlocks :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Raven said:
Why dont the albs find a new playground and go to mid or something? or are they scared of actually having to fight defenders?

Erm Sunday night we were in Mid, taking relic it's only Wednesday surely your memory isn't that short?


Loyal Freddie
Jul 5, 2004
Kalhid^^ said:
lmao no goood rvr atm...albs at bridge...hibs at DC.. Wtf ppl like this? :m00:

yesterday day 30. hibs not moved from DC in around 12+hours


Stop camping bridge than....


FH is my second home
Jan 29, 2004
Javai said:
Erm Sunday night we were in Mid, taking relic it's only Wednesday surely your memory isn't that short?

And the defence was pitiful...one warlock-bomb on the zerg and then a few mids turning up 3-4 at a time at the Relic Keep. We had more problems with Albs than with Mids on that relic take (don't ask :p)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Raven said:
no i am not saying they shouldnt take keeps, after all thats part of the game, i am saying if we do bother to take them back we know that come morning they will be back in the hands of albion. Why dont the albs find a new playground and go to mid or something? or are they scared of actually having to fight defenders?

Zerg adding on every good fight you see (and yes it is every fight i have had this last week) just means less people out in RvR, less fun for everyone.

If the zerg is adding on your fights it's because you are fighting near the zerg. The zerg doesn't roam - unless it's moving between towers/keeps, and it doesn't take a genius to look at the /rw and see where their path is likely to be. The argument of fights being "added" on by the zerg just doesn't wash.

As for players taking keeps in the night again that happens to all realms. Saying it's only albs that do it loses you even more credibility - and again that is a weak reason to then say it's albs ruining the game.

Finally to your point about it only being Hibernia that's targetted. I think you have a very short memory. Nottmoor and Glenlock were both heavily targetted a couple of weeks back while Hib was largely left alone. Why? Because that's where the realm mission was.

I'm sorry, but your selective arguments and short-term memory loss really aren't adding up to anything more than a classic case of throwing the toys out the pram.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
If it is any comfort, Hibernia on Prydwen is very motivated when it comes to frontier defense--you rarely see anything other than a green tower in Hibland, and when you do, you can be sure it is soon to be under siege. Hang in there, Excalibur Hibs, and make sure you embrace the Prydwen Hib mentality instead of alienating it when the servers are clustered. :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Raven said:
no i am not saying they shouldnt take keeps, after all thats part of the game, i am saying if we do bother to take them back we know that come morning they will be back in the hands of albion. Why dont the albs find a new playground and go to mid or something? or are they scared of actually having to fight defenders?

Zerg adding on every good fight you see (and yes it is every fight i have had this last week) just means less people out in RvR, less fun for everyone.

err if they take keeps now in midgard almost nobody will go defend :)

The more they try, the more mids will stop going to the keep it seems.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Killswitch said:
And the defence was pitiful...one warlock-bomb on the zerg and then a few mids turning up 3-4 at a time at the Relic Keep. We had more problems with Albs than with Mids on that relic take (don't ask :p)

and u should wonder why it was pitful.

And after clustering albs will have strong siegegrps, hibs will have some, mids won't, so get used to the fact that when u attack mid keeps, not much ppl come to play with u. (atleast not my skald because he is bored in keepfights)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Calo said:
And after clustering albs will have strong siegegrps, hibs will have some, mids won't, so get used to the fact that when u attack mid keeps, not much ppl come to play with u. (atleast not my skald because he is bored in keepfights)

How do you work out that mids won't have decent siege groups? Defensively they have as good if not better tools than albs (warlock lord camps are a pain to shift).

I don't think there will be a problem for mids post clustering - once they have relics back I've no doubt we'll see them out in numbers ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
>>Anyone with half a brain cell can see that the current fucked situation of rvr on excal cant continue without having a bad effect on the game.

agree the lame mentality of hibs and mids who don`t want to come out and play if they don`t have an advantage is cripling rvr.

>>Albs have even taken crau now, i mean what the hells the point in that?

hey, if we don`t find players to kill, we`ll kill guards for rp.

>>They have nothing to "farm" now.

thanks god for realm missions

>>The population is dropping every week,

friggin spineless losers piss me of too.

>i just cant see a future for the game if it continues, and no, retard zergers wont make me quit, i will just go and do something else.

close the lights behind ya if you can`t find people to come out and play with you.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 6, 2005
no whine here, just an observation.

last night i made 20k rp's roaming T2 crauch and crauch bridge, thats all, i died 8 times not sure how much i give but approx 1000 rp per kill.

tonight in same time spam all in rvr, this time campin t4 crauch, i've made 7500 rp's and died once.

when I was on last night my 20k rp's hardly made the to 20 rp earners, tonight (i'm in australia) i'm number 13. go figure.

and top rp earner is only on 24k.

you can draw your own conclusions, we currently have 8 hibs in emain last night was 30+ at same time.


seems some albs just suicided at T$ the excitement must have got to them


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
I think one of the big problems is Hib's all so mighty bard (atleast thats how alb view em according to this board) is hell to play in rvr, we hardly got any left as a result, think we have 2 atm id call great bards (and about the same whos learning to play them atm). As a result theres rarely such a thing as a pug grp, as Killswitch said, albs need a CC (sorc) and pretty sure you want some speed to go with that, try making a pug grp without that....well i think you get my drift. As a result alot of ppl dont go into rvr anymore, and we're severely behind in numbers as a result. That makes us low on guilds who actually have rps to claim anything, hence making it almost impossible for us to both claim keeps in our own frontier and in either mid or alb's, pretty much ensuring that any rvr we join, will be in our own realm, unless we loose a couple of towers/keeps. Im not blaming alb or mid for this evolution of hib rvr, i just think Mythic gave the bard too many essential tools, without any fun side, making the class rather unattractive to play in rvr.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 24, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
sure he does his own stuff when he's solo, i can only speak for when we're in group. since the guy said 'them' i asumed he means all of us in grp, which is kinda bs. we dont bridgefarm if theres grps out to fight since thats what we mainly look for, and the past weeks there have been plenty :p

I dont know much about Who run in what groups, the reason I hit on Staj was his rather lame post on just calling people morons and ofc in the BG's with Favail this last week Staj often pass by with a group hitting from behind farming all the warders/myrmidons then leaving again. Its hard to miss his deathspam. ;)
Since I VERY often hear FG rvr players whine about the zerg, it just make me wonder that they very often hop in on a keeptake or similar to farm loads of low RR ppl.

We Low RR with no groups(set ones anyway) try to have some fun with sieges and I bet some mids/hibs have fun with it too. We dont run around with the zerg to spoil FGvsFG fights, so unless they like sieges they should just do the same.

Actually the other day Favail changed from hib to midland because we kept running into fg fights. What happened? Well Stajs group followed the zerg to midland. So my experience is he is a hippocrite. He loves to whine and call ppl names, but he is not too noble to not farm the zerg whenever he feels like it.

last note. Yes he can do that whenever he like, as long as I dont have to listen to whine from him at the same time over it. :) He was just an example, because I remember his name, who he runs with at the time ect I have no clue.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 6, 2005
fear the hib zerg, 4 hibs in emain, and were all at t4 crauch :D


Loyal Freddie
Nov 12, 2004
Muylaetrix said:
>>Anyone with half a brain cell can see that the current fucked situation of rvr on excal cant continue without having a bad effect on the game.

agree the lame mentality of hibs and mids who don`t want to come out and play if they don`t have an advantage is cripling rvr.

when have hibs had advantage since NF o.0 albs have always out zerged us, dnt c y we should be expect to defend a keep with alb casters hittin for +20% dmg as they got up at 4am, take all keeps dnt think any1 is really bothered as it dosent get u anythin. if u wanted to take keeps agasint competition you shouldent have taken relics at 4am should have tryed prime time but ofc the albs that "rule" this server would easily be able to do that.
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